Chapter 234 Send Lunch (35)

After saying this, she suddenly felt that she was so caring, but the people around her didn't think so. Even though they knew that they were all single, couldn't they understand the suffering of a single dog?Show off your affection.

It's great to have a date. I'm eating a meal. What kind of sugar should I add? Is the meal with sugar delicious?
Others must think it's not delicious, but Mei Mengzhen thinks it's delicious, quickly settled the lunch and packed the meal for Pei Ziyu, then quickly left the cafeteria, completely ignoring Jiang Cheng and Liu Bochao who were sitting at the opposite table .

He Yiran is going to Xiyuan, Luo Yingying and Liu Pei are going to go to the night market, but it's still early, so I plan to go shopping for a while and not go back to the dormitory, but Yan Keke really has nothing to do, think about it Wanting to decide to go for a walk with Luo Yingying and the two of them, he said: "I look so well dressed, how can I go back after eating, I have to go out for a walk anyway."

It's up to you to slip or not, Mei Mengzhen can't waste any more time anyway, she was afraid that she would be cold so she brought a scarf, but the scarf wasn't around her neck and now she's wrapping lunch in her hand, look He Yiran was sour. "The person you're talking to is amazing. You're showing affection, do you know that? We're single and we're going to growl."

"I'll just pack a lunch. You single dogs are too sensitive, can you let them live?"


"Since it doesn't work, let's go separately, so that you won't be upset if you are stimulated again."

It's not possible, but we must go separately, He Yiran planned to walk to the community to drive, and Mei Mengzhen planned to take a bus for one stop in order to prevent the meal from getting cold, so the few of them separated.

One stop away, you can take any car. Mei Mengzhen got on the car quickly and got off quickly. It only took more than 20 minutes from school to when she came to Pei Ziyu's law firm.

It was the first time for Mei Mengzhen to come here, and she was too embarrassed to go in by herself. Of course, she couldn't get in even if the door was locked. When she came to the door, she called Pei Ziyu, and the call was answered almost instantly, "Hi, Jane Can you find a place, Jane?"

"I found it. I'm at the door of your law firm." At the same time as her voice fell, she heard the sound of a chair moving and then another footstep. He quickly pressed the door lock and opened the door, and said with some joy and excitement: "Zhenzhen, this place is easy to find."

"It's easy to find. It's next door to our community. There's a road in the middle. I've seen it back and forth several times."

Mei Mengzhen walked in, and the unfamiliar environment made her look around, and she didn't know if it was okay for her to come here so rashly, but she didn't see Pei Ziyu's unhappy expression, it should be nothing, Mei Mengzhen raised her eyebrows The rice in his hand, "I brought you rice, by the way, you said there is one more person with you, I brought two."

Right after she finished speaking, she heard footsteps again, and then a burst of exclamation came from behind her, "I said you ran so fast just now, so you went to pick up a beautiful woman." The boy looked at Mei Mengzhen after speaking, I seem to have the impression that I have seen it somewhere, and after thinking about it, I remembered the incident at school, and said, "I seem to have seen you before."

"Yes, thank you for talking about lawyers at school." Mei Mengzhen hurriedly became polite, and she still had some manners, even though she didn't hire a lawyer.

Tan Jia was very surprised that she appeared here. She looked at Pei Ziyu and then at Mei Mengzhen, as if she had thought of something impossible to happen, and after taking a few steps in shock, she said: "Don't you think so?" It's that kind of relationship."

With a look of disbelief, and then a look of sudden realization, and then like a showman, he ignored the two of them and said to himself: "I just said that Ziyu, you are weird recently, but I didn't think about it at all. It's unbelievable that you talked to someone without saying a word."

After Tan Jia finished speaking, he glanced at Mei Mengzhen again. He remembered that she was very young, maybe she was just a freshman. If I remember correctly, she was only 18 or 9 years old, but Pei Ziyu was already 25 or 6 years old after graduating from graduate school. It's not that Pei Ziyu is old, it's just that the age difference between the two people is really not small. This pair in front of them is simply a standard old cow eating tender grass. Tan Jia looked at Pei Ziyu incredulously, his eyes It means that you are so tender that you can swallow your mouth!
Pei Ziyu and Tan Jia have been studying and working together for 6 or 7 years. Not to mention that they know this person very well, but 7% to 8% are there, so he can roughly guess what this person is thinking, anyway, it’s not a good idea. , "Don't think about it, let me introduce you, this is my date Mei Mengzhen."

After finishing speaking, Pei Ziyu introduced to Mei Mengzhen: "This is a good talk from our company's partner."

Obviously, Tan Jia was quite dissatisfied with such an introduction, "It's too simple for you to just say your name, can't I say it myself?" Tan Jia looked at Mei Mengzhen after finishing speaking and said, "Hello, My name is Tan Jia, and Ziyu and Ziyu were classmates from college to graduate school or in the same dormitory. Later, they practiced in the same law firm. Now we have opened a law firm together, and the relationship is quite good. As for him and you, I Still in a state of shock because he really didn't look like the person to talk to."

Mei Mengzhen didn't know how to answer these words, so she could only make a simple self-introduction, "My name is Mei Mengzhen, a freshman in the Computer Department of Jiangcheng University."

"I know all this, do you have time? Can you tell me about your love history? Did he chase you? How did you chase him? Hey, how did you know each other?"

Obviously, Tan Jia's attitude is that he is really interested in why the two of them are together.

Pei Ziyu was helpless, "Okay, don't be poor, the food should be cold in a while, didn't you just make me hungry?"

Mei Mengzhen opened the scarf in her hand, and two boxes of lunch came into view, "I said I smelled the fragrance but didn't see anything. It turned out to be wrapped in the scarf. Junior sister is so smart."

"Hehe." The words were too childish for her to know how to answer, so she could only express them with hehe.

Pei Ziyu took the meal in her hand and took the two of them to the tea room of the law firm. The tea room not only has a microwave oven, but it is also fully equipped, which means that wrapping lunch in a scarf is a lot of work.

It should be very embarrassing if this happened to someone else at this moment, but she has lived in later generations and knows a word, as long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

So Mei Mengzhen quite calmly ignored her act of covering the meal with a scarf, and asked thoughtfully, "Do you need to heat it up? I see there is a microwave oven. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have wrapped it."

Since there is equipment, it is okay to add some lukewarm rice in your hands. After all, it is definitely better to eat hot rice in such a cold day.

(End of this chapter)

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