Great Tang princess

Chapter 138 Li Zhi's Warning

Chapter 138 Li Zhi's Warning

Seeing his sister's expression, Li Hong smiled lightly, and returned to his seat with his head down.

Li Zhi on the dragon chair slightly turned his head to look at his daughter, and then looked down at Liu Rengui below: "Does Mr. Liu have any opinions?"

Hearing that he was called, Liu Rengui felt a little helpless on his face.

To be honest, he didn't want to participate in this matter.

But now that the emperor has rolled his name, he can’t do anything without speaking. He can only stand up and come out, saluting respectfully: “Reporting to the emperor, according to my opinion, you might as well wait and see. Which is good or bad for the Tang Dynasty? Let’s try it out for a while. Day, see for yourself!"

It seems that Liu Rengui doesn't intend to participate, but it doesn't matter, as long as there are these words, it is equivalent to expressing his opinion.

Li Zhi on the dragon chair smiled very happily, kept spinning the health ball in his hand, nodded slightly and said: "Well, it makes sense! Do all the loves have different opinions?"

Opponents such as Lu Zhen and Cui Xinggong still insisted on their views, and so did the supporters.

Li Zhi nodded: "Since that's the case, let's follow what Mr. Liu said and observe for a while before we talk."

Now neither of the two parties can persuade the other, since the emperor has spoken, he can only shelve it for the time being.

Li Yuechen behind the screen nodded, as long as it can be dragged, drag it to the back, once it is completely spread out, it will be too late for them to stop it.


After going to court, Li Yuechen walked back holding his parents' hands as usual.

Li Zhi smiled and touched her head: "Now this matter can only be delayed, Chen'er, you have to hurry up."

"Don't worry, Grandpa, this is the general trend." Li Yuechen looked confident, "As long as it is not canceled now, it will naturally be even more impossible in the future."

Regarding this kind of words, Li Yuechen is still confident in what he said.

The biggest difference between her and scientists is that the things she makes are confirmed to be feasible after thousands of years of verification.

Therefore, there is no need for trial and error costs, as long as you can do it with confidence.

At most, it is just a slight change according to the current environment and system, but in essence it is still the same set of things.

Seeing his daughter's relaxed face, Li Zhi smiled, and his expression became much more relaxed.

Li Yuechen took Li Zhi's hand: "Grandpa, why don't you try to move forward like a child, it's very easy!"

As he spoke, he showed him a small jump.

Li Zhi, who was in a good mood, did not refuse, and started jumping forward with his daughter in a small jumping posture.

Li Yuechen pulled Wu Zetian who was holding the other hand: "Aniang is coming too."

Wu Zetian didn't speak, but let go of her hand with a look of disgust.

Li Yuechen just stuck out his tongue at this, it seems that a mother still wants to maintain a little majesty in front of her daughter.

So Li Yuechen didn't care about her anymore, so he dragged Li Zhi, and the father and daughter went to the Hall of Renshou with small hops.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and they quickly left Wu Zetian behind.

After entering the hall, Li Zhi lay down on his rocking chair and stretched comfortably.

Li Yuechen ran over to him with winking eyes and lit a fire on the small stove, then put the tea leaves next to him into the tea pot, and added other seasonings.

Seeing that Wu Zetian hadn't come in yet, Li Zhi suddenly said in a low voice as if talking to himself: "Chen'er, please remember that the royal family relationship is fragile. Even if you can maintain this relationship in the future, you must not take it lightly. Let go of your power!"

Hearing this sentence, Li Yuechen, who was adding seasoning to the tea pot, shook his hands, and with a "clang", the spoon fell on the table.

At the same time, there was already a storm in her heart, she didn't know why her father said this to her suddenly, and he chose to say it when her mother was not around.

However, she reacted quickly, and immediately picked up the spoon, and when she raised her head, her usual sweet smile resumed: "Did Grandpa just speak? My child didn't hear clearly..."

Seeing her reaction, Li Zhi nodded very satisfied: "That's good!"

Then he returned to his usual lazy look: "Of course you don't have to think too much, I know you can tell the difference."

Li Yuechen froze for a moment, did not reply, but continued to add other ingredients in the tea pot.

After the mother Wu Zetian came in, she saw her daughter making tea and nodded slightly: "Chen'er, don't overheat the fire, young slaves like things with a deep flavor."

"Okay!" Li Yuechen agreed, and pulled the baffles on both sides of the small stove below to the middle.


At noon, Li Yuechen got up and left after eating with his parents in Renshou Hall.

The moment he walked out of Renshou Hall, Li Yuechen couldn't help shivering all over!

Li Zhi's words today were like a bomb detonated in Li Yuechen's heart, it was too horrifying.

Obviously, that sentence was teaching her that she must grasp power in the future.

But it's impossible for him to say that in a good manner. Could it be that he foretold the future?
Thinking about it, I think it's impossible. If I could really predict the future accurately, I would probably have strangled her to death at night while I was sleeping.

When I walked to Anfu Hall, I saw a raccoon cat lazily lying on the grass next to Dengchun Pavilion in the middle of the pond next to it, letting several of its own play around on it.

Li Yuechen stopped and observed.

The cats in the palace are actually semi-wild. Although they are usually fed with something, most of the time they need to catch mice to eat.

Generally not afraid of people, but rarely take the initiative to approach.

Seeing Li Yuechen staring at it, the raccoon cat didn't have any special reaction, but still licked its paw lazily.

Li Yuechen thought of various images of Li Zhi and his wife since he was a child, and these memories flashed through his mind like a replayed movie.

Suddenly, she seemed to understand the purpose of Li Zhi's words.

He definitely loves her, but as the emperor, he has to fortify her, especially now that she is in power.

Not to mention the fate of Mrs. Wei, mother and daughter, and the eldest son Li Zhong and others...

But it was also because he loved her that he was reluctant and unable to do anything, so he had this scene to remind himself today!
He probably didn't mean anything else, just to remind himself, it's like multiple insurances...

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen couldn't help but sighed.

Isn't the royal family really a place suitable for family affection?Isn't there any way to ensure that the royal family can also have normal family affection?

For this question, the current Li Yuechen also has no answer, he can only sigh slightly, and walk into the Anfu Hall.


Just came in, but found that Princess Yiyang was already waiting in Linbo Pavilion.

There was no one else around but herself, sitting on the fence looking at herself.

Li Yuechen froze for a moment, raised his legs and walked over: "Sister, do you have something to say?"

"Actually, some people moved faster than they thought. When I went to the newspaper office this morning, someone stopped me on the road."

Li Yuechen was not surprised by this, nodded and said: "And then?"

Princess Yiyang shrugged: "Ask me about the specific things about the newspaper office. Some things cannot be kept secret. I only said that you are running this matter, but I don't know the specifics."

"That's enough." Li Yuechen smiled, "Sister is a princess, no one dares to threaten you openly, so you can rest assured!"

"I'm in the palace all day, and I'm not worried about my own safety, but you, Chen'er." Princess Yiyang shook her head, "You run outside the palace almost every day, and you were almost kidnapped before... "

Li Yuechen smiled: "Sister, don't worry, that one time is enough, they dare not do anything to me again. Besides, I'm not afraid of them now!"

As he spoke, he raised his arms and made a gesture to show his strength.

"I'm just a little worried. Now Chen'er attracts a lot of attention. Among them, there may be danger."

Seeing her sister's serious expression, Li Yuechen suddenly grinned, who said the royal family has no family affection?
In the final analysis, it should be that the powerful and ambitious family members in the royal family are weak.

In essence, this is a human problem, not an environmental problem.

Li Yuechen suddenly trotted two steps to her sister, opened her arms and gave her a big hug.


Princess Yiyang, who was suddenly hugged, didn't realize it: "Chen'er, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing..." Li Yuechen shook his head lightly, put his chin on her shoulder, and replied in a low voice, "It's just that I suddenly thought of something."


The weather in October was getting colder and colder every day, and Li Yuechen's clothes were also thickened a lot.

It's been five days since the first edition of the paper was published, and the backlash seems to be continuing.

I don't know what the officials said, but at least, in private teahouses and wine shops, there are still people holding newspapers from five days ago and discussing the above matters with each other.

However, for this group of people with good family conditions, the focus of the discussion is not on the matter of increasing food production, but on that novel, Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

After Li Yuechen learned about this matter, he thought about it carefully, and decided to open a newsstand in the northern and southern cities and the western city, and people could come and buy them at any time.

After all, those children still have to go to class, so it is impossible to sell on the street every day.

In the office of Jixianfang, Li Yuechen put down the yogurt in his hand, and gave an order to Lai: "You can deal with the newsstand. As for the person in charge of guarding the newsstand and selling newspapers, go and see if there are any family members." The conditions are relatively difficult, and the people are honest...the priority is to find women and the elderly."

"Huh?" Laicao looked up suspiciously, "Why doesn't Your Highness want young people?"

"In the final analysis, this kind of work is just sitting there to pass the time. Young people have all their siblings, shouldn't they work hard by themselves?" Li Yuechen asked rhetorically.

Seeing her serious expression, Laicuo couldn't help taking a step back, and quickly agreed: "Yes, I will do it when I get back!"

Li Yuechen gently twirled the cup in his hand: "The main purpose of this matter is to help those in need. If you dare to make trouble out of it, don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, villains don't dare!" Laicao quickly agreed.

After returning to the palace, Li Yuechen was still a little worried about Lai Cao, so he told Fu Lai: "After he recruited those people, go and see if the symbols match."

"Here!" Fulai agreed.

The next day, Li Yuechen went to the prison guard's office to find Geng Yunqiang for actual combat training.

The two of them fought ping-pong for more than an hour before they both stopped panting.

Geng Yunqiang eased the rhythm of his breathing, and said softly, "Your Highness has progressed so fast, you are truly a genius! I am convinced!"

Even though this is not the first time, the surprise in my heart has not diminished in the slightest.

No matter in terms of physical strength or explosive power, this princess is already on par with him who is in his prime.

If it grows up for a few more years, I really don't know what it will look like.

What did this princess eat to grow up...

Li Yuechen took the towel from Xiao He's hand and wiped off his sweat, then smiled and waved his hand: "Let's call it a day, I'll come back in a few days."

"Yes, send it off to Your Highness!" Geng Yun complied with a salute.

Back at Anfu Palace, Li Yuechen was about to ask Xiaohe to boil water for a bath when Fulai suddenly trotted over.

"Your Highness, Lord Yan is dead."

Li Yuechen suddenly raised his head: "Zhongshu ordered Yan Gong?"

"Yes!" Fu Lai nodded, "After dinner at home... suddenly."

"Alas..." Li Yuechen sighed, thought for a while, then turned around and walked towards the Hall of Renshou.

Yan Liben was a master of Danqing at that time, so he didn't expect to die so suddenly.

Now that Fulai knew about it, then my parents must have known about it too, so let's go over and comfort him.

Arriving at Renshou Hall, Li Yuechen said after entering the door: "Grandpa and Madam, don't be too sad..."

"Yeah!" Li Zhi turned the health ball in his hand expressionlessly, "Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal in the world, I can take it easy."

Wu Zetian next to him also nodded: "Chen'er has a heart."

"My son is just worried that my mother and father will be too sad, so..." Li Yuechen explained, but seeing the normal expressions of the two of them, he seemed to be more open about this matter.

But thinking about it, Yan Liben's relationship with the two of them is just average.

Although the art of Danqing is admirable, in this era, most people still respect Confucianism. The way of Danqing is at most a hobby of all educated people, but it doesn't seem to be too important.

But to be honest, Li Yuechen still admires this big touch.

Others who have achieved this position are either great Confucians in the world, or veterans like their master Liu Rengui.

No matter how bad it is, it must be someone like Li Yifu who can give advice to the boss to relieve his worries.

And this one, who started from the Ministry of Industry, seemed to be often looked down upon because of this.

He really deserves the title of "big guy".

After thinking about it, when I go to chant the scriptures on the first day of the next month, I should also say a few blessings to this big guy by the way, which can be regarded as an expression of my admiration.

"My child also admires Yan Gong in terms of inventions and creations. Can you go to the incense sticks to mourn?" Li Yuechen asked.

Li Zhi turned his head to look at his wife.

Wu Zetian nodded: "Go, it can be regarded as taking a look on behalf of His Majesty and Wei Niang."

Of course, she would not refuse such a request. On the contrary, Li Yuechen's mourning in the past can also represent the attitude of the emperor and empress to a certain extent.

(End of this chapter)

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