After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 427 The more frustrated the more courageous

Chapter 427

Luo Yingying's cake was an eight-inch cake, and when it fell to the ground, the box broke and she could vaguely see the word Zhi, and some small candles were given next to it, each with a 1 and a 9, so there was no need to guess, it must be celebrating a birthday.

And this cake was indeed for someone to celebrate their birthday, and the birthday person was none other than Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi's 19th birthday is today, and she's leaving for the production team tomorrow. This cake is not only a birthday wish for her, but also a blessing for the production team to start work.

Before the double blessing even started, Liu Pei knocked her to the ground. Needless to say, the cake was hard to buy, and the good meaning was lost. Why don't you just say that Luo Yingying is not angry.

Luo Yingying glanced at Mei Mengzhen, and naturally hoped that she would be able to buy it, and nothing else was of course important, "You buy it first, then we'll talk about it."

Mei Mengzhen nodded with an 'hmm' and said nothing.

He Yiran sighed and said: "Let's go shopping together, ride the bike, turn a little farther, I don't believe it's just a cake, and you can't buy it if you have money."

Everyone turned around and entered the house, took their mobile phones, keys, and money and went out directly.

At this time, Lai Qianqian hurriedly persuaded everyone to leave, "Okay, okay, if you pile up here again, the dorm manager is going to come up and scold people again."

The auntie in charge is sacred and majestic in their hearts. When she scolds, no one is allowed to refute at all, otherwise she will scold more and more vigorously, and insist on telling her one, two, three, and as time goes by, After understanding the temper of the housekeeper aunt, no one dared to provoke each other, so naturally they quickly dispersed.

Lai Xixi and Tian Sha, who had been gossiping for a long time, also spontaneously joined the cake buying team. Although this matter was Liu Pei's business, who made Liu Pei and Mei Mengzhen have a good relationship? Even if you put down your work, you are willing to step forward to help.

No, after a group of people simply packed up their things, they went downstairs together, left the school and went their separate ways looking for cakes and eggs.

However, there is a cake shop not far from the school gate, and there are ready-made cakes in the shop. The waiter explained: "You old classmates suddenly come to buy cakes, so we will prepare one or two cakes in the shop. It’s just that there is no choice in taste and style, but it can be used in emergencies.”

As for what to do urgently, there are many varieties, but the cake really... looks very ordinary. She came to the door and looked at the signboard. It was also an unknown brand. Even if the brand of Luo Yingying's cake was ten years later, it would still be a A big chain brand, isn't it too perfunctory for them to buy such an ordinary one, and they really can't justify Luo Yingying's insistence on being more authentic.

More importantly, the cakes in this cake shop don't seem to be very delicious. Although it is an emergency, it can't be too careless.

Suddenly, Mei Mengzhen thought of one thing, to buy cakes, her space mall can do it, buy and take immediately, and the most important thing is that it can also choose brands.

She first left the cake shop and quickly opened the space mall with her consciousness, and found the brand of cake that Luo Yingying bought just now. She directly placed an order according to the same size and clicked to buy. After picking up the goods in the locker, Mei Mengzhen felt relieved, at least, she returned something to the other party.

And what she has to do now is to find a place where no one is around and take out the cake.

This matter is really difficult to handle. There are people coming and going outside, there are many people on the road, and there are many people she knows at the school gate. She has no choice but to ride a skateboard and go home quickly. Down the stairs again.

On the way, Mei Mengzhen rode a skateboard towards the school. She carried the cake in one hand and called Liu Pei with the other. , you can help to make a phone call with everyone, or send a message, go back to school quickly."

Liu Pei was so anxious that she almost cried, but now she was really moved, "Thank you, Zhenzhen."

Liu Pei hung up the phone non-stop and broadcast it to the rest of the people one by one. After all the calls were made, he quickly rode the battery car back to school.

When Mei Mengzhen returned to school, they hadn't arrived yet. She couldn't return the cake by herself, so she waited downstairs for Liu Pei to come back. When she saw Liu Pei coming, she gave the cake to her , "Go ahead and return the cake to her. It should be about the same, the same brand, the same size, and there are knives, plates and candles next to it, all in one set."

Liu Pei was so moved, "Zhenzhen, thank you so much, where did you get it, I went to several places and there is no big cake shop like this ready-made."

Mei Mengzhen said with a mysterious face: "I have my way, you go quickly, it has been more than half an hour, and she is probably in a hurry to ask for it, the most important thing is to save yourself from thinking that we have no buy it."

Liu Pei understood, quickly took the cake and went upstairs, but Mei Mengzhen took a step back, He Yiran and Yan Keke hadn't come back yet, Liu Pei would definitely leave after delivering the cake, she didn't want to meet alone To Luo Yingying.

Unexpectedly, instead of waiting for the rest of the people, Liu Pei, who had delivered the cake, waited again.

Mei Mengzhen said in surprise, "So fast."

It was almost a time of going up and down the stairs without saying a word.

"I said I'm sorry, put the cake on her table, and came down before she could say anything. I don't like to hear what she said, and we will quarrel again."

Speaking of Luo Yingying's bad speech, Mei Mengzhen was also a little speechless: "You, why didn't you say it before, we should have known that she treated you like this, and would not have let you do it. Although it is money, but in fact I don’t earn much, where can’t I earn this kind of money, why should I be angry with her.”

"Hey, I'm too honest, and I know that she also likes me, otherwise she would dare to treat me like this, but I thought that doing night markets is better than me doing sales promotions, and I still earn more than sales promotions." Some, even if you are doing sales promotion, you still have to suffer. How can there be a job that does not suffer from anger? Thinking about it this way, I think it is not unbearable. To be honest, I really plan to endure it for four years, but this time it will be better. , it's over."

"It's not necessarily a bad thing to end, it's forcing you to start a brand new business, maybe because of that you start doing it."

Liu Pei smiled and said: "Yeah, anyway, I'm still young, I don't invest much, I can bear failure, I can start over, oh, but it doesn't mean I'm not serious about things, I still will I take every job I do seriously."

"Good job, that's what you want to do. Be full of hope for the future. Even if we encounter ups and downs, we should be more and more courageous instead of sluggish. If you don't understand anything, you can ask us. Don't do it alone. We Although you don’t have much experience, it’s better than doing it alone.”

(End of this chapter)

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