Chapter 299 Drawing Swords to Face Each Other (15)

"That's why I thought about it, so I asked you."

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling that this matter hit it off, Liang Xiao immediately said: "How about I reply to the editor now."


Liang Xiao immediately replied to the editor. The issue of the tax package she mentioned needs to be discussed in the future, so I really didn't receive any follow-up news for a while.


After dinner in the evening, Fan Tianyu sent them home in person.

Fan Tianyu was still very self-conscious. After getting up in the morning, he cleaned up his room, took all his supplies to the living room, and bought new ones in the room for Liang Xiao to use, "Xiao Xiao , you will live in this room, I slept in it before, but it has been replaced with a new one, you can use it directly."

Liang Xiao was a little embarrassed, "Here, Brother Tianyu, where do you live when I live here?"

"I'm sleeping in the living room." Fan Tianyu said as a matter of course, and didn't think there was any problem.

Liang Xiao felt even more embarrassed when he heard this, "Why don't I sleep in the living room, or I can sleep with Zhenzhen."

In fact, it was arranged like this from the beginning, but everyone felt that Liang Xiao was sleeping in a dormitory with everyone at school, and it was inevitable that she wanted to be alone for a while when she came out. Another Mei Mengchen also wants to sleep with her sister, so Fan Tianyu is the one who can be wronged.

Fan Tianyu really didn't care, if he wasn't worried that the whole family was full of girls and children, he would have squeezed with Mei Mengcheng, anyway, it wouldn't be for a long time, so he really didn't care, and the living room was also with the air conditioner on, so he slept in the living room It won't be cold, and the sofa in the living room is also a sofa bed, so it won't be uncomfortable to sleep on it, so it can't be hard for him.

"It's so inconvenient for you to sleep in the living room with a girl. That's all right. I'll let you do it. That's it."

Fan Tianyu made a final decision on this matter.

Mei Mengzhen looked up at the clock, it was really late, "It's already past 10 o'clock, hurry up and wash up and sleep."

That's right, it's ten o'clock, Fan Tianyu asked strangely: "It's already ten o'clock, where is Fan Tianhua, where did she go?"

Mei Mengzhen was holding her younger brother and was planning to go back to the room, when she heard Fan Tianyu's question, she asked in confusion, "Aren't you at work?"

"She's in the office. Our company gets off work at 6 o'clock, and it's just after 8 o'clock after dinner. And I didn't see her for dinner today. Where did this person go?"


"Our company is closed on weekends, and we will have a P today on Friday."

"That's because I went on a date. A normal person will have three or five friends. It's possible to go out to dinner or watch a movie with a little sister, or to go out with a boyfriend. You are so old as Sister Tianhua. Are you afraid?" She's lost."

Fan Tianyu sneered, "Just like Fan Tianhua, there are still people who want it. Which man is blind and fell in love with her."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was unlocked, and he ran into Fan Tianhua who was holding a large bouquet of roses head-on.

The key is that Fan Tianhua who entered the door must have heard Fan Tianyu's words, because this scene is too calm, similar to the calm before the storm, but if the calm is too much, it is easy to capsize.

In the living room, Fan Tianyu, her brother, and Liang Xiao all stood there obediently, not daring to move. They watched Fan Tianhua change his shoes expressionlessly, then came to the dining room, put flowers on the dining table, and put his bags on the table. He sat on the chair, then took off his coat, went into the kitchen and rummaged through it.

Liang Xiao was curious, and asked Mei Mengzhen in a low voice, "What is Sister Tianhua looking for?"

Mei Mengzhen thought she knew the Fan family quite well, so she said at the time, "It must be a rolling pin."

After finishing speaking, she shouted to Fan Tianhua: "Sister Tianhua, if you are looking for a rolling pin, you don't need to look for it. We don't have that kind of thing in our house. After all, we don't cook." When she said those last words, she almost couldn't help laughing. He made a noise, but in the end he held it back firmly.

Hearing her words, Fan Tianhua's rummaging through things stopped, and he calmly closed the cabinet door.

Then he looked left and right on the stove, picked up the most conspicuous kitchen knife, and gesticulated in the air for a while. In this scene, not only Fan Tianyu, but also the onlookers trembled several times. Consciously think of it!Blood!fishy!violent!force!scene.

Mei Mengchen glanced at Fan Tianyu, then at Fan Tianhua, and reminded in a childlike voice: "Sister Tianhua, the book says, kill! People! Break! Laws!"

Fan Tianhua held the knife and replied with a blank expression: "Don't worry, if I don't kill anyone, I will kill! People! Cut! Cut! Half! Die! No! Live!" Blood in a while! It will splash on you, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep at night."

That's a good idea.

"it is good."

Mei Mengzhen agreed without hesitation, and said to the innocent Liang Xiao and Mei Mengchen, "Let's go back to the room quickly."

Liang Xiao was helpless, nodded and dragged his luggage back to the room.

Fan Tianyu looked at Mei Mengzhen with the hope of 'help me' in his eyes, but Mei Mengzhen ruthlessly ignored her.

But after thinking about it, she felt that her conscience was a bit difficult. When she was about to go back to her room, she stopped hesitantly and said to Fan Tianyu: "Sister Tianhua, there are some things that don't require a knife to vent your hatred."

Fan Tianyu originally thought that he was doomed, no one could save him, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die today, but Mei Mengzhen's next words made him feel that he might as well be dead or seriously injured.

Brothers and sisters don't necessarily have to draw swords to each other to resolve hatred, sometimes ridicule is also fine.

Mei Mengzhen told Fan Tianhua about Fan Tianyu being cuckolded. Fan Tianhua immediately put down the knife and listened with gusto. After hearing the story, he began to laugh at Fan Tianyu.

Of course, she knew that what she did was definitely wrong, but how could she avoid a bloody disaster if she didn't do this.

After Mei Mengzhen finished speaking, she looked at Fan Tianyu, "Brother Tianyu, I really didn't mean to betray you, but I can't just watch you die in my house. After all, this is Chenchen's house, and I can't let it become a haunted house." Ah, this makes Chenchen live in the future, he still wants to marry a wife."

Fan Tianyu swallowed a mouthful of old blood on the spot, and co-authored that these were not for helping him out, but for the house. Sure enough, the younger sister and the like were all bad things, no one was an exception for his own sister and cousin.

Fan Tianyu was so mocked by Fan Tianhua that he wanted to burst into tears, he hugged Mei Mengchen and complained: "Chen Chen, brother is suffering."

Mei Mengchen didn't know so much at such a young age, and said innocently: "It's okay, Brother Tianyu, even if my sister laughs at your green hat, Chenchen won't laugh. The green hat is pretty, and Chenchen likes green very much. If Chen Chen hadn't given you another one, the sisters Chen Chen sent would definitely not have laughed."

(End of this chapter)

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