Chapter 384 Not Cheap (12)

Fan Tianyu twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking, at this price, how could Mei Mengzhen have the nerve to accept money, even if she said it, she would be too embarrassed to say it.

"Zhenzhen gave it away, so you can keep it." Fan Tianyu walked towards the private room with his parents as he spoke.

But Mei Yinan is definitely not willing to take advantage of the juniors, and after this cream is easy to use, I am afraid she will use it for a long time. ah."

"It's okay, a bottle of cream is just a big deal."

Fan Tianyu still refused on Mei Mengzhen's behalf, which made Mei Yinan feel very uncomfortable, but think again, this cream belongs to Xiyuan, and Fan Tianyu is also one of the bosses of Xiyuan, so can he take it himself? Thinking of this, I felt even more joyful in my heart, "Son, can you also get the goods? Is it expensive? The little sisters I came here this time asked me to bring them for them. If it is not expensive, I will pay more." Take some, so you can take them back and sell them, and you can ask your mother to be a middleman to make a difference."

Fan Tianyu gave some words of persuasion, and then he was a little speechless. As long as this cream was sold in Xincheng, even if the house was sold, he couldn’t afford a bottle of cream. When he thought of this, Fan Tianyu thought badly, “Mom, you Do you know how much this cream is?"

After Fan Tianyu finished speaking, he just walked to the door of the private room and brought everyone into the private room.

At this time, Mei Yinan didn't realize how much the cream cost, so she just opened the chair, put the bag on the table and asked lightly: "How much is it, how much is a bottle of cream, can I tell you?" You, don't underestimate the pensions of retirees, it's just a bottle of cream, I can't afford it."

"Yes, you can't afford it. This cream costs 100 million yuan a bottle."

Just as Mei Yinan sat down, the sound of the chair being dragged was a bit noisy, and Fan Tianyu's words just now made her feel a little unclear, "What did you just say?"

"You heard me right, a bottle of face cream is 100 million, and the whitening one is also 100 million. There is no change, it is a full 100 million."

After Fan Tianyu finished speaking, he looked at Mei Yinan, wanting to see how this person would get angry for a while, but this time, Mei Yinan looked at Mei Mengzhen quite calmly, and asked indifferently: "Zhenzhen, what are you doing?" Is what Brother Tianyu said true?"

Mei Mengzhen nodded, "Ah, yes."

Not only that, Fan Tianyu also added, "I still can't get the goods from Xiyuan, and Zhenzhen went to get the goods by herself."

Fan Hongwei was curious, what about the tea when the face cream is so expensive.

Fan Tianyu glanced at his father, and said calmly, "Zhenzhen seems to have delivered two flavors of tea to my home. The Taiping Houkui is a pack of 100 million, and the Dahongpao is a pack of 800 million."

The couple, who were calm after hearing the price, remained calm, not because they didn't want to blow their hair, but because the money was too much beyond their usual cognition.

Mei Yinan took a deep breath, and asked worriedly: "It's so expensive, does anyone buy it?"

Fan Hongwei was also curious and looked at Fan Tianyu.

Fan Tianyu said: "Yes, there is not enough goods every month, but we will definitely keep your share in advance."

But is it a question of whether to stay or not?
Fan Hongwei asked: "No, is the price of Xiyuan already so high? Has it already started to be in the millions?" Is his son so promising?This is a qualitative leap compared to before.

Mei Mengzhen looked at Fan Tianyu and asked, "Brother Tianyu, Xinlou in Xiyuan, did you say something?"

"I said it." Fan Tianyu replied, and then explained to the couple: "In fact, there are shareholders who have settled in and brought a lot of resources. When Xiyuan grows up, it will naturally go to high-end. After these high-priced things They will be sold in stores.”

The couple didn't understand these business matters, but both of them could tell that they were making money. Mei Yinan asked curiously: "How much can you make with this stuff in a month, and how much money can you make?"

Fan Tianyu looked at Mei Mengzhen, and Mei Mengzhen explained: "Not many, about 50 bottles of each type, only 2-300 bottles, plus tea, can earn about 5 million a month."

The couple gasped when they heard this, "5 million, one month, just face cream and tea leaves, not counting those in the store."

"Yes, in fact, compared to this store, it is far less profitable than face cream and tea."

After Mei Mengzhen finished speaking, Fan Tianyu explained: "Last year, the store opened in late October, and by December, it had earned a total of several million. Of course, it must have been a lot before there was no face cream and tea, but with this Otherwise, the store’s business is just a fraction.”

The Fan family has been earning wages honestly and diligently all their lives. They say they are not poor but they are not that rich. This means that their son opened a store, so why are they still talking about using [-] million as a unit?

Mei Yinan asked worriedly: "Tianyu, Zhenzhen, don't you two be cheated, have you entered some C sales organization, dare not say, it's okay, tell auntie, auntie will agree Fuck all those people for you."

The two laughed lightly, Fan Tianyu even said: "No, no, Mom, it's true, let me show you the balance head office."

While talking, Fan Tianyu took out his mobile phone and stuffed it into Mei Yinan and Fan Hongwei's side.

The couple looked at the balance of the mobile phone and still couldn't believe it, "But, the money came too suddenly."

"It just happened suddenly. I didn't participate in the first batch of cream. Zhenzhen has a lot more money than me." But at this point, Fan Tianyu continued: "By the way, Mom, He Yiran, do you still remember her? Isn't it the new shareholder of our Xiyuan, their company is going to build a manor in Jiangcheng, and Zhenzhen and I have decided on one."


The couple usually called the children on the phone, but the children never mentioned these things. They just came here, and they suddenly talked so much. Both Fan Hongwei and Mei Yinan needed time to digest, but this matter Before digesting it, one thing after another rushed towards the two of them.

Mei Yinan asked: "What is a manor? Farmers, our hometown has no land for you to plant, and you have to go to the city to farm."

"No." Fan Hongwei really knew the manor, "Shanghai probably has it, but I heard that a manor is not cheap, at least hundreds of millions."

"Yes, anyway, if you have money, buy it first."

Yes, there is money anyway.

But here, Mei Yinan and Fan Hongwei still have no sense of reality.

At this moment, Fan Tianhua came in with the brewed tea. Smelling the fragrance of the tea in her hand, Fan Hongwei said with difficulty, "Tianhua, what kind of tea are you brewing?"

"This, Pu'er, Zhenzhen gave it to me, and said that I will brew this for you when you come."

Fan Hongwei asked: "Zhenzhen, this Pu'er is not cheap."


As for what the price is, there is no need to say so clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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