Chapter 400

Professor Zhao said: "No, it's useless. It's not a day or two for Qingyi to do these things. After so many years, she has already reached the limit. She has already sent me a message before that. They won't let Qingyi go this time, I didn't take it seriously."

In fact, it wasn't that she didn't take it seriously, it was because she didn't believe that Zhao Qingyi could do such a thing.

"But aren't they all right? Why not."

Professor Zhao glared at Big Brother Zhao, "Is this what you, a lawyer, should say? What do you mean they're okay? Just because they're okay doesn't mean that Qingyi didn't do anything to hurt others. If it's the other party who hurts, Qingyi Yi's crime will only get worse."

As soon as the voice fell, the lights in the emergency room went out, and everyone came to the door of the emergency room nervously. The doctor came out and shook his head and told them the result, "The patient has multiple fractures in his body, multiple organs in his body are ruptured and bleeding, and he is accompanied by a concussion. She has been rescued, but whether she can wake up or not depends on the 24 hours."

If you can't pass these 24 hours, you have to prepare for your death.

The doctor's words were undoubtedly not a blow to them, Brother Zhao was naturally not reconciled to let this matter go, "Dad, Qingyi is like this, do you still want to stop me?"

"Then what's wrong with them?"

That's right, what's wrong with him, because Zhao Qingyi likes Pei Ziyu, so he will be hurt for no reason.

Zhao Qingyi is self-inflicted, but as an old father, seeing the girl he has loved for so many years has become what he is now, who else can he blame, he can only blame himself, "It's all my fault , I shouldn't be so used to her."

But it's too late to talk about it now.

Brother Zhao couldn't bear to see Father Zhao like this, so he took a step back, "Father, you can always let me go private, Qingyi is like this, so why should she go to jail?"

"Let's talk about it first when Qingyi wakes up." If a person is not awake, it's useless to say anything.

Both father and son understand this truth, but they are still heartbroken.

civil!Naturally, the police couldn't leave. The purpose of their coming here was for Zhao Qingyi's crime of intentional wounding. If she is still awake, they must guard him first and report what she knows to the police.

In the bureau.

Tan Jia and Pei Ziyu had to wait to deal with the follow-up matters, and had no time to take care of Mei Mengzhen, so they asked Fan Tianyu to take her home.

When Fan Tianyu received the phone call from Pei Ziyu, he was in a daze, and he drove out the door.

Tongxin Shopping Center is not far from Xiyuan, and Fan Tianyu drove fast, so he arrived at the police station where the two were located in just 10 minutes!Bureau.

After he understood what happened, he was in a bad mood. Now it is the 21st century, and there are still things that deliberately hurt people in public. He wanted to stay and pursue responsibility, but he was persuaded by Pei Ziyu and Tan Jia go back.

"You brought people back, Zhenzhen is not in the right state."

He Yiran also said: "I guess the way that person fell down scared Zhenzhen, and she hasn't recovered yet."

Fan Tianyu couldn't believe that Mei Mengzhen was so timid, but looking at the nervous Mei Mengzhen, he seemed to be really frightened, "Okay, Brother Pei will leave this matter to you, don't let it go Those who hurt Zhenzhen, I will take Zhenzhen home first."

Just as the three of them were about to leave, they happened to meet Jiang's father who came to pick up his son.

Several people met face to face, and Fan Tianyu remembered that Jiang Cheng was Jiang Sheng's son, and instantly thought of the bloody plot of the son of his own relatives joining forces with outsiders to kill Mei Mengzhen, Fan Tianyu was so angry Ah, "Uncle Jiang taught a good son."

After Fan Tianyu finished speaking angrily, he left with the two of them, leaving Jiang Sheng with a dazed expression.

However, when Jiang Sheng learned what had happened, he slapped Jiang Cheng in the face. He never dreamed that both his sister and his son would come to hold him back.

Jiang Cheng expected that Jiang's father would be angry, but he didn't expect Jiang's father to be so angry. He couldn't believe that his father, who had always loved him, would beat him, but when she saw Jiang's father's face, she was really scared, and he hurried Bottom admitted his mistake, "Dad, I know I was wrong, and I will never do it again."

"Nothing." Jiang Sheng asked.

But Jiang Sheng's question made Jiang Cheng choke. Jiang Cheng knew that he was wrong, but as for where he was wrong, his head was in a mess after being bluffed and frightened just now. How could he know where he was wrong.

At this time, he felt that even his breathing was wrong, he looked at Jiang Sheng, and begged his father to forgive him, "Dad, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I was all wrong, it was all my fault. "

"Dad knows that you know you are wrong, but do you know where you are wrong?" Jiang's father really did not expect his son, who has always been honest, to hold back such a big trick for him, "You can really do it."

Father Jiang's eyes were full of disappointment, but Jiang Cheng was also aggrieved, "Dad, you don't understand the situation, then Mei Mengzhen is too much, if he didn't treat me like this, how could I have dealt with her."

Even Tan Jia, who was just passing by, couldn't listen to these words, "Sorry, excuse me, you said Mei Mengzhen was too much, what did she do that made you feel too much, isn't it because you like She, and she doesn't like you, did she reject you? Don't you even have the right to refuse if you don't like someone? Just because she rejected you, she went too far, and then you conspired with Zhao Qingyi to hurt Mei Mengzhen, then What's the difference between your behavior and Zhao Qingyi's, she is the mastermind, and you can't get away with it."

They will not only pursue Zhao Qingyi's responsibility, but also Jiang Cheng's responsibility.

Now, not only Jiang Cheng, but even Jiang Sheng panicked. His son is only 19, so he can't leave a criminal record.

"Excuse me, are you..." Jiang Sheng calmed down quickly. The most important thing is to solve his son's affairs right now, and he can clean up after he goes back.

"I am the attorney representing Pei Ziyu and Mei Mengzhen, and my name is Tan Jia."

Jiang Sheng didn't expect Mei Mengzhen to act so fast, and the lawyers were hired directly.

Jiang Sheng and the Zhao family had the same idea about this matter, and they both wanted to do it privately, but since it was private, they naturally found someone to solve it in private. Jiang Sheng nodded, and had no intention of entangled with Tan Jia. I also know that there will be no beneficial results if I entangle like this, so I just ignore the other party after talking.


After returning home, Mei Mengzhen immediately fell into a coma, and He Yiran couldn't help but worry after closing the door, "I've never seen Zhenzhen like this before, this is really frightening."

"Zhenzhen is a little afraid of heights, but it's not particularly serious. I think she was frightened by the woman's fall. Did you see the video? The woman ran so fast. It was so fierce, I was about to touch Zhenzhen, and it must be Zhenzhen who fell, I was a little scared even watching the video."

(End of this chapter)

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