Great Tang princess

Chapter 200 Frontier

Chapter 200 Frontier
Although Li Zhi next to him seemed indifferent, his eyes actually showed deep reluctance.

It's just that he didn't show it, he just held the health ball and smiled: "I'm here waiting for the good news from Chen'er!"

"Well! Grandpa, don't worry!" Li Yuechen smiled.

The brothers and sisters standing around also came over, rushing to tell her all kinds of words of concern.

Li Yuechen each gave them a hug, and didn't say much, but with a free and easy smile on his face, everything was said in silence.

Finally, after giving mom and dad another hug, he smacked their faces, and then got on the horse.

With a light wave of his hand, the team of more than [-] people set off along the official road and went straight to the front line.

Watching the back of their daughter leaving, Li Zhi, his wife and children stood in place and watched until her back completely disappeared from sight.

Half an hour later, Li Yuechen's shadow was no longer in sight, and Li Zhi was still standing there, looking in the direction she left.

Wu Zetian turned her head and said softly, "Your Majesty, it's time to go back."


Li Zhi just responded lightly, but his body didn't move, and he still kept looking into the distance.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Wu Zetian sighed softly.

In fact, among the people present, Li Zhi was the one who didn't want to be separated from Li Yuechen the most.

This daughter not only brought him many surprises since childhood, but also made him very happy.

As long as I have my daughter by my side, I can even feel a lot better from headaches...

The other brothers and sisters also looked at him expectantly, looked at each other, and continued to stand beside him.

After another half hour, Li Zhi sighed softly, turned around and waved his hands: "Okay, let's go back to the palace."


100 people go a little faster and open the way ahead.

Li Yuechen, Geng Yunqiang and other experts followed, followed by the carriage responsible for transporting the goods, and finally the other 400 people.

The horseshoes with iron palms stepped on the hardened road, making a "gada gada" sound, maintaining a certain rhythm.

It's not clear how the soldiers in front reacted, but at least Geng Yunqiang and others were full of praise for the hardened road under their feet.

To go to Taozhou, everyone decided to go through Chang'an first, and then continue westward.

Now that the hardened road has been repaired to Tongguan, it can speed up a lot.

Walking on this hardened road for the first time, Geng Yunqiang couldn't help admiring: "Your Highness is truly a man of God, to be able to make such a road... If this kind of road is spread all over the Tang Dynasty, the marching speed will definitely be much faster!"

"Hehe, I think so too." Li Yuechen smirked expressionlessly.

If we really want to do this, the manpower and material resources required are an extremely terrifying figure, even Li Yuechen, who is already a rich woman, cannot afford it.

Even if all prisoners of war or slaves are used, there is no need to pay wages, but just eating and drinking is a big number.

Not to mention that the current production of building materials can't keep up. At present, Li Yuechen's plan can only be to connect Chang'an and Dongdu first, and other surrounding places can only be discussed later.

Speaking of which, this was Li Yuechen's first real trip, and it reminded him of the days when he ran around the world and participated in various extreme sports competitions.

Anyway, no matter where I went at that time, the sponsors paid for it, so the basic necessities of life along the way were very comfortable.

Now... the speed of riding a horse has slowed down after all.

However, this did not affect her excitement about going out, and she quickly changed the topic and chatted with them about other places.

The people who served as her guards were all experienced military masters who had been on the battlefield.

Instead, he can explain to Li Yuechen the customs of other places.

Listening to their narration, Li Yuechen will subconsciously make a comparison with the future, which can be regarded as understanding the culture of many places thousands of years ago.

Seeing her chatting with these soldiers, Fulai who was behind was a little unhappy.

In the past, His Highness talked with him the most about everything, but now he chatted enthusiastically with other people, which made him feel as if he had fallen out of favor.

Although he also knew that His Highness had no other intentions, he still felt uncomfortable.


The speed on the hardened road was very fast, and he covered nearly a hundred miles in one day.

There is no need to camp at night. The post station set up on the official road, in addition to the duty of changing horses, is also a guest house for some senior officials or generals.

After entering the room arranged by the station, Li Yuechen looked around, good guy, I haven't lived in a house with such poor conditions in more than ten years!

Thanks to Fulai's preparation, he immediately took out the cushion and placed it in the middle, letting Li Yuechen sit down and rest.

After calling for hot water to make a pot of tea, I immediately took out the sheets and pillows and started making the bed.

As a princess, it is impossible for Li Yuechen to sleep on the mattress here. When going out, Fulai had already anticipated all the situations and made quite sufficient preparations.

Since the chair invented by Li Yuechen had not been brought with her, she could only sit cross-legged on the cushion, holding a cup of hot tea and waiting for Fulai to make the bed.

By the way, he looked up, down, left, and right at the furnishings in the room.

Seriously, it's in poor condition, moldy in many places already from the humidity.

While making the bed, Fulai muttered: "Living in such a place, His Highness really feels wronged..."

"Okay, it's not for enjoying the blessings when you come out to serve in the army." Li Yuechen smiled, picked up the teacup and blew, "Speaking of which, as long as you can eat and sleep well, that's enough."

While working, Fulai agreed: "Yes, this servant naturally knows His Highness's thoughts, but it's a pity that only this servant knows, this reputation is not obvious..."

Listening to his chanting, Li Yuechen sighed and shook his head: "Since when did you think that I care about my reputation? To me, as long as Datang is good, it doesn't matter whether I have a reputation..."

Anyway, it's still the same sentence, so what if it leaves a long history of infamy?
Firstly, I am a princess, and no one dares to scold me in my face; secondly, after a hundred years, I will die, and you will not be able to hear or see when you scold me!
After making the bed, Fulai immediately went to prepare dinner.

Originally, he planned to do it alone, but Li Yuechen said that he didn't need to pay so much attention when he was away from home, as long as he ate it with the army.

Originally, she has a big appetite, and it would be too troublesome to prepare it alone.

The main food in the army is corn and pancakes, which can be stored for a long time and are easy to carry.

It's just that as a princess, Li Yuechen still has some other privileges. When he came out, he brought a lot of bacon, so he could enjoy it alone.

After eating, Li Yuechen didn't continue to keep Fulai busy, and waved him to go to bed quickly, so as not to delay tomorrow's schedule.

Then he took off his clothes and lay on the bed, ready to sleep.

Fortunately, she didn't have the habit of acknowledging her bed, and soon felt sleepy under the action of her biological clock.

After thinking about the next plan, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep after a while.


It took two days to arrive at Tongguan, but the next road has not yet been repaired, so the speed suddenly slowed down.

Because of the existence of the carriage, it took another three days to get from Tongguan to Chang'an.

Looking at the majestic Chang'an City, Li Yuechen did not go in, but chose to keep going.

Now there may be a fight on the front line at any time, it is better to go there as soon as possible.


The marching road was bumpy and dusty.

It was already the first day of March when Li Yuechen set off from Dongdu at the end of the first month and entered the border of Taozhou.

This is also because Li Yuechen did not enter Qizhou and Qinzhou to rest along the way.

Otherwise, if the local officials know that the princess is coming, such a big reception will definitely take a lot of time.

So when Li Yuechen passed by, he just sent guards to say hello and replenish some supplies, but he didn't meet them at all.

In the orange light of the setting sun, Li Yuechen's team finally arrived outside Taozhou City.

Looking up at the city gate in the distance, everyone rode their horses and stepped up to the city gate.

Liu Rengui, who had already received the news, came out to greet him with his generals.

After the guards of the 100 people in front came over, they immediately spread out on both sides, and Li Yuechen, Fulai, Geng Yunqiang and others came from the middle.

Seeing Liu Rengui in armor, Li Yuechen jumped off the horse and trotted over to say hello: "Master, I'm here!"

Liu Rengui led a group of generals to salute respectfully: "I have seen Her Royal Highness."

"Well, everyone is welcome!" Li Yuechen raised his hand.

To be honest, she still admires the soldiers responsible for guarding the border, and faintly treats them more politely.

Then he turned his head to look at Liu Rengui and said with a smile: "Master, it took me a month to come here from the Eastern Capital! Does Master miss me?"

"The old man will naturally miss His Highness... Dinner has been prepared in the camp, and we are here to welcome His Highness..."

"Ah, don't worry." Li Yuechen joked directly, "Since Master misses me, why don't you accompany me to a practical training first? Recently, I feel that I have encountered a bottleneck..."

Liu Rengui seemed to have never expected that he hadn't seen him for such a long time, and as a result, his apprentice was about to kill him as soon as he arrived, so he didn't realize it for a while, and coughed twice on the spot.

"Ahem... this, since His Highness has encountered a bottleneck, he should understand it well, even a teacher can't help you with this matter..."

Watching the conversation between the master and apprentice, the generals around couldn't help but smile, it was so interesting.

The atmosphere in the army will be more relaxed, not as depressing as in the court.

But even if they laughed, they didn't dare to laugh too much, after all, one was the immediate boss and the other was the current princess.

Seeing Master's somewhat embarrassed and cute appearance, Li Yuechen did not continue joking, but followed Master into the city.

The other generals were very sensible and followed a few steps behind, and at the same time, they were courteous to Fulai who was beside her.

After entering the city, Li Yuechen discovered that the difference between this place and Chang'an and Dongdu is not just a matter of size.

It's just that the cities here don't have a fangshi system, just like the ancient towns in TV dramas.

Most of the shops are open along the street, and the houses of different heights are row upon row, and the houses of different sizes are arranged together.

The street is a dirt road, as long as it rains, it is guaranteed to be full of mud.

On the streets where people come and go, you can hear all kinds of cries.

Unlike cities like Chang'an and Dongdu, there are no women on the streets here, and even if there is one passing by occasionally, they are basically old people.

Women under 40 years old are almost invisible, so Li Yuechen feels that it is very eye-catching to appear here.

Especially a very beautiful little girl in bright red, who can attract everyone's attention almost instantly.

But looking at the respectful looks of the crowd around him, one can guess that this is not an ordinary person, so no one dared to look at it, they just glanced down and immediately lowered their heads to do their own thing.

A group of people walked and chatted, and soon came to the post house.

This is the place where Liu Rengui and other senior generals live. The army is stationed outside the city, and they don't come in casually when they have nothing to do.

Entering the post house, dinner has been prepared here, including Hubing and roasted horse meat, as well as green ant wine.

Liu Rengui greeted Li Yuechen to sit down and said: "The conditions here are no better than those in the palace, Your Highness will take care of you..."

"Master, don't worry, this disciple is not that delicate!" Li Yuechen smiled and sat down cross-legged.

After she sat down, Liu Rengui and the other generals followed suit.

Then Liu Ren tracked: "Let me introduce to His Highness, this is Liu Shenli, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry..."

Liu Shenli on the opposite side got up and saluted, then sat down.

Liu Rengui continued to introduce. Every time he introduced a person, the other party would stand up and salute, so that Li Yuechen knew who he was.

Most of these generals are young, with an average age of around 30 years old, and the youngest Qibi Ming is only in his early 20s.

Of course, Li Yuechen is the youngest one now, she is only 13 years old.

After listening to Liu Rengui's introduction, Li Yuechen stood up and said, "Although I am a princess, I am still a junior on the battlefield. If there are any problems in the future, I hope you will give me your advice!"

What he said was very particular, and he didn't mean to use his status to overwhelm others at all, and Li Yuechen didn't have that kind of domineering feeling on his body.

The other generals stood up and saluted one after another to express their fear, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

Liu Rengui, who was on the main seat, raised his hand and stroked his beard with a smile, "The legend of His Highness is widely spread in the army, so there is no need to be humble."

After all, with such an apprentice who is born with supernatural power, Liu Rengui would always brag from time to time when he was teaching juniors in the army.

After a long time, various legends have naturally formed in the army, and some of them have even spread to Tubo.

Originally, this is already the border of the Tang Dynasty. When there is no war, they will fight with the soldiers from the Tubo side or spray some trash talk.

After a long time, the soldiers here will also say that our princess is born with supernatural powers, if she is here, she will definitely kill you and the like.

The Tubo side will also say that a certain master in their army is equally powerful... In short, both sides think that the other is bragging!

Li Yuechen was too lazy to care so much, so he directly picked up a glass of wine and said, "Master, I haven't seen you for a long time, disciples respect Master first."

In fact, she rarely drinks alcohol, but this green ant wine has a higher alcohol concentration than fruit beer, so it doesn't matter if she drinks it occasionally.

The princess toast means that you can start eating, and the soldiers are not polite, and they start to move their chopsticks...

 Thanks to [lm876a] for the 500 starting coins!
  Thanks to [BLUE’s RED] for tipping 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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