Great Tang princess

Chapter 123 The Big Brother Chapter Is Here

Chapter 123 Big Brother is Back

Li Yuechen, who dodged for a while, saw that it was almost done, so he rushed over and hugged his mother.

"Oh, don't be angry, Auntie. If you break the baby, no one will really love you in the future." As he spoke, he showed a cute smile.

Seeing her daughter like this, the mother was really reluctant to hit her. In desperation, she just stretched out her finger and poked her on the forehead: "You girl can make people happy."

"Hey, as long as my parents are happy, I will be happy." Li Yuechen said with a smile.

Seeing that the mother and daughter had finished fighting, Li Zhi stood up beside him: "Chen'er, in this way, there will be no shortage of ice in the summer of Tang Dynasty in the future?"

"Theoretically, it is true, but the production of saltpeter in Datang is not much now, so it is still necessary to store it in the ice cellar. But don't worry too much, the saltpeter in this basin can still be recycled and reused!"

Li Zhi was a little surprised: "This saltpeter has been dissolved in water, how to recover it?"

"It's not difficult to say, it's just..."

Li Yuechen probably popularized the science of how to do this thing, thinking that when he was in high school, when the chemistry teacher did this experiment, he really surprised many people.

Then he added: "By the way, this water soaked in saltpeter is not drinkable, it's poisonous!"

"No wonder it needs to be done through a bowl." Li Zhi nodded to show he understood.

Li Yuechen was taken aback suddenly: "And with this thing, almost everyone can afford Sushan in the summer of the Tang Dynasty."

"That's right..." Li Zhi nodded, "It's really a blessing from Tang Dynasty."

Wu Zetian lowered his head and thought for a while: "Chen'er, it's better not to make this method public for now."

"Okay." Li Yuechen nodded, "But the boy plans to sell iced yogurt in that shop, and it will be cheaper, so that the people in the city can spend a cool summer."

Li Zhi nodded: "It's rare for Chen'er to be sympathetic to the common people, of course he can."

"And after a while, when the juniors go out for an outing together, the young slaves can also give some shaved ice to make them have a better time." Wu Zetian suggested.

This idea is really good. At that time, so many juniors will contribute a lot of shaved ice, and this summer will also reward some more ice cubes to show the mighty grace of the emperor.

Li Zhi nodded: "Well, let Zhang Chengxin handle this matter."

As Li Zhi's close personal manager, this guy is still very trustworthy in this kind of matter.

Li Yuechen chipped away the ice cubes in the other bowls, and then poured yogurt on it.

After distributing a share to the parents, Li Yuechen asked: "Then why don't you ask Manager Zhang to come in and try it too, it's too hot to watch outside."

"Okay!" Li Zhi nodded with a smile.

"Director Zhang, come in!" Li Yuechen yelled.

Zhang Chengxin hurried in: "What orders does Your Highness have?"

"It's really hot outside, come drink some iced yogurt." Li Yuechen handed him a bowl with a smile.

"Oh, thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!" Zhang Chengxin hastily stretched out his hands to catch it respectfully.

Li Zhi talked about how to make this ice, and then said: "I will leave this matter to you! Find some trustworthy people, this recipe must not be leaked!"

"Here! Saint, don't worry, this servant will definitely do his best!" Zhang Chengxin quickly agreed.

There are still some ice cubes left here, Li Yuechen made some new ones, and asked Zhang Chengxin to send someone to deliver them to his two sisters.

Then in the Hall of Renshou, a new set of things was prepared, and he was shown how to use saltpeter to make ice, and he was also told how to recycle the saltpeter in the water and reuse it.

"There is no threshold for this method, it is really simple, so it must be kept secret, and it must not be guessed by others." Li Yuechen warned, "There are nothing more than two points that need to be paid attention to: First, the water soaked in saltpeter is poisonous. Drink. Second, if you use a copper bowl to make it, the freezing speed will be faster than that of a porcelain bowl..."

After explaining these things, the rest of Li Yuechen didn't care, and let them do whatever they wanted.

As for whether to put cheese or juice on top of the shaved ice, let the royal chefs think about it slowly.


After returning to Anfu Palace, Li Yuechen called Fulai over: "Wang Xiang, I'm going to sell some shaved ice in summer and increase the number of people. I can't disclose this recipe for now."

"Here!" Fulai agreed, and went to do it immediately.

As soon as she returned to the hall and sat down, Shangguan Wan'er came over with a small bowl of iced yogurt: "Your Highness, the sage gave me some iced yogurt today, and my two Highnesses rewarded me with some. Do you want to try it?"

"I just came back from Renshou Hall, you can eat it yourself." Li Yuechen touched her head with a smile, and joked, "But you still remember me, so it's not in vain to treat you normally."

Shangguan Wan'er nodded seriously: "This slave will never forget Your Highness!"

"Ah, very good!"


A few days later, Li Yuechen went to the farm to teach the children as usual.

After explaining the main points of today's knowledge, let them practice on their own as usual, and make random checks later.

Normally this has become management and the kids didn't say anything.

"By the way, everyone has to participate in today's spot check, and those who can answer correctly will be rewarded with a bowl of iced yogurt!" Li Yuechen laughed.

In this era, yogurt is one of the popular drinks that ordinary people can afford, and the cost of making ice with saltpeter is really quite low.

My students have been very serious about their studies recently, so it's time to give some rewards.

This group of children is also striving for success. Everyone studies very seriously, not for rewards, but for the future to be able to repay Li Yuechen's kindness to them.

In addition, what is taught now is not difficult, and they are serious about learning, so during random checks, even though Li Yuechen asked each of them different questions, they still answered them accurately.

"Okay, it's all good!" Li Yuechen praised, "I invite you to eat iced yogurt today!"

While talking, he asked Fulai to take out the ice yogurt that had been made in the carriage and distribute it to them.

There were more than [-] plainclothes guards standing near the carriage, and no one was allowed to approach it.

Lu Zhaolin, who was listening to the class next to him, also got two bowls. After thanking Li Yuechen with his wife, he began to taste them with a smile on his face.

After the children thanked Li Yuechen, they ran away one after another to share a drink with their parents.

Seeing the surprise smiles on the faces of these children just because of a bowl of iced yogurt, Li Yuechen couldn't help feeling a sense of accomplishment in his heart.


April 28, Xiaoman.

Even though the prince's frame was light and easy to carry, it still took more than half a month to return to Dongdu.

Li Yuechen, who received the news in advance, informed his parents, and took his own carriage ten miles out of the city to meet him in advance.

After the carriage stopped, the prince's carriage was still not in sight.

Li Yuechen came out of the carriage, sat on the carriage frame and leaned against the door frame, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

After a while, Fulai reminded: "Your Highness, you can see the frame of His Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Yuechen opened his eyes, slowly stood up and looked forward.

On the not-so-wide official road, you can already see a guard of honor marching slowly, the cavalry holding the flag in front clears the way, and the army led by the Sixth Commander of the East Palace behind protects a luxury carriage and slowly drives forward.

Although Prince Li Hong didn't know that his sister was waiting outside the city, the army in front had already seen her carriage.

When Li Yuechen came over today, he didn't let the guards wear plain clothes, but were fully armed.

This is also for convenience, so that the other party can recognize at a glance that he is one of his own, otherwise the process of checking the identity is too troublesome.

Of course, it is indeed a bit hot to wear armor in such hot weather, and Li Yuechen knew it, so everyone rewarded them with iced yogurt.

The six rates of the East Palace can be divided into three armies in total, namely the Chaocheng Army, the Luben Army and the Zhidang Army.

Of course, it can also be called the rate of the left and right guards, the rate of the left and right officials, and the rate of the left and right clearing roads.

The super-passenger army who was in charge of opening the way ahead saw the heavily armed prison guards on the official road ahead, waved to slow down the team behind, and ran over quickly on horseback.

When he came closer, he was shocked when he saw the little girl in the red dress on the carriage, and hurriedly dismounted to salute: "I have seen Her Royal Highness."

"Well, no courtesy." Li Yuechen jumped off the frame, "Stop the team, I'll take my elder brother's car."


The soldier on the opposite side promised, quickly got on the horse, turned the horse's head and ran back, ordering the team to stop.

Li Yuechen also trotted all the way to Li Hong's frame, and just stopped in front of the frame, when he heard Li Hong's voice: "Ahem... why did you stop?"

"Brother! I'm here to pick you up!"

At the same time as he shouted, Li Yuechen climbed directly into the carriage and was about to open the curtain to get in.

However, just after the curtain was lifted, Li Hong hadn't even seen Li Hong's appearance clearly, when he yelled, "Get out!"

"Huh?" Li Yuechen was taken aback, "What happened?"

"Ahem..." Li Hong coughed heavily, "Wei brother is sick, if Yuechen comes in, it may be affected too!"

People in this era already have a certain concept of infectious diseases, but it is not too clear.

After explaining a sentence, Li Hong coughed again.

Li Yuechen, who was already standing on the frame, frowned, it wasn't because he had a cold!There is obviously something wrong with the strength and sound of this cough.

Coughing has a feeling of metal friction, not like the coughing sound of a cold.

However, just to be on the safe side, I still asked, "But did you catch a cold?"

"You should be coughing...not...cough don't cough coughing...come in."

Hearing the coughing sound coming from inside the carriage, Li Yuechen nodded: "Okay, Yuechen won't go in. Brother, you should continue on your way first."

Li Yuechen jumped off the frame, and Li Hong's eunuch Lu Sheng, who was usually in charge of serving, raised his hand and was about to come over to support her.

But Li Yuechen grabbed his wrist: "When did brother start coughing?"

Lu Sheng whispered: "Returning to Your Highness, it started at the end of last year, and it has been nearly five months now."

"Five months..." Li Yuechen frowned, "Did anyone else experience the same symptoms during this time?"

"Not found." Lu Sheng replied.

Li Yuechen waved his hand and returned to his carriage.

"Your Highness?" Fulai didn't know why she came back suddenly, and her face was gloomy.

"Go back to the palace first!"

Li Yuechen didn't say much, just climbed into his carriage and got in.

Fulai agreed, let the prison guard drive, turned around and returned to the palace.

Inside the carriage, Fulai kept secretly turning his eyes to observe Li Yuechen, wondering what happened to her.

On the other hand, Li Yuechen sat down by the carriage, thinking about Li Hong's illness with a gloomy face.

It's not a cold, and there is an obvious sound like metal friction when coughing, it might be pneumonia!

Pneumonia is still very likely to be contagious, so just now Li Yuechen asked if anyone else had the same symptoms.

But since there is no such thing, it means that his type of pneumonia does not seem to be contagious.

Of course, this is just speculation, and I dare not draw [-]% conclusions.

But regardless of whether it is contagious or not, this matter itself is very troublesome, and Li Yuechen couldn't help but worry.

In this era without antibiotics, this disease is terminally ill!
Either count on a miracle to heal itself, otherwise, it is tantamount to a death sentence!

Li Yuechen's expression suddenly became a little terrified. Of course, she didn't want her elder brother to die like this.

But she doesn't know how to extract things like penicillin!

To talk about other things, there is more or less a general impression and direction, which can be studied by the following people by themselves.

But this kind of thing, apart from knowing the name, really knows nothing!

It can even be said that there is no direction at all!From the name, it is known that it is extracted from green plums, but the question is how to extract it?do not know!

Fulai next to him watched Li Yuechen leaning on the carriage in a daze with a terrified expression on his face. He wanted to ask something, but he didn't dare to disturb him, so he could only keep his mouth shut.

The carriage returned to the imperial palace and stopped after entering the imperial city. Li Yuechen got up and jumped off the carriage, and came to the prince's carriage and looked worriedly.

Li Hong came out from the car frame, his face was a little pale, he saw Li Yuechen standing beside him with a worried face, and waved his hands slightly.

"Yuechen, please stay away, you are still young, in case it is passed to you..."

Li Yuechen shook his head with a smile, but instead took a step forward: "It's okay, since everyone around brother is fine, I'm sure I'll be fine too."

This is not a gamble, Li Yuechen knows his body very well.

She was born with supernatural power, and even though she is only eight years old, her strength has surpassed most adults.With such a body, the resistance will naturally not be bad.

Since no one around Li Hong was infected, he would be fine.

Besides, not all pneumonias are contagious, and this depends on the specific situation.

Coughing every day made Li Hong's body a little weak, and he felt weak when he got off the car.

Li Yuechen took two steps forward and hurriedly supported him, and then personally helped him walk to the Hall of Renshou.

"It's not that..." The pale Li Hong smiled, "There is still a way to go."

And Li Yuechen didn't seem to hear, still supporting him to continue walking inside.

What she thought at this time was that the eldest brother might really be dying soon, so let's get closer to him while he is still alive.

But she didn't say this, she just smiled: "It's okay, Yuechen will take the elder brother to see parents."

 Thanks to [Fantasy Orange] for the reward of 500 starting coins!
  Thank you [CC Love Letter] for the reward of 500 starting coins!
  Thanks to [Alalala] for the reward of 200 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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