After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 320 Preventing troubles before they happen

Chapter 320 Take Precautions (750)

Fan Tianyu was satisfied with this year-end award, and the employees were also satisfied with what they received. After the New Year's meal, it's time to go to work and go home.

On the day of New Year's Eve, after the guests at the lunch tables had left and the sanitation was taken care of, Xiyuan officially closed its business for this year.

After saying goodbye to Liang Xiao, Fan Tianyu said to everyone: "Let's go, let's go home too."

"Well, Brother Tianyu, you take Sister Tianhua, and I will follow Brother Pei's car."


Fan Tianyu drove away with Fan Tianhua first.

Pei Ziyu followed closely behind.

My aunt had asked Pei Ziyu to go to my aunt's house to celebrate the New Year. The Pei family ate early during the New Year, and Grandpa Pei also had his own entertainment during the New Year's Eve. Pei Ziyu was really left alone on New Year's Eve.

If he used to go to Shanghai to accompany his parents, but this year, he has a partner. Pei's mother also meant to let Pei Ziyu accompany Mei Mengzhen, so the aunt made the decision and asked Mei Mengzhen to bring him back to the new city to be with them. Have a New Year's Eve dinner together.

It took more than two hours to drive all the way, but I didn't feel too tired, and because it snowed before, I saw the long-lost sun during the Chinese New Year.

When the group arrived at the parking lot of the aunt's house, they happened to be stuck at dinner time. Since they had already arrived home, there was no need to hurry. They parked slowly to get presents. Pei Ziyu also took the presents he had prepared in advance from the trunk. Come out, "I don't know if Auntie likes this gift."

In fact, the gifts he prepared were fruits, tea and wine from Xiyuan, which my aunt's family can drink at ordinary times. The aunt's family is used to Xiyuan's food, which is also his heart.

"I'm sure you'll like it."

After all, what my aunt is satisfied with is the person who gave it, so my aunt must like what this person gives.

Pei Ziyu was in high spirits, but the brothers and sisters of the Fan family became visibly depressed from the moment they got on the elevator.

Pei Ziyu didn't understand, so he asked, "What happened to them."

"What else can I do? All the relatives in the family will have New Year's dinner at the aunt's house on New Year's Eve." After speaking, she reminded her emphatically, "Everyone is here."

There are always so many molestation operations by their relatives, and no one wants to go through those messy things after the Chinese New Year.

"Hey, is that Feifei discharged from the hospital?" Mei Mengzhen still remembered that Mei Mengfei was in the hospital, and she didn't know if she drank the porridge or if she felt better.

"I was discharged from the hospital, only two days ago." Speaking of this, Fan Tianyu glanced at Pei Ziyu, and then said: "Brother Pei, my family will ask you what you do later, remember to say that you are now a lawyer's assistant. Don't say that you are a lawyer, and ask your salary, remember to say two thousand a month, ah."


It's fine for Mei Mengzhen to pretend to be poor, why should he pretend to be poor.

"Because you are rich, everyone thinks that you will support Zhenzhen, and they will naturally treat you as Zhenzhen's cash machine, and then ask Zhenzhen to ask you for money." Fan Tianhua knew what her brother wanted when he guessed What, but there is indeed such a possibility, she also kindly reminded: "Pretend to be poor as much as possible, as poor as you can."

There's no shame in being poor, and it saves a lot of trouble, so why not.

All in all, be careful.

And it's not that he is pretending to be poor alone, everyone is pretending.

Mei Mengzhen looked at Pei Ziyu. Although this person was here last time, she really didn't see the most difficult sister-in-law and uncle among them. .”

Everyone who celebrates Chinese New Year really doesn’t want to get hurt, especially the knife mark behind the sofa. The sister-in-law and uncle’s family were stunned by the mark as soon as they entered the door. They didn’t dare to say anything. Who would dare to find it? ah.

However, "Prevention before it happens."

The two brothers and sisters said in unison, apparently feeling that even with their mother around, they might be too hard to guard against.

"Okay, Brother Pei, you remember that you are a poor boy, the very poor one, so don't reveal your secrets."

Pei Ziyu chuckled, "Okay."

The elevator door opened, and as soon as they got out of the elevator, they saw the door of the aunt's house was open.

Hearing their voices, the aunt immediately came out of the kitchen, "I heard your voices when I was in the kitchen, Xiao Pei, come in quickly."

Mei Yinan immediately greeted Pei Ziyu, forgetting the Mei family siblings and the Fan family siblings at the gate.

Seeing that the four people at the door didn't move, Mei Yinan couldn't get angry with them, so she could only turn her anger on her son, "Why are you standing at the door, come in quickly."

After speaking, he greeted Pei Ziyu with a smile.

After the group of people changed into their slippers and came to the living room to greet the elders one by one, Mei Mengzhen introduced them according to the seats: "This is my boyfriend Pei Ziyu, brother Pei, this is my uncle and aunt. This one is my sister-in-law and my uncle, this one is my uncle and my aunt, this one is my second aunt and my second uncle." And all the younger generations in the family.

Pei Ziyu nodded politely, and followed Mei Mengzhen's introduction one by one.

Maybe it's because Pei Ziyu's temperament is really different. After she introduced him as her boyfriend, my sister-in-law's eyes sparkled, "Hey, little Pei, what do you do for work?"

Looks like a lot of money.

Before Pei Ziyu could answer, Fan Tianyu coughed loudly, Pei Ziyu glanced at him, and immediately said: "I just graduated this year, and I work as a paralegal in a law firm."

"Oh, this lawyer's salary is very high, how much do you pay per month?"

Mei Yinan's anger was already in her throat, but when she heard Mei Yifan's question, she couldn't hold back her anger, "It's none of your business how much people earn, they say that people who just graduated, what money can they have. "

Mei Yinan was a little anxious in her heart, and regretted not telling him not to tell the truth, but Mei Yinan didn't tell him, the brothers and sisters of the Fan family had already told him, Pei Ziyu said: "I'm not a lawyer yet, but the assistant is still here During the internship stage, my monthly salary is [-]."

This 200 yuan is 2000 yuan less than Fan Tianyu's [-] yuan. He felt that [-] yuan was too much. At first glance, it looked like a lie, but it was not as real as [-] yuan, so he changed his words when he came to his mouth.

Hearing Pei Ziyu's salary, those who knew the inside story couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, even the golden light in Mei Yifan's eyes stopped shining.

"Poor boy, Zhenzhen, you can't just look for someone with good looks, you have nothing, you have to think about yourself, you still have a house, a car, etc., young man, have you bought the RV yet? "

Mei Yinan said: "It's none of your business, Zhenzhen is only 19 years old, she is still too early to get married, so worry about it, and why do you have money, so I can lend it to you? How wonderful are the two children , work hard together, you can just work hard for what you want, and you need to worry about it."

"Sister, I'll just say it casually, you don't need to say that about me."

"What you say casually is so ugly, don't talk nonsense in the future, what do you want to do, Zhenzhen wants to talk to someone just to destroy it or something."

Although Mei Yifan's speech was not pleasant, she really didn't mean that, "Sister, I really don't have that."

(End of this chapter)

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