Chapter 206
In the early morning of the next day, Li Yuechen still woke up early. After practicing yoga and having breakfast, it was almost time to set off.

Fulai has already taken care of everything early, and Li Yuechen can go straight on the horse after he comes out.

However, after arriving at the gate of the post house, Li Yuechen still felt helpless.

It was already agreed to pack lightly and travel lightly, but in the end, her belongings alone still took up two entire carriages.

This does not include her weapon, which is held by the guards.

Shaking his head helplessly, Li Yuechen got on his horse, and the horse trotted to the gate of the barracks.

When they came over, Liu Rengui and all the generals were ready, and they were making final preparations.

Behind the few people, there are endless soldiers in black.

There are five thousand cavalry in the front, and tens of thousands of infantry in the back, arranged in four rows and stretching backwards, with no end in sight.

Different flags of different colors were held in their hands, and there was a chilling air when they looked at them from a distance.

Seeing Li Yuechen approaching, Liu Rengui and others saluted and greeted, and then began to make the final count.

Li Yuechen took advantage of this time to stroll around on horseback, looking around curiously, maybe he could learn some details that he usually ignores.

The infantry in this era is always very hard, because no matter where they go, they have to rely on walking, and at the same time they have to carry various flags and the like.

Fortunately, in this era, the prototype of leggings has begun to appear. Although it is not standardized yet, it is enough to support them for long-distance walking.

Although this thing is simple, our army relied on this thing to trek mountains and rivers. It can almost be said to be the earliest exoskeleton armor.

Li Yuechen felt that there was an opportunity to regulate them and teach them how to do it.

After looking back and forth for a while, Liu Rengui and the others over there were almost done lightly. After getting on their horses, they waved their hands, and the large army set off in a mighty manner, heading straight for Longzhi City.

A total of 80,000 people lined up in a long queue on the not too wide official road, just like a highway with traffic jams on holidays, a dark road.

Li Yuechen's five hundred guards surrounded the master and apprentice, and they rode forward slowly.

After all, the infantry behind is the main force, so the main thing is to cooperate with their speed.

Wang Xiaojie, Wei Daigui and others were all in the middle of the team, directing the formation to prevent falling behind.

While admiring the scenery of this land thousands of years ago, Li Yuechen asked many details about the battlefield.

While Liu Rengui answered the questions one by one, he also did not forget to teach more about the pros and cons of terrain.

These experiences are very useful, and Li Yuechen listened very carefully.


The speed and efficiency of marching in this era are very limited. Before noon, the army will stop to rest and prepare to eat.

Liu Rengui and other generals also sat around together, they would eat better, and they would have some other game and the like.

Li Yuechen also happened to follow them to taste the animals that were listed as protected after more than a year, not to mention, the taste was still very good.

As for the bacon I brought with me, there wasn't much of it in the first place, so I'd better keep it for myself and enjoy it slowly.

At night, Li Yuechen's tent was set up next to Liu Rengui's tent, which was much larger in size than his.

After dinner, I watched the stars outside for a while, and then went straight back to sleep.

The next morning, I still got up early, practiced yoga, and had breakfast.

Taking a bath during the march was a hassle. Li Yuechen just wiped his body with a wet towel to deal with it. He didn't do strenuous exercise anyway.

The distance from Taozhou to Longzhi is not too far. After seven days, the destination can basically be seen with the naked eye.

What's worth mentioning is that during this period of time, Li Yuechen's blood loss buff also ended, and he didn't feel any stomach pain at all during this period, which is normal.

Longzhi is considered a relatively prosperous town, but it is not too big, and it is more of a place like a commercial center.

Liu Rengui took a look at the binoculars bestowed by the emperor, and then said with a smile: "This object made by Your Highness is really useful!"

Li Yuechen smiled and said nothing.

It can only be said that he has never seen the kind of telescope in the future, which not only has a clear line of sight, but some even have night vision functions. Compared with each other, this kind of telescope is far behind.

But considering the background of the times, this is already a black technology.

When the army arrived outside Longzhi City, before they had time to enter the city, a man galloped ahead on horseback.

The guards in front immediately took a defensive posture, and some even drew their bows and arrows.

However, seeing that there was only one person in the other party, he relaxed a little.

The guards beside Liu Rengui shouted loudly: "My own people, let go!"

Li Yuechen looked at it, and it should be the scout on his side.

But people in this era don't seem to know the importance of scouts. These scouts don't even wear armor, just ordinary coarse clothes.

It would be fine if it was for camouflage, but he was carrying a weapon on his body. Once such a dress was discovered by the enemy, the consequences would be very serious.

Not to mention that this weapon is still very old and worn out. If it really wants to fight, it probably won't be able to fight against others.

The scout approached, got off his horse and saluted: "Report! The enemy army is less than two days away from Longzhi!"

Liu Rengui nodded: "Investigate again, report again!"


The scout agreed, got on his horse and turned his head to leave.

Li Yuechen thought for a while, then suddenly turned his head and asked, "Master, what if we take this opportunity to attack at night?"

Liu Rengui nodded first: "The method is indeed good. If we attack at night at this time, it is indeed easy to defeat it in one fell swoop!"

But then he said: "It's just that our soldiers are already exhausted at this time, and it's difficult to use their full strength to fight by force."

This explanation, which was raised first and then suppressed, made Li Yuechen once again sighed at his superb speaking skills, nodded and said: "So that's the case, I understand!"


The army did not enter the Dragon City, and continued to camp outside the city to rest.

On the other hand, Li Yuechen followed Liu Rengui to meet the county magistrate and learn about the situation in the city.

Perhaps many people had already received the news, so they left early, and the only ones who remained in the city at this moment were the garrison in charge of guarding the city and ordinary people who were unable to move away.

Perhaps because it was the first time he saw the royal princess, the county magistrate was a little trembling when he spoke, and looked up at Li Yuechen's face from time to time.

There have always been rumors in the army that the princess was born with supernatural powers, but after seeing it with my own eyes today, the county magistrate doesn't feel like it.

The main reason is that Li Yuechen's figure is too well-proportioned. Logically speaking, shouldn't he be tall and thick if he is born with supernatural power?

But the princess in front of her, apart from being a bit taller than ordinary women of the same age, doesn't look like she can be related to the word "divine power".

Not to mention that her eyes with long eyelashes under her straight eyebrows were faintly glistening, no matter how you look at it, she is a little girl who can cry for a long time with a punch.

Li Yuechen didn't know what the county magistrate was thinking, he just sipped the yogurt sent by the other party, and at the same time listened to his report with his master Liu Rengui.

Seeing that it was almost dusk, in this age of two meals per person, it is estimated that the hunger was unbearable, so the county magistrate invited Liu Rengui to have a meal with the princess.

Li Yuechen shook her head and refused. With her appetite, if she really wanted to let her eat here, she might scare the county magistrate.

After finishing speaking, Fulai asked the county magistrate to sort out the post house and let the princess live in it.

This time Li Yuechen did not refuse, mainly because he couldn't take a bath on the road for a few days, and felt uncomfortable all over. Today, he wanted to take this opportunity to take a good bath and rest.

Fulai originally planned to ask a few maids to come over, but Li Yuechen refused. Anyway, he can't stay here for a few days, so why do he need so many servants?

After dinner in the evening, Fulai boiled water and poured it into the bathtub, and after finishing everything, he went out and stood at the door.

Li Yuechen soaked in the water and exhaled a long breath. Sure enough, taking a bath is a good way to keep a comfortable mood.

Although it was the first time in more than ten years that I took a bath by myself, the degree of comfort was always the same.


In the early morning of the next day, Li Yuechen came to the barracks refreshed. Master Liu Rengui had already woken up early. He was looking at the map on the table and wondering what he was thinking.

Li Yuechen came in and said hello: "Master, can I have breakfast?"

"Yeah!" Liu Rengui looked up and smiled, "Your Highness looks pretty good."

"Master, don't worry, you are always in the best condition!" Li Yuechen raised his arms and made a movement to show his muscles.

Liu Rengui smiled and stroked his beard: "That's just right. Now the Tubo army has arrived outside Longzhi City. The number is estimated to be around [-]. Tomorrow will be the decisive battle!"

"200,000?" Li Yuechen looked up and recalled the information he had read these days, "Shouldn't Lun Qinling have close to [-]?"

"The main force should not be here..." After speaking, Liu Rengui roughly analyzed his thoughts.

Li Yuechen nodded from time to time, understanding what Master meant.

Since Tubo is still a society similar to slavery, about half of the 200,000 troops are actually slaves.

They have little combat effectiveness, not even armor and weapons, and their main role is as cannon fodder in the front to resist attacks.

And behind these slaves are the heavily armored warriors of Tubo.

In other words, the army with real combat effectiveness may only be around [-].

The number of the army outside Longzhi City is estimated to be around [-], but according to the scout's report, slaves accounted for [-].

The real combat troops are about 40,000 people.

"I came to Longzhi yesterday, and there was a lot of movement. The other party should have also received the news. Will they come to attack tomorrow?" Li Yuechen asked his own question.


Liu Rengui nodded: "Since we didn't leave today, a battle tomorrow is inevitable."

"But our army has more than 80,000 people, and the opponent has only [-] combat effectiveness. How dare you fight?" Li Yuechen asked, "Do you think my Tang army's combat effectiveness is low?"

"Your Highness, don't forget that I came in a hurry this time, and the cavalry was only about [-]. However, Tubo is a nomadic people, and the number of cavalry far exceeds our army. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is even better than our army at this time!" Liu Rengui replied.

Li Yuechen nodded, that's true.

The cavalry of this era has a great advantage over infantry. Basically, the combat effectiveness of one cavalry can be equal to three or five infantry or even more.

It seems that this is the capital that Tubo is still stubborn in the face of 80,000 people here.

"Besides, the Tubo warriors are not afraid of death, that's why I plan to let His Highness come down to serve as the vanguard officer." Liu Rengui continued to explain.

Regarding this point, Li Yuechen has never seen it with his own eyes, but he has read many records in books saying that "Military orders are strict, every battle, the front team dies, and the rear team advances!"

These records may be exaggerated, but at least they reflect the fighting style of most Tubo soldiers who are not afraid of death.

The social concept of Tubo is "heavy soldiers will die, and they will end up with severe diseases".

People respect heroes on the battlefield, so soldiers are also proud of dying on the battlefield.

The army formed by soldiers with this concept will naturally be very brave and have a strong will to fight.

Moreover, this kind of regime mixed with religion often has an extremely strong mobilization ability, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the whole people are soldiers.

Li Yuechen nodded: "Master, don't worry, I understand!"


The master and apprentice were chatting, and other generals also came in one after another, and began to analyze the situation against the map.

In fact, there is nothing to analyze. These young generals basically know the legend of Liu Rengui, and they have a very strong prestige in the army.

With the blessing of such prestige, none of the generals had any doubts about his orders.

And Li Jingxuan was also very smart and didn't express any opinions, just quietly listened to his explanation.

What Liu Rengui meant was not to defend the city, but to go out and fight directly, trying to defeat these 60,000 people in one fell swoop.

Because they haven't figured out where the opponent's remaining troops are yet, although the city defense battle is much easier to fight, it is also easy to let their own side fall into a passive situation.

In the end, Liu Rengui gave the order. Li Yuechen and Qi Biming, as the left and right vanguard officers, each led 10,000 people to block the enemy from the front.

Wei Daigui and Hei Chi Changzhi each lead 20,000 people ready to rush in from the flanks to support at any time, while Wang Xiaojie and Li Jingxuan lead 40,000 people to support the formation at the rear, and at the same time attack and assist at any time according to the situation.

Such an order is very simple, but it is also very flexible, and everyone expressed no opinion.

Liu Rengui's expression was serious: "Tomorrow's battle, everyone must go all out, and we must fight with the majesty of my Tang Dynasty! Let the emperor and empress see our strength!"

"Here!" Everyone saluted and agreed in unison.

"Go back and mobilize each other, and follow the order tomorrow to fight on time!"

After Liu Rengui gave the order, everyone returned to make final preparations.

Li Yuechen couldn't help but take a deep breath to relieve the tension in his heart.

Seeing her like this, Liu Rengui smiled and said, "Is Your Highness ready?"

"Master, don't worry, you will be ready the moment you decide to go to the battlefield." Li Yuechen nodded, "I will definitely go all out tomorrow!"

"Actually, Your Highness only needs to treat it as a daily training. The more peaceful your mind, the more stable your performance will be." Liu Rengui urged.

 Thank you [Masked Superman from Mercury] for the 500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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