Chapter 474 Irrelevant (22)

Qi Yongwang asked this question endlessly. Fan Tianyu was taken aback when he heard this, but he didn't think much about it. He asked, "What's the matter? Why did you suddenly mention Zhenzhen School?"

"No, but Zhenzhen seems to be quite famous in school. All my classmates know her, and she is still the flower of their department."

Fan Tianyu twitched the corner of his mouth. Mei Mengzhen is indeed very famous in the school. The school...Fan Tianyu asked sensitively: "Do you know something, or what do you want to ask?"

Don't blame Fan Tianyumin!Feeling, there is no way, Mei Mengzhen is really too hot, everything around her is full of troubles.

"I heard from my roommate that in the elevator case that was rumored in Jiangcheng before, the girl who was lucky enough to escape the accident was Zhenzhen, but I didn't watch the video at that time, I only knew that this incident was very dangerous, but why didn't my family talk to her?" I say."

"It's more than a thrill." Fan Tianyu exaggerated: "I tell you, it's a good thing I didn't watch the video. My mother was so scared and had nightmares for two days."

Fan Tianyu's words mean that this matter is true, "Did Auntie come here? Why didn't my mother mention it to me, otherwise I can go and see Zhenzhen."

"Don't mention this in front of Zhenzhen. Zhenzhen herself was frightened. She had a high fever and talked nonsense that night. After I sent him to the hospital, he fell into a coma for a week before waking up. You can see how scary it is."

After Fan Tianyu finished speaking, he explained: "Second aunt really doesn't know, but my aunt does. My mother originally planned to come over to quarrel, and because the woman has a strong background, she brought my aunt along."

Needless to say the reason for bringing my aunt, even Qi Yongwang himself can understand what he meant.

Qi Yongwang twitched the corner of his mouth, he really understood it, and he understood it quite clearly.

Afterwards, Fan Tianyu continued: "Meng Cheng went back to pick up the people, and then my uncle also came together. So many people came here quite unintentionally, and I didn't deliberately not tell you, and my aunt really played her big role." It works, otherwise this summer vacation, I can’t find an excuse to send Qiuhe over for remodeling, but it’s not right, why don’t you tell the second aunt when my aunt goes back, is she so tight-lipped? "

No one would believe this, so it is very likely that Qi Yongwang was not told.

Qi Yongwang said knowingly: "Okay, I know, I won't talk nonsense in front of Zhenzhen, but do you have that video?"

Indeed, Fan Tianyu saved a copy in his mobile phone. He downloaded this video from Mei Mengzhen’s school forum. He opened the video and handed it to Qi Yongwang. It was also the first time Qi Yongwang saw this video. Not to mention, it was indeed really scary. The short tens of seconds of the video made his heart skip a beat, and Mei Mengzhen's dodge at the end was also extremely thrilling.

And it can be seen that he didn't hide at all deliberately, he returned the phone to Fan Tianyu, and asked: "Zhenzhen is really lucky, she just missed her."

"It's really lucky. Zhenzhen is not so timid at ordinary times. The mall is newly opened. Zhenzhen is afraid that there may be problems with the newly opened elevator in the mall. She is also a little afraid of heights, so she plans to take the direct elevator, and then hides like this. In the past, this video did not look like the girl falling down. The girl fell horribly, covered in blood, and she was sent to the hospital for 24 hours without passing anyone. It is normal for Zhenzhen to be afraid, but because the video is too It was horrible, so I didn't download it."

"Brother Tianyu, remember to tell me next time if you have something to do, I'm still in Jiangcheng anyway, so I can still help a little bit. You see, I know about this incident from other people's mouths."

Naturally, Fan Tianyu would not refuse Qi Yongwang's kindness, "Okay, there are still troubles ahead, I've already gotten through with Mengcheng, it's about my aunt."

Mei Yifang knew about Jiang Xiumei's aunt, but Qi Yongwang really didn't. Missed a lot, "I really don't know about this, but my mother should know."

Even if my aunt didn't say anything, my aunt couldn't hold it back. Thinking about it this way, everyone knew about it, but he alone didn't know.

Anyway, he may or may not need his help when the time comes, but you can let me know if you have any news about living together. Speaking of which, Fan Tianyu asked: "What do you do here as an intern? I remember you studied sports, right? Why do you do an internship in an office building?"

"Yes, I majored in physical education, but I minored in computer science, and now I'm doing an administrative internship in that company."

Fan Tianyu was taken aback when he heard this, so you said that his two majors are related to the internship position? "So what's the point of your internship? Shouldn't it be a professional counterpart?"

"It's hard to find a professional counterpart. My major is also special, and I need a company that can issue an internship certificate. Not every place can open it. I don't want to make money in two months, but I can't. Let me spend money, so it's not money."

That's right, it's just a bit of a waste of time.

At this time, the milk tea just now is ready, Fan Tianyu looked at the sign, and then said: "You wait first."

Fan Tianyu squeezed to the front and took the milk tea just now.

There were two bags of milk tea in total, and Qi Yongwang reached out and took one bag over. Fan Tianyu asked again: "Did you just find this internship? What about your future career plans, have you thought about it clearly?"

I feel that learning is quite complicated, and doing is also quite complicated.

Speaking of this, Qi Yongwang also sighed, "Actually, the computer major has great prospects for development, but my IQ is not enough, and my studies are very simple, that is, I have learned some textbook content, but if I major in sports, I would consider You can go to school to be a physical education teacher, but it's not that easy."

Teachers also belong to the establishment post, and they need to get a graduation certificate before taking the exam. Physical education teachers are different from other teachers. The work is easy and there is no pressure. Qi Yongwang himself is quite willing, but it is another matter if he fails to pass the exam. It's over.

Moreover, the physical education teacher is not the main subject teacher. For example, the head teacher or something means that there is no bonus. The salary in the future is basically quite stable. The job is good but the development prospect is not very great.

It's actually not easy to find other directions about sports. You need to be connected to a better unit, and basically there is no one in his family.

Fan Tianyu heard Mei Mengzhen mention this point, "I remember Zhenzhen said before that if we know some skills, we can hold related courses, such as basketball, table tennis, or taekwondo. These remedial classes are very profitable, you must be very good at studying sports, and it will be fine to open such a school in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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