After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 318 Each has its own autumn

Chapter 318 Each Has Its Pros and Cons (550)

But He Yiran is hypocritical, "Zhenzhen."

"Don't act like a spoiled child, take everything you want. I can get ginseng and ganoderma at any time, but I can't guarantee the year."

After all, this thing won't be harvested automatically, the year and time depend on when she harvests it herself, even she can't control the time, but it is definitely no problem for He Yiran to want this thing as a shareholder.

"Can I have everything I want? What else can I choose with this appearance?"

"Okay, you can take it all."

He Yiran hugged all the things in his arms, and looked at Pei Ziyu, "Brother Pei, please take me to Xiyuan, I don't dare to ride by myself with so many things."

"No problem, Zhenzhen, shall we still go together?"

"Go, come back after dinner." Mei Mengzhen finished speaking and looked at Liang Xiao, "Xiaoxiao, why don't you come with us."

"I don't need it. I have an appointment with my classmates to go shopping, and I will eat outside later in the evening."

It was rare for Liang Xiao to go out, and Mei Mengzhen was too embarrassed to disrupt her schedule, "That's fine, then let's go."



After leaving the house, He Yiran hugged the six gift boxes in his arms and protected them like treasures, but no matter how he protected them, the weight was definitely not light. Fan Tianyu couldn't stand it and said, "How about I come and get some for you?" Bar."

He Yiran turned sideways and hurriedly refused, "No, no, I'll do it myself, and it doesn't weigh too much."

Fan Tianyu twitched the corner of his mouth. The contents of the box are definitely not heavy, but the outer box looks a little heavy, how could it be really not heavy, "I really don't need it? I don't want yours."

"I really don't need it, I really don't need it. I have to hold this thing in my hand to feel safe. I don't mind putting it anywhere. I'd better hold it by myself."

He Yiran calculated in his mind, one ginseng is 2-3000 million, a total of 5 ginseng is more than 1 million, although more than 1 million is not too much for her, it is a rare thing, so she naturally holds it by herself.

Mei Mengzhen said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Tianyu, it's fine if Yiran doesn't need your help, why bother to force yourself to suffer."

He Yiran glanced at Mei Mengzhen, endured it, and finally decided not to say anything, so as to save himself the trouble of telling the other party right away as soon as he took something.

Arriving at the parking lot, Pei Ziyu opened the trunk and put the Ganoderma lucidum into the trunk first, and also vacated the seat next to it. Just when he was about to call He Yiran to put it here, He Yiran got into the back seat with his things in his arms, " Brother Pei, no need, I can hold my things by myself, I don't want to put them in the trunk."

"Then let her hug her. We're not the ones who are tired anyway." Mei Mengzhen said coolly, and then directly closed the trunk door and got into the car.

He Yiran complained secretly: This person speaks really badly.

But these words will definitely not be said in front of Mei Mengzhen.

"What time is your flight in the afternoon?"

"At 6 o'clock in the evening, I will go to Xiyuan and won't be able to stay for a while, but I will still get stuck before going to the airport. Before I leave, I have to check whether all the things I want are packed in the car."

"Okay, you've already arranged for the face cream and tea leaves. The savers are gone, and the things are still here."

"It's all packed, and it's dragged back together with the dishes and wine. It's still on the way when I go back."

"Okay, but let me tell you, it will be a month after the next batch of products are sold out. They said that the ingredients for this cream are really hard to get. It's already the limit to get [-] bottles a month. I really don’t have any more, you can decide with this amount, as for whether you can provide more in the future, you will know later, and you can’t say for sure now.”

Speaking of this, He Yiran wanted to sigh, "The things are good, but there are too few. Do you want me to raise the price for such good things?"

This Fan Tianyu couldn't sit still, "Sister, this bottle of cream is 100 million, how can you mention it? I'll take care of these three bottles, if you still want to mention it, is there anyone to buy it?"

"There must be people who buy it, but if the price is raised again, I'm afraid it will dissuade some people. Forget it, forget it, this price is fine."

He Yiran reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​increasing the fare, which made everyone in the car couldn't bear to look directly at it.What is there to be reluctant, isn't it a sky-high price for a bottle of 30ml face cream to sell for 100 million?

In the seal garden.

The He family was also crowded in the private room where Grandpa He usually stayed.

Each private room in Xiyuan is not particularly big, but it is also not small. The He family usually has 4-5 people, but it is spacious, but there are so many He family members. It seemed a little cramped and crowded.

But everyone didn't dislike it, and instead ate the staff meal of Xiyuan after the New Year's dinner.

No matter whether people are standing or sitting, they always hold such a bowl of rice in their hands, which is delicious.

After Father He tasted the staff meal here, he couldn't stop nodding, "This staff meal is not worse than the one just now. This dish is the same as the dish brought home, but it tastes almost like home food. .”

Grandpa He concluded: "The dishes are all good, but the chef's skills are different. Our aunt's skills are no match for Mr. Pei's apprentice."

As soon as he finished speaking here, He Yiran carried a lot of things into the private room, looked at the staff meals in everyone's hands, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, "Isn't there a lot of food just now, aren't you full? Why? Still eating."

"It's not recommended by your grandpa. The meal just now was delicious, but this employee meal is also very good." Each has its own advantages and characteristics. Mother Pei still prefers employee meals, but she eats too much. I will be a little worried, "If I eat so much today, I won't gain weight."

Pei's mother usually pays attention to her figure. She doesn't eat too much twice a day, and she also pays attention to beauty exercises. She is afraid that she will gain weight at this age. Today's food is really delicious, but the amount today is enough for her to eat for two or three days , don't worry.

He Yiran said: "No, it's just a meal once in a while, and it's not every day. I'm really worried about going home and taking a slimming pill." Moreover, it seems that Xi Yuan's food will not gain weight if she eats it. She always comes here to eat, And I didn't gain weight after eating more for so long.

Another one, the effect of slimming pills has become popular in the whole circle after the publicity of the fat girl. Compared with face creams, slimming pills have become the TOP1 best-selling product, and experiments have proved that there is no harm to the body, so Once it comes, it is even more commendable.

After He Yiran finished speaking, he put the things in his hands on the table. Grandpa He saw the same box with ginseng in it at a glance, but he was not sure, after all, ginseng is precious, and ginseng with good effect is even more so. So I couldn't be sure for a while, so I stabilized and didn't make a sound.

After He Yiran put the things down, Grandpa He asked indifferently: "This box looks like the box that contained ginseng last time."

"Grandpa's eyes are still good. It's ginseng. I took 5 of them. The top box is Ganoderma lucidum. I brought it back to make water for you to drink. Grandpa, I will treat you well."

(End of this chapter)

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