Great Tang princess

Chapter 11 Strange Gifts

Chapter 11 Strange Gifts
Hearing Li Yuechen's question, Liu Shenwei was subconsciously taken aback, stroked his beard, and couldn't help laughing.

When I was in Yanying Hall just now, I saw this little princess staring at me with burning eyes. At that time, I thought there was something on her face that was not wiped clean.

Now I came here to ask this, because I am interested in medical skills.

Speaking of ordinary times, it is definitely not up to him, the imperial physician, to explain such trivial matters as popular science and medical skills to children.

But this one is a princess after all, Liu Shenwei thought about it, anyway, it's nothing wrong, so he roughly explained.

"The princess doesn't know something, this medical knowledge, I hope to hear and ask everything..."

Li Yuechen listened to his science popularization with his eyes wide open. On the surface, he listened extremely seriously, but in fact he didn't care about it at all.

Everything he did now was just to find a reason for the future plan.

After listening to Liu Shenwei's talk for a while, Li Yuechen asked: "According to what Imperial Physician Liu said, if I massage Grandpa's hands, will it relieve my fatigue?"

"It's rare for a princess to be so filial!" Liu Shenwei stroked his beard and nodded in praise.

In this day and age, filial children are always welcome.

"It is true in theory! There are many acupuncture points on both hands, but in practice, it is not that simple!"

After chatting with Liu Shenwei for about half an hour, Li Yuechen felt that the time was almost up, so he got up and said goodbye.

After leaving the Taichang Temple, he went straight to the Jiangzuojian. Now that he had left enough impressions on Liu Shenwei, Li Zhi would not doubt anything when he asked about it afterwards.

Hearing that the princess was coming, Jian Cheng, the craftsman supervisor, hurried out to greet her.

A middle-aged man in his forties trotted all the way to the door, bowed and saluted: "I don't know the princess is coming, my servant..."

Li Yuechen didn't want to waste time, so he interrupted directly: "Wang Li, Wang Jiancheng, can you help me find some blacksmiths to make some utensils?"

Wang Jiancheng stood up straight: "I don't know what kind of artifact the princess said?"

Li Yuechen raised his hand and gestured: "An iron ball of such a size."

"Iron ball?" Wang Jiancheng was stunned for a moment, then stroked his beard and nodded lightly, "This matter is simple, please follow me, Your Highness."

After entering the craftsman's workshop, Wang Jiancheng quickly recruited several blacksmiths.

Li Yuechen told these muscular blacksmiths about his requirements: "What I need is pure steel made into a sphere with a smooth surface and a weight of about a catty..."

In this era, steel actually exists, but it is not as easy to obtain as iron, and the cost is higher.

For these blacksmiths, making this steel ball is not difficult at all. The craftsmen who can work here are all national-level, and their professional skills are absolutely passable.

That's right, what Li Yuechen has to do is very simple, that is, in his previous life, he watched his grandfather spin the health ball in his hand.

She doesn't know in what era this thing appeared, but at least she can be sure that it doesn't exist in this era.

After discussing the size with the blacksmiths, Li Yuechen took his leave first, and made an agreement that Eunuch Fu would come and pick it up.

After returning to Chengxiang Hall, Li Yuechen continued to read and study, and practice calligraphy by the way.

Li Zhi and Wu Zetian are both calligraphers, the key point is that in this era, well-written characters can be used as business cards.

In order to become a well-behaved baby that parents love more, it is very necessary to practice good fonts.

Li Yuechen had never played with a brush in his previous life, and it was only in this era that he really started to get in touch with it.

But it doesn't matter, although he doesn't understand calligraphy with soft pens, he understands calligraphy with hard pens.

In my previous life, I also copied a lot of hard-tipped copybooks. Although I don’t know much about hard-tipped and soft-tipped calligraphy, there is always something I can figure out.

Generally speaking, the children of royal relatives and princes and aristocrats can enter the Guozijian to go to school when they are in their teens.

Although it is said that there are no female students in the Imperial College, as a princess of a country, she can still have some privileges if she wishes.

But Li Yuechen was not interested in things like the Four Books and Five Classics at all, just reading the Thousand-Character Classics as an enlightenment reading made her drowsy, let alone shaking her head with a bunch of ancient people.

But speaking of it, it seems that the Three Character Classic has not yet appeared in this era?
In the middle of the afternoon, seeing that the time was almost up, Xiao He entered the hall holding a bowl of yogurt.

I saw Li Yuechen in front of the desk muttering something to himself.

After walking in, I heard a small voice like a mosquito: "The way to teach is expensive. Expertise. The next sentence, what's the matter..."

"How about some yogurt, Your Highness?"

"Well, let it go."

Li Yuechen shook his head, forget it, he still can't remember.

There are really not many things in the liberal arts that I can think of, and the rest are basically returned to the teacher.

If I had known that there would be a day to travel to the Tang Dynasty, I would have memorized all Tang poetry and Song Ci in advance.

Forget it, let's copy the thousand-character prose obediently to practice calligraphy.

Seeing Li Yuechen picked up the pen after drinking the yogurt, Xiao He hurriedly helped him sharpen the ink.

Li Yuechen has been practicing calligraphy for several months, but this calligraphy... still feels a bit indescribable.

Mainly because of the habit of writing hard-tipped copybooks in the past, I always like to pause the pen.

However, there is still a difference between the stamping of the hard pen and the stamping of the soft pen. The method of stamping the soft pen will cause the starting, corner, hook, and pressing to appear a bit thick, while the connection points between the strokes are light and small, so it is like The blade is generally slender.

The words written in this way have a sense of sharpness visible to the naked eye.

The popular fonts in this era are regular script and cursive script, but Feibai script is also popular in the royal family.

The main reason is that Taizong Li Er likes it, so the cheap father Li Zhi was also good at it under his influence when he was a child, and my mother Wu Zetian probably practiced carefully in order to attract his attention before she was born.

So the couple are pretty good at it.

As for Li Yuechen...Come on, I can't write well in ordinary cursive script, let alone anything that is blurry.

After copying a thousand-character essay, Li Yuechen picked it up and looked at it carefully, and frowned slightly: "Why does it feel a bit like Lao Zhao's thin golden body that I saw online before?"

In fact, it was far away, but now that it has been so long, Li Yuechen's memory of the pictures he saw online has been blurred.

But because the brushwork is similar in many places, there is indeed a shadow of thin gold in it.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, and the light in the palace began to dim, Xiao He was already beckoning to light the lamp, and Li Yuechen put down the brush.

In order to protect her eyes, she will never read or write when the light is bad.

It just so happens that I have nothing to do, and I plan to go and play with my two older sisters. Now they all live in the same palace, which is much more convenient than before.

The life in the palace is actually quite boring. The two sisters have just finished reading and plan to take a rest.

Originally, Li Yuechen planned to go out and build a snowman, but considering that he was still young, it would be troublesome if he caught a cold, so he gave up.

Just wait for two days without snow and find someone to make two shuttlecocks to play with.

After fighting with his two older sisters until the sun went down, after dinner, Li Yuechen, who was still a child, had already started to feel sleepy.

After yawning, he raised his little hand to wipe away his tears, bid farewell to his two sisters, and went back to his bedroom to sleep.

Early the next morning, before the sun came out, Li Yuechen had already woken up.

After I got up and did a set of yoga in the palace, I went out for a few brisk walks, had some food, took a rest, and then started practicing.

I have already memorized all the routines taught by Liu Rengui, so I don't need to go there today, just practice in the palace.

In fact, people in this era eat two meals. One meal is around ten o'clock in the morning, and the other meal is around four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

But there are almost three meals in the palace, after all, I am really hungry when I wake up in the morning!

After practicing for a whole morning, after eating at noon, I continued to read and write in the afternoon.

When the sun was about to set, I went to find my two sisters to play and chat for a while.

The day passed quickly, and when dinner was about to be eaten at night, Eunuch Fu came back with a cloth bag.

"The utensils requested by His Highness have been prepared, please have a look."

Li Yuechen agreed and asked him to open the bag, then took out one and looked at it.

Eunuch Fu next to him couldn't help being a little surprised. He had already weighed it just now. The steel ball weighed almost a catty. He didn't expect that the little princess could hold it in his hand with ease.

For a three-year-old child, being able to hold it is nothing, but being able to grab it so easily with one hand really surprised him a bit.

You must know that her hands are still very small, and she can't hold the ball with a diameter of nearly six centimeters.

Now Li Yuechen is like an ordinary person holding a basketball with one hand, holding it in front of his eyes and studying it carefully.

Of course, she didn't realize that a catty in the Tang Dynasty was almost 670 grams more than a thousand years later, so the current actions are a bit unbelievable to Fu Gonggong.

He also picked up one in his left hand, touched it lightly, and there was a "clang" sound, accompanied by some echoes.

And from the degree of roundness, at least to the naked eye, it looks like a very standard round ball.

Li Yuechen couldn't help but nodded, he was indeed a skilled craftsman for the imperial court.

Originally, she was a little worried about whether she could make the desired effect, but now it seems that the handicraft skills of the ancients are definitely not bad.

"Where is Grandpa and Madam now?" Li Yuechen put the two balls in his hand into the bag.

"Go back to Your Highness, they are still in Yanying Hall!"

Li Yuechen raised his little hand and waved lightly: "Go! Take this thing with you!"

Eunuch Fu didn't know what they could be used for. Anyway, he got back a total of six, four of which were slightly larger, and two of which were a little smaller.

All the way to the Yanying Hall, the little eunuch outside the door saw the princess coming from a distance and hurried in to report.

When Li Yuechen walked to the door, Zhang Chengxin had already come out: "I have seen Your Highness."

"Eunuch Zhang, I'm here to see grandpa and grandma."

"The sage said, once your Highness comes down, just go in!"

Li Yuechen nodded, and walked in with Eunuch Fu: "Well, thank you, Eunuch Zhang."

"Don't dare!"

Li Yuechen said that thanking him is a habit from his previous life, but in this era, it always surprises the servants for a long time.

Entering the hall, I saw my old lady Wu Zetian was still sitting in front of the case with a pen reviewing the memorial, and Li Zhi was sitting beside her.

It is estimated that he is also in a hurry and is making tea by himself.

Seeing Li Yuechen coming in, a smile immediately appeared on his face: "Chen'er is here! Come and sit next to brother!"

"I've seen my parents." Li Yuechen suppressed a smile, and simply saluted.

The main reason is that the fact that Dad calls himself "brother" is really funny to the souls of later generations.

Even after so many years, this is still the case, and this joke still hasn't disappeared.

He came to Li Zhi and sat down, stretched out a pair of small hands close to the small stove to warm up.

The old lady Wu Zetian next to her was approving the memorial and asked casually, "Chen'er, I heard that you went to the Imperial Medical Office and then to the Craftsman Supervisor yesterday, what's the matter?"

Li Yuechen blinked: "My son saw the two adults working hard every day, so I asked Imperial Physician Liu if he could relieve fatigue. However, the way of medicine is profound, and my child doesn't understand it, but I heard that physician Liu said that massaging your hands is effective. My son can't accompany you all the time." By your side, go to the craftsman and supervisor to create something that can be replaced."


Having said that, Li Zhi seemed to be interested: "What kind of artifact is it?"

Li Yuechen waved to Eunuch Fu, took the bag over, found a pair of big iron balls and handed them to Li Zhi: "Grandfather, please have a look."

Li Zhi stretched out his hands, took them one by one and weighed them, with a questioning expression on his face: "How to use this?"

Li Yuechen stretched out his hand and put the two iron balls on his left hand, and explained at the same time: "My child thinks that letting them rotate like this in his hand may have the effect of massaging."

As he spoke, he controlled his hand to slowly rotate the two iron balls.

Li Zhi is about 1.8 meters tall, and his hands are not too small, almost just enough to hold them.

Under her reminder, she quickly understood how to play this thing. Although she didn't know if it would be effective, she still smiled: "Chen'er has a heart."

Li Yuechen took out another pair of small ones: "My mother has them too!"

Wu Zetian also seemed to be a little curious about this thing, so he picked it up and tried it, but he couldn't hold it and smashed it on the floor.

"It's still a little heavy!"

"The child thinks that a little weight is better."

It wasn't too difficult at first, and the two got started quickly, and then chatted with Li Yuechen while playing with it in their hands.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and Li Yuechen got up to leave. After all, there were obviously a lot of memorials on the table that had not been approved yet.

After his daughter went back, Li Zhi smiled: "Although it's a plaything, it's also Chen'er's filial piety!"

"Perhaps this thing is really effective." Wu Zetian replied.

"Oh?" Li Zhi raised his head, "How did you see that?"

Wu Zetian had a smile on his face: "Could it be that Your Majesty hasn't noticed? For more than half an hour, your hands have not stopped!"

Li Zhi looked down and saw that the two iron balls in his left hand were slowly spinning, and they never put them down when they were chatting just now.

"Hiss—" Li Zhi, who was belatedly aware of it, realized this time, "It seems that this thing is really extraordinary! Chen'er is really smart!"

Wu Zetian was a little puzzled, and raised her hand to rub her head: "I just don't know how she could think of it... When Liu Shenwei comes to check on His Majesty again in a few days, just ask for details."

(End of this chapter)

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