Chapter 211 The Haunted House (55)

Defense, it must be guarded, after all, she has not yet graduated from university, "Of course it must be guarded, the matter is not over here, my uncle's family has no money, so he will fight around us until he lends me to uncle He should stop after getting the tens of thousands of dollars from him."

This should also depend on whether the money is enough for her after getting it over. If it is not enough, I am afraid that he will not let her relatives let it go.


But this is not a coincidence, Mei Yongfu really thought so, but after all, the money is not in Mei Mengzhen's hands, and it is not easy to get it for a while, so it was the idea of ​​relatives at first.

"Then what do you do?"

"Let's be on guard for the time being. We must not let them know that I am rich, otherwise the days will not stop. Fortunately, my brother Mengcheng's family and I have also reached the same front on this point." According to such a long period of observation, Mei Mengcheng is not a talkative person, besides, he can't avoid these people after going through so many things in his family, and he will not help these people anymore, so she is still safe for the time being. As for how long it will be safe, she doesn't know, anyway, it would be best to wait until after graduation.

But when it comes to this, He Yiran said: "Wait, Liang Xiao's novel was written based on your experiences before high school, and the progress of the novel has reached university, so the following content should be all fabricated, then Why are the male and female protagonists set to be computer science students and lawyers? This was set very early."

This involuntarily made her think of Mei Mengzhen and Lawyer Pei. Could it be that they were just... at that time.

"I really want to explain this point. This setting is completely a coincidence. When Liang Xiao was going to write it, oh, I already knew Lawyer Pei at that time, but we only met once, so it was impossible for Liang Xiao to write it. To make such a suggestion, this setting is really her own idea, she said that hackers and lawyers will be more interesting when writing, and it has nothing to do with me."

He Yiran followed her example and drank a glass of wine, then said lightly: "I'll just ask casually, you don't have to be so nervous, why explain so much."

The explanation was to cover up, and she was a little embarrassed to cover up, although it was really a coincidence, at that time she really didn't have the slightest thought for Lawyer Pei, "This is really a coincidence, I can't interfere with Liang Xiao's novel, right?"

"I didn't say anything, don't be so nervous."

"I'm not nervous."

Mei Mengzhen stroked her forehead. She wasn't nervous, but she was a little guilty. Maybe it was because Lawyer Pei was really good, maybe it was because she overheard Grandpa Pei's words, maybe it was because of what she said about Lawyer Pei before. Meng, in short, she really has some inexplicable feelings for Lawyer Pei, "Okay, let's go to lunch."

Stop this topic here, it is best not to bring it up in the future.

He Yiran grinned, and said: "Let's go."

Mei Mengzhen was in a state of embarrassment when she came out of the private room and bumped into Lawyer Pei who came to look for her. Mei Mengzhen was startled, Lawyer Pei didn't know why, and quickly asked, "What's the matter?"

He Yiran's smile was originally deflated, but now he couldn't suppress it anymore and let out a laugh, "She's fine, we were telling a ghost story just now, maybe she was frightened."

Pei Ziyu frowned. He invited Mei Mengzhen to play in the haunted house in the afternoon. Now he was frightened by hearing a ghost story. Can he still play in the afternoon?He said caringly: "Are you afraid of ghosts? If you are, then we can play other things in the afternoon."

Both Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran were taken aback. They didn't expect Pei Ziyu to be so caring. She was afraid that Mei Mengzhen would refuse. She didn't want her own slip of the tongue to ruin their date. Just be scared."

After He Yiran finished speaking, he returned the space to these two people, and went to have lunch with the He family.

Mei Mengzhen asked with some embarrassment: "Brother Pei, have you had lunch yet?"

"Not yet." Pei Ziyu rushed over to have lunch with Mei Mengzhen.

"Then let's go to lunch, how about the staff meal?"

"Yes, the staff meals are already delicious." He himself is not picky about food.

When the two came to the back kitchen, staff meals had already been arranged, and the staff lined up to eat their own lunch, smelling delicious.

The same goes for Mei Mengzhen and Pei Ziyu. After lunch, they both rested for a while before arriving at the entrance of the haunted house.

When Pei Ziyu said that the haunted house was not far from their Xiyuan, Mei Mengzhen believed it. After all, Nianxiangyuan is so big, and if you walk a little faster after walking around, it will be over in 20 minutes. When she brought her to the haunted house, Mei Mengzhen was really stunned for a long time, because there was only one building between the haunted house and their Xiyuan, "It's so close, I don't know it at all."

Pei Ziyu smiled and said, "I only found out after walking around here with my grandfather that day." Pei Ziyu explained to her: "The building here is unique. Not only can it be used as a haunted house, but it has also held art exhibitions and photography exhibitions before. I’ve been here a few times, but this is the first time for a haunted house.”

The buildings in Nianxiangyuan were of different sizes. The haunted house in front of them was similar to the current church. It was a two-story single-family building. Because of the triangular shape of the roof, it seemed that the building was very tall.

The most important thing is that there are many haunted house staff standing at the door, there are nurses covered in blood, doctors with strange makeup, women in cheongsams holding fans, and ordinary people in ordinary clothes. They, the theme of this haunted house should be the period of the Republic of China.

As for why they are standing at the door, because they are still eating lunch, no matter what makeup, no matter what style, when it is lunch time, they should still eat.

This is not because the staff is playing big cards to keep customers waiting, but because their haunted house is only open in the afternoon, and it hasn't started yet.

Even on the first day of opening, there was already a queue at the entrance of the haunted house, and Mei Mengzhen whispered, "There are quite a lot of people."

"It's fresh, there's a new thing coming out, everyone loves to follow and see."

There is nothing wrong with what Pei Ziyu said, but as for following and watching, it is not as crazy as people in later generations. With the development of the Internet in later generations, if there is something new, someone will post it on the short video immediately, and those who see it will follow the trend and experience it , The long queues are not comparable to these people now.

However, there are really many people here.

It was almost time to talk. After the staff went in and took their seats, several girls in front of them paid their tickets and entered the haunted house.

However, it is in such an environment that you start working after eating, so you won’t suffer from indigestion?

But she is just worrying about it, whether people have indigestion is none of her business.

 Thank you Xiaoyaopai and Yudian for your rewards, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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