Great Tang princess

Chapter 111 The Princess Dances

Chapter 111 The Princess Dances
Generally speaking, there are two ways for a country to develop.

The first is to develop the army, launch a colonial war abroad, or win the war and ask the other party to cede land and pay support war with war.

The other is to develop commodities and people's livelihood, achieve internal circulation, and form healthy competition internally.

Li Yuechen prefers the second type, so after the glass comes out, he plans to use it to open up the market.

After determining the future development direction, the rest is to go all out and work hard towards the goal.

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it was December 24, the great cold.

The craftsman sent over the finished roller skates. Both sides of the shoes were sewn with flame-like patterns, which looked very beautiful.

Shangguan Wan'er sat beside her curiously: "Your Highness, with wheels under these feet, can people walk faster?"

Li Yuechen smiled: "After a while, I'll show you a demonstration and you'll know."

Although she was curious, Shangguan Wan'er could only wait until the Chinese New Year was over to see for herself what this thing was.

At the same time, the military supervisor also sent the assembled luxury Tang knife.

The outer layer is wrapped in black high-grade leather, and the top of the scabbard and the handle are embellished with gold. The connection is also a gold shell connected to a hook, which can be hung on the belt.

Li Yuechen drew the knife out of its sheath, and with a "crack", the all-black blade appeared, and the sharpened blade shone slightly in the sunlight.

In ancient times, black was the most respected, so such a knife is no problem even if it is used as the emperor's sword.

The more Li Yuechen watched it, the more he liked it, so he put down the scabbard and waved the knife in front of Linbo Pavilion.

The two elder sisters and Shangguan Wan'er stood at the door looking at Li Yuechen who was swinging a knife in the courtyard.

The combination of bright red clothes and all black weapons has a very strong visual impact.

However, after waving for a while, Xiao He suddenly ran over quickly: "Your Highness, how can you wield a weapon in the palace?"

Li Yuechen stopped and smiled: "It's okay, this is a gift I want to give to the saint during the Chinese New Year!"

As he spoke, he picked it up and made a chopping motion forward.

Because the handle is elongated and can be held with both hands, such a knife is more suitable for vigorous chopping.

After playing for a while, Li Yuechen felt very satisfied, closed the scabbard and placed it on his desk.

Then he took the two sisters and Shangguan Wan'er to play checkerboard.


There was no major event a year ago, but Gao Kan, who was sent out a few years ago in Liaodong, sent news.

He said that during this period of time, he had been urging Silla to hand over An Shun, but they seemed reluctant, and instead sent troops to fight him, and they were beaten back.

Now the former Koryo side has completely stabilized, but Silla currently has no plans to hand over An Shun.

Li Zhi asked the ministers for their opinions in the court, and the ministers all said it didn't matter.

Because of the benevolent government in Korea, no one responded to the rebellion last time, let alone now, An Shun can't make a difference at all.

Li Zhi agreed with this, so he sent someone to send a message, telling Gao Kan to just stabilize Gao Li's side first.

As for Silla, Datang is still plagued by drought and has no time to talk to him.

But if he dares to do something, just beat him up.


Amidst the peace, Datang ushered in New Year's Eve.

This year's New Year's Eve, the family ate at the Hall of Renshou.

But it was no longer Li Yuechen who did it himself. After a year of study, the craftsmanship of the royal chefs was already quite good.

All kinds of stir-fried dishes with good color, fragrance and taste were placed on the big round table in Renshou Hall. The whole family sat around the table and exchanged glasses.

Li Yuechen thought that if he had a mobile phone right now, he would order to take a video and send it to his elder brother Li Hong, so that he could take a good look at it.

It is estimated that Li Xian also wanted to go together, turned sideways and secretly lowered his voice: "Yuechen, how about I write a letter to tell my brother about the situation in a few days?"

Li Yuechen smiled and said, "I think he will beat you up."

Several brothers and sisters all laughed.

Seeing the children making fun of each other, Li Zhi couldn't help laughing. Since the New Year's Eve banquet was canceled, this year has become more and more comfortable.

And I don't have to put on airs when I face my family, I don't feel tired at all, it's very relaxing.

After eating, the family played the Tang Dynasty version of Werewolf for a while. It was not until midnight that Li Zhi announced that there would be a grand court meeting tomorrow and asked them to go back and rest early.


Li Yuechen has always had the habit of getting up early. After getting up early to practice yoga, after eating, Xiao He quickly called a few maids to come over and help her put on her court clothes.

This is the first time for Li Yuechen to participate in this kind of grand meeting, so it must be very troublesome.

Today, officials from all over the country will come to see the ceremony, although most of them can only kneel and worship from a distance outside the hall, and it is impossible to see what the emperor looks like.

But even so, the number of people is not small at all, let alone foreign envoys.

Arriving at the gate of Qianyuan Hall early, Li Yuechen's first feeling was that there were so many people.

Not only were the ministers standing at the gate of the hall, but even the square below was full of people, like sardines in the sea.

Seeing Li Yuechen approaching, the officials in front saluted one after another: "I have seen Her Royal Highness, Your Highness has a happy New Year!"

"Everyone is free, happy new year!"

In fact, she doesn't know many ministers here, and even fewer have spoken to them.

So he hurriedly ran to Master Liu Rengui, and smiled sweetly: "Master, Happy New Year!"

"Your Highness is in good health!" Liu Rengui said with a smile, "This court dress fits me well."

Li Yuechen pointed to the Tongtian Crown on his head: "It's uncomfortable to wear, I'll take it off after the noon banquet."

"Today's court meeting, let's bear with it." Liu Rengui advised with a smile, "Otherwise, what will the ministers and foreign envoys think of it?"

"It's okay, I've prepared a show today, so it doesn't matter if I pick it up." Li Yuechen smiled.

While chatting, the sun also rose from the east, and the entire palace began to wake up, shrouded in the first round of glory of the new year.

The palace gate opened, and the ministers filed in.As a princess, Li Yuechen still stood in front of the ministers.

After the ministers stood still, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian walked out from the passage.

Standing on the dragon chair, Li Zhi, who was wearing a crown, knelt down first, then spread his arms and folded them over his abdomen, letting his wide sleeves cover his body.

After such a set of movements, the bead curtain hanging from the crown was almost motionless and quite stable.

Seeing this complicated movement, Li Yuechen decided to talk to Li Zhi after going back, change this dragon chair to the one in the TV series, it should be much more comfortable than this kind of kneeling.

Wu Zetian behind the bead curtain glanced at her daughter, nodded slightly, and sat down.

Zhang Chengxin next to him took a step forward and shouted in a sharp voice: "Court———"

Li Yuechen knelt down and worshiped with all the officials at the same time, shouting: "Long live the emperor!"

The musicians who had been waiting for a long time began to play, and Li Yuechen got up and danced with the officials.

To be honest, she didn't even know what she was dancing, but what she wanted this day was a lively atmosphere, and she didn't have any specific requirements for the movements, just a few dances and it was over.

Li Yuechen looked at the master behind him, and imitated his movements similar to Mongolian wrestling and jumped up.

At the same time, Li Yuechen thought in his heart that the officials inside the palace were fine, and now the officials outside the palace were probably jumping along, but the emperor couldn't see it either, so they could only admire each other.

After dancing for about 3 minutes, Zhang Chengxin's sharp voice sounded again: "Bye again——"

So all the officials stopped, bowed down one after another, and shouted in unison: "Long live!"

Then continue to dance, and with the third sound, kneel down and shout again: "Long live!" This matter is completely over.

The next step is to read parallel prose in charge of Prime Minister Yan Liben, to praise the merits of the emperor, how happy the life of the people in the Tang Dynasty is now, to thank the gods and the like...

Moreover, this parallel prose must rhyme neatly, and it must have a sense of rhythm when read out, and it will be recorded as historical materials, so literariness must also be considered...

After reading the parallel prose, it is the gift offering session. The ministers and foreign envoys have to offer gifts, and the emperor will return the gifts and reward something.

Generally, only the courtiers and foreign envoys in the main hall can participate in this link. For those outside, they will hand over the gift to the eunuch who is responsible for receiving it, and then receive a sum of money on the spot, which is regarded as the emperor's return gift.

It stands to reason that this link started with the prince, but since the emperor made him stay in Chang'an to supervise the country this year, it was tiring to go back and forth, so he told him not to come back.

So at the beginning of this link, Li Yuechen was naturally allowed to do it for him.

Li Yuechen walked out of the team and offered the Tang Dao in his hands, Zhang Chengxin took it and showed it to Li Zhi.

People in Tang Dynasty are very martial, so it is normal for them to take weapons as gifts.

The moment he saw this knife, not only Li Zhi was a little curious, but all the civil and military officials below were also curious.

Speaking of it, the changes seem to be small, just adding a hand guard, but when you think about it carefully, this is actually a groundbreaking invention.

Li Zhi pulled out the knife with a "crack", and the moment he saw the black blade, his eyes lit up: "Okay! Not bad!"

The generals below also had their eyes lit up, wondering how the blade turned black.

I have to say that this knife is really handsome. The moment it was unsheathed, it has attracted almost everyone's attention.

Especially Li Zhi, he fell in love with this sword at first sight, and wondered whether he should use it as a royal sword.

Li Yuechen didn't care about it, anyway, the emperor's imperial sword was just a decoration, and it couldn't be used to kill people.

Since ancient times, there have been many examples of emperors personally beheading people in court, but it can be said that there are almost none.

Therefore, as long as the sword is handsome, it is enough, whether it is sharp or not does not mean much.

After putting away the knife, the emperor gave his daughter a jade statue of an old monarch, about [-] centimeters high.

Then there were gifts from other ministers and foreign envoys, and the emperor also gave gifts in return on the spot.

After such a set of procedures is completed, it will be almost noon, and it is time to hold a banquet.

The ministers and foreign envoys sat on both sides, and the space in the middle was not small. After a while, musicians and dancers from the workshop would come to perform. When the banquet was almost over, the officials and the emperor would also dance and perform.

At that time, it will be the stage for Li Yuechen to play.

The banquet began soon. Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, who sat on the top, raised their wine glasses, announced the end of the year and their sentiments, looked forward to the future and the goals for next year, and then announced the start of the banquet.

The ministers and foreign envoys also raised their wine glasses one after another, and the first glass of wine was offered to the Emperor and Empress together.

Li Yuechen looked at the sanle pulp in the cup, and raised his glass together, wishing together.

The musicians began to play music, and the dancers from the teaching workshop entered the arena and began to perform.

Li Yuechen sat at the front of the ministers, and didn't eat too much, because there was going to be a performance later on, so just eat a little to make sure he wasn't hungry.

Vigorous exercise after eating too much would put a considerable burden on the internal organs, so she just took a few casual bites.

While exchanging cups and glasses, it seemed that the time was almost up, and the ministers also began to dance along with them.

After Li Zhi saw it, he waved away the dancers, leaving only the musicians to continue playing.

More and more ministers and foreign envoys came to the stage and started dancing. The dances of different countries and different nationalities began to collide with each other at this moment.

Li Yuechen looked at this scene, and suddenly wanted to stand up and shout: "You guys stop! Don't fight anymore!"

But after thinking about it, I still didn't do it. After all, it's not raining now, is it?

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Yuechen went off to change clothes and shoes.

In today's scene, all the ministers danced, including the emperor, and it was not appropriate for her to sit down alone.

If it is normal, you can also go to accompany your mother.But now that he is an official and in front of foreign envoys, it is impossible not to play.

After changing his clothes, putting on his roller skates, and combing his hair, Li Yuechen came outside the main entrance of Qianyuan Hall.

In order to make the dance appear to drift, a scarf was added between the two arms.

Originally, Xiao He wanted her to put on makeup, but Li Yuechen said that he would not put on those cosmetics that added heavy metals.

Wearing roller skates and skating all the way to the gate of Qianyuan Hall, Li Yuechen twisted his neck and prepared to enter.

Accompanied by the sudden change of the musician's rhythm, Li Yuechen ran a few steps on tiptoe, and quickly slid to the gate of Qianyuan Hall.

With a flick of his right leg, he jumped up, turned around in the air, and jumped over the threshold before hitting the ground with one foot.

Then he opened his arms and leaned back, as if lying in mid-air, he slid lightly to the center of Qianyuan Hall.

Li Zhi's couple and everyone in the hall opened their eyes wide in surprise, and the ministers also stopped their movements, looking at Li Yuechen who was slowly gliding to the center of the hall.

The musicians had already known in advance that the princess would perform on stage today, so even though they were curious, the rhythm of the music remained unchanged.

Li Yuechen didn't care about their surprise, and grinned lightly, revealing a smile.

Originally wearing a ponytail, this smile seems to be in line with the sweetness of a child.But now that her hair is tied up, her temperament has changed. She is still a little girl, but her smile looks a little more charming.

While swinging his arms to the music, he swayed his feet lightly, and the whole person has already slid around the middle of the hall again.

She kept changing her skating posture, sliding forward, backward and sideways, nimbly passing by the ministers who were stunned in place.

When he came to Li Zhi and his wife, he spun in a circle and stopped, bowed and smiled: "I will perform a dance, and I wish the two adults a happy new year!"

 Thanks to [Alalala] for the reward of 500 starting coins!
  Thank you [Graffiti Board under the Night] for the reward of 500 starting coins!
  Thanks to [lm876a] for the 500 starting coins!
  Thank you [book friend 20210330125916722] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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