Chapter 229 Slimming Pills (35)

"No, are you free tomorrow? Let's go to the movies." Pei Ziyu quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, what time will you pick me up tomorrow?"

"Well, let's do it tomorrow afternoon. I have some things to do in the morning. I'll contact you after lunch."


The two of them arrived at the entrance of the community. At this time, He Yiran had already parked the car and brought everyone to wait for her at the gate of the community. Mei Mengzhen didn't let Pei Ziyu get off the car, "You go back first, I will go back to the dormitory with them Yes, let's contact again tomorrow, anyway, it's so close."

"it is good."


Pei Ziyu watched her meet her roommate and then drove away.

Mei Mengzhen felt a little lonely when she took the key handed over by He Yiran. This love affair was too simple. She and Pei Ziyu haven't held hands yet today.

He Yiran clearly saw Mei Mengzhen's displeasure, and asked at this moment: "Are we bothering you?"

"No." It's really not that these people disturbed, the main reason is that Pei Ziyu has no experience, and Mei Mengzhen is too embarrassed to be too proactive, so the relationship between the two of them hasn't made much progress today.

"But you look like you haven't been disturbed."

Speaking of this, everyone who saw Mei Mengzhen again reacted, "Zhenzhen, your boyfriend is too handsome."

"That's right, Zhenzhen's boyfriend is really worth it. He is not only a lawyer but also graduated from our school. It's a pity, if you study for another year, you will be able to experience a sweet campus love." Liu Pei couldn't help but feel sorry for the two of them. It's a pity, after thinking about it, I think this is also very good, "Senior brother is so good-looking. When he was in school, many people must have chased him. How can Yingying and Yanyan fall in love next to him? This is even better. Even if no one is around, he is still busy with work."

Regardless of whether it's good or not, no matter how you talk about it, Mei Mengzhen's partner is very handsome. At this time, Luo Yingying couldn't help but sigh, "You said there are tens of thousands of good men in this school, why did I pick the worst one?" Woolen cloth."

All of a sudden, everyone fell silent, because this topic is really not easy to pick up.

But it's better to be silent, and the topic just jumped over like this.


Everyone knew that Mei Mengzhen had a place to live here, but Yan Keke still asked, "Zhenzhen, you should stay at home when you go back to the dormitory."

"Stay in the dormitory, but I have to go home and get something, please wait for me for a while."

As for this thing, it is the slimming pill that Mei Mengzhen made before. Isn't Yan Ke going to lose weight?It's a good time to try it. This slimming pill is not made by her. It should not be a big problem if it is produced by Space. Of course, all of this is voluntary.

Luo Yingying and Liu Pei went to the night market without waiting for Mei Mengzhen to turn around. Even though it's getting late, isn't one or two hours worth money?It's better to set up a stall than just sit in the dormitory.

After saying goodbye to the two of them, Mei Mengzhen went upstairs quickly, then went downstairs again, and then walked back to school together.

This medicine was prepared for Yan Keke, and He Yiran was the only one on the way, so Mei Mengzhen handed the pill to Yan Keke and explained the effect of the medicine without telling the truth. The things in the space should be inedible.

With the effects of Freckle Removing Cream and Scar Removing Cream, Yan Keke is even more looking forward to the effect of Mei Mengzhen's Slimming Pill, "I'm not afraid of Zhenzhen, even if it's poison."

"That's not necessary, I can't survive poisoning you, but I haven't tried this effect, so I'm not sure if I can lose weight. I'll just have this one for now. If you don't want to try it, we'll send you there in the middle of the night Hospital."

Yan Keke was very determined. She took out the medicine and took it on the spot. The medicine was not as unpalatable as she imagined, and it really tasted similar to Namalisol. After taking it, she looked at Mei Mengzhen again, "Go back and let's weigh it. How many catties are there, and I will see how many catties I have tomorrow morning to see if it has any effect."

During the conversation, Yan Keke felt a little hot all over, but she didn't pay much attention to it, she just thought it was because of walking, but who knew that the more she walked, the more sweat she got on her body, Yan Keke took out the She wiped the paper towards her forehead first, and she, being sensitive, immediately realized that what she was bleeding didn't seem to be sweat. Quickly drained my fat."

"How could it be so fast? This is a slimming pill, not a elixir. This should be your liquid foundation." Not to mention others, Mei Mengzhen, the drug maker, couldn't believe it.

The street lights in the campus were already dim, so I really didn't see what Yan Keke wiped off very clearly at this time, who knew that the more she walked, the more 'sweat' on her body, she wiped it back and forth, but the oily face Yan Keke felt that something was wrong, "Zhenzhen, this is really my fat. Look at this yellow, how can it last as long as foundation, and the waterproof effect is not so long-lasting."

Mei Mengzhen was also dumbfounded after reading the paper, the effect of this slimming pill is really so immediate?
But I'm sorry, it's the first time she saw it, and she really didn't know how to explain it, so she just asked: "Then what comes out of your body is... fat?"

That must be it, she felt that the clothes and fat were tightly stuck to her body, which was very uncomfortable, "Let's go back quickly, I want to take a shower."

No matter how effective the medicine is, she wants to take a bath now, her body is too oily, she panics, and the thought of her body being covered in fat makes her feel sick.

"Why don't you run a step." He Yiran suggested, anyway, it's not too far from the dormitory right now.

But Yan Keke said: "I can't run away, my clothes and meat are all stained together, and how long will this medicine last? I don't think her oil is still flowing after taking a shower and changing clothes." I can't wash One night.

This made Mei Mengzhen question again, but it was just a medicine, how could it be so effective, "Probably not, what time did you take the medicine, let's record it."

This record has been recorded for a long time. The main reason is that Yan Keke's fat is relatively thick, so there is a lot of oil flowing out of his body at the beginning, but the speed gradually slowed down later, so that after Yan Keke washed for 3 After the second bath, the oil on her body didn't come out much, but she could still feel the fat on her body continue to heat up.

Mei Mengzhen knew, "If you don't cooperate with exercise, the effect will be better. You can lie down like this now, but it is not obvious when you are walking. Walking is also moving, so it is also considered exercise."

This explanation is very far-fetched, but it made Yan Keke who was lying on the bed sit up, "Then I'll try to move around, anyway, I've eaten all the food, and it's a little bit thinner."

(End of this chapter)

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