Great Tang princess

Chapter 165 Li Xian's doubts

Chapter 165 Li Xian's doubts

Li Yuechen conveyed a lot of industrial thought patterns to a group of craftsmen in the Craftsmanship Prison.

But how much they can absorb, she is not too sure, she can only say that she can adjust it at any time according to the situation.

Anyway, there are so many people in the Craftsman Prison, in terms of probability, there should always be a few people with different talents.

Even if there is only one, as long as there is one, this aspect can always be developed.

Then Li Yuechen went back to the palace, and went to Yanying Hall to see his parents and chat with them.

Recently, Li Zhi's headache has not been healed, and it always recurs from time to time.

The only thing that can make people breathe a sigh of relief is that although the relapses are more frequent, the degree seems to be lessened, and they will not faint at every turn.

Fortunately, every time Li Yuechen came over, he would give him a massage for a while. Li Zhi was in a better mood, and maybe it could relieve the pain.

Returning to the Chengxiang Hall at night, just as she took off her shoes and entered the hall, Shangguan Wan'er came over: "Your Highness, someone came to ask today, can the newspaper publish articles from outsiders?"

"Okay." Li Yuechen nodded, "As long as you and sister have seen it, it feels right."

Shangguan Wan'er thought for a while: " much money is appropriate?"

Li Yuechen almost fell headlong: "Wan'er, we don't charge money. On the contrary, if we publish other people's articles, we have to pay them."

"Why is this?" Shangguan Wan'er asked with her head tilted.

People in this era don't know much about this aspect of the economy, and subconsciously feel that if you want to publish an article in our newspaper, you should give us money.

Li Yuechen thought for a while: "This is also to make Datang's economic situation develop better. You think, because of the manuscript fee, those talents will have the motivation to write better articles. And newspapers have better articles, so they can Sell ​​'s a virtuous circle..."

Shangguan Wan'er is also a smart person, after hearing her explanation, she nodded her head: "Wan'er understands, so how much is the manuscript fee?"

"For now, let's do it according to the number of words. For example, set a price within [-] words, and then design another one within [-] words..." Li Yuechen said his thoughts, "Of course, you and sister can know the price list yourself. , I can’t say it out, otherwise I’m afraid someone will know the words…”

Regarding Li Yuechen's suggestions, Shangguan Wan'er kept them in mind.

After dinner the next morning, he and Princess Yiyang came to the newspaper office.

Gao Yanfu had already arrived early and was instructing the little eunuchs under him to clean up.

Seeing the two people coming, they hurriedly saluted respectfully.

This guy is very smart, polite, and good at being a human being. Both Shangguan Wan'er and Princess Yiyang find him pleasing to the eye.

Shangguan Wan'er said: "You can tell the person who entrusted you with the inquiry that the newspaper office can accept articles and poems from outsiders, but they will only be published after being reviewed..."


Someone gave Gao Yanfu some money yesterday and asked him to ask a question, but he didn't expect a response today.

While agreeing, he also took out two small bags from his cuffs: "It's a small thing, it's not a respect, please don't dislike your Highness and the editor-in-chief of Shangguan..."

The current Shangguan Wan'er has no concept of money, and has no place to spend it.

It just so happened that she was a popular person around the princess, and there was no place to give gifts on weekdays, and it was too late for others to flatter her, so for a while, she didn't know whether she should accept it, so she turned her head to look at Princess Yiyang.

Princess Yiyang just smiled slightly: "I'm waiting for you this time, take it back by yourself, and we'll talk about it later."

Gao Yanfu was taken aback for a moment, maybe he didn't expect to have such a fastidious boss.

Other people's bosses need to be filial when they have nothing to do, but this His Royal Highness and the editor-in-chief of Shangguan are particular about it, talk about it when they are doing things, and don't do it when they are not doing things.

In fact, for Princess Yiyang, this is not too particular.

She has seen Di Fan, and actually has a deeper understanding of how to employ people than others.

Invisibly, she knew that doing so would make Gao Yanfu more loyal in the future, and more willing to do things with all his heart.

As for myself, it's nothing more than not accepting the gift this time, and there is almost no loss.


At the same time, in Shaoyang courtyard, Li Xian, who had become the prince, was also watching Emperor Fan.

I have been busy since I became a prince some time ago, and I have no time to read it, so I have a little leisure today, so I have time to pick it up and have a look.

He has always been curious about this emperor's instruction manual written by Emperor Taizong himself.

He looked at it very seriously, reading down word by word.

The first chapter is about the emperor's style, which focuses on the king's virtue;

The second chapter is about building a family, which focuses on the way of governing and employing people.

He looked down word by word: the husband and the world are open, and the great treasure has a heavy responsibility.The open way cannot be biased, so it is shared with others; heavy responsibilities cannot be lived alone, so it is shared with others.Therefore, relatives in feudalism are regarded as vassals and guards, with the same strength in safety and danger, ups and downs as one, far and near stalemate, close and distant dual-purpose, and road block, and there is no rebellion...

Seeing this, Li Xian suddenly felt that something was not right!
This sentence looks familiar, as if I have heard someone say it before.

But this is Di Fan!Except for the emperor and the crown prince, outsiders are absolutely not allowed to watch it. I shouldn't have heard of it...

While thinking about it, he was suddenly taken aback, and Li Xian suddenly rang out, my sister Yuechen once said this sentence!
But... But this is Di Fan!How could she have seen it?She is not a prince...


Li Xian suddenly remembered that it seemed that when Yuechen first entered the court as an official a few years ago, the eldest brother asked to make her the crown prince.

Although this matter failed in the end, but because this matter itself was not a secret, he knew about it.

Originally, he thought that it was just a play for his sister to become an official in the court, and maybe he could beat the minister by the way.

But now it seems that it's not just acting, at least Grandpa really has the idea of ​​making his sister the prince.

Li Xian knew very well that this kind of book could never be read by the younger sister in private, the only possibility is that she read it with the permission of the two adults.

After thinking about this, he suddenly felt a sense of frustration. What's the meaning of this?Am I just a substitute for my sister?
Originally, it was planned to make Yuechen the crown prince, but it was because the ministers couldn't make it through, so they let me become the crown prince?
Feeling irritable, Li Xian suddenly leaned back, lay directly on the mat, covered his cheeks with his hands and sighed.

At the same time, there was also an unyielding energy in my heart, I couldn't believe it, how could I not compare to this younger sister?

At the end of June, Li Yuechen listened to the news in the court as usual.

Following Zhang Chengxin's sharp voice, all the officials saluted the Queen of Heaven behind the bead curtain.

Due to physical reasons, Li Zhi did not come at other times except for the two dynasties.

It was the first time for Li Xian at the front to go to court after accepting the position of prince. He subconsciously turned his head to look at the passage beside him.

He knew that his sister had entered the court as an official, but she was not with the ministers, but in the passage.

Today was the first time he really saw it with his own eyes.

Through the gap in the screen, I could see a figure flickering behind the passage over there, but I couldn't see it clearly, so I turned my head and concentrated on facing up.

Li Yuechen behind the screen suddenly remembered that today seemed to be the first time for his second elder brother Li Xian to go to court, so he poked his head out from behind the screen to say hello and cheer him up.

In the end, he poked his head out and waited for a long time, only to find that he didn't intend to turn his head to look this way at all, so he shook his head in desperation, regretting that he couldn't see his brother who healed his smile.

So, as usual, she stood next to Shangguan Wan'er with her arms folded around her chest, leaning against the wall to listen to the news.

The recent news is quite dull, and the only thing worthy of attention is the ongoing friction with Tubo at the border.

It's just that most of Tubo's attention is now on the Western Regions, and the Tang Dynasty doesn't want to use troops for no reason, so it hasn't developed into a real war for the time being.

But everyone present knew very well that sooner or later there would be a battle, and it was nothing more than a matter of time.

In fact, according to Li Yuechen's thinking, it is better to take the initiative to attack first.

But this era attaches great importance to the matter of "being famous as a teacher", which cannot be reversed by her alone.

Of course, it is impossible for the court to wait for Tubo to control the Western Regions and turn its guns to deal with itself, so the meaning here is to set up the Shule Protectorate in Shule to further attack Tubo's ambition to control the Western Regions.

After discussing this suggestion with the courtiers, they found it feasible, so Tianhou officially ordered the establishment of the Shule Dufu.

Today's news made Li Yuechen feel that he had gained a lot and learned some new knowledge.


Although it was the end of June, the weather was still hot, but the hot weather could not stop the efforts of the students.

In Taiping Bookstore, the book "Chen Gui" written by Tianhou was sold out as soon as it was put on the shelves, and many people even came to the bookstore every day to ask when the next batch would arrive.

Gao Yanfu was also printing it quickly, and even dispatched a few more eunuchs to work on it.

The second batch printed a thousand copies at once, and half of them were sold as soon as they hit the shelves.

Li Yuechen felt that this number was almost the same, although it was still far from the number of scholars in Chang'an City.

But in this era, compared with buying books, most literati are still more accustomed to borrowing books to copy.

Not only can you read, but you can also practice calligraphy by the way.

Of course, some people may be willing to buy a few more copies and take them to Dongdu for monopoly or as a gift, and that will be a matter of discussion at that time.

On the second day of July, Shangguan Wan'er, who was reviewing news from various places in the newspaper office, suddenly heard Gao Yanfu's voice: "Editor-in-chief, someone from outside is here to deliver my article."

Looking up, Gao Yanfu had already handed over several sheets of folded paper with both hands respectfully, which happened to be the bamboo paper produced by Li Yuechen's paper workshop.

Outsiders cannot easily enter the imperial city, so this article was also notified by the guards outside, and Gao Yanfu handed it in.

Shangguan Wan'er opened it and looked at it. It wasn't too long, the whole article was only more than two hundred words.

However, compared with the vernacular, classical Chinese can contain a lot of information.Moreover, it often quotes classics and classics, and it is impossible to understand without a certain cultural background.

But Shangguan Wan'er is different, even though she is only 11 years old, she is now so knowledgeable that at least makes Li Yuechen feel ashamed.

After reading this article, he raised his head and asked, "Maybe you can contact the person who wrote the article?"

"Yes." Gao Yanfu replied respectfully, "The editor-in-chief wants to see him?"

"No need for now!" Shangguan Wan'er shook her head, looked at the paper in her hand with a frown, and finally stood up and said, "Your Highness will come back and tell you that I will meet the saint, and I will come back as soon as I go!"

Gao Yanfu agreed, and then watched Shangguan Wan'er leave with envy.

Don't look at the fact that the newspaper still has nothing to do with the imperial court on the surface, and it doesn't have much power.

But as far as Shangguan Wan'er's power to see the emperor at any time is concerned, no one can envy her.


Shangguan Wan'er came to Yanying Hall, and Zhang Chengxin let her in after notifying her.

Entering the hall, she saluted respectfully: "I would like to report to the Emperor that there are folk scholars who have contributed articles and want to publish them in newspapers. The slaves are a little undecided. Please ask the sage to make a decision."

"Oh?" Li Zhi beckoned, "Bring it up!"

Zhang Chengxin took the paper from Shangguan Wan'er and handed it to Li Zhi respectfully.

Feeling a little curious, Wu Zetian also came behind Li Zhi to watch with him.

Looking at it this way, I immediately understood why Shangguan Wan'er was uncertain.

This article is all about the way of yin and yang. It seems to be some Taoist theories, but anyone who is not stupid can see it. This is obviously a satire on Wu Zetian who is doing too much now. I hope she can restrain herself.

But what they wrote was very cryptic, and there was no literary prison in the Tang Dynasty. It is impossible to use this article to do anything to least not on the surface.

Li Zhi shook his head and smiled: "Hmph, you actually want Nazhen's newspaper to fight back? Don't publish it!"

"No, I want to post!" Wu Zetian suddenly stopped, "Send without a word!"

Hearing her words, Li Zhi suddenly turned his head and asked with a smile, "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, no matter what the issue is, it must be discussed before it pays attention! If no one cares, it means no one pays attention! Now that they are willing to discuss it, there will definitely be more people willing to pay attention to this matter in the future!" Wu Zetian's face He replied with a smile.

Li Zhi raised his eyebrows suddenly and reacted.

This is indeed the case. On my side, the original purpose was to let more people know.In this way, it can make the plan more smooth.

As for the results of the discussion, don't worry about it at all.

Since ancient times, almost all problems have been solved by "compromising" and "being compromised", rather than "persuading" and "being persuaded".

Just like a debate, what actually collides is not "right or wrong" but "position".

Realizing this, Li Zhi nodded with a smile, and said with the health care ball in his hand: "Then follow Meiniang's words!"

Wu Zetian also nodded, and said to Shangguan Wan'er: "Post it, put it on the second edition!"

"Yes!" Shangguan Wan'er agreed, and after saluting, she turned and left respectfully.

After walking out of Yanying Hall, she also seemed to feel that she had learned something.

 Thanks to [Giant Nerve] for the reward of 1500 starting coins!
  Thank you [Fengyan Bingling] for tipping 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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