Chapter 433 Interest Class (25)

"Hey, who is that kid? He looks pretty and dances well."

"Yes, you see my children are all sitting on the ground and crying." The parent pointed out that a little boy in the front row was indeed sitting on the ground and crying in a panic. He was looking for the teacher and his mother while crying. Looking back and forth with his head, he was very busy, but the parent laughed loudly below, thinking that the child was so interesting.

"My family's dancer is also very good, just the one in front who dances while crying." Although the child has already cried, it is very interesting to perform while crying.

Among them, Mei Yinan is the most proud, but she has no intention of joining in the chatting of these mothers. She completed the task that Mei Mengchen gave her. She took a lot of photos in a row, and the photography never stopped. In short, the whole process of Mei Mengchen's appearance today was photographed.

It was also because of the excessive power consumption that Mei Yinan's cell phone was completely out of battery and turned off just after the June [-] event.

She took Mei Mengchen's hand and walked on the way home, "I took pictures of what you look like today, and when I go back, I will charge my phone and send it to your sister."

"Hey~, thank you, aunt." Mei Mengchen was very excited. Almost as soon as the two of them arrived home, Mei Mengchen stared at aunt to charge her phone before even changing her clothes. When the phone was turned on, she quickly opened QQ, Send all the photos and videos to Mei Mengzhen.

After watching her aunt send all the videos and photos, Mei Mengchen went to change clothes and remove makeup in peace.

Kindergarten stage makeup is thicker than that of adults. It took Mei Yinan a lot of effort just to 'remove' the blush on Mei Mengchen's cheeks. She rubbed Mei Mengchen's face , while muttering: "What kind of makeup is this? It can't be rubbed off. Why do I think your face is even redder than the one with blush on?"

Mei Yinan rubbed it for a while, but she still couldn't remove it, so she gave up, "Forget it, just wash your face a few more times and it will be clean."


At lunch time, Mei Mengzhen received a message from Mei Yinan almost as soon as she finished her meal. She heard the news one after another and thought it was something important, so she quickly found an empty seat and sat down, opened the After seeing Mei Mengchen's photos and videos on the phone, I realized that Mei Mengchen still has activities today.

However, the makeup that looks like a ghost is simply not too funny.

"Chen Chen is performing on Children's Day, it's so beautiful, Chen Chen is awesome. '

Mei Mengchen didn't reply right away, and came back after he finished removing his make-up. It was already 6 minutes later, and he immediately replied: "Does sister like it?" '

'like. '

This conversation must have been sent by Mei Yinan, and the reply must have been read by her, otherwise he wouldn't be able to understand it in kindergarten.

But Mei Mengzhen's liking must be a little bit against her will, and it must not be as light as how much she likes it, but cuteness is also really cute. She can also see that Mei Mengchen is doing her best to perform well on the stage, and at the same time, Mengchen is sure I also expect her to like this performance of his.

It suddenly occurred to her that interest classes began to rise gradually around this time. Children of his age usually have one or two talent lists, so should she report some interests to her younger brother? classes.

This idea is the same as that of other mothers. Other children will know it, and her younger brother must also know it. We cannot be compared by others.

'Does Chenchen like to dance?How about my sister enroll Chenchen in a dance class, we can learn it during the summer vacation. '

After Mei Yinan read this passage to Mei Mengchen, she also felt that Mei Mengzhen's suggestion was good. Anyway, she was not short of money, and learning more talents was not a bad thing. She also hurriedly asked: "Does Chen Chen like to dance?" Or does it mean that Chen Chen likes other interests, so Auntie can take you out to try it out now, usually there are trial classes for this kind of interest class, and it doesn't cost much for us to try a class or two."

Mei Mengchen thought about it seriously, but he had never been exposed to these things, so he really didn't know, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Seeing Mei Mengchen's little troubled expression, Mei Yinan asked again: "Why don't Auntie take you out to have a look, we also have time in the afternoon."

Mei Mengchen nodded, "Look first."

Mei Yinan told Mei Mengchen of Mei Mengchen's decision, and Mei Mengzhen hurriedly said: "Auntie, just take Chenchen to see or try to finish class first. Don't sign up. I'll wait until we get to Jiangcheng." It will only take a month to register, and it is not worthwhile to apply now."

"it is good."


Almost after eating, Mei Yinan led Mei Mengchen out. There are classes for children near their community, but most of them are cram schools. Those who want to learn these extracurricular hobbies , I still have to go to the mall.

There is a dance school in the shopping mall, but it teaches Latin dance for children. Mei Mengchen looked at it and seemed not very interested.

After coming out of the shopping mall, there are many musical instrument training classes on the opposite street, such as drums, guitars, pipas and pianos.

But Mei Mengchen looked at it, still not very interested, and then Mei Yinan took her to see the painting class again, this, Mei Mengchen seemed a little interested, he said: "Auntie, Huahua .”

"Chenchen likes to draw."

"is acceptable."

It's really good that Mei Mengchen's is okay, after all, all the previous ones were rejected.

Mei Yinan led him in, and quickly asked, "Hey, hello, how do you sign up for the interest class here, and do you have a trial class?"

The little sister at the front desk got up quickly and replied, "Yes, have you studied elsewhere before?"

"No, it's the first time I've come across this."

"We have a trial course for 1 yuan. You can try a class for 10 yuan to see if you are interested. If you can't decide, the second trial class is [-] yuan a class. Basically After two lessons, the children will know whether they want to take it or not. After making a decision, they can directly choose the package you want.

The packages are also different. If you want to know more, our next class will start soon. You just let your children experience it for only 1 yuan. I will also tell you about this package. "

Mei Yinan thought it was a good deal, even if it didn't work, it only cost one dollar, so she hurriedly asked: "Chenchen, do you want to go to a class now to feel it?"

Mei Mengchen looked at the painting classroom inside through the glass, he nodded, "Chenchen wants to try."

"That's fine. I'll arrange for the children to go in first. You wait outside. We'll pay for the fee later, and the class will start soon."

This painting class is quite particular. Those children who come to the trial class can borrow the school's tools. These tools include smocks (to avoid damaging their own clothes), paints, pens, and drawing boards. If so, you can send a set of such tools for free.

(End of this chapter)

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