Chapter 208 Let Others Pay (25)

Anyway, Mei Mengcheng felt that the child did not appear to be seriously ill at all. It was probably because the uncle cared about the money and wanted his brothers and sisters to subsidize their family, but this was his guess so he didn't say anything.

Mei Mengcheng went back yesterday and went to the hospital, so naturally he just came back this morning, which is why the two of them only heard about it this morning.

But now that it's December, Mei Mengzhen thinks of her younger brother sensitively.

In the previous life, my younger brother was sick this month and was also hospitalized. The symptoms that my aunt told her at that time seemed to be the same. She even asked for leave to go to the hospital to see my younger brother. It’s pretty good, just like a normal kid, so I didn’t think much about it. After spending two days with my brother in the hospital, I went to work. After all, she owed hundreds of thousands of debts at that time, and my aunt knew about it, so she didn’t stop her at all. .

Then my brother was discharged from the hospital not long after. She also saw him during the Chinese New Year, and there was nothing unusual. Not long after the year, his brother died suddenly. Later, she found out that his pneumonia was very serious, and my uncle was reluctant to spend money. The younger brother was hospitalized and only dragged at home. When he was almost dead, he was sent to the hospital. According to Mei Yinan, she didn't come back at that time, and before she had time to say anything, the younger brother went to the hospital. He died immediately, so everyone thought at that time that the brother-in-law didn't let his brother be hospitalized again because he was hospitalized years ago and spent all the demolition funds, and then that regrettable scene happened.

What Mei Yongfu did was very dishonest, but his relatives were really not helpful at that time, so he didn't blame Mei Yongfu too much, and Mei Mengchen had indeed been treated, but it didn't work. It's not about letting him go, so Mei Yinan advised her to be grateful to her uncle instead of complaining.

Of course, in her previous life, she had no heart, no matter whether it was gratitude or resentment, she only wanted to pay off her debts.

Many years have passed since then, and she no longer remembers the exact time, but only remembers that the uncle slipped his tongue when he was drunk, and the uncle told her that he deliberately didn't show it to his brother, and deliberately used this method to kill him He just didn't want to make his family more burdensome. Why, just because Mei Mengfei and Mei Mengchen were similar in age, he raised the child for him, and everyone else ignored it easily. If you don't ask yourself to be happy, who should he be?

So my uncle was very unconvinced, thinking that the child was already sick, and he died after death, and then he was not treated, no, he really died.

Of course, no one was around the two of them when they said this, so only Mei Mengzhen knew about it, and Mei Mengzhen shivered after hearing this.

However, Mei Yongfu was indeed drunk at that time, but, thinking about it now, was he really drunk at that time?
Maybe he was demonstrating arrogantly at that time, because he knew that you couldn't do anything with him.

But no matter what, Mei Mengzhen knew about it.

After that, Mei Mengzhen really had nothing to do with him, because there was no evidence at all, Mei Mengchen died of lung failure caused by pneumonia, and Mei Yongfu did everything step by step except for not hospitalizing his younger brother. The medicine is in place, and the medicine is also in place, but as to whether the medicine is given to my brother, I don't know.

People in small cities don't have that much thoughtfulness. Even if Mei Yongfu's character is not good, he has raised Mei Mengchen for so many years, so after a long time, no one really said anything about him.

But it can be seen from this incident that Mei Yongfu has deep scheming.


Mei Mengchen talked to her last night and this morning, his voice was loud, excited and rambunctious, and he couldn't tell that there was any problem, so his brother was not sick.

But this was so coincidental that Mei Mengzhen felt that the disease from her younger brother's previous life had been transferred to Mei Mengfei! ! !
It is not impossible for this to happen, just like the gossip in the third year of high school, the experience of that classmate was transferred to her because of the butterfly effect, so the matter of the younger brother was also transferred to Mei Mengfei because of the butterfly effect body?

Considering that in the previous life, the younger brother fell ill at Mei Yongfu's house, but in this life Mei Mengchen was not there, so the one who got sick in this life was Mei Yongfu's son, which seems to make sense.

Mei Mengzhen didn't want to sympathize with Mei Mengfei. In her previous life, her younger brother died because there was no treatment, and no matter how cruel Mei Yongfu was, it was impossible for her son to die. So as long as the treatment was done properly, Mei Mengfei would not If something happens, at most it's just suffering a little because of illness, and judging from the current situation, Mei Mengfei doesn't seem to suffer much because of illness.


As Mei Mengzhen said, no matter how cruel Mei Yongfu was, he would never abandon his son, otherwise he would not have had one, but it is true that he loves his own money.

Mei Yongfu's family background is still good, although he also gets a dead salary, but this person is smart and smooth, and he was promoted early. Even if it is a fixed salary, it is higher than other members of the Mei family, but it is just like Fan Hongwei. It's worse than that.

But in a small city like Xincheng, the difference of hundreds or thousands of dollars can add up over time.

Mei Yongfu invested a lot when buying a house before. Not only did he invest all the demolition funds into the new house, but he also invested the money he got from Mei Mengzhen and his own small savings. live in the same neighborhood.

It's just that Mei Yinan belongs to a large apartment, while Mei Yongfu bought a small apartment with two bedrooms and one living room, but the community is still there. The money is really spent, but it's not spent at all. of.

After Mei Mengfei fell ill, he immediately told his relatives and friends, and then they all came over to give favors one after another.

Although the current favor is not great, but the two 300 yuan per person plus some fruit milk made their family spend a period of time in the hospital, but Mei Mengfei seemed to be in good spirits, but his illness has not improved. After using it almost, he had to use Mei Yongfu's family property.

But what should I do if there is an urgent need for money after the family has paid out, and the family can't live without a penny.

Therefore, if you can't pay for your family, you can't pay for your own family, so you can only let others pay for it. It was Mei Yinan who first made his decision. Except for their family, among these relatives and friends, Mei Yinan's life is better than theirs. , but when he thought of Mei Yinan, he was a little unsure. After all, would Mei Yinan's family still have money left after buying such a large apartment?
Mei Yongfu blamed Mei Yinan a little at this time, why buy such a big suite for nothing, the son and daughter don't come back to live, the room is not cheap, that little oil bottle, when it comes to oil bottles, Mei Mengchen, Mei Mengchen Yinan's family still wants to support Mei Mengchen, I'm afraid that even if he plays with Mei Yinan's idea, it won't cost much money.

(End of this chapter)

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