After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 358 I Didn't Offend You

Chapter 358 I Didn't Offend You (4550)

The five of Yan Keke live in the school dormitory, but the three of Mei Mengzhen have their own houses outside the school, and they have to go downstairs to go to school. There is no need to go so far. He said hello and left without looking back, "Then let's go home first, BYE."

Yan Keke was a little annoyed at being left behind, "These people, hmph, I also asked my dad to buy me a house in this community." She also wanted to directly BYEBYE.

After Yan Keke finished speaking, she walked towards the school angrily, and several people followed quickly. Lai Qianqian asked curiously: "This is the first time I know that Zhenzhen has a house here."

Both Lai Qianqian and Tian Sha knew Mei Mengzhen last year, but they really didn't know much about Mei Mengzhen's private affairs.

Yan Keke explained: "I bought this house when school started. Their family bought it together with her cousin's. It should be convenient for each other to take care of each other. He Yiran is purely because the school's closet is too small to fit clothes. So I also bought a house in this community.”

Yan Keke couldn't stop sighing, "Hey, students are really rich now."

When Lai Qianqian heard this, she quickly rolled her eyes, "Hey, are you embarrassed to say this in front of us really poor students? You can afford it or not, but we really do."

"No, I can't afford it myself. I have to rely on my dad to afford it, but Zhenzhen and Yiran both bought it with their own money. It's different." Yan Keke said firmly, that's why she The reason why her father has never asked her to buy a house here is that she also wants to see if she can buy a suite here with her own ability, and the goal is before graduation.

The five people who couldn't afford a house for the time being didn't know why the topic kept going around the house. After Tian Sha really didn't want to talk about this topic, she abruptly changed the topic of the chat, "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's dinner, Keke, Did you often go to Xiyuan for dinner?"

Speaking of Xi Yuanyan, there may be a lot of chats, "It's okay, most of the dishes there need to be booked in advance, and there are no individual customers there, so you can't eat without a reservation. I ate there when it opened Once, later when my parents came to visit me, and only once in a while after that, Zhenzhen would sometimes bring me food from Xiyuan.”

Speaking of this, Yan Keke had to boast, "Everything in Xiyuan is delicious, picky eaters can become less picky eaters here."

Yan Keke thought for a while and said: "Although the dishes ordered in advance are delicious, they are too delicate to serve as meals for the employees. The employees of Xiyuan have a variety of dishes, and the combination of meat and vegetables is nutritious and delicious. Today our supper is at the same level."

The four of them had already felt the charm of the staff meal, and they nodded their heads vigorously at the moment, and Lai Qianqian even said, "That's great, we can have another meal tomorrow."

Speaking of this, Lai Xixi also has a question, "Is such a delicious meal just a staff meal? Why not sell it separately, it should also make money."

"I guess it's hard to set the price. It's a staff meal, but the food is so delicious that it won't be cheap, but after all, it's still an ordinary meal. Everyone has eaten the staff meal and thinks it's delicious. If you don't order it in the future What should I do after the meal?" Yan Keke himself thought so, "The dishes in Zhenzhen's restaurant cost hundreds to thousands of dollars, how much can the employees pay for the meal, 50 or 100 is the sky, it doesn't really count. Good deal."

No matter what Yan Keke thinks about it, she thinks it's not a good deal, and there are not so many employees in Xiyuan to eat, "I don't know if you have been to Nianxiangyuan, there are very few people there, even if it really sells employee meals, Not many people can eat it."

Yu Yan said: "I know that there are very few workers and tourists there, and not many people go to eat when it is open to the outside world. The method of making a reservation is very suitable."

Lai Qianqian is also a local, but to be honest, she has never been to Nianxiang Garden, "Then I'll have a good time shopping tomorrow."

Tian Sha suddenly remembered something, "I remember that there is a haunted house over there. It seems to be quite famous. I planned to go to it before, but I never had time. When I want to go again, it will be over."

"It's fun, it's fun, it's a pity you didn't go." As someone who has played, Yan Keke still has a say. What, if the door is not closed, we can go over and play."

But the closing time there is quite early, especially for art exhibitions and photography exhibitions, which usually close at 5.30 o'clock. If they are late, they really don't have time to see anything.

"Then let's talk about it tomorrow."


When Yan Keke returned to the dormitory, there was still no one in the dormitory. She checked that it was still early, and Luo Yingying and Liu Pei would not come back unless they were stuck at the gate.

Sure enough, when she finished washing and was about to fall asleep, Luo Yingying came back.

She had a huge smile on her face and was clearly in a good mood today.

Luo Yingying didn't have any other activities, so she didn't need to guess to know that business must be good tonight.

If He Yiran and Mei Mengzhen were here, maybe I would ask another question. Let's chat for a while, but Yan Keke and Luo Yingying are really at odds. It would be great if the two could maintain the superficial peace. After taking a look, he turned around and didn't even say hello lazily, each was busy with his own business.

Of course, the two of them didn't care. It wasn't a day or two before this happened. It had been like this since last year.

However, Luo Yingying was in a really good mood today, and when she saw Yan Keke's serious face towards her, her good mood came to an abrupt end.

Luo Yingying was very dissatisfied with Yan Keke, not to mention that when Yan Keke turned around, she seemed to see the man roll her eyes, Luo Yingying couldn't help but wanted to ask: "Keke, I didn't offend you, did I?" .”

Luo Yingying's words are not in vain, she has thought about it carefully, she seems to have never offended Yan Keke, and the reason for the two people's disagreement is because of Mei Mengzhen and Jiang Cheng, so it is true it's nothing.

But Luo Yingying's words were endless, Yan Keke was stunned when she heard her, and then ignored this person, climbed directly on the bed, lifted the quilt and lay down, completely ignoring Luo Yingying's question.

After all, even if there is no problem between the two of them, it is because of Mei Mengzhen, but if they don't get along, they just don't get along.

Being ignored like this made Luo Yingying even more upset, "Ke Ke, why did I offend you? I just came back and didn't do anything. Why are you rolling your eyes at me? If it's because of Zhenzhen, I don't think there's any need for us so."

This is really wronged, but Yan Ke really didn't roll her eyes, and whether it was because of Mei Mengzhen, she didn't like Luo Yingying. She glanced at Luo Yingying and said dryly, "I didn't roll my eyes."

After speaking, he stopped talking to Luo Yingying.

(End of this chapter)

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