Great Tang princess

Chapter 161 Horse Riding

Chapter 161 Horse Riding
Li Yuechen took the book in his hand, opened it and looked at it, he felt that it was not bad, the handwriting was very clear, there was no problem at all.

Then he got up and waved: "Take these books and follow me to the Hall of Yanying."

"Here!" Gao Yanfu agreed, and immediately directed the two young eunuchs behind him to go out.

Li Yuechen greeted Pei Qingwan, and took them to Yanying Hall first, and showed these books to his mother first.

The husband and wife each took a copy and looked at it. On the cover, there were first the words "Chen Gui", followed by the words "Written by the Queen of Heaven".

It is worth mentioning that, in order to conform to the times, this book is still read from right to left.Li Yuechen thinks that in the future, we should find an opportunity to change it from left to right, and change the vertical row to horizontal row.

In fact, people's vision is more accustomed to looking from left to right, but Li Yuechen probably has his own guesses about the current way of writing.

After looking at some ancient books, I found that in the older period, there was a writing method from left to right. It seems that the writing method from right to left was fixed after the bamboo slips were invented.

Firstly, this may be due to Confucianism, and secondly... there may be some other realistic and objective reasons.

As for writing vertically, Li Yuechen can probably understand.

Because the last stroke of a Chinese character is basically in the lower middle or lower right, the coherence will actually be better if it is written vertically.

The couple flipped through the brand-new books, and Li Zhi nodded: "This thread-bound book is really convenient."

"Yes, but this paper is the most important thing." Wu Zetian gently rubbed a piece of paper with two fingers, "Although the color is yellow, the texture is smooth, and the front and back are not stained..."

Li Yuechen took advantage of the opportunity and poured tea for the couple, "Mother, just put down these five hundred books?"

"Why put it here?" Wu Zetian raised his head and waved his hand to Zhang Chengxin, "Take some to the prime minister and officials from the six ministries. Let the rest be sold in your bookstore, Chen'er."

Regarding the mother's request, Li Yuechen showed a look of embarrassment, and reminded aloud: "Aniang, it doesn't matter if you sell it in a bookstore, but if no one is willing to buy it, then Aniang will lose face."

Hearing her daughter's reminder, Wu Zetian did smile slightly: "Aren't you afraid that no one will buy the books written by my dignified queen?"

Li Yuechen thinks about it too. For scholars, there is always no harm in reading more books written by people at the level of emperors and empresses.

Maybe in the future, if you pass the imperial examination, you can still flatter yourself when you meet the empress?


It was already night when I returned to Chengxiang Hall, and the playing cards were completely dry. I picked it up and tried it. I can only say that it is barely usable, but the feel is far worse than that of future playing cards.

Entering the hall, I saw Pei Qingwan, her two sisters and Shangguan Wan'er forming a circle, as if they were discussing something secretly.

"What happened? You still kept it from me?" Li Yuechen entered the hall jokingly.

Princess Yiyang raised her head: "Chen'er, Shangshi Bureau sent some tea, saying that you asked them to make it."

"Oh, stir-fried tea, right?" Li Yuechen realized, "Have you made it?"

I came to look among them, and there was a pile of dark tea leaves in a porcelain bowl between them.

Li Yuechen picked up a little and put it in front of his nose to smell it, and felt that there was nothing special except for a slight burnt smell.

"Fulai, go and boil some hot water and try making a cup."


After brewing a few cups of tea with hot water, several people sat around the table, Li Yuechen taught them how to tie golden flowers while waiting for the tea to dry.

If you don't cheat, there is no technical threshold for Zhajinhua. It is purely a game of psychology and luck.

The two sisters and sister-in-law are not good at playing tricks, and Li Yuechen and Shangguan Wan'er are also not masters. In this regard, they are almost on the same level.

But the competition of luck is different. In the end, Shangguan Wan'er won the most.

In particular, Shangguan Wan'er didn't like to watch cards, so she was bored all the time, and finally won Li Yuechen more than ten pennies all at once.

Originally, she planned to continue playing, but Shangguan Wan'er was suddenly pulled out by her mother, Mrs. Zheng.

Sitting inside, Li Yuechen could hear her teaching her daughter a lesson outside.

"You dare to win His Highness's money! Do you want to die?"

"But Your Highness said let's play..." Shangguan Wan'er was still a little bit aggrieved.

In the end, it was Li Yuechen who went out to stop her: "Okay, okay, it's just for fun. In your opinion, I'm so narrow-minded? Will you hate her if you lose some money?"

"Your Highness, this servant does not mean that at all..."

"I know, okay, okay, don't worry about it." Li Yuechen waved her hand directly to make her stop teaching her daughter a lesson.

After rescuing Shangguan Wan'er from her mother's lesson, everyone sat around the table and raised their teacups.

"Come, let's see how this tea is."

After Li Yuechen said something, he picked up his teacup, and the people next to him also picked up their teacups and touched each other lightly.

Taking a sip of tea into her mouth, Pei Qingwan's expression was weird, the two sisters were expressionless, and Shangguan Wan'er frowned.


Li Yuechen couldn't help it, sprayed the table directly, then put down his teacup, lay down on the ground and rolled around, laughing loudly: "Hahahaha..."

It's so bad!The fragrance of tea leaves is mixed with a burnt smell, which feels like a pot of dog shit boiled in sweet spring water and spices added.

Xiao He hurriedly directed the two maids to come over and wipe the table. Li Yuechen was rolling on the ground and laughing, then finally stopped, and then waved to Fu Lai: "Let them keep trying. Come."

Fulai quickly agreed.

It was almost time, and we chatted with each other a few more words before going back to sleep.

Back in her side hall, Pei Qingwan suddenly said to Lu Sheng next to her, "Come over with those pens, inks and paints tomorrow, I haven't painted for a long time."

"Here!" Lu Sheng agreed, and a smile finally appeared on his face.

It seems that the period of time living here has indeed made the princess a lot more cheerful.


Early the next morning, Li Yuechen got up to practice as usual, and Pei Qingwan also started to practice yoga recently, and she obviously felt much better.

After breakfast, Li Yuechen put on Qi Sheng, and took a carriage to Liu Rengui's home.

After first demonstrating one side of boxing routines and weapon routines, Liu Rengui nodded while stroking the goatee on his chin: "Your Highness has made rapid progress, and now he is at the top of his game."

"That's right, I still have confidence in this aspect."

Li Yuechen was not humble at all, but nodded very proudly, and then seemed to think of something suddenly: "Master, speaking of it, I haven't been a training partner for my disciples since I went out last year, how about us master and disciples today... "

"Cough!" Liu Rengui suddenly coughed heavily, got up and interrupted: "Oh, speaking of it, Your Highness is so tall now, and he has reached the age of learning how to ride a horse..."

Walking back while talking: "The horses in the court are much better than the horses used by teachers. Your Highness will ask the saint for a horse to ride first. After you learn it, you will teach Your Highness to fight on horseback as a teacher..."

"Master, I..."

"By the way, I feel unwell today as a teacher, so I won't keep His Highness here to eat, and please forgive me..." Liu Rengui walked back as if he didn't hear it.

After a while, Liu Rengui had disappeared, leaving only Li Yuechen in the courtyard alone.

Facing Liu Rengui's disappearing back, Li Yuechen muttered to himself in a low voice, finishing what he had just said: "Master, I can ride a horse..."

Fulai from behind walked over with a suppressed smile and asked, "Your Highness, why don't you... go back to the palace first?"

"Hmm..." Li Yuechen nodded, "Go back to the palace!"

When Wang walked out, he couldn't help laughing. Unexpectedly, Master still has a sense of humor.

Speaking of which, in this feudal era, a sense of humor should only exist among people of the same status.

Li Yuechen doesn't know how other dynasties count, but at least for now, the status of the princess is still very high.

Especially between the princess and the consort, that is a real unequal status.

To use an apt analogy, the princess is the king, and the son-in-law is the minister.Everything at home must listen to the princess.

Speaking of which, Master probably knew that he would not blame him for this, right?
But let alone, once in a while, being humorous and joking like this is good for the relationship between people...

On the way back to the palace, Li Yuechen was obviously in a good mood, leaning on the carriage and softly humming a song that did not belong to this era.

Although Fulai next to him couldn't understand, just listening to the rhythm, he felt like he wanted to twist to match the music.


After returning to the palace, Li Yuechen ran directly to Yanying Hall while it was only noon.

The two older brothers, Li Xian and Li Lun, were both there. Seeing Li Yuechen coming in, Li Zhi grinned: "I'm about to send someone to call you."

"Well, Master didn't keep me for dinner today, so my son came here to eat." Li Yuechen sat beside him and laughed.

Wu Zetian next to him asked, "Why don't you stay for dinner?"

"Don't ask, Ma'am, I can't embarrass Master!" Li Yuechen shook his head seriously.

Li Zhi next to him smiled: "Okay, since we're here, let's have dinner together."

Li Yuechen agreed, and then put his arms and elbows on the table, looked at his father with his hands on his face, and said, "Grandfather, Master said that I should ride a horse, can you give me a horse?"

"Okay!" Li Zhi has always been responsive to this daughter, and waved his hand directly to Zhang Chengxin: "Go and pick a good Turkic horse for Chen'er in a while!"

My mother seemed a little worried: "The Turkic horse is tall and dangerous, and Chen'er is still young, so why not start with..."

"Oh, don't worry, Ma'am!" Li Yuechen ran over and jumped on her, "The child can ride a horse!"

"Nonsense! You have never touched a horse since you were a child, how can you ride?" Wu Zetian gave her a blank look.

Li Xian, who was pouring tea for his father, also chimed in, "Yes, Yuechen, riding a horse is not as simple as it seems."

Li Lun also nodded in agreement. He had also learned how to ride a horse, and he felt that it was not that simple.

Regarding this, Li Yuechen was a little helpless, could it be possible to tell you that my old lady will be able to do it in her previous life?And also ride very slippery?
In this era when there were stirrups, the way of riding a horse was not significantly different from that of more than a thousand years later.

So I can only put on a proud look: "What's so difficult? Just look at it!"

"Hmph." Wu Zetian snorted coldly, "At that moment, you were riding for my mother to see."

"Okay!" Li Yuechen nodded.

Let her take a look, at least you don't need to worry about yourself.


After lunch, Zhang Chengxin led a group of tall black horses to the back of Yanying Hall.

Li Zhi, his wife and two elder brothers also came out, wanting to see if Li Yuechen really knew how to ride.

The horse was all black, except for the white rings on the four hooves.

"Your Highness, this snow-treading pony has a good temper, not too violent, but he needs to be more careful..." Zhang Chengxin urged beside him.

"Okay, okay, I know."

Li Yuechen waved his hand impatiently, took the rein from him, then grabbed the saddle, turned over and stepped directly on it.

Seeing such skillful movements, Li Zhi, his wife and the two elder brothers were slightly startled.

Especially the husband and wife are very clear that Li Yuechen has never touched a horse since he was born, but this action does not seem like a novice can do it at all.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of surprise in each other's eyes. Could it be that this daughter of hers really has a photographic memory and the ability to learn it now?

Li Yuechen stepped on the stirrup, pulled the rein to turn the horse's head, and tapped his feet lightly on the horse's belly: "Go!"

The tall horse under his crotch immediately ran in the direction of Taiye Pond.

Although in terms of time, Li Yuechen hasn't ridden a horse for more than ten years, but this thing is just like a bicycle. Once you learn it, even if you haven't ridden it for more than ten years, at most it's just a little uncomfortable, and you won't completely forget it.

As the horse's speed became faster and faster, Li Yuechen got up and left the saddle.

Once the speed of the horse is pulled up, it is impossible to sit on the saddle, otherwise the buttocks will be smashed.

Instead, step on the stirrups with your feet, use your legs as shock absorbers, and move forward quickly in a half-squat position.

Seeing that she was so proficient in riding a horse, Li Zhi suddenly grinned: "It seems that my guess should be correct."

Wu Zetian next to him also nodded silently. Both of them know how to ride a horse and know the difficulty.

But now her daughter can really see it at a glance, it is really unusual.

Li Yuechen ran around the Taiye Pond for half a circle, and then ran back quickly, pulled the rein lightly, opened his legs, and the black horse under his crotch stopped steadily.

Then Li Yuechen turned over and jumped down, put his hands on his waist, and said proudly: "How?"

Li Zhi smiled and touched her head: "Well, not bad!"

The third brother Li Xian looked incredible: "Yuechen, have you learned it secretly?"

Li Yuechen patted him on the shoulder with pity: "Brother, don't be sad, after all, not everyone is as smart as me!"

"..." Li Xian curled his lips and said nothing.

Then Li Yuechen looked down at the horse's hoof, turned to Fulai and said, "I'll draw a picture for you when I'm done, and ask the military supervisor to give me some small knives."

Wu Zetian was a little curious: "What is Chen'er going to do?"

"Auntie will know when the time comes!"

(End of this chapter)

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