Chapter 147 Return to Chang'an

Standing beside him, Li Zhi had a panoramic view of his daughter's rolled eyes just now and the flashing disdainful expression.

After the sacrifice, the family returned to the Hall of Renshou and sat down to have tea.

Li Zhi waved his hand, Zhang Chengxin nodded in understanding, and took all the court ladies and eunuchs out, leaving only his family behind.

As for the living man, he turned around and walked out without saying a word.

Since the time of Emperor Taizong, this living man has become able to wink. When the emperor wants to talk about something that he doesn't want to leave in history, he will obediently leave.

Nowadays, it is extremely common for a family to sit and chat together, even Pei Qingwan, the crown princess who just married into the royal family, is more or less getting used to it.

In this relaxed atmosphere, Li Zhi asked seemingly casually: "Chen'er, it seems that you don't like Confucianism?"

Hearing his father's question, Li Yuechen was a little puzzled at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he probably understood the reason for asking this question.

She picked up the teacup and smelled it, and organized her words: "How should I put it, it's not that I don't like it, it's just that people are different, and they seem to have different explanations."

"It's normal to have such thoughts." Wu Zetian nodded, "The classic books are already obscure and difficult to understand. Most people's interpretations are influenced by their masters or ancestors. Chen'er has no teacher since he was a child, and he studied by himself. There should be a different interpretation."

For this statement, everyone nodded in agreement, and then chatted around this topic.

After chatting all afternoon and having dinner at the Hall of Renshou in the evening, the children all left.

In the Hall of Renshou, Li Zhi smiled and twirled the health ball in his hand: "Now I like eating with the children more and more."

"That's right, there are more people and it's lively, and the mood will be better." Wu Zetian helped him add tea and said with a smile, "Especially when Chen'er is here, telling some jokes from time to time can always make the atmosphere very happy."

Li Zhi lay on the rocking chair and shook it slightly: "Speaking of Chen'er...the disgust is all shown on his face today."

"Is it the reason for the competition between Erlang and Saburo?"

"I understand now." Li Zhi stretched his waist, "There is really a problem with this ancestral system."

Wu Zetian turned his head and glanced at him: "It's better not to change it lightly, just like Chen'er said, if one fails, the history books will leave you with eternal infamy!"

"Yeah, the eternal infamy... But if future generations hold this idea, can this Great Tang get better?"

It didn't seem like he was speaking to his wife, but more like he was speaking to himself.

"What is the young slave going to do? Continue the reform?" Wu Zetian asked.

Li Zhi shook his head, and sighed softly: "I am old, and I can no longer act as vigorously as I was when I was young, but... Chen'er will definitely be able to take on this important task in the future!"

Wu Zetian, who had just sat down next to her, was stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "That's right. Apart from Liu Rengui, Chen'er has no other teachers. He will be alone in the court in the future, so there is no need to worry about getting involved too much."

"Having said that, if you hold great power in the future, it will be impossible for no one to cling to you forever. But Chen'er is cautious and firm, so it should be fine." Li Zhi suddenly smiled.

Wu Zetian also agrees with this point. Since this daughter started practicing martial arts, she has never missed her daily homework and is quite self-disciplined.This is for all to see.

"Okay, it's getting late, and the child has to wash up and get ready to rest." Wu Zetian reminded from the side.


The sky had only just brightened up, and the sun hadn't completely jumped out yet, and the sound of "huhu" breaking wind had already sounded in the garden of Renshou Hall.

A bright red figure was in the garden, dancing vigorously with a spear in his hand and a black ponytail behind his head, like a swimming dragon, rolling back and forth with the rhythm of his body.

Inside the hall, Shangguan Wan'er, who had finished dressing up, walked out of the hall, and met Princess Yiyang, who was also dressed up, by the edge of the garden.

While the two walked to the newspaper office together, as usual, they turned their heads to take advantage of the early angry sunshine, and took a look at Li Yuechen whose face was full of the morning sun in the garden.

At this time, the expression on her face would become very serious, and her dark eyes would seem to sparkle under the reflection of the orange red.

Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Yiyang maintained their demeanor, walked through the garden in small steps, and left Anfu Hall.

Until he went out of the gate, the sound of the gun stick piercing the air seemed to still faintly enter his ears.

"It feels like Your Highness likes to practice martial arts very much!" Shangguan Wan'er seemed to be talking to herself.

Princess Yiyang smiled lightly: "Yes, Chen'er and Wan'er, with one article and one martial arts, will definitely be the best partners in the future!"

"If it can help His Highness, that would be great." Shangguan Wan'er nodded, "Help Your Highness accomplish what she wants to do."

Princess Yiyang raised her head and squinted at the sun that was about to rise completely: "So isn't this already helping her?"

After all, she is already an adult, and she can think of more things than Shangguan Wan'er.

For the current newspaper office, Princess Yiyang can also imagine that it will definitely become the eyes of the emperor in the future.

Such an organization will definitely be powerful and scary in the future.But now Li Yuechen is in charge of this matter, obviously the emperor is deliberately training her.

Thinking of this, Princess Yiyang shook her head, and decided not to think about such in-depth matters, but to do her job well first.


In Anfu Hall, Li Yuechen continued to practice.

As the sun gradually rose, the field of vision became completely bright.

Li Yuechen stepped forward with a lunge, holding the end of the spear with his right hand and sending it forward.

The gun stick pierced through the air like a sharp arrow, piercing through a yellow leaf that hadn't landed yet.

Putting away the spear stick, Li Yuechen let out a long breath, looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but say to himself: "In a blink of an eye, it's already autumn."

After putting down the gun stick, he picked up the double hammer next to him and continued to practice.

It wasn't until the end of Sishi that Li Yuechen put down the hammers in his hands, and Fulai, who had been waiting beside him in advance, quickly handed over the towel.

After wiping off his sweat, Li Yuechen returned to the inner hall to take a bath.

Only after soaking his whole body in the hot water did Li Yuechen breathe out, feeling refreshed.

Not to mention, there are still some good things in ancient times, just say that these unfamiliar Chinese medicinal materials soaked in this water, although they don't know what effect they have, at least they can relieve fatigue.

Not only does it relieve fatigue, but even soaking in water can reduce the soreness in the chest.

Xiao He, who was helping her scrub her body, smiled suddenly: "Your Highness has indeed grown up."

Li Yuechen closed his eyes and didn't answer, even if he opened his mouth to tease her now, what could he do?

So why not take a shower now and think about other things.

It's autumn now, and the Mid-Autumn Festival will be in a few days, and then it's almost time to prepare to return to Chang'an.

Thinking that perhaps he should make some preparations in advance, he directly opened his mouth and shouted: "Fulai!"

Fulai outside the door heard the call, immediately ran in, stood still behind the screen and saluted: "What orders does Your Highness have?"

"You are ready to go in the next few days, and bring it back to Chang'an first." Li Yuechen rested on the edge of the bathtub, closed his eyes and arranged, "Find a cheaper market, buy a piece of land, rebuild it, and use it to meet guests. land, and dormitories..."

"Dormitory?" Fu Lai was taken aback, "Didn't Your Highness say that you want to keep the production workshop here?"

Li Yuechen replied: "It's not them, my students, I plan to take them back, and always give them a place to live."

"Yes, that servant will prepare for the next few days and return early!" Fulai agreed.

"Well, the other two shops should also open a branch in Chang'an. Do you have any other candidates? Mainly those who came here to find... I really can't believe it."

Fulai thought for a while: "Well, this servant has no other relatives..."

Li Yuechen opened his eyes: "What about you, Xiao He?"

"Returning to Your Highness, the servant has been sold since she was a child, and now..."

Hearing such an answer, Li Yuechen couldn't help but closed his eyes again helplessly.

Speaking of which, it seems that there is really no one who can open a shop now. After raising his hand and sliding it on the water surface twice, Li Yuechen nodded: "Forget it, let Wu Gouzi and his father go and look at it when the time comes." gone."

"Yes!" Fulai agreed, "If His Highness has no other orders, the servants will prepare."

"Well, let's go."

After solving this matter, Li Yuechen couldn't help but yawned. When the branch office in Chang'an is built in the future, the cooperation between the two sides should allow the business to expand even more.

It's a pity that I'm not a business student either, so I can only do this so far. As for the future, let's take it one step at a time.


Fulai brought Laicao back to Chang'an the day after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Laicao followed Fulai back to Chang'an with his wife and son.

Their family was originally from Chang'an, and they came here only because of the disaster. There is still an old house in Chang'an, so there is no need to worry about not having a place to live.

The emperor's family and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty set off from the Eastern Capital for Chang'an at the end of September.

Although the two places are not far apart, due to the large number of people, the speed cannot be fast at all.

Among other things, there are 8000 people in the total number of court ladies and eunuchs, not to mention other craftsmen and internal officials.

Although riding in a carriage, this speed is actually about the same as walking on two legs.

Li Yuechen was not in the carriage most of the day, but walked on the ground by himself.

To say that the only inconvenient part of the journey is that there is no way to take a shower along the way, so every morning after getting up and practicing, you can only wipe it with a wet towel in the carriage and you're done.

Fortunately, these children have nothing to do. Every afternoon, they will go to the emperor's carriage to chat with the couple, or play a little game, which is not too boring.

At the same time, Li Yuechen was also thinking, should he consider trying to make cement?

It is obviously unrealistic to pave all the official roads across the country with cement, but if it is only the section from Chang'an to Dongdu, with the ability of this era, it should be possible to do it.

If a concrete road can be made, the speed of communication between the two cities will be more than doubled in the future.

Even if more carriages can be built, so that everyone rides in a carriage instead of walking, it can be reached in three or four days at most.

The more Li Yuechen thought about it, he felt that it was feasible, and even said that ordinary people couldn't afford horse-drawn carriages, so they could use official funds to build buses between the two cities.

Ordinary people can travel back and forth between Chang'an and Luoyang as long as they pay some fares!

In this way, the economy between the two cities can be completely connected!And as long as troops are stationed at post stations along the way, the safety of the official road can be guaranteed!
Li Yuechen himself was taken aback by this idea. Although it is difficult, if it is really done...

After shaking his head, Li Yuechen temporarily suppressed this thought, let's wait until the future to discuss this matter.


In late October, the convoy finally arrived in Chang'an.

On the more than [-]-meter-wide Zhuque Street, the common people stood on both sides, looking in awe at the convoy slowly heading towards Daming Palace.

Although the emperor is in the Eastern Capital, Chang'an is also the place where news is second only to the Eastern Capital.

Now almost all the people in Chang'an have heard the news that Princess Taiping has increased food production, so they are full of gratitude for this princess who has no idea what she looks like.

Sitting in the carriage, Li Yuechen opened the curtain slightly and looked out. Seeing the people on both sides and the familiar Zhuque Street, he couldn't help but smile.

This time, Xiao He next to her didn't remind her anything, but Shangguan Wan'er was a little curious: "What is Your Highness looking at?"

"Look at this city, and the people in it."

Li Yuechen put down the curtain with a smile, and leaned against the carriage: "They must have had a bad life in recent years, but now they finally have some vitality on their faces."

"Your Highness is merciful, and the people will be grateful for the increase in food production," Shangguan Wan'er said.

"It's not for this..." Li Yuechen smiled, and then patted her head, "I just hope that there will be fewer disasters in Datang, and that the creatures in Datang can live happily."

Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help asking: "What about Your Highness?"

"Me?" Li Yuechen raised his head and thought for a while, "I'm already very happy."

Having a second life, being able to live a new life, should already be considered a particularly happy thing, right?Not to mention being a favored little princess in this life.

Seeing the smile on her face, Shangguan Wan'er nodded half-understood, and did not continue to answer.

The convoy returned to Daming Palace all the way, looking at the familiar vermilion palace walls and the green glazed tiles, Li Yuechen couldn't help but fell into the memories of his childhood.

It wasn't until the carriage stopped that Li Yuechen jumped down and came to the emperor's carriage.

The two elder sisters and several older brothers also followed. When Li Zhi and Wu Zetian got out of the carriage hand in hand, the children greeted them one after another.

Li Zhi's expression also seemed to be a little emotional: "It's been a few years since I went there, but I feel a little strange when I come back this time."

"I do feel a little nostalgic," Wu Zetian next to me smiled, "It's been a bumpy and dusty journey, let's take a good rest first."

Li Zhi nodded, and waved to the children: "Okay, you all go to have a good rest, and come to Yanying Hall to have dinner together tonight!"

The children agreed and took their leave respectfully.

 Thanks to [Ami] for the 1500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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