Chapter 213
Sitting behind the table, Li Yuechen sipped yogurt, feeling a little complicated.

If you have a mobile phone now, you can't help but post a Moments: "How does it feel to see someone burn incense on your tablet?"

It's a pity that all of this can only exist in fantasy, Li Yuechen shook his head, and after drinking some yogurt, he planned to go back.

I originally planned to take a look at the customs of this border city, but after looking around, I feel that it is far worse than places like Chang'an or Dongdu.

Although in her opinion, even Chang'an and Dongdu are future villages and towns, the border cities are obviously more backward.

Especially because of the recent war, many Tubo people are afraid to come to do business, for fear of being caught as spies.

So no matter whether it was on the street or in the restaurant, there were not many people, basically some old customers were chatting with each other here.

"Isn't there a more lively place?" Li Yuechen said to himself helplessly.

Geng Yunqiang and the guards looked at each other, thinking that the brothel was the only place that was so lively.

Of course, I dare not say this to the princess, I can only think about it in my heart.


After staying for a short time, Li Yuechen got up and went back to the post house. He had nothing to do today, so he simply went back to the house and lay down on the bed to read.

After watching it for a while, seeing that it was almost night, Fulai suddenly knocked on the door and walked in: "Your Highness, there is a military concern."

Hearing these words, Li Yuechen jumped up from the bed like a carp, and trotted all the way to the barracks, ignoring his armor.

After arriving at Liu Rengui's tent, everyone else had already arrived.

Seeing the princess coming in, they saluted together.

Li Yuechen raised his hand to excuse them, and then came to Liu Rengui's side: "Master, is there any movement from the enemy army?"

"Probably." Liu Rengui nodded, "The scouts just came to report that 50,000 people are coming to Longzhi, and they are camping sixty miles away."

"Sixty miles? Tubo is arrogant and rude, and the last general requests to fight!" Wang Xiaojie snorted, "It only takes 20,000 people to attack the enemy camp at night!"

"Not right!" Li Yuechen shook his head, "Since you dare to come, it's impossible to be unprepared, maybe just wait for us to pass!"

Although she has not been in the army for a long time, it is actually quite difficult to fight night raids in this era.

In her opinion, it is best to arrange the battle during the day, and there are still many restrictions on the night battle.

And Li Jingxuan just stood by and didn't say a word, the rest were young generals, even if they had their own ideas, they wouldn't speak easily.

For a moment, the barracks fell into a strange silence.

But Liu Rengui looked at the map, but suddenly smiled slightly: "It's okay, pass on the order, rest normally tonight, he won't come."

Hearing this sentence, all the generals raised their heads and looked at him incredulously.

This order is too risky, if the enemy army attacks at night, it will definitely be selected as passive.

"This..." Wang Xiaojie reminded somewhat tactfully, "Is it too dangerous?"

Liu Rengui raised his head: "No problem, if General Wang is worried, he can go on patrol at night."

While speaking, his face was full of confidence, as if he had known the result in advance.

Although the others had doubts in their hearts, he was the coach after all, so they didn't continue to say anything.

After the other generals left, Li Yuechen asked: "Master, why can you be sure that the other party will not attack our army at night?"

"There are scouts from our army nearby. Since we haven't found them before, it means that they came from farther away." Liu Rengui explained, "Under such circumstances, the soldiers are tired. If they attack our army at night again, their own losses will be greatly reduced." Also big..."

After listening to Master's explanation, Li Yuechen probably understood.

Night raids are essentially a pursuit of low risk and high return, but if the risk is also increased, it becomes a gamble.

If it was someone else, Lun Qinling might really dare to bet, but his opponent is his master Liu Rengui, who is also a famous general in the Tang Dynasty.

Faced with such an opponent, Lun Qinling probably wouldn't dare to gamble.

"So not only does he not dare to gamble, but he also has to be wary of being attacked by our army at night, right?" Li Yuechen asked.

Liu Rengui nodded in satisfaction: "Your Highness is right, so you can rest well tonight, and we can talk about his movements later."

"Okay, I understand." Li Yuechen agreed.

After chatting casually for a few more words, they turned around and left the camp, and went back to the post house to rest.

When walking out, I saw some soldiers in the tents laying hay on the ground.

The conditions in the camp were not good, and the soldiers slept directly on the ground. A layer of hay was laid to separate the air from the ground and prevent them from catching cold.

At the same time, there were no pillows, and the soldiers slept on Hu Lu.

This thing is a hollow wooden structure, and it can also be used as a sound amplifier. If you sleep on this thing, if there are horseshoes running in the distance, you can hear it from a long distance. It can be regarded as the siren of this era.

Seeing the princess and the soldiers saluting her one after another, Li Yuechen just nodded and left the barracks with strides.

It's just that I was thinking in my heart at this time, if there is a chance in the future, the military system must be reformed.

They are all soldiers of Datang, at least they should do their best to provide them with better conditions.

I don't expect to be the same as the future, but at least it will be better.


Back at the post house, Li Yuechen went back to the room and lay down, with his hands behind his head, he couldn't help thinking about the significance of Lun Qinling's move.

The distance of sixty miles is not too far even in this era, and it would take an instant to fight.

However, compared with Lun Qinling, the current self is still far behind, so let's study hard for now.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen shook his head, closed his eyes and fell asleep.


After waking up the next morning, Li Yuechen asked if there was anything wrong at the Fulai barracks, and after getting a reply that there was nothing wrong, he continued to practice yoga and eat breakfast.

After breakfast and washing slowly, he put on his armor and came to the barracks.

Li Yuechen looked down at his armor while walking. He wondered if it was because the armor was too thick. He always made a "clang clang" sound when he walked, and he would attract the attention of others no matter where he went.

When I came to Liu Rengui's camp, I was about to start today's study and listen to more about Master's experience.

Suddenly a soldier ran in: "Report! The enemy army has started to set off here and is expected to arrive at noon!"

When Li Yuechen heard it, damn it, he actually wanted to fight him face to face?
Liu Rengui seemed a little confused, but he still nodded and said, "Investigate again and report again! Go and call everyone else!"


The soldier promised to turn and leave.

"Master, what's his intention?" Li Yuechen asked, "With just that few people, wouldn't they be planning to attack the city?"

"Hmph, maybe he has his own intentions?" Liu Rengui sneered.

After a while, other generals followed, and after hearing the news, they all looked at each other, unable to figure out what the other party meant for a while.

In the end, Liu Rengui made a decision, let's wait, anyway, the other party will arrive at Longzhi City at noon, and we will see according to the situation when the time comes.

However, in order to prevent the opponent from directly attacking the city, he still ordered the troops to be ready to defend the city at any time.

The whole morning passed quickly, and it was almost noon, Liu Rengui led everyone up to the city wall, intending to see what the other party was going to do.

When he was about to reach the city wall, a soldier suddenly came to report: "Report, most of the enemy troops have not crossed the border, only [-] cavalry are coming here!"

"500 people?" Li Yuechen asked back, "Is this supposed to be a negotiation?"

"En." Liu Rengui nodded, letting the soldiers go down first, and the group continued up the city wall.

Several people looked into the distance with binoculars, and they could already see a bunch of small black spots appearing in their sight.

Li Yuechen put down the binoculars, and asked Fulai to fetch a few mustard pancakes to pad his stomach.

Since the other party only came to 500 people, they definitely didn't come to fight. Li Yuechen had no experience in negotiating such matters, so he planned to eat next to him and watch what Master talked about.

After a while, Fulai brought a basket of Hubing, and Li Yuechen waved his hand: "Come, come, let's go together."

While talking, he also grabbed a mustache from the basket and threw it to the nearest black-toothed Tonoyuki.

Hei Chi Chang Yi caught it, and quickly saluted and thanked him. The other generals also came over to get a mustache, and waited for the five hundred enemy troops to come over while gnawing on it.

After eating almost one hu biscuit, the 500 people also arrived under the city wall.

Li Yuechen looked down through the gap in the middle of the wall while gnawing on the mustache.

This group of Tubo soldiers did not bring bows and arrows, but a spear.And the person in the front, holding a long-handled big knife, also looks big and thick.

Here Liu Rengui hadn't spoken yet, but the leader on the opposite side suddenly shouted.

"I heard that Princess Taiping is very skilled in martial arts, and her fighting power is superb! I am the number one expert in Tubo, and I am here to teach you today, and I would like to ask Princess Taiping to give me some advice..."

What he shouted was not Tubo, but Tang dialect. Although the accent was heavy, he could barely understand it.

But when he heard this, Li Yuechen raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at the generals beside him and asked, "Is this... for the general?"

The other generals nodded, and Wang Xiaojie said, "I'm afraid that's exactly what I mean!"

In fact, in this era, there are very few fighting generals in front of the battle. When Emperor Taizong went south and north, there were very few fighting generals.

Unexpectedly, Tubo actually offered to fight for generals today, and Li Yuechen felt a little curious for a while.

After the other party finished shouting, Liu Rengui did not immediately agree, but turned his head and asked, "What do the generals think?"

"The general is fake, I'm afraid the main purpose is to collect information about His Highness?" Wang Xiaojie sneered.

Everyone can see that Li Yuechen's fighting power is superb, even if he has the mind of knowing himself and the enemy, gathering information is definitely necessary.

But I didn't expect that Lun Qinling would be so straightforward, and directly sent someone to fight one-on-one. This operation really made everyone present not expect it.

Li Yuechen took a closer look, and the man who shouted under the city wall was estimated to be more than two meters tall, and his weight should not be less than two hundred catties.

Not to mention the big waist and round waist, the long-handled big knife in his hand is also pure metal, not made of wood.

From this weapon alone, it can be seen that this person must have good skill in his hands, plus his height and weight... Maybe he is really the number one master in the Tubo army!

If I shoot him dead with one arrow now, it should be able to cause losses to the Tubo army, right?Li Yuechen put his arms on the wall, thinking so in his heart.

"If the master ordered it, how about the disciple blowing his head off with an arrow now?" Li Yuechen turned his head and asked.

Although she is also a martial artist, but in the case of gang fights, who will fight him one-on-one?This is a barracks, not a ring!
Liu Rengui smiled and shook his head: "This is the worst policy."

Of course Li Yuechen knew it was a bad idea, so she just asked, but suddenly she seemed to think of something, and said suddenly: "This person can't come here simply to collect my information, there should be a deeper purpose."

"For example?" Liu Rengui turned his head and asked.

"This person is the number one expert in Tubo. If I can't beat him, this person may be able to take the opportunity to capture me alive." Li Yuechen analyzed, "If I am captured, Datang will be ashamed, and he will definitely have to pay a lot. Only the price can redeem me..."

Hearing this analysis, the other generals were a little surprised, but Liu Rengui looked relieved. The more he watched, the more he liked this apprentice.

And Fulai next to him had a gloomy face, wishing he could rush down immediately and tear the man alive.

Li Yuechen's analysis is indeed reasonable. If the princess is captured, then these 500 people will be death squads and will block the city gate with all their strength.

In order not to hurt the princess, I dare not use bows and arrows here. Naturally, I can only chase after these 500 people first, but when the time comes, the army on the border will take advantage of the situation...

However, just when everyone thought that Liu Rengui would order the destruction of these 500 people, he suddenly turned his head and asked, "Your Highness, are you sure?"

Li Yuechen nodded, she can't guarantee a group fight, but if it's a one-on-one fight, no one is afraid of it!

The other party looked at it as only two hundred catties, but I could lift it with one hand.This is Li Yuechen's confidence!

"Don't do it, Mr. Liu!" Fulai said suddenly, "This matter concerns His Highness's safety, how can..."

"Shut up!" Li Yuechen waved his hand directly, "Remember, I'm not a princess now, but a soldier!"

Liu Rengui smiled: "Eunuch, don't worry, I think this person is definitely not His Highness's opponent."

As he spoke, he looked at Li Yuechen and said, "Then His Highness will go out to fight. If you can control the situation well, try not to kill him."

"Huh?" Li Yuechen was puzzled, "What does Master mean by this? If he is spared, wouldn't it be..."

Li Yuechen doesn't like to kill people, but if this person is likely to cause harm to Datang, it's better to let him die here as much as possible.

"If this person is killed by His Highness, it is of no value." Liu Rengui explained, "But if he is alive, the Tubo army will have a sense of fear for His Highness, and no matter where His Highness appears in the future, it will be able to cause a huge impact on the opponent's morale." blow."

After listening to Liu Rengui finished speaking, the eyes of the other generals lit up, it was indeed a good idea.

If His Highness can defeat the top Tubo master, it will definitely have a huge impact on the morale of both sides.

Li Yuechen nodded: "I understand, Master, don't worry!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked down: "Lead the horse, and bring my double hammers!"

(End of this chapter)

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