Chapter 249 Draw a scoop according to the gourd (23)

Besides, there are few equipments in the school, but this is not the only set of equipment, "We did this for this performance. It's not good to make people go up and embarrass them. I invited these two people here. How can I explain to others what happened at the time."

Doesn't this mean to destroy her relationship with these two people.

Lai Qianqian's words meant this, but she knew in her heart that the relationship between them was not based on this, so it would not have any impact, but if they were invited to perform, they would be responsible to them, and they would be responsible for everything they should have. There can be no less, so she will not let go of anything that should be fought for.

"Don't be angry, we didn't say no, in fact, the equipment is enough to adjust, anyway, it's only a week, and the time is really rushed, so let's lend it to them, but you must keep an eye on it, when the time comes You can’t go wrong with acting.”

Lai Xixi nodded, "Don't worry, I will follow you all the way."

In fact, she is not of much use here, because Mei Mengzhen was dragged in by people rambling, and now she is in charge of Mei Mengzhen's program, so naturally she won't have any opinions.

But, in just one week, is there really nothing wrong with Mei Mengzhen?


As for whether Mei Mengzhen has any problems, no one knows until the rehearsal has started.

Even Mei Mengzhen herself is the same, after all, musical instruments are an area she has never been in contact with, even if she has a good memory, she has never been in contact with it, so she feels that it is normal for her to be unsure.

However, she did not expect that the difficulty of learning the not worth mentioning.


After Lai Qianqian arranged the musical instrument room, she brought Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran there, followed closely the whole process, and even sent Tian Sha, who was editing pictures, to take charge of behind-the-scenes footage for the two.

In other words, the time for her to get the photo will definitely be postponed.

Yan Keke was originally following Mei Mengzhen, and she didn't want to miss something like this, so she also followed. This meant that Luo Yingying and Liu Pei still needed to set up a stall, otherwise they would have to follow along to watch.

A group of five people sat in their respective positions in the equipment room and waited.

Mei Mengzhen was waiting for He Yiran to teach her, and the other three were naturally waiting for Mei Mengzhen to start playing.

However, the tune is not decided at all.

Mei Mengzhen asked: "What are we going to perform, I didn't discuss it before."

He Yiran rolled his big eyes, "Is this something you can perform whatever you want? Isn't it that you can perform whatever you learn?"

"Hehe, if I learn Little Star, shall we perform Little Star when we come on stage? You need a piano to cooperate with me for Little Star. You don't mind wasting school resources. If the school finds out, they will say that we are a waste of money." resources."

"Of course I know, but the tunes are learned from simple to difficult. You learn the simple ones first, so that I can also know your learning ability and acceptance." He Yiran picked up the guitar and said She explained other basic knowledge, which sound and what sound, and then took out Xiao Xingxing's sheet music, explaining and playing at the same time, the speed was very slow, and she read it very carefully.

Mei Mengzhen listened carefully, and she memorized everything in just one pass. When He Yiran finished singing, Mei Mengzhen said: "Okay, I have learned this song."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, is this going to happen?

Would it be too much for Niu P to brag like this?

He Yiran twitched the corners of his mouth, with a look of disbelief, "Are you sure?"

This song is indeed very simple, but it is not so simple that she can learn it once. She learned it for two days. It can be done once, it's too smart, so smart that she doesn't believe it at all.

It's not just He Yiran who doesn't believe it, Lai Qianqian also doesn't believe it, is there such a big gap in IQ between them?Lai Qianqian also has her stubbornness, but she still speaks very politely, "Zhenzhen, you just learned it, I don't even understand it, why don't you play it."

Lai Qianqian was not the only one who didn't understand, Yan Keke and Tian Sha were the same. Everyone nodded their heads, saying that what you learned was too simple.

"Yes, come here and let me take a look. I want to see if you are really smart to this level. You can get it after just one look." He Yiran handed the guitar to Mei Mengzhen while talking, and Mei Mengzhen also I just felt the guitar, and then played it from memory.

The first time she touched the guitar for the first time, she played it very slowly, but a piece of music that she stumbled was played without any mistakes.

The second time she already had hands-on experience, her speed naturally increased a lot.

By the third time, a little star can play freely, and can sing while playing.

The singing is very trembling, but this scene is amazing.


In the musical instrument room, except for Mei Mengzhen, everyone's faces burst into tears. It doesn't matter if this person is beautiful, but what does it mean to be so smart, and let ordinary girls like them live.

Mei Mengzhen looked at the expressions of these people and snickered. She had already reached the level where she could hit people like this, but why was she a little tsundere.

"This song has already been learned, what should we learn again?"

He Yiran complained, what else to learn, just learn the finished song directly, but, definitely can't just learn it directly, if you learn it directly, Mei Mengzhen will die of pride, "Let's learn another song, who knows Have you learned it before?"

"It really doesn't."

However, all have expressed disbelief.

He Yiran found a song on the computer again, Cang Hai laughed, this song is actually not difficult, He Yiran taught it once, and Mei Mengzhen became proficient in playing it three times.

Mei Mengzhen's learning speed is beyond words. No matter what song He Yiran chooses, Mei Mengzhen can learn it once, which is unbelievable.

"Zhenzhen, is this really your first time learning?"

"Yes, I know everything I've learned." It means that she can't know what she hasn't learned, but as long as He Yiran has taught and explained, she can remember. As for digestion, it will take a little time, but just like her It is still no problem to follow the gourd painting.

But He Yiran's Yihuluhuapiao and her Yihuluhuapiao have completely different meanings.


He Yiran felt that her mentality had been hit. She had never seen anyone so smart. Mei Mengzhen wanted to explain this, "I'm not smart, I don't have a high IQ, I just have a good memory." She usually She is very serious about listening to lectures in class, even if she doesn’t understand, she will quickly ask someone for advice until she understands, and then she can put it aside, so when it comes to being smart, she is really not smart, but she has a good memory.


Mei Mengzhen's learning speed was so fast that only one afternoon plus the evening time was over, so that it was still early, and everyone also discussed the issue of performance music.

Mei Mengzhen has no involvement in this matter at all, so she can't offer any opinions, whether it is useful or not.

So this matter was handed over to He Yiran.

(End of this chapter)

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