After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 612 Starting from the Roots

Chapter 612 Starting from the Roots (15)

After the teacher finished speaking, it was time for practice, but for her, the biggest difficulty was not how to cry, but to sort out her emotions so that she could cry as soon as possible. There was nothing that made her very sad or emotionally broken. She waited in front of the mirror for a long time, but the tears couldn't flow down.

The acting teacher said: "In fact, being able to cry at any time is also a skill. You can think about sad things more. Sometimes it may be this trigger point, and you can cry."

Mei Mengzhen continued to recall the memories in her mind, the only impulse that made her cry was the death of her grandfather, thinking about the grievances she suffered when her parents were there, and thinking about how her grandfather protected and comforted her before, The tears really flowed out, but it was not good to cry, and it even turned into howling in the end.

Mei Mengzhen was completely emotionally broken, causing Fan Tianyu and Yan Keke who were not far away thought that something happened to her and went to comfort her for a while, then Mei Mengzhen stopped crying, and finally melted again. For a little sob.

After crying back and forth like this several times... Nothing changed at all, how ugly the crying should be, and it is still ugly, but Mei Mengzhen found the point that made her cry when she thought about it, and It's a happy event.

Mei Mengzhen said: "Teacher, can I watch the video? I want to observe how those people cry."


The acting teacher brought over the videos, which were all a collection of the actors' crying scenes. Mei Mengzhen observed other people's crying scenes, and then Mei Mengzhen learned while crying, and the teacher corrected her, Mei Mengzhen I really found a little bit of Guan Qiao in it.

The teacher sighed, "I hope you can maintain this level when you start shooting, and other problems will not be too big."

Although the crying scene is not perfect, it is enough for a novice. She cried all afternoon, and now her head hurts from crying. When she left here, Mei Mengzhen felt that she was vain , The soles of my feet were shaking when I walked.

Huang Jing said: "It's because I've been crying for a long time and I'm a little hypoxic. Go back to sleep, or get some oxygen."

Mei Mengzhen said weakly: "I want to sleep, just sleep will be fine."

She didn't know if she slept well or not, but at this moment she really wanted to soak in the water of the spiritual spring. She felt like her soul was about to cry just now.

As soon as the group got into the car, Mei Mengzhen leaned on the chair and consciously entered the space. When she soaked in the spiritual spring water, she felt much more comfortable in an instant. The feeling of feeling completely dissipated, I have to say, this spiritual spring can really cure all diseases.

Mei Mengzhen didn't dare to stay in the space for too long, her consciousness came out of the space after a few minutes.

The 20-minute drive was not far away. After returning to the hotel, although Mei Mengzhen's body was fine, her emotions could not be relieved for a while, but she still knew about the next day's announcement, Huang Jing said : "I'll see you on time in the parking lot at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. I'll send you to do styling first. The first scene is Teacher Ji's, and your side is the second scene."

If it wasn't for the second scene, she would have got up earlier, "You should have a good rest after you go back."

"Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work today."

As soon as Mei Mengzhen finished speaking, she threw herself into the room and fell directly on the bed.

Yan Keke has never cried like this before, and she doesn't quite understand Mei Mengzhen's feelings at the moment, but crying so hard is really tiring, "Zhenzhen, if you feel uncomfortable, go to bed early, or do you want to eat?" For something, you can call a food delivery person."

"I'm a little hungry, but I don't want to eat right now. I'll eat after I've recovered for a while."

Fan Tianyu frowned, and then thought that the courier from Xiyuan had arrived, so he said: "The courier from Xiyuan has arrived, I have someone send it back to my room, or I will find some food and bring it to you. "

"Okay, okay, okay, now I need food from Xiyuan to replenish my energy."

Fan Tianyu turned around and went back to his room. His couriers were piled up by the window. There were two boxes of red wine, two boxes of milk, one box of fruit juice mixed with various flavors, and two boxes of snacks. Fan Tianyu also I didn't choose, a box of snacks and a box of milk were taken to the next room.

Opening the snack box, Mei Mengzhen instantly felt that she didn't want to eat again. After all, there are only so many snacks in Xiyuan, and they only eat those flavors, whether they are small bread or chocolate, and she eats too much delicious food. I also want to change the taste.

Speaking of changing flavors, Mei Mengzhen wants to develop other snacks now.

For example, fruit, fruit can not only be made into juice, but also dried fruit, which can be processed into small packages and taken wherever you go.

There are also vegetables, dried vegetables are also delicious, especially okra, which was simply her favorite in later life, how come she didn't remember it in this life.

The most important thing is that there are some snacks mixed with melon seeds. Although there is no sun in her space, it is not impossible to grow sunflower seeds, watermelon seeds, and melon seeds of various flavors. As long as there are reflex seeds, she can produce them here. .

In addition, wheat can be used to make maltose, and maltose can also be used to produce autumn pear paste. There are spaces for sugar and pears...

Sugar cane can be made into brown sugar and brown sugar.

Also, she really wants to eat zongzi now. Ordinary rice can be grown in her space, why not glutinous rice? The glutinous rice that has been planted can be used to produce zongzi with various flavors, or to produce glutinous rice cakes, brown sugar glutinous rice cakes. Well.

In addition, mung bean cake, red bean cake, or all kinds of crispy snacks are fine.

Obviously the space can produce many different kinds of snacks, why didn't she know how to use her brain to make more, otherwise she wouldn't be hungry now.

Really, she used to be too easy to be satisfied, she really lived in a wealthy environment, and when she had nothing around her, she still felt that she didn't need anything, this is really a ghost.

Although she didn't want to eat, she couldn't stop her hunger. Mei Mengzhen took out a piece of chocolate, unwrapped it, and stuffed it into her mouth. Now I want to prepare the snacks.

The space and the space mall are good for this, as long as she knows what the source of the food is, she can produce it by planting the root of what she wants to eat.

She leaned on the bed and unpacked a bottle of milk. While drinking, she opened the space mall. Her eyes looked straight ahead without her needing to swipe, and her mind would directly open the place she wanted to look at, and then click to buy.

(End of this chapter)

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