Chapter 264 With a Mission (55)

That's right, the middle-aged couple on the opposite side is Pei's father and Pei's mother. Isn't it hard to have a vacation? I heard that my son has a date, and it happens to be the New Year. The couple wanted to meet this little girl.

Naturally, Pei Ziyu also meant the same thing. Her parents were busy, and it was difficult for him to see each other. Now that they met, he also felt that he should just meet up. It's just that the time he and Mei Mengzhen were together was too short. Worried that Mei Mengzhen would disagree.

Of course, there was another very important reason, and that was to let his mother stop arranging blind dates for him.

That's right, Pei Ziyu, who is 25 or 6 years old, has never even talked to a date, which makes Pei's mother very suspicious of Pei Ziyu's sexual orientation, so that the matter of blind date is very urgent, and there are several girls introduced, but they are all taken by him one by one. He refused, and it turned out that this sexual orientation was only suspected, but it was confirmed by Pei's mother by accident.

Mother Pei was still hard to accept at first, so she ignored her son for a while, but who knows that her son found a partner, and it was a woman, so you can tell her if she disagrees.

Agree, definitely agree.

If Pei's mother agrees, Pei's father will not object, but when she wants to know more about this object, Pei Ziyu will not say anything.

But Pei Ziyu's failure to mention it doesn't mean that Pei's father and mother don't know about it. Pei Ziyu is not the only one in this family. Isn't Grandpa Pei a human?The two of them didn't hear any useful news and called Grandpa Pei.

Grandpa Pei naturally knows everything. It can be said that what Pei Ziyu knows, his parents know, and what Pei Ziyu doesn't know, his parents also know. In short, this pair of parents know much more than Pei Ziyu, the person involved.

As for the fact that Pei Ziyu fell in love with the girl at first sight through the window, Pei's mother still has sympathy, she is afraid that her son's feelings will come and go too hastily, so she still has to see the girl herself to be sure What is the situation of these two people, and what is the son's attitude towards this girl.

Otherwise, the two of them might break up if they don't see each other this time. This is the closest she is to her daughter-in-law, and she doesn't want to miss it.

"We're going with your grandpa, but we're going back tomorrow afternoon. You should make an appointment at noon. If we don't see each other this time, we may meet when."

Mother Pei's words were somewhat exaggerated. After all, no matter how busy they are, everyone still has to have a meal together during the New Year's Eve. Therefore, after New Year's Day, the family can still have a day to get together again.

"I know, I'll tell her after dinner." As for the answer, he really didn't know.

When Pei Ziyu came out of the private room and came to the front desk, he saw that Fan Tianyu had already prepared everything.

But Fan Tianyu was speechless, rolled his eyes, and Mei Mengzhen didn't say anything, if it was Fan Tianhua, he would explode on the spot. Go home, why don't you feed it into other people's mouths.

However, Fan Tianyu wisely chose to shut up, if he was willing to pamper him, he didn't care.

As for the things to prepare, he knew Mei Mengzhen's appetite, so he prepared a lot, and it's the same if you can't finish eating and put it in the refrigerator, it won't spoil anyway, and they can still be used for breakfast.

All kinds of meat and vegetables were packed in thermal bags, and the three bags were full of weight, and there were ice packs inside to keep the temperature. Pei Ziyu must have driven there. There was a heater in the car, and the vegetables were stewed and heated. It is very easy to break, so this kind of packaging is still necessary.

After packing the vegetables and meat, he packed two other employee meals, packed rice and vegetables separately, and put an insulated bag for these two, this is also to prevent the two of them from eating only meat and getting too tired after eating. For a change of taste.

In the end, he packed a large bag of fruit and two large bottles of drinks, and he was ready.

In this way, all the things together filled up to 6 big bags, and they were placed in a big circle around Fan Tianyu's feet.

Pei Ziyu twitched the corners of his mouth, you feed the pigs, but he didn't say, if it's over, he and Mei Mengzhen would both become pigs, so he took the food silently, and Fan Tianyu and the two put them together in the back seat of the car.

When he got into the driver's cab, Fan Tianyu said solemnly: "My sister is still young, and I went back late, so you should stop drinking, so I just took Coke, and it's the same for some Coke."

Regardless of the brand of our coke, let's just take what Fan Tianyu said... Pei Ziyu really just wanted to have a meal with Mei Mengzhen, and today's meal also came with a task, he has time to think about it. After a while, he really understood that Mei Mengzhen didn't always want to see her brother.

Pei Ziyu muttered, "I'll leave after dinner."

"There's no need to be so anxious. You can leave when we go back." Normally, Xiyuan closes at 10, because everyone eats very fast, and even talking about things will not exceed this point, so he returned home Generally, it will not exceed 11 o'clock.

In this way, Fan Tianyu felt that the other party should know it well, but doing so was really superfluous. Of course, the person involved didn't have such insight, so he didn't know it at all.

Pei Ziyu just nodded and drove away from Xiyuan.


Fan Tianyu prepared a lot of things, but luckily they were all packed in bags, so it was quite convenient for her to carry them.

When Pei Ziyu came over, Mei Mengzhen had just changed her clothes, and when she heard the doorbell, she rushed to the door and opened it.

Seeing the things in Pei Ziyu's hands, he was nagging to take them over, "Why don't you call me, I'll go down and get some for you."

"It's not much. I can carry it by myself, so I don't need you to go down." Pei Ziyu didn't hand the things to Mei Mengzhen, but went in and put them on the table in the restaurant.


Mei Mengzhen opened the bags and checked the contents of the bags one by one.

She has a sense of ritual when eating, so there are many kinds of pots and pans at home. The ingredients prepared by Fan Tianyu don't need to be processed, but they don't look good when they are packed in plastic bags. All the ingredients are taken out, sorted and packed in various plates, which is convenient to eat and looks beautiful.

After preparing these, Mei Mengzhen took out the oven again, saying that the oven is actually an electric baking pan, and the most important reason for using it is that it can adjust the temperature and not stick to the pan.

It is definitely unrealistic to eat barbecue indoors, but there is a small balcony next to their restaurant. Mei Mengzhen tidied up this place and put a small table. In addition, although the wind is strong today, she is very obedient. The smoke was blown out along the wind, and it didn't pour into the house at all, so the small balcony became a natural barbecue place.

 Thanks to Carmine for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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