Great Tang princess

Chapter 119 Editorial Candidates

Chapter 119 Editorial Candidates

In the morning of the next day, Li Yuechen took a shower as fast as he could after practicing, and then drew what he wanted on the table before eating lunch.

In the afternoon, I took a few carpenters to Mangshan Mountain. When I came to the slope, I handed them the drawings in my hand, and explained to them what I wanted while showing them the drawings.

To put it simply, long strips of wood are laid on the hillside as tracks, and then the wheels are made into a shape similar to train wheels with a wooden cart, which can just be stuck inside.

Build a big wheel on the mountain, similar to the kind of potter's wheel used to lift well water, but instead of one person, there are two, which can save a lot of labor.

At the same time, let the blacksmith make a ratchet to prevent the car from slipping down if it is lost.

Generally speaking, it is a relatively simple device, which was used when I heard from my grandfather that they worked in the commune of that era.

In this day and age, these things are actually quite simple, the real difficulty lies in the road.

Li Yuechen wanted to take a break to rectify the road, but found that he couldn't find a suitable way.

The simplest road rolling is something that is difficult to guarantee. There are no road rollers in this era, and this kind of tedious work is done by people with wooden stakes. The efficiency is too low.

In fact, it is not impossible to pull a round stone wheel with livestock, but that is only suitable for flat roads, let's forget about this kind of uphill road.

The carpenters quickly understood what she wanted, and immediately nodded to express that there was no problem, and it would be done soon.

These carpenters have been completely impressed by the princess's whimsy recently, and the things she designed must be usable!

After the matter over there was settled, Li Yuechen started to work on another thing besides class—movable type printing.

Now that it is decided to make a newspaper, it is impossible to complete it by hand copying, and printing is imperative.

So two days later, Li Yuechen came to Renshou Hall with two brand new scrolls.

Li Zhi looked forward to seeing it: "What is this? Could it be that Chen'er has written a new novel about ghosts?"

"No, it's empty." Li Yuechen smiled and opened the scroll.

"Bring two empty scrolls, what do you mean?"

Li Yuechen smiled mysteriously: "My child wants two adults to write a thousand-character essay here with their favorite fonts, plus various other characters."

Wu Zetian raised her eyebrows, she was already very tired from reviewing memorials here every day, and she was actually asked to copy a thousand-character essay.

However, he did not lose his temper directly, but asked first, "What is Chen'er planning to use?"

"When Hai'er's paper-making workshop is successful, and I want to distribute newspapers, I will print them with my mother's font."

Li Zhi twirled the health ball in his hand: "What is this newspaper?"

Li Yuechen poured a few cups of tea, sat across the desk and explained to him.

After listening to their daughter's explanation, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

If this kind of thing appears, it is indeed a good thing that can stabilize the imperial power!
Of course, once this thing comes out, it will definitely make the ministers go crazy.

But in essence, it's not a big deal. In the final analysis, this thing is just a notice, but it's just a different form.

In the past, the so-called announcement of something to the world was just a notice posted on the outer wall of the imperial city, which most people would not read.

After all, the literacy rate is too low in this era, and only some scholars will go to see it. When they are in a good mood, they may explain it to the people around them who are watching the excitement.

But this is only limited to the capital city. In other cities, how much this notice can achieve is a local matter.

After all, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and many things in the local area are blind to the emperor.

Seeing the surprise in the eyes of the two, Li Yuechen leaned on the table with his upper body: "In this way, in the future, the child will use the calligraphy of his parents to print newspapers, so that the whole world can know the characters of the two adults. Of course, In the future, if there are good ministers, you can also publish their fonts..."

"Okay, then write about it." Li Zhi was clearly interested.

Li Yuechen nodded: "Remember to write smaller characters, but with larger spacing, so that it will be convenient for craftsmen to make."

"Okay, okay..." Li Zhi agreed with a smile, "I'm quite fast, but Mei Niang helps me review the memorials every day, so I guess it will be slower."

"It's okay, I'll pick it up after mom and dad finish writing it." Li Yuechen smiled.

After his daughter left, Li Zhi couldn't help laughing as he looked at the two blank scrolls in front of him.

"I can't think of it... I can't think of it! Once this thing comes out, some people shouldn't be able to sit still?"

Wu Zetian next to him also had a smile on his face: "If you can't sit still, you have to sit. This is a conspiracy!"


Li Yuechen, on the other hand, went to the craftsman supervisor, intending to discuss with the craftsmen what is better to use to make movable type.

Speaking of which, the textbooks seem to say that wood is not suitable for movable type, and it seems that copper movable type or lead movable type are better.

And these two things are not particularly rare in this era.

Not to mention bronze wares, but many cosmetics used by women contain lead powder.

Some people even think that lead can be used as medicine.

When a group of blacksmiths saw the princess sitting on the table, eating yogurt with her legs crossed, they knew that there must be something important to do.

After saluting, Li Yuechen waved his hands and asked them to sit down where they were, and then began to talk to them about movable type printing.

In this era, block printing has already appeared, but the cost is still a bit high.

Movable type printing, although it is troublesome to do, once it is completed, the subsequent maintenance is relatively simple.

After learning about movable type printing, Li Yuechen said: "Although clay characters should be fine, considering the durability, I still hope to use copper and iron or other materials to make them. Do you have any suggestions?"

A blacksmith thought for a while: "The things His Highness said must have the nature of ink, copper and iron can be used..."

Li Yuechen nodded: "The cost of copper and iron is still high, how about lead?"

"I don't know. After all, there is no example." The old blacksmith on the opposite side shook his head, "But if Your Highness is not in a hurry, I can try it later!"

"Then let's try." Li Yuechen nodded, "This matter is very important, and it must be carried out as soon as possible!"

"Here!" the blacksmith agreed.


The clay movable type at the blacksmith has already started, and the papermaking workshop outside the city has also begun to be built.

Li Yuechen planned to use bamboo to make paper, because the cost of this thing is low, and it can reduce the price of paper a lot.

Although the paper made from bamboo may not be that white and clean, for most poor students, some use should be good.

As for the newspaper, I didn't expect to make money from it. To be precise, this thing not only doesn't make money, but also posts it upside down.

Because what the newspaper wants is the effect of public opinion, it must not be sold too expensive, just set the price at two Kaiyuan Tongbao.

The only troublesome thing is that bamboo needs to be soaked for at least three months before making paper. Simply, the papermaking workshop has not yet been fully completed, so you can prepare a batch of bamboo for soaking.

The next day, Li Yuechen went to the Shangyi Bureau again.

Now that they have cotton and can make cotton cloth, gauze should also be able to be made.

When the paper mill opens, when the waste water is to be discharged, it must be filtered at least several times with gauze to ensure that Luoshui will not be wasted to the greatest extent.

Li Yuechen also knew that it was impossible to protect the environment in this era, but at least he should pay attention to where he could, and try to leave as much wealth as possible for future generations.

After telling the Shangyi Bureau to try making gauze, the matter here is temporarily over.

Considering that the newspaper publishes news for the royal family, then the editor-in-chief of the newspaper must be his own talent.

After thinking about it, Li Yuechen decided to let Princess Yiyang be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, and Shangguan Wan'er be the editor.

First of all, Princess Yiyang is one of her own, and she is also a princess of the royal family.

Secondly, Shangguan Wan'er grew up with her since she was a child, so she must listen to her.

What's more, she was actually responsible for compiling the original hundred surnames. In terms of literary talent, I can completely trust her ability.

You know, this is the future female prime minister, and being a newspaper editor or something must be something that is within reach.

Two days later, Li Yuechen did not go out in the afternoon, but called Princess Yiyang and Shangguan Wan'er to him.

"Sister, Wan'er, after a while, when my paper-making workshop is completed, I plan to publish a newspaper. At that time, I will need your help to serve as the editor-in-chief and editor."

The two looked at each other with a look of confusion in their eyes.

"Chen'er, I've never heard of this title." Princess Yiyang asked, "What should I do?"

Shangguan Wan'er next to her also nodded to express the same question.

Li Yuechen explained to them what a newspaper is, and then concluded: "Simply put, it is to gather information in one place, not only to inform the imperial court's policies, but also to publish news about people missing, strange novels or other information. ..."

After figuring it out, Princess Yiyang asked cautiously: "This is a big deal, this..."

"Don't worry, Grandpa agrees!" Li Yuechen smiled, "And let me do it freely!"

Hearing what she said, Princess Yiyang nodded: "There is no problem over there!"

Shangguan Wan'er next to her seemed a little nervous, but her big bright eyes still showed determination: "As long as I can help His Highness, I will do my best!"

Li Yuechen touched her head and grinned: "Well, I believe you are fine!"

Seeing her trusting smiling face, Shangguan Wan'er also smiled slightly.


A few days later, Li Yuechen went to Mang Mountain to see how their blast furnace was doing.

Not to mention, the general shape has already come out, and the track has been paved with wooden strips on the nearby hillside.

Just as Li Yuechen said, the tires of a car are made into a structure similar to train wheels, which can be pulled up by a rope very easily.

A large amount of soil was brought up and used to raise the platform. The platform was only three feet high, but the blast furnace designed by Li Yuechen was five feet high, so the platform had to be raised to five feet high first.

The craftsmen dug out the grooves for the blast furnace bit by bit on the platform, and the masons were discussing how to build it...

Li Yuechen, who saw this scene next to him, couldn't help but nodded. If high-quality steel can be mass-produced, it should make the weapons of the Tang army to a higher level.

After thinking about it, he beckoned to Fulai: "Bring some of the gray-black stone used to make glass, and let them do some experiments to see if they can make higher-quality steel."

Fulai was surprised: "That gray-black stone has such an effect?"

"I don't know, but it's worth trying." Li Yuechen shook his head.

She has heard of manganese steel, but she is completely unclear about the proportion.

So on this point, she can't give any advice to the craftsmen, she can only let them try it slowly.

If manganese steel is really made one day, it can be a good weapon for Master Liu Rengui.

As a veteran on the battlefield, weapons should be a gift that cannot be refused at all.

Li Yuechen, who was in a good mood, couldn't help laughing.

Now that the blast furnace, papermaking workshop and movable type printing have all entered the process, it won't take long for Datang to usher in brand-new changes.

When returning to the palace, Li Yuechen sat in the carriage, pursed his mouth and whistled.

Fu Lai listened for a while, then suddenly said: "I never thought His Highness is so familiar with the rhythm."

I am familiar with a yarn, these are all songs that will be familiar in the future, okay?
Li Yuechen shook his head and smiled: "It's just bragging."

But speaking of this, if you really want to talk about the talent in music, it should be the father Li Zhi first, and the second brother Li Xian second.

Although he said that he always dragged his younger brother to make trouble when he had nothing to do, but Li Xian's literary talent was really good, and he was also very talented in rhythm.

At that time, we should see if we can choose some suitable songs for the second brother, so that he can compose the complete music.


Time passed day by day, and soon came April.

There is not much news worth paying attention to recently. The only thing that remains the same is that Gao Kan and Silla have some conflicts breaking out from time to time.

And I don't know if they want a piece of the action. Recently, even Mohe people have started to come and hang around from time to time, wanting to see if they can find a chance to grab a wave.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Li Zhi rubbed his head helplessly after listening to the report below.

To be honest, the current Tang Dynasty is really not a good time to use swords, but it is not a big deal for the Silla people to always harass them like this.

Liu Rengui, Pei Xingjian and other battlefield veterans have come forward to say that they are willing to lead troops into battle and beat him up.

But the current Datang has insufficient food and grass, and it is really not suitable for large-scale wars.

Military generals can fight as soon as their brains are hot, but the emperor can't. He must consider whether fighting this war can guarantee benefits.

And to be honest, it can't be called war, it's just friction at most.

After thinking about it, Li Zhi finally gave an order to let Li Jinxing lead [-] troops to help Gao Kan in the past.

Try not to take the initiative to get out of the station, but if they dare to take the initiative to do things again, they will beat him up!
Li Yuechen in the passage heard this decision and called out that he deserved to be the emperor, this situation is just different.

You know, Li Jinxing himself is also from Mohe, so if the father dares to issue such an order, is it also with a sense of temptation?
Li Yuechen lowered his head and thought.

She herself didn't realize that, inadvertently, she had already started to think from the perspective of the emperor.

 Thanks to [Alalala] for the reward of 300 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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