Chapter 214 Together (35)

She is not unmarried, nor has she never been fooled again because of a loss, but because of Pei Ziyu, she was reminded by accident that she should have a different talk at the best age. in love.

Then if the object of this love is Pei Ziyu, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Although Pei Ziyu was much older than her, it was precisely because of this that she was able to get to know each other well during this period of time. Even if the two of them didn't get together in the end, she would not have any regrets because they missed each other.

Besides, they can only fall in love now, so why think so much.

Mei Mengzhen seemed to have figured it out suddenly, instead of waiting for Pei Ziyu to speak, she said first, "Brother Pei."

"I want to fall in love with you, do you want to?"

Mei Mengzhen was not a person who beat around the bush before, she liked to say everything clearly, whether it was because Pei Ziyu was excellent, or because Pei Ziyu in that dream was on her side, anyway, this time At this moment, she has a good impression of the person in front of her.

When Pei Ziyu was thinking hard and didn't know how to speak, Mei Mengzhen's words surprised him, but this was what he wanted to say. How could she be ahead of her? He stroked his forehead, but he was a step late, but How can this kind of thing make a girl speak first, but the other party speaks first, which means that Mei Mengzhen and him like each other, Pei Ziyu said a little excitedly: "This is what I was going to tell you, why? Can you speak first, Zhenzhen, let me do it?"

Mei Mengzhen suddenly smiled, "It's all the same."

"It's different." Pei Ziyu insisted.

Mei Mengzhen didn't hesitate, "Okay, you come."

"Zhenzhen, I am older than you, and I think more than you. I like you very much and want to be with you all the time, but the work of a lawyer is really busy, and I have no way to give up my career, so for I have struggled with this relationship for a long time, I like you, but I am afraid of hurting you, I want to accompany you, but I am afraid that I can’t do it, so I have been struggling for so long, until I saw your school’s forum,

Zhenzhen, I really can’t wait any longer, I’m afraid you will already belong to someone else before I start, so I want to try, even if you refuse, even if you separate from me in the future, I still want to try Try, Zhenzhen, I am really selfish like this, but I really want to fall in love with you, the kind of life, are you willing? "After contemplating the words for a long time, he finally uttered them. Pei Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief, waiting for Mei Mengzhen's answer.

Mei Mengzhen's answer is of course willing. She didn't know that Pei Ziyu had so many entanglements. After all, she is really good-looking, and there are so many people chasing her in school. It's really not surprising that Pei Ziyu rebelled against him, but She really didn't expect such a sincere confession.

Apparently, Mei Mengzhen's expression made Pei Ziyu dumbfounded, "Zhenzhen, I'm serious, not just for fun, but you can tell that I'm interested in you, right?"

"I can tell, but I thought you just liked my face."

It is true that the two have a good impression of each other, but the first thing to look at before getting along is the face and the conditions on the surface.

"I'm not such a superficial person." After finishing speaking, Pei Ziyu felt a little guilty, because when he met Mei Mengzhen for the first time, he was really attracted by her appearance, so he coughed uncomfortably, "Zhenzhen, You haven't replied to me yet."

"Okay, I agree."

It was so natural that the two got together, but Pei Ziyu still wanted to save his image, "Zhenzhen, I'm really not such a superficial person."

"I didn't say anything, and it's okay to be superficial. If you don't know each other, what you see is the appearance." As for the connotation, people don't know it. It doesn't matter whether you have connotation, so Pei Ziyu likes her face , she is not angry at all, after all, she is not empty skin, she is also a woman with connotation.

Pei Ziyu felt that there was no way to restore his image, so he said, "Let's have dinner together tonight."

"Okay, let Grandpa Pei prepare a dish for us. There are new dishes in the store, you haven't tried them yet."


The two people who were just together still had a lot of conversations, even if they didn't go back to Xiyuan and sat on the chairs outside Nianxiangyuan, they chatted all afternoon.

When eating at night, he did not shy away from notifying everyone in the shop, that is, Grandpa Pei, Fan Tianyu, He Yiran and the He family.

She didn't know the He family very well, so she didn't want to tell them about it, but He Yiran was also there, so it happened to be known, and everyone expressed their happiness for the two of them being together.

Grandpa Pei is naturally satisfied. Now that he is drinking here, it is more straightforward, and his grandson can also find a partner. It is a double happiness.

It doesn't matter to He Yiran, after all, it's normal to talk to someone at this age, besides, it's not like getting married after talking, it's really not necessary to be too exaggerated, congratulations are enough.

As for the most difficult to accept is Fan Tianyu, in Fan Tianyu's heart, Mei Mengzhen sacrificed herself for this shop, no matter how Mei Mengzhen explained, he just ran into that dead end and couldn't get out.

In the end, Mei Mengzhen explained to Pei Ziyu, and then Pei Ziyu came to explain to Fan Tianyu, and the explanation made sense.

Of course, it took a long time in this way, and I went home after dinner.

Today was like a roller coaster, and her mood fluctuated so much that Mei Mengzhen couldn't fall asleep at all after she got home and lay down.

Meeting Fan Tianyu with such a big mouth again, Fan Tianhua chatted with her about Pei Ziyu all night.

But she was not irritable, because the Fan family brothers and sisters were only out of concern for her.

However, there was really no need to sleep that night.

Fan Tianhua congratulated Mei Mengzhen on her dating, and at the same time reminded her that she should not waste her studies because of her dating. In her words, it would be a pity that such a good grade was delayed because of love, and then lamented that she still A single dog is very speechless after going back and forth throughout the night. When Mei Mengzhen really falls asleep, it is already 5:[-], so you can say that she is noisy or not.

You have to go in the direction of a normal couple. They were together yesterday, and today happened to be a rest day. Why don't you go out and have fun again? But Pei Ziyu is on a business trip again today. That is to say, Mei Mengzhen can sleep in late today.

She ignored any messages from Pei Ziyu, slept from 5:[-] until the afternoon and woke up, didn't go to Xiyuan, went directly to the school cafeteria to have dinner, and then returned to the dormitory.

But, you have to know that good news spreads for thousands of miles, Fan Tianyu knows it, it means Fan Tianhua knows it, but both brothers and sisters of the Fan family know it, which means Mei Yinan knows it too.

(End of this chapter)

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