Great Tang princess

Chapter 209 Among the Enemies

Chapter 209 Among the Enemies

After all, Li Yuechen was a girl, and her roar was not as powerful as a man's, but the guards around her were always watching her.

A guard two meters away heard her order and picked up the two sledgehammers hanging on the saddle: "Your Highness, continue!"

Then, with great effort, he threw the two hammers one after the other.

Li Yuechen raised his hand to catch the hammer, then turned around and went straight to the Tubo soldiers in front of him.

When he came close, Li Yuechen directly waved the black hammer in his hand and smashed it on the opponent's shield.

With a "click", the shield seemed to be made of paper, and it was smashed to pieces at the moment of contact, and even the arms of the soldiers behind were broken.

When the soldier fell, the soldiers next to her were shocked, but before they could turn their shields to continue to defend her, they were hit on the head by another hammer!

With the sound of "铛", the soldier's helmet was directly dented by a large piece, and blood spurted out of his eyes, mouth and nose almost at the same time, and he fell to the ground in response.

The two fell, and the enemy's encirclement was torn apart again. Li Yuechen did not rush in, but turned his head and continued to deal with the other soldiers around him.

A series of dull blows sounded, and the surrounding soldiers fell down one by one.

Li Yuechen used a hammer one at a time, and didn't need a second move at all. With this kind of weapon, if you greet him, you will be seriously injured if you don't die.

The breakthrough here is getting bigger and bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the speed of the enemy's replacement is basically the speed of her beating people.

Tubo soldiers fell one after another, and the figure of Li Yuechen wielding a double hammer gradually attracted everyone's attention.

The main general was so brave that even the hundred or so guards behind him all had high morale, roaring and attacking the enemy.


A Tubo soldier roared and stabbed the spear in his hand towards Li Yuechen. She raised her left hand and swung the hammer on the opponent's spear, breaking it directly.

Then the hammer in the right hand smashed directly from the top of the opponent's head.

With a sound of "噗嗤", the helmet was instantly smashed flat, a small half of the head was directly smashed into the chest cavity, and at the same time, red and white viscous liquid splashed out to the surroundings.

Li Yuechen saw the viscous liquid splashed on his arm, and felt that the undigested food in his stomach began to churn violently.

But in the end, he still resisted not spitting it out, but continued to swing the hammer to the next enemy.

A Tubo soldier who was obviously physically strong rushed towards her holding a weapon that looked like a Guandao.

This guy's height is more than 1.9 meters by visual inspection, and with the Guan knife in his hand, he feels extremely oppressive just looking at it.

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

At the same time as Geng Yunqiang roared, he had already rode in front of Li Yuechen, wanting to defend her one or two times.

"Go away!"

Li Yuechen bypassed him directly from the side, and rushed towards him with a pair of hammers.

When the two sides met, the opponent had already chopped down the big knife in his hand, and in order to ensure the accuracy of the head, the knife was slashed obliquely, and the attack range was extremely large.

Facing this kind of heavy weapon, Li Yuechen didn't dare to rely on his armor to resist. Instead, he raised the hammer high in his hand, swung it in a semicircle, and then collided with the opponent's blade from bottom to top.


When the weapons of both sides collided, there was a strong metal hissing sound, and at the same time as sparks splashed, there was even a shock wave visible to the naked eye that spread from the contact point to the surroundings.

Some people who were relatively close around even felt their internal organs violently churning because of the shock wave generated by the metal collision.

However, with such a touch, Li Yuechen didn't react at all, but the sturdy soldier on the opposite side had his mouth cracked, and subconsciously let go of the weapon in his hand.

However, Li Yuechen didn't give him a chance to react. If he let this guy go, he would definitely cause a lot of trouble to his guards.

So without further ado, he took two steps forward again, raised the hammer high in his hand, and smashed it straight at his head.

The other party was shocked, seeing the black hammer getting closer and closer to him, and gradually enlarged in his sight, subconsciously took half a step back, turned around and wanted to run away.

It's just that although this person is tall and strong, he doesn't seem to have any training on flexibility at ordinary times. As a result, compared with Li Yuechen, he is far inferior to Li Yuechen in terms of flexibility and convenience.

In just two steps, Li Yuechen had already chased after him, the hammer in his hand raised high.

At this moment, with a sound of "clang", Li Yuechen was suddenly shot in the head by an arrow.

It's just that the arrow just left a small white spot on her helmet, causing her head to tilt slightly.

However, because of this, the hammer did not hit the soldier in front of him on the head, but on his shoulder.

With a sound of "Gaba", the other party immediately screamed, and then his body became unstable and he fell to the ground.

The right shoulder was smashed, even if he survived, Li Yuechen did not continue to chase, but turned his head to deal with the soldiers next to him.

Under her influence, the morale of the guards behind her was greatly improved, and they followed her to break through the enemy's formation one after another, disrupting the opponent's formation.

The internal chaos, the soldiers who were responsible for resisting outside naturally could not get effective orders, and the enemy line began to gradually become chaotic.


On the city wall, Liu Rengui saw that the infantry on both sides had been entangled together, and then turned his binoculars to look for Li Yuechen's voice.

She was quite recognizable, and soon saw her wielding double hammers in the enemy formation and tearing apart the enemy formation.

A smile appeared on the corner of Liu Rengui's mouth, he turned his head to look at Fulai and said with a smile, "Now, you don't have to worry about Your Highness."

Fulai didn't care about other things on the battlefield, he only cared about Li Yuechen alone, and kept staring at her with a telescope.

Hearing Liu Rengui's words, he nodded at the same time: "That is, Your Highness is brave and invincible, I don't need to worry..."

I don't know who was so worried just now... Liu Rengui complained in his heart.

But he didn't care about it, but waved his hand to the guard who was in charge of passing the order: "The order goes on, if the enemy cavalry shows signs of attack, there is no need to report from the flanks, attack at any time, and intercept it!"

"Here!" The orderly agreed, turned and ran away.


In the enemy line, Li Yuechen's super fighting power was finally noticed by everyone.

The Tubo soldiers did not dare to take the initiative to attack again. No matter where she went, no one dared to attack her again, but faced her with shields and kept retreating.

The guards who saw this scene naturally became more morale and shouted loudly.

I couldn't hear what he was shouting, but he was probably thinking about the other party's demonstration.

Li Yuechen didn't want to continue wasting, so he decided to fight, completely tearing apart the enemy formation, so that his other guards and follow-up infantry could rush in!
So he turned around, ran to the other side, and swung the hammer in his hand to fight in the enemy's formation.

The equipment of the two sides is not at the same level at all. Whether it is a shield woven with rattan or a large solid wood shield, they are all treated equally in front of Li Yuechen's double hammers, and they are smashed instantly with one hammer.

With such combat power, most people should have been terrified when they saw it, and they didn't have the courage to fight in tone.

However, Tubo is a religious country, and many of these soldiers with religious beliefs are brave and fearless.

Seeing that Li Yuechen tore through their line of defense, these soldiers also knew that they might not escape death, so they completely gave up their defense and rushed towards Li Yuechen with roars.

"Not good! There are too many people! Protect Your Highness!" Geng Yunqiang roared, leading other guards to quickly protect Li Yuechen's sides and behind.

In this way, Li Yuechen doesn't have to worry about other places, just be responsible for dealing with the enemy in front of him.

Two pitch-black sledgehammers with golden patterns were swung vigorously, and Li Yuechen easily dealt with all the Tubo soldiers who dared to charge forward.

With such a heavy weapon, it is too much to say that it is a hammer, because she doesn't need to use all her strength at all, as long as she swings it lightly, hitting anyone is sure to die.

It should be said that a small half hammer can solve one, and there is no one that can really make her swing the hammer with all her strength.

Although Li Yuechen didn't ride a horse, in this crowded enemy formation, the advancing speed was even faster. He almost didn't even realize it, and he had already advanced into the enemy formation, pulling Geng Yunqiang and others a few feet away.

Geng Yunqiang was about to sound a reminder, but suddenly heard another "rumbling" sound of horseshoes.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously, and it turned out that the cavalry who were pressing behind at the beginning started to move, rushing towards this side at high speed.

But at the same time, the soldiers who had prepared their sights on both sides were also running at high speed on the only way they had to pass, intending to intercept them.

"Your Highness, get on the horse! You may not be able to stop them all!" Geng Yunqiang reminded loudly, and he had already stretched out his hand to pull a horse.

After all, they were in the enemy's formation, and many people died in Li Yuechen's guards. There were at least thirty empty horses scattered in the enemy's formation.

Li Yuechen turned his head and took a look. The enemy's line of defense hadn't been completely torn apart, but the enemy cavalry had already started rushing towards this side.

Although my side has already intercepted on the flanks, most of them are infantry after all, so I can't guarantee that they can all be intercepted.

In case the enemy cavalry rushes over at that time, the pressure on my side will be even greater.

So Li Yuechen didn't get on his horse immediately, but chose to continue tearing apart the enemy's defense line. Only by allowing his own guards and infantry to come in could he completely separate the enemy.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen continued to attack the Tubo soldiers in front without saying a word.

Perhaps it was because they saw their own cavalry start to mobilize, the morale of the Tubo soldiers recovered a little, and more soldiers attacked her.

Li Yuechen swung out his hammers, and at the same time that the two Tubo soldiers in front of him were brought down, three scimitars were cut on her head and back respectively.

"Dang, clang, clang" three times, sparks splashed on Li Yuechen's head and back.

She is wearing a special heavy armor, not to mention that Tubo's iron smelting skills are very ordinary, it is impossible for this kind of one-handed machete to break through her armor.

Li Yuechen turned around and swung a hammer, only to hear three muffled "Puff puffs", and the three soldiers behind him were directly knocked down to the ground by the hammer.

Human bones are extremely fragile in the face of this powerful force, almost breaking bones and tendons as soon as they are touched.

Geng Yunqiang next to him had already seen what Li Yuechen was going to do, and immediately stopped the other guards from following behind to tear open the line of defense.

Among other things, at least make sure that there are no enemies behind His Highness, so as to reduce her pressure.


Behind them, the enemy's cavalry collided directly with the flanking Tang Army infantry, and everyone was turned on their backs in an instant.

Afterwards, the two sides began to fight fiercely, and the shouts of killing were loud, and the two teams were like oil and water constantly devouring and blending with each other.

Although it was stopped, a group of cavalry still came out from both sides and went straight to the battlefield ahead.

Geng Yunqiang roared: "Stop them!"

The guards behind him immediately turned around, ready to meet the local cavalry.

On the other side, Li Yuechen looked back, and then accelerated to attack the enemy Tubo soldiers.

The Tubo soldiers on the opposite side yelled at her in a Tubo language she couldn't understand, and Li Yuechen fought back.

In the continuous battles, a pair of originally black hammers became blood-stained, and the golden stripes were almost covered up.

The strong smell of blood on the battlefield filled her nostrils, constantly stimulating her nerves like adrenaline.

It's just that Li Yuechen didn't have time to think too much at all, he just wanted to quickly open the defense line.

Her gorgeous armor kept breaking through the crowd, and soon the guards and infantry behind her could see each other with naked eyes.

The Tubo soldiers blocking in front of them were decreasing rapidly visible to the naked eye. Some of them chose to attack others, while some continued to rush towards Li Yuechen bravely.

The enemy cavalry behind had collided with the guards in charge of protection and began to fight.

Geng Yunqiang urged: "Your Highness, get on the horse, it's too late!"

Li Yuechen glanced back, and said in a low voice: "Hold on!"

Then he cleaned up the Tubo soldiers in front of him more quickly. The guards and soldiers on the other side saw the figure of the princess rushing back and forth among the Tubo soldiers. The surrounding enemy soldiers fell one by one, and their momentum rose instantly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!!"

The guards and soldiers roared together and launched a more violent attack on the Tubo soldiers, forming an encirclement with Li Yuechen, and the pressure on the enemy increased sharply.

Finally, after Li Yuechen knocked down a Tubo soldier with a hammer, the enemy formation was completely torn apart, and a large number of his own soldiers rushed in.

The guards who came in from behind quickly surrounded Li Yuechen to prevent her from being attacked suddenly.

At this time, the enemy's cavalry was almost approaching, Geng Yunqiang reminded again: "Your Highness, mount your horse."

Li Yuechen nodded, turned over and climbed onto the horse beside him: "How is your physical strength? Can you continue to persevere?"

"It's okay for me to wait. The key is Your Highness. I just used up too much energy. Can I still fight?" Geng Yunqiang asked worriedly.

Looking at the enemy army getting closer and closer in front of him, Li Yuechen's voice under the mask was a little low: "If I am willing, I can fight for a whole day!"

Then, he picked up the double hammer again: "Follow me and continue to charge!"

The guards around him were filled with admiration when they saw His Highness's bravery just now, and they all agreed, "Here!"

 Thank you [God Deals] for the reward of 5000 starting coins!
  Thanks to [CoolStar2] for the 5000 starting coins!
  Thank you [Dream Everyday] for tipping 1500 starting coins!
  Thank you [Huayi Tianlu] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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