Chapter 219 Sense of Accomplishment (35)

Mei Mengzhen smiled and said: "No, he already mentioned this problem when we were together. I agreed to him because I could accept it. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. We have also talked about love and college life. I have also experienced it, the best of both worlds, of course, this is my current thinking, it is another matter if I change my mind in the future, after all, women are fickle, how can today’s thinking and tomorrow’s thinking be the same.”


On Saturday, Mei Mengzhen ate two meals a day and a supper in the private room of Xiyuan quite comfortably.

She already eats a lot, and now she eats even more. Looking at the big bowl of rice in front of her, Mei Mengzhen couldn't help complaining: "It's really cold, and one meal is better than one meal." Too much, this is hoarding fat for the winter.”

Fan Tianyu is the same, "I eat too much every day, and my face is rounded, but I see that you haven't grown much, studying too hard? You can't bear it, you are still young, do you want me to buy you some Supplements."

"You say I'm young, what supplements should I take?" Although Mei Mengzhen eats a lot, she hasn't gained any weight. "I just ate a lot now, so I will gain weight before I start growing Yes, Brother Tianyu, I want to eat hot pot when it’s cold today, the meat in our store is so delicious, can we have some hot-boiled mutton or something, I want to eat the original one.”

"You really thought of it with me. I talked about this idea with Grandpa Pei last week. Grandpa Pei made a soup base to boil mutton and beef. It's really delicious, but there is no equipment in the store. , We cooked it directly in the pot at that time, I have already found someone to match it, and it is expected to be put on the shelves next week."

Ever since she and Pei Ziyu were together, Fan Tianyu and her changed their name to Master Pei and Grandpa Pei, and the relationship between the few of them became much closer because of the address.

"You said that I want to eat it now. Forget it, I can eat it next week. I must eat it next week."

"Okay, you can eat whatever you want now."

"It's too troublesome, forget it, and I've almost eaten all my meals, and my stomach can't hold it anymore."

After supper, Mei Mengzhen went home with Fan Tianyu, and because of being too stretched, Mei Mengzhen was so stretched that she couldn't fall asleep.

In the middle of the night, she realized that she had entered the space. After finishing the dishes, seeing that it was still early, she decided to go to the thatched cottage after thinking for a while.

She went to the first floor and the basement of the thatched cottage quite a lot, but she didn't actually use much. After all, the ginseng was too big, and her current body couldn't make up for it. Those medicinal materials were good, but she didn't have any I don't know how to use it, so what these things were at the beginning, they are still how they are now.

She had planted all the food on the first floor, made it up round after round, and now it's the place where she makes wine.

Speaking of upstairs, since she replaced the used jewelry and gold, she hasn't been there much.

The main reason is that she flips through the books on the bookshelf one by one, and she doesn't understand any of the characters on them, and she doesn't have the spirit of studying to learn a character, so such books can be ignored for now. .

But in fact, apart from the bookshelf and a few large boxes containing gold jewelry, she still has two boxes that she hasn't had time to look through, so that's the purpose of coming here today.

As soon as the two boxes were opened, there were still books in front of my eyes, but these books were written in traditional characters, which should have been left by the owner of the nearest space. It was automatically translated so that she could understand it.

Absolutely most of the books in these books are poetry, and besides these, there is a package at the bottom of the box marked with medical books.

It is impossible to leave this pile of packages after the box has been overturned. Mei Mengzhen opened the package curiously, and she was so surprised that she couldn't sit still just by looking at it.

The books one by one are very thin, but there are many kinds.

There are how to make freckle cream, how to make scar cream, how to make slimming pills, how to make whitening solution...the names of all the materials used and the dosage of each medicinal material are marked below, and also given Production process.

This is not a medical book, it is clearly a medical beauty book.

When Mei Mengzhen saw the Scar Removing Cream, she immediately thought of the scar on Liang Xiao’s face. In fact, even without the Scar Removing Cream, it’s fine. It made the scars on her face disappear, but the Lingquan water was always too miraculous. She didn't know how to explain it after she made a fool of Liang Xiao, so Mei Mengzhen kept waiting, trying to find a way to get the best of both worlds.

But now I don’t need it anymore. If the effect of the scar cream is really good, it can save her a lot of trouble. After all, it’s a scar cream, so it can’t be so miraculous that all the scars can be removed after one night. It must be a gradual process, no matter how good the effect is, it will make sense if there is a process, so this thing came very timely.

Mei Mengzhen was a little annoyed, why didn't she tidy up these two big boxes earlier, otherwise she would have found out earlier.

But Mei Mengzhen was not in a hurry, first scanned all the books, took out the books she needed and put them on the table, then cleaned up the mess she had made before, and then went to her cabin with the books Started making scar cream.

You must know that the conditions in ancient times were definitely not as good as they are now, so Mei Mengzhen was not worried that she would not be able to buy any containers she needed. After collecting all the equipment in the space mall, she went to the basement floor of the thatched cottage to get the medicinal materials.

That's right, the production of scar cream is really made of medicinal materials, and these medicinal materials are grown in the space, so there is no need to worry about the effect after making it.

Mei Mengzhen prepared the medicinal materials according to the names marked on them, then returned to the cabin, and then began to make them.

Obviously, this process is not as simple as described in the book. Naturally, the first production failed, but she was not discouraged. After three failures, the freckle cream was finally completed, at least in her eyes. of.

She made it according to the ratio above, and the amount of one bottle is only one bottle at a time. A bottle of 30ml is really quite small.

But the sense of accomplishment from doing it has not diminished in the slightest.

After falling asleep contentedly, she didn't go to Xiyuan on Sunday, but made persistent efforts at home and made another bottle of freckle removing cream.

As for the effect, she has no scars or spots on her face, and she can't try it out by herself, so the little white mouse is none other than the friends themselves.

But she is not a reckless person. For example, it is necessary to test whether she is allergic or not by herself first, and only dare to take it out after there is no movement.

Liang Xiao was also very surprised when she received Mei Mengzhen's Scar Removing Cream. Of course she knew about the Scar Removing Cream, but the effect was almost nonexistent. She didn't pay much attention to things at all.

(End of this chapter)

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