Great Tang princess

Chapter 220 is targeted

Chapter 220 is targeted
Hearing Li Yuechen's order, Wang Xiaojie and Heizhi Changzhi on both sides began to lead the soldiers behind them to move forward little by little, gradually closing the distance with the enemy.

When the two sides were about 200 meters away, both of them stopped at the same time, waiting for the final order.

Li Yuechen stretched out his hand, took Fang Tian's painted halberd from the guard, and at the same time pulled off the mask on the helmet.

Just wait for the sound of the drum, and then lead the soldiers to rush over.

This red robe and black armor is very conspicuous in the middle of the team, and the enemy soldiers on the opposite side are almost the first to see her.

Geng Yunqiang who was beside him turned his head and said: "When we charge for a while, both sides must shoot a round of arrows first, and the general is willing to resist one or two for His Highness!"

Li Yuechen didn't refuse, but just nodded.

Her horse was not armored to reduce the load, and she herself did not carry a shield.

It can be imagined that after what happened last time, most of the opponent's first round of arrow rain will definitely greet him, so someone must be in front of him.

Seeing her nodding, Geng Yunqiang nodded and waved his hand violently. Several guards with huge shields had already controlled their horses and came to Li Yuechen, firmly blocking her behind.

Their mission is very simple, that is to block the first round of arrow rain and send Li Yuechen to the front of the enemy formation.

At this moment, the distance between the two sides was about 200 meters. Although they were already within the range of the bow or crossbow, in order to ensure the maximum lethality, neither side attacked.

Instead, they are all waiting for each other to come within a highly effective killing range of 100 meters.

The first wave of charge is often very dangerous, because it may be shot by the enemy's arrows.

Although Li Yuechen's armor can withstand ordinary arrows, but after the last incident, it is not known whether the other party will have a bed crossbow facing her.

Although no similar weapons of mass destruction have been seen in the current field of vision, it must not be taken lightly.

Fortunately, things like bed crossbows are generally difficult to use as a sniper, because the accuracy is not easy to guarantee, so most of the time they shoot multiple arrows at once.

If the opponent has multiple bed crossbows, they should be visible in the line of sight now.

Now there is no sight in sight, it seems that it may be behind, waiting to deal with heavy infantry.

The bed crossbow is simply a great weapon against heavy infantry. The arrows are like spears, and a few arrows can easily break up the formation.


The sun gradually rose, and the light became more and more dazzling.

But the warm sunlight did not warm up the atmosphere between the two parties at all, on the contrary it seemed to make the atmosphere even colder.

"Dong dong dong..."

Suddenly, a series of big drums sounded in the opposite camp, and the black slaves in the front row suddenly started running towards this side.

Then, Li Yuechen and others also heard the same thick drum sound behind him, perhaps because there were more people than the other side, the sound was much louder.

Li Yuechen raised Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and roared: "Kill!"

The soldiers around shouted in unison, beat their horses and galloped towards each other.

If the cavalry rushed to kill, if there was no plan for the heavy infantry to form a formation to block it, they must also charge, so that the combat power of the two sides of the Tathagata can be balanced.

Otherwise, if the opponent came over with a huge momentum, and I waited in place, my strength would naturally be slightly different.

Soldiers on both sides swarmed towards each other, like two streams of water that were about to collide and converge.

At the beginning, the speed of the two sides was not too fast, and the horses under the crotch were just trotting, but as the speed became faster and faster, the distance between the two sides was also rapidly closing.

When each other entered the range of 100 meters, the soldiers on both sides shot arrows one after another.

The first thing Li Yuechen heard was the arrows shot by the cavalry behind him, flying over his head in the blink of an eye, heading straight for the opponent's position.

At the same time, several guards including Geng Yunqiang also stood in front of him, raising their shields high.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

Countless arrows pierced the shield, making a series of crisp crashing sounds. The arrows pierced the wood three-pointed, its strength can be seen.

Li Yuechen lowered his head slightly to prevent Yuruya from shooting into his eyes along the gap of the mask.

While the first round of arrows were fired at each other, a large number of soldiers on both sides had already fallen.

A soldier just in front of Li Yuechen's left had his horse shot through one of his legs, and he fell down with a neighing sound.

There was also a look of horror on the soldier's face. Even if he fell off the horse without injury in such a situation, he would end up being trampled to death by the cavalry behind him!

Then at this moment, Li Yuechen suddenly lowered his body and reached out to grab the back collar of his armor, so as not to let him fall off the horse.

Li Yuechen turned his head and took a look. There was another guard on the right who was shot in the neck and fell off the horse.

Afterwards, the corpse was stomped into human form by countless horses...

Seeing that the horse with no one on its back was still rushing forward, Li Yuechen flicked his left hand, and even threw the soldier in his hand over his head, and accurately threw it there. On an empty horseback.

The soldier fell on the saddle and was knocked on the stomach, but he reacted quickly, adjusted his posture and sat down immediately, drew out the horizontal knife hanging on the saddle and continued to charge!

There are still about 30 meters before the contact between the two sides, and there should be another round of arrow rain, so Li Yuechen still keeps his head down and rushes forward.

Although she can take advantage of this opportunity to shoot arrows at the opponent if she wants, but there is no way, her bow also sacrifices the ability to shoot on the back of a galloping horse in order to ensure accuracy.

Her bow is made according to the specifications of the future Olympic Games, and it has all kinds of counterweight rods. This kind of bow is for the pursuit of competitive accuracy, and it can no longer be used for riding and shooting.

What's more, her arrows are also specially made, the cost is high, and the quantity is limited. If you use one, you will lose one. It is a bit wasteful to use it to shoot some ordinary miscellaneous soldiers.

The second round of arrow rain came soon, and many soldiers on both sides were shot.

With this same pair, the distance between the two sides is less than ten meters, and the third round must be too late.

Li Yuechen was waiting for this moment, and suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Get out of the way!"

The guards blocking the front immediately stepped aside, revealing Li Yuechen who was blocked by them.

In an instant, the swarming seas of soldiers from both sides intertwined and twisted together, and the chaotic shouts became twice as loud in an instant.

The moment the two sides came into contact, blood mist filled the air, roars and wailings were mixed together, and a large amount of blood stained the ground red, like a hell on earth.

With a slight lift of Li Yuechen's hand, a slave standing in front of him was instantly lifted up. Before he landed in the air, he saw his chest that had been opened by the halberd knife and let out a scream.

"Boom bang bang..."

Then there was a series of muffled sounds of horses colliding with people, which was also accompanied by the crisp sound of a large number of bones being broken.

From a certain point of view, the impact of a high-speed galloping horse hitting a person is even greater than that of a motorcycle. Even if it is rubbed, it will result in broken bones and tendons.

These slaves had no armor on their bodies and no weapons in their hands. Under the impact of a large number of cavalry, they had almost no power to fight back.

However, today is different from the last time. For some reason, Li Yuechen felt that a large number of slaves were rushing towards her without fear of death, as if they wanted to stop her even if they were desperate!
After thinking about it for a while, Li Yuechen immediately understood that this must be aimed at him!
Knowing that he is superior in combat power, ordinary soldiers must not dare to approach him in order to save their lives.

But this news will not be told to these slaves. At the same time, as long as they are rewarded, these slaves will definitely attack themselves desperately!

Although everyone knew that it was impossible for these slaves to cause any harm to him, it was even more impossible to capture him alive.

But with so many people blocking the way of the charge, it was easy to slow down the horses.

It's nothing more than taking a few human lives to fill, and the lives of slaves are worthless. Even if they can slow themselves down at the cost of killing a hundred slaves, their goal has been achieved.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen immediately waved to the surrounding guards: "Go ahead and clear a way for Ben Gong to come out!"

"Here!" The surrounding guards roared, taking advantage of Li Yuechen's slowing down, they surrounded her again.

If you can stop me alone, you can't believe that you can also stop a group of guards!Li Yuechen thought in his heart.

After the guards surrounded her, they immediately drew out their horizontal knives and killed the dense crowd of slaves on the opposite side.

Why is it said that cavalry has a crushing advantage against ordinary infantry?It is because of its terrifying power.

If the cavalry wants to cut the infantry, they don't even need to swing their own knives. As long as they put the blade in the right position and rush over with the speed of the horse, even a horizontal knife, which is not suitable for slashing and slashing at all, can easily Cut off the head!

Not to mention that these slaves have no armor or weapons at all, they are pure cannon fodder, and for well-equipped cavalry, they are pure massacres.

"Although I don't want to kill people, you can't help but seek death..." Li Yuechen, who was following behind the guard, muttered to himself.

Originally, these slaves only needed to block her alone, but now she was protected by guards in the middle, and her speed did not slow down too much.

The guards in front of them massacred the slaves with horizontal knives, and quickly cut a bloody path.

Her group of guards were all professional soldiers who guarded the door, and their quality was much higher than that of the soldiers behind them.

Therefore, the speed of rushing forward was much faster than that of Wang Xiaojie and Hei Chi Changzhi on both sides. If you had a bird's-eye view from the air, you could find that this team was gradually approaching the army behind Tubo like a sharp arrow.


On the podium, Liu Rengui and Fulai observed the battlefield with a telescope.

Fulai's face was full of excitement, and his cheeks were flushed. His Highness was so powerful, he naturally felt proud.

On the contrary, it was Liu Rengui with a troubled expression on his face.

My apprentice is indeed like a god of war alive, but the speed of the impact is so fast, there is still a problem with the rhythm of the two sides.

Of course, this is not a big problem, after all, Li Yuechen has just entered the battlefield and lacks experience, which is normal.

It can even be said that although she has practiced martial arts and learned the art of war these years, she has no real experience in military training.

Although she also has the concept of "as a soldier, you must obey orders", but in many details, there are still many shortcomings.

Before, because Li Yuechen's fighting power was too high, he didn't think about it. After he suddenly found out today, Liu Rengui still felt that he should teach her about it.


On the other side, Lunqin Mausoleum behind the Tubo army was also observing the battlefield from afar.

Because he didn't have a telescope, he could only vaguely see two shadows intertwined at best.

But perhaps because of his concentration, he could vaguely see a small red dot in his line of sight.

"Even if you are the god of war, I will capture you today!" Lun Qinling muttered to himself.

Lun Qinling was regarded as the God of the Tubo army. Although he was not afraid of such a famous general as Liu Rengui, he was not 100% sure of winning.

Although Liu Rengui's reputation is not good, his strength is absolutely beyond doubt!
It doesn't matter if he loses a battle, but if he loses, it will be very difficult for Tubo to maintain independence in the future.

So in today's battle, his goal has completely changed. Since Princess Tang Ting is here, he must capture her at all costs.

As long as Princess Taiping can be captured alive, even if half of the troops are lost, the goal of this battle will be considered achieved!

With a large number of guards helping to open the way, Li Yuechen's speed did not drop too much.

The guards in front killed a bloody path, allowing her to maintain enough impact to tear through the enemy's defense even before she rushed to the enemy's line.

The enemy's line of defense is getting closer and closer, and they can even see the resolute expressions on each other's faces.

The Tubo heavy armored infantry connected shoulder-high shields together, and the soldiers behind them stretched out their spears, ready to meet the impact.

A large number of cavalry on both sides also began to gather in the middle at the same time, but they were also stopped by the troops led by Li Jingxuan and Wei Dai, who were in charge of the two sides.

Countless weapons collided together, and every moment, a large amount of blood was sprayed in the air, and after landing, it splashed into bright red flowers.

Viscous blood flowed slowly on the ground, and in this already somewhat icy weather, heat visible to the naked eye could even be seen.

Li Yuechen's guards rushed to the front, forcing a passage through the black crowd of slaves, allowing her to lead people to the front of the enemy's formation unimpeded.

Seeing the spears stretched out by the enemy, Li Yuechen let out a roar, and swung his hand violently, flying all the spears in front of him into the sky to prevent them from piercing into the body of his horse.


With a muffled sound, the war horse slammed into the shield made of rattan.

This kind of shield couldn't defend against the impact of the horse at all. It was torn apart almost the moment it hit it, and the soldier who was responsible for holding the shield behind was hit with many fractures and flew out directly.

A small hole had been opened in the enemy's defense line, and the Fang Tian painting halberd in Li Yuechen's hand swung violently, hitting the heads of the soldiers on both sides directly, and instantly fell two more people, widening the hole a bit.

 Thank you [Dream Everyday] for tipping 5000 starting coins!
  Thank you [Catch who entertains who] for the 233 starting point coins rewarded!
  Thanks to [Mango Orange Mango Orange] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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