Chapter 232 Various Styles (15)

The outfit He Yiran showed her was a black windbreaker on the outside, and a black mid-length tights on the inside. The bottom part should be paired with a pair of high heels, black silk or not. In fact, this kind of dress is very suitable for the present It is aesthetic, and it cannot be worn without height or figure.

He Yiran is very suitable, but she doesn't like to wear it, obviously she doesn't like this style, she thinks that He Yiran doesn't like the mid-length tights inside, so it's normal for this set of clothes to be put on hold.

"This suit shows your figure, but the clothes inside are too sexy. If you want to take it off, it's not suitable to wear it alone."

That's what He Yiran thought, and echoed her: "Yes, I also think so, so I didn't wear it even once."

"Your windbreaker looks good, but it's actually very simple to wear. You can put a long sleeve on the inside, and jeans on the bottom, just put on this windbreaker."

"Zhenzhen, you want to go with me, but it's too cold now, so I didn't wear it. You can make me a suit according to the current weather."

Mei Mengzhen nodded, and turned around in her closet again.

In He Yiran's closet is a purple floral dress with a half-high collar. The length of the skirt should reach her calves after she wears it. Mei Mengzhen also put on a camel-colored woolen coat with the same length as the dress. Putting on a pair of high-heeled short boots that reached to the ankles, He Yiran was very satisfied with the effect on the upper body, "It looks good, this kind of dress suits me quite well, and the floral pattern and the woolen coat really go well together."

"It also goes well with a windbreaker. You can also wear a windbreaker like this. It's also nice to show the skirt underneath."

After matching the clothes, she made a bag for He Yiran. Mei Mengzhen prefers small bags, so she also chose a small bag for He Yiran. After the set is finished, it is exquisite and beautiful. When viewed from a distance, it looks like a proper Korean drama heroine.

They both wore it, so Luo Yingying and Yan Keke naturally wanted it too, "Zhenzhen, do you have enough time? Give us a pair too."

"Okay, I didn't go out until lunch, it's still early."

Yan Keke wanted to wash up first, so she matched Luo Yingying's clothes first.

Luo Yingying is 161 in height and weighs 99 catties. She said the standard is also very standard. After all, she is not over a hundred, but she is not particularly tall. She looks mature, but the style of clothes is always cute and cute. She may also want to make herself It looks smaller, so it doesn't feel particularly appropriate to just wear it like this, and it feels like pretending to be tender.

But in fact, it is very simple to want to look small. Mei Mengzhen can match her with a relatively fresh style. Inside is a pink hooded sweater, and outside is a light blue denim suit (denim jacket and denim skirt together) Look, it’s just a set), the current weather is definitely not good enough to wear like this, she put on a short white padded jacket outside, and the fake socks underneath were paired with Luo Yingying’s favorite snow boots. Taofeng's dressing up is complete.

Don't underestimate Taotao's style, you must know that it is only 08, and Taotao has not yet formed her own style. Now this suit looks very fashionable on Luo Yingying's body, except for the hairstyle.

Mei Mengzhen looked left and right, and then said: "Yingying, your forehead is very long, why don't you cut some bangs, it will definitely fit well, and it will go well with your clothes today." It is also very small.

Luo Yingying took photos in front of the mirror, she was very satisfied with this outfit, and when she heard that Mei Mengzhen wanted to do her hair, she was even more willing.

Mei Mengzhen is not talking empty words, she really knows how to cut bangs, you know who in the future has never left air bangs, it is not worthwhile to go out with just a few hairs to reduce the size of air bangs, so who doesn't have a pair of bangs at home Scissors, then eight-character bangs, French bangs, in short, all kinds of bangs are popular, and with the development of the Internet in later generations, there are overwhelming tutorials on how to cut bangs by yourself. All of my bangs are cut by myself, and I never let the barber touch them.

There are no scissors for cutting bangs in the dormitory, but ordinary scissors are not bad. Mei Mengzhen sprayed some water on Luo Yingying's front hair, and then began to trim in layers.

He Yiran was beyond curious, "You still have this skill."

"Just cutting a few bangs is not a skill." It's really easy to get the bangs in layers, and the bangs are cut with a few clicks of the air, and they are still the kind with sideburns that are very flattering on the face, "I'll give you another Put a ball on your head, and you sit down first."

The meatball head is also a kind of amazing thing. When you want to tie it well, it will never be able to tie it well. It always looks good when you grab it and tie it casually, especially before washing. , but the next day when you get your hairstyle done again, it will be as bad as it gets, and this hairstyle will always look better for others than for yourself.

After Mei Mengzhen twisted her hair a few times, she tied up her hairstyle, and a ball head that looked very casual was done.

I have to say that Luo Yingying is very suitable for this hairstyle and this outfit. At the moment, she herself is not satisfied, "Zhenzhen, it looks so good-looking. I really fit this style, and it makes me look smaller." This is Luo Yingying's most Care.

At this time, Yan Keke, who had washed up, couldn't help but praise Luo Yingying's dress, "It looks good, Yingying, your outfit is so beautiful, Zhenzhen, me, me, you dress me up, I will lose weight all night I've lost 6 kg, and I look better in clothes than before."

Uh, although I lost 6 kg, the base is still there, but seeing Yan Keke's expectant face, everyone is embarrassed to say something.

But in fact, Yan Keke's face belongs to that kind of cute type. She is not cute because she is chubby, but she has a cute face. Even her height of 165 can't hide the cuteness on her face. Mei Mengzhen's eyes lit up , "Coco, I think you must look good in JK."

She thinks the plus-size JK suit is very suitable for Yan Keke. JK is like this. Very thin and fat people look good in it, so Yan Keke should be very suitable for it.

Originally, she just said it so casually, but who knows that Yan Keke really has it, she silently took the clothes out of the suitcase in the closet, even though it was already crushed like leeks, she still couldn't help it Said: "I brought this suit back from Japan, it happened to be my size, but I was always embarrassed to wear it, but I liked it very much, so I kept wearing it, Zhenzhen, you really think I am suitable for this suit." a style?"

"It fits, let me see if you put it on first."

Yan Keke’s JK is the kind of suit. It has an inch shirt, a checked skirt, a matching bow tie, a suit, and a cotton jacket for autumn and winter. This is really enough for this weather.

As soon as Yan Keke put it on, Mei Mengzhen felt it was very suitable, "It's pretty, it's really pretty, I'll cut you a princess cut."

The princess cut was popular in later generations, but this hairstyle would be a mess if not taken care of, so it soon disappeared, but this hairstyle is very suitable for Yan Keke.

(End of this chapter)

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