Chapter 330 We Did Our Best (1750)

But this is not the point, Jiang Sheng is also smiling so happily at this time, your sister is still in the operating room, her life or death is uncertain, is it appropriate for you to smile like this?

Even Grandpa Jiang was a little unhappy seeing Jiang Shengxiao so happy. After coughing heavily on the spot, Jiang Sheng finally realized it, and quickly put away his smiling face.

Mei Yifan didn't know the situation, and wanted to know what was going on. After all, only rich bosses could be called bosses. Fan Tianyu, isn't he a vegetable seller?No matter what, some people call him Mr. Fan, Xi Yuan, what is Xi Yuan.

Mei Yifan's mind was full of questions, and her intuition told her that Fan Tianyu had something to hide from everyone, but what it was, she hadn't grasped the point for a while.

When Jiang Sheng was about to explain, Fan Tianyu said: "Aren't I selling vegetables? I cooperate with other people's hotels to deliver food. I often go there, and when people save face, they just call Mr. Fan, that's it."

Jiang Sheng glanced at Mei Yifan who was always asking questions, and then at Fan Tianyu who was avoiding the question. Well, whoever is in business is not a smart person, he has also heard of Mei Yifan from Jiang Xiumei. Yes, the two of them played really well, and playing well also means that they have similar tastes and similar personalities. Thinking about it this way, it seems reasonable for Fan Tianyu to keep his family from knowing and not let these people suck blood.

In addition, he is also afraid of offending others, even if it is a relative. The life and death of this little girl in the emergency room is uncertain. Who knows how long this relative can do it.

It's not a city anyway, so no one will know if he doesn't say it, so he's naturally willing to sell it.

He was afraid that something bad would happen to him, so he quickly explained: "Yes, I saw Mr. Fan delivering dishes several times in Xiyuan. Mr. Fan's dishes are fresh, and we all like to eat there."

Fan Tianyu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, Jiang Sheng was trying to explain it for him.

Mei Yifan felt that there was something wrong with the conversation between these two people, but he couldn't find anything wrong, but there was no flaw in what he said.

With such an atmosphere, Mei Yifan could only believe it tentatively, "I didn't expect Tianyu's dishes to sell quite well, and everyone can call Mr. Fan when they are out of the house."

Fan Tianyu laughed dryly, "Yes."

This matter is considered to be over, but Jiang Cheng's eyes have been glued to Mei Mengzhen's body. Guan Hongjing naturally saw it too. She tugged Jiang Cheng's sleeve and asked, "What do you think he is doing?"

"Mom, who is that man?"

"I don't know." Guan Hongjing took a look and found that Mei Mengzhen was pretty, but she really didn't know who it was.


Guan Hongjing glared at Jiang Cheng, "He has a boyfriend."

The two are so close, and she is not blind, so how could she not see it, plus her son's eyes, she will not allow her son to destroy other people's feelings, and her son is so good that he doesn't need to steal other people's girlfriends , wouldn't it be good to find another one?

"Ask, I seem to have seen her in school." Jiang Cheng casually explained the reason, Guan Hongjing didn't know about the school, thought it was really a school, maybe she had seen her, so she really went to Mei Yinan asked, "Big sister, who is this little girl, she looks pretty."

Mei Yinan glanced at Mei Mengzhen and replied: "His sister-in-law, this is the eldest daughter of my fourth child, Mei Mengzhen."

"Oh, from the fourth family."

"Yes, the fourth child of my family has left, leaving behind a pair of children. The daughter is in college and the son is still in kindergarten. There is no place for the two of them to go during the Chinese New Year, so they came to my house."

Guan Hongjing nodded. She had heard about it from Jiang Xiumei, "That is, which school does this child study in?"

Speaking of this, Mei Yinan also looked arrogant, "My Zhenzhen scored 702 in the college entrance examination, and was admitted to Jiangcheng University."

Guan Hongjing was taken aback, "My son Jiang Cheng is also from Jiangcheng University. He just said that your Jia Zhenzhen looks familiar. I didn't expect that he is from the same school."

"Really, my Zhenzhen is a freshman."

"My Jiang Cheng is also a freshman."

This age, this school, and this appearance are all very suitable. The more they talk, the more they get on with each other. Even Guan Hongjing, who was reluctant just now, has a good impression of Mei Mengzhen at this time. Ah, no matter how powerful Aunt Mei's family is, she can still take care of other people's housework.


It's not that Mei Yinan can't understand the twists and turns in Guan Hongjing's words, even if she makes a mistake, she didn't say it clearly anyway, after introducing Mei Mengzhen, Mei Yinan introduced her boyfriend, " The one next to Zhenzhen is her boyfriend, who also graduated from Jiangcheng University, and is her senior, you see, they are so compatible."

Guan Hongjing's mouth froze, and she said jokingly: "Your Zhenzhen found someone quite early, otherwise it would be very suitable for my son, a childhood sweetheart in campus love."

Mei Yinan sighed, "Hey, it's more appropriate to find a partner who is a few years older than herself. Zhenzhen has no parents, and someone who is a few years older can make her feel more secure. This is a person of the same age. I can't give it, and both of them have already met their parents, and the man's family also likes her very much. Zhenzhen brought her to my house during the Chinese New Year, which is considered a door-to-door, but this year has a lot of things, one after another."

When Mei Yinan said this, she was still worried that Pei Ziyu would dislike Mei Mengzhen because of their family's affairs. Her family Zhenzhen is so good, but she was burdened by such a family.

And this year's incidents were caused by Jiang Xiumei one after another.

Thinking of this, not only Mei Yinan, but also Guan Hongjing lost the interest to continue chatting.

Seeing Guan Hongjing leave, Jiang Cheng hurried up, "Mom, did you ask me clearly?"

Guan Hongjing was helpless, "Ask me clearly. That person is her boyfriend, who is also from Jiangcheng University. He is a senior who has graduated. The two of them have already met their parents. Both of them are very satisfied. Don't worry about her thoughts."

Jiang Cheng was upset about this, as if his things had been taken away by others abruptly, but this thing never belonged to him, so how could he talk about taking it away.

"Did you hear me talking to you?" Guan Hongjing didn't want her son's reputation to be bad, so she quickly reminded: "There are a lot of women in the world, not to mention you haven't started yet, wouldn't it be enough to change one? It’s pretty pretty, but there are a lot of pretty things too.”

Jiang Cheng smiled wryly in his heart, and if he was changed, he would not have taken a fancy to him at all, "I know, I'll just ask, mom, don't think too much about it."


A group of people took turns eating outside the operating room, and finally after everyone finished their meals, the lights in the operating room went out.

A group of people nervously stepped forward to inquire about the situation, but the doctor's expression was serious.

"The person has been rescued. Not only the waist is seriously injured, but there is also a blood clot in the head. We have tried our best."

(End of this chapter)

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