Chapter 531 Sleeping for Three Days (55)

The three of them drank tea and chatted for an entire afternoon. Just as He Yiran was about to leave, the news of Fu Rui waking up came in.

Seeing He Yiran who had packed up his things, Jin Zhanwan stayed behind and said: "I told you not to worry, go after dinner, after a while Ruirui wakes up, maybe she wants to chat with us."

He Yiran had no choice but to say, "That's fine."

Fu Rui really woke up this time, and she slept quite soundly this time. She sat on the table in the dining room, her eyes were still a little dull. When Fu Hao came down, he looked at the quiet Fu Rui. years ago.

He called out, "Ruirui, are you awake?"

Fu Rui's sluggish eyes instantly gathered together, and she nodded in Fu Hao's direction. Who knew that she saw the lady of the He family who gave her incense. She remembered what she said that day. When she saw He Yiran, she also politely shook her head. He said hello, "Miss He, Brother Zhan."

He Yiran nodded in her direction, and said with a smile: "Miss Fu has slept for so long, I'm afraid she's hungry now."

Fu Hao hurriedly ordered the kitchen, "Let the kitchen bring the chicken soup to Miss Duan."

Fu Rui is indeed very hungry now, but she has no appetite, but she doesn't want to worry Fu Hao, so she doesn't refuse.

However, fortunately, this was not said. When the chicken soup was brought out, her appetite was aroused in an instant. She ate all the chicken soup, soup and meat of a whole chicken by herself. The eating appearance was really no worse than their lunch After a long time, even Jin Zhan felt a little greedy after watching it, until after Fu Rui burped in satisfaction after eating, he instantly felt satisfied.

"I haven't been this comfortable in a long time."

Fu Rui wiped her mouth, and finally moved from the dining table to the sofa in the living room. Seeing He Yiran sitting there, Fu Rui couldn't help but asked, "Miss He, I'm sorry to make you laugh."

"It's okay, a good appetite is a good thing."

"May I take the liberty to ask, do you still have this incense? I want to prepare a few more boxes. To be honest, this incense is very effective for me. I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time."

When it comes to buying incense, Fu Hao wants to know what happened during this period.

Fu Rui said: "After Ms. He lit the incense for me that day, I fell asleep in a few minutes. This sleep was so deep that when I woke up, I felt that I hadn't slept enough. Later, I sat on the bed for a while , After drinking a glass of water, I suddenly felt a little irritable again, and then I lit the other half of the incense, just wanting to sleep a little longer, and within a few minutes I fell asleep again."

This sleep has been sleeping until now before waking up, this explanation is almost consistent with what He Yiran said.

The two of them didn't expect this to be the case. Jin Zhan asked, "Do you know how long you slept?"

"One night?" Fu Rui didn't look at her phone, but there was something at home that didn't have a date. She asked again in doubt, "One day and one night?"

"If only one day and one night would be fine. You slept for three days. We were worried that you might have an accident, so we specially invited Miss He to our house."

He Yiran came to Fu's house on Saturday morning, and Fu Rui also slept at this time. It's Monday afternoon, so it's three days.

Fu Rui's eyes widened in shock, "Did I sleep for so long? No wonder I feel so relaxed."

Fu Rui didn't expect this fragrance to be so effective for her insomnia, so she became more determined to buy a few more boxes, and she hurriedly asked: "Miss He, there should be more of this fragrance, I want to prepare a few more boxes .”

After Fu Rui finished speaking, she was afraid that He Yiran would not agree, so she looked in Fu Hao's direction, "Brother, buy it for me."

He Yiran waved his hand and said: "Miss Fu, it's not that I won't sell you this one, but that it's expensive. This item is limited, only five boxes a month, and you won't have any more."

Fu Rui was not a willful young lady at first, she had a bad temper at that time because she couldn't sleep well and was irritable, and now she also recalled it, it must be rare for this thing to work so well, she looked at Fu Hao and asked: "How much is this incense?"

Jin Zhan said with a smile: "If you can afford it, don't worry about it. Are there still things that Brother Hao can't afford?"

That's right, Fu Rui, who just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, said again: "But this thing is limited, brother, I finally managed to sleep, and I don't want to be unable to sleep again."

He Yiran hurriedly explained: "There are instructions in this incense. In fact, one box of this incense is enough for a month. This incense burns half a stick at a time, and the day counts as one day for half a stick. The lingering fragrance can last for three days, so that's all. In four days, three sticks of incense can be lighted six times. This month is almost enough. The half stick you added later is a waste, but as long as the doors and windows are kept open, the lingering incense can last longer A few days."

Let me put it this way, Fu Rui felt a little better, but Fu Rui, who had experienced this kind of trying to sleep, no longer wanted to experience the pain of insomnia, so she said: "Then you have five boxes every month, I will order one of them. Is it okay? It’s best to have two boxes, I want it for a long time, and the price here is the same as others, if you think it’s not enough, I can add a little more.”

Fu Rui's tone became a little anxious, and He Yiran hurriedly comforted her: "It's ok, my Anshenxiang has just been released on the market, besides yours, the Guo family wants it, and at this price, no one else can afford it."

After He Yiran finished speaking, he looked at Jin Zhan, and wanted to thank him again after speaking.

Brothers and sisters Fu Hao and Fu Rui also focused their attention on Jin Zhan. After all, the extra money was a waste of money. The key is that it is not easy to lower it.

Fu Hao rubbed his swollen forehead, and felt that this brother could cheat him, after all, this brother has cheated him now, and according to the situation, it seems that the cheating will last for a long time.

Jin Zhan told Fu Rui the price awkwardly, "A box of incense is 8000 million, three sticks, one month."

As for the reason for this, let Fu Hao tell her after leaving for a while.

This price is definitely not cheap, but don't feel bad about money if you use it well.

The two called Ms. He and Ms. Fu for a while, and they talked like sisters, and the address changed accordingly. He Yiran directly called Fu Rui, Ruirui, and Fu Rui also directly called He Yiran, Yiran.

After chatting for a while, dinner was ready, and the group moved to the restaurant again.

The dishes on the table looked very simple and everyday, but Fu Rui swallowed her saliva when she was full. She hadn't felt such an appetite for a long time. She looked at the servant and said, "Give it to me as well." Take a pair of bowls and chopsticks, no rice."

Rice is too much to eat, but she thinks she can still stuff her stomach with vegetables.

But after tasting these dishes, Fu Rui couldn't help but praise: "It's because I haven't eaten for a long time or the chef's skills have improved. I think these dishes are delicious, and the soup just now is also delicious. Once I eat can not stop."

Fu Hao explained: "These are the ingredients that Ms. He brought over. After we ate them, we also felt that they tasted good, but you have eaten a lot just now, and your stomach should feel uncomfortable after eating."

(End of this chapter)

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