Chapter 343 Be careful when you speak (3050)

These are all problems. She watched He Yiran go from excited to plucking her hair in just a few words, and then gave up and turned to staring at her head, "Why is there so many things going on in a small seal garden? Big companies are in trouble."

"No way, the private rooms are too small, there are only 33 private rooms, and there are only 66 tables a day, and there are only a dozen tables outside, and they are all small tables for 2-3 people. Although the one next to it is also rented, But they are all big tables, and I don’t like to sit here if there are fewer customers.” Anyway, only their side is really open.

Moreover, He Yiran didn't really manage their big company, so he didn't know that it was the little things that troubled people.

"Let's write first and then talk."

"No, it's only February and it's already scheduled to be in June. When you finish writing the private room, you may have to wait for a few months. Maybe you can only use it after the Chinese New Year."

"Then you have to wait for my contact to see how long it takes to write it out. Don't worry, don't worry. It's okay even if you finish writing it and leave it alone. Our shopping function can also be used first."

"Okay, that's true."

I was very excited at first, but I was exhausted by these things.

Several people fell asleep after washing.

But Luo Yingying, who heard these things, couldn't sleep at all. The people in the dormitory were all too rich, too rich. business is bigger.

I didn't sleep well that night, and when I had breakfast the next day, I was in a trance with something wrong written all over my face.

Looking at her state, Liu Pei couldn't help asking: "Yingying, what's wrong with you, I feel that your state is not right."

Liu Pei doesn't have any feelings about whether other people have money. She is a simple person. She feels that she is very satisfied with her current life. She started a night market last semester. She still has a thousand dollars on hand. For a student Speaking of it, it was already a considerable amount of savings, plus the night market business would definitely continue to make money. No one could look down on her for earning her own money, and she was easily satisfied.

Hearing what He Yiran and Mei Mengzhen talked about last night, I was just envious, but not jealous, it passed in a flash, so I didn't worry about it like Luo Yingying did, and didn't sleep well.

Luo Yingying shook her head, "It's okay, I was just thinking about whether we will still have a night market this year? I want to do something else, will it make more money?"

As soon as Luo Yingying's voice fell, He Yiran and Mei Mengzhen looked at each other, sensitively aware that the two people's unscrupulous remarks yesterday had disturbed the hearts of their classmates, it seems that they will be more careful when they speak in the future, and they dare not say anything more at this time, because they are afraid Say the wrong thing and cause trouble.

Liu Pei didn't understand these things either. She followed Luo Yingying's lead. It would be okay if Luo Yingying didn't do it. She already knew that the purchase channel would be a big deal to do by herself, but she still asked, "What do you think?"

"I have a headache because I have no idea." Luo Yingying was very distressed.

Mei Mengzhen thought about it. In fact, Bao X has developed well in the past two years, and it seems to be on the rise. Luo Yingying and Liu Pei are clothing manufacturers. Why don't they take advantage of this trend to settle in Bao X? In terms of development, online shopping is definitely going to become a trend. Look at what we said yesterday, isn’t it also going to be online shopping?
I have used Xbao to buy things before. If you want to do other things with low cost, why not consider this and register a store to do online shopping. In this way, you don’t have to go out to set up a stall, and you all have your own computer. It is also convenient to do customer service, the most is to rent a place to store clothes, and then send out the goods. "It must be much better than being outside in the wind and rain.

What Mei Mengzhen said is true, but whether it can be done really depends on how it is done. After all, there are people who follow the trend all the time, but there are not so many who can stay. Even when X Bao is on the rise, operating If she couldn't go on, there were many closed shops, so she didn't dare to say it to death, so she could only let people think about it.

At least this is also a way out. If you do it well, you will be a leading e-commerce company. If you can’t do it well, you can start all over again. Anyway, there is no cost, or there is nothing wrong with continuing to do night markets. If she is not rich, she can also do business in night markets. Grab a handful, but she doesn't have to do it right now.

Mei Mengzhen's words reminded Luo Yingying that she herself had bought things on X Bao, the prices ranged from high to low, and online shopping was indeed very convenient. Thinking that Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran also planned to do online shopping, this online shopping should It is also very trendy.

"Yes, I can open an X treasure store, why didn't I think of it, but is this difficult?"

"I really don't know about this, and I haven't opened it before. You can try it online." It's only 09, and even if you need to register, it shouldn't be so strict. Don't lose it, and there should be no purchase rate in the new store, we can buy it ourselves, if you don't ship it, just give us the money."

Commonly known as brushing orders, but this is a crime!It's legal, it's just that it's not so strict at this time, everyone is in the same dormitory, it's okay to brush it, and it's unlikely that people in the same dormitory will be cheated.

After hearing this, Luo Yingying also felt that it would work. The night of depression turned clear in an instant. After breakfast, she rode on the car and left without turning back. Liu Pei couldn't even catch up after chasing.

However, neither Yan Keke nor He Yiran looked down on Luo Yingying's move.

Yan Keke said even more: "Zhenzhen, why did you remind her, she is clearly jealous of the money you have made, and feels uncomfortable, and we don't owe her anything, so who should we show our face to?"

Yan Keke really doesn't like Luo Yingying very much, and the two had a fight last time because of Jiang Cheng, even though it's okay on the surface, but deep down she just doesn't like her very much.

He Yiran also had the same intentions, but he didn't say anything, after all, even if her online shop is good, it's only a few dollars.

"I just said it casually. If she can do it or not, it's up to her. Let's be more careful when we talk in the dormitory in the future."

Speaking of this, He Yiran also regretted it, "I started it yesterday. I shouldn't have told you about the decoration of Xiyuan in the dormitory. I was also excited. Who knows, I can't stop after talking about it."

How did she know that this man was so caring.

Yan Keke said bitterly: "Anyway, I don't like her, no matter what it looks like, I just don't like her very much, and it wasn't your fault yesterday, you said so much yesterday, Peipei and I are fine Ah, it's her own problem."

"Forget it, it's always good to be careful, and if you don't like it, you don't like it, so you don't have to force yourself to get along with her." Between friends, if you get along well, you can get along well, and if you don't get along well, there is nothing to force, No one stipulated that several people in a dormitory should love each other.

"It's a pity for Liu Pei." He Yiran said.

(End of this chapter)

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