Great Tang princess

Chapter 222 Princess Capture Plan

Chapter 222 Princess Capture Plan
(This chapter is a revised version)
Li Yuechen saw the noose around his neck, turned his head and saw a soldier galloping on horseback, and the loose rope was gradually being tightened.

It is conceivable that once he is pulled down by the rope, the soldiers around him will rush forward and capture him alive.

"So that's how it is..." Li Yuechen muttered to himself, then dropped the double hammers in his hands, and directly grabbed the hemp rope that was gradually tightening.

She is very clear that she must not be captured. Now that she bears the title of number one in the world, once she is captured, it will definitely deal a huge blow to her morale!

At the moment when the hemp rope was about to be tightened, Li Yuechen gritted his teeth and pulled it back violently.

The soldier at the other end of the rope left the ground for a short time, including the man and the horse. The rope seemed to be connected to the saddle. When she pulled it like this, even the tall horse was lifted high by its front legs.

The soldier did not expect that Li Yuechen's strength would reach such a level. The moment the horse was pulled up, the man had already left the horse's back and flew into the air for a short time.

Accompanied by the neighing of the war horse, one man and one horse all fell heavily to the ground, making a muffled sound, and at the same time splashed a lot of smoke and dust that filled the surroundings.

And all the people present, whether they were the enemy or our own, immediately opened their eyes wide after seeing this scene, and froze in place for a short time.

After all, this scene was too shocking. Although it was rumored that the princess had the power to overwhelm, everyone knew that the rumors must be exaggerated, just to describe the princess's strength.

But at this moment, they saw with their own eyes that the eldest princess pulled a tall horse upside down and knocked it down directly. This kind of power is unimaginable for ordinary people!

The same question popped up in everyone's mind: Is this really the power that humans can possess?
Even Cidan, the number one master in Tubo, dare not say that he can pull a horse, this power is simply beyond their comprehension!
But things have come to this point, it is absolutely impossible to give up the plan that has been made!

Besides, at least they did one thing - the princess just dropped her weapon!

After a short silence, the crowd started to attack each other again. Two cavalrymen ran over from behind Cidan again, and waved at Li Yuechen from a distance.

Seeing two stone-like objects being thrown towards him, Li Yuechen subconsciously raised his hand to resist.

However, this is not a stone, but an iron object similar to a weight, and it is also connected with a chain.

Li Yuechen raised his hands to block and hit them in the arms. The weight didn't hit her arm directly, but changed direction because of the rope behind it, and quickly wrapped around her arms.

"not good!"

Li Yuechen, who was feeling bad, had just realized it, but it was too late. The two cavalrymen ran away in two directions, and the rope was instantly pulled closer, forcing her arms apart.

Li Yuechen took a stride on the spot, and while stabilizing his figure, he pulled his arms back forcefully.

But on average, it is still too much effort to pull a horse with one arm, and the arms cannot be closed for a while!
But even so, it still surprised the people around.

If it was an ordinary person, if he was pulled by two horses like this, his arms would definitely be ripped off from his body. However, Li Yuechen was able to bend his arms slightly, vaguely forming an evenly matched situation with the two horses.

Although the Tubo soldiers who saw this scene were shocked, they still carried out the order firmly.

Lun Qinling's order to them was very simple, to capture the princess alive, as long as she didn't die, it didn't matter even if she was disabled!
Seeing that her arms were pulled apart and could not be closed, Cidan immediately dropped her weapon and rushed over with two soldiers, intending to catch her.

Li Yuechen directly raised her leg and kicked two soldiers in the chest. Even if her arms are tied now, ordinary people are still no match for her.

The breastbone of the two soldiers was kicked broke, and when they spit blood and flew upside down, Cidan had already opened his arms and grabbed her.

Due to his height and long arms, this scene looks very oppressive, especially the huge palm, which can almost hold the head of an ordinary person like a ball in his hand.

But Li Yuechen just raised his head and looked at the expression on his face that seemed to be excited because he was about to catch him, then he shook his head suddenly, and a head hammer hit his chest directly!
The outside of her helmet was also made of metal, plus she was extremely powerful, and at the same time as the head hammer hit it, she heard a bone crack.

Once he coughed, his tall body couldn't help but "kick, kick, kick..." backed up continuously.

Even if Li Yuechen's arms were sealed at this time, it was not something ordinary people could handle.

After repelling Cidan, Li Yuechen looked around, and found that more than half of his guards were dead, and only a small part was still struggling to hold on.

Geng Yunqiang tried his best to get stabbed in the back, and after killing the soldier in front of him, he came behind Li Yuechen.

Then she lifted the horizontal knife in her hand upwards, cut off the rope tied to her right arm, and shouted at the same time: "Your Highness, I was caught in the trap, this was on purpose..."

"I know!" While Li Yuechen replied, he had already grasped the rope that bound his left arm with his right hand, and pulled back violently with both hands at the same time.

The scene where people and horses were dragged was staged again. Tang Jun who saw this scene roared in unison, and their morale was even stronger!

Li Yuechen knew very well that the purpose of Lun Qinling must be to catch him. If he could let that Zanpu cook rice with him, the emperor would not even admit it.

The purpose of today's battle is not to win, but to catch yourself.

After loosening the rope wrapped around his arm, Li Yuechen turned his head and looked at his guards who had died a lot behind him, feeling a little heartbroken.

I rushed in with all my strength, but these guards were ordinary people, and they followed me into the enemy's formation, wasting their lives bye.

But now is not the time to blame himself, Li Yuechen sniffled and immediately calmed down again.

Four Tubo soldiers threw out the rope tied with the weight again, Li Yuechen turned around to avoid it, rolled over on the spot and fell to the side.

Grabbing his two hammers, he stood up and knocked down all the four Tubo soldiers, then turned around and left.

The entire Tubo soldiers attacking Geng Yunqiang and other guards suddenly heard the sound of "da da da" footsteps behind them, and before they had time to look back, they were hit on the head with a hammer.

Li Yuechen and his guards flanked each other, and quickly knocked down all these Tubo soldiers!

"These people will definitely spend a lot of energy trying to catch me. I'll withdraw a few times before making plans!" Li Yuechen waved his hand at Geng Yunqiang.

"Here!" Geng Yunqiang agreed, "Your Highness is still on the horse..."

"No, you guys go ahead and open the way, and I'll cut the back!"

"How could Your Highness..."

Li Yuechen interrupted impatiently: "Just follow the order! I will leave the back of my palace to you! Don't let me fall into the enemy's sneak attack!"

Hearing her words, Geng Yunqiang nodded heavily: "Yes! Don't worry, Your Highness!"

After agreeing, Geng Yunqiang immediately organized other guards, and while guarding Li Yuechen's back, he charged back and flanked Tang Jun behind him.

Li Yuechen turned his head and looked at Cidan who had just been hit by his head hammer, raised the hammer in his left hand, swung it, and shouted: "Don't you want to catch Ben Gong? Come on!"

Looking at Li Yuechen not far away, Cidan frowned, took a deep breath, weighed the sledgehammer in his hand, and continued to walk towards her.

Today, Da Lun issued a death order. This battle can be lost, but Princess Taiping must be caught!

Although she is injured now, she is definitely not her opponent, but the order must still be carried out.

He waved his hand violently, yelled a word in Tubo, and then rushed over with a sledgehammer. At the same time, the surrounding soldiers with axes also rushed over.


Li Yuechen sneered while holding his own double hammers. No matter what, he must be killed today. Keeping this guy is a disaster to Datang. How many Tang soldiers will die in his hands in the future!

Naturally, they also knew that Li Yuechen was difficult to deal with. Just now, one person directly pulled down two horses one after another. This kind of strength is really like a fairy descending to earth!
Facing the rushing Cidan and a group of Tubo soldiers, Li Yuechen rushed to fight back without hesitation.

A Tubo soldier in the front raised his ax and chopped it off at her arm, perhaps because it was the first time he used this heavy weapon on the battlefield, and the speed of swinging it was not too fast.

Li Yuechen kicked his feet and directly hit the opponent's chest with his shoulder.

This move is Tieshan Kao, who learned Bajiquan from watching movies before. Perhaps the way of movement and force is not standard, but with the support of strong strength, he directly knocked the opponent's feet off the ground.

After the soldier landed, he vomited blood and his body twitched. Li Yuechen didn't make up his sword, and took a big step to come to Cidan.

People who have been on the battlefield are always very sensitive to murderous intent. Once they see the menacing Li Yuechen, they can clearly feel the murderous intent contained in her eyes under the mask.

However, he did not frighten him, instead he raised the sledgehammer in his hand with a loud roar and went straight to Li Yuechen's shoulder to smash it.

Li Yuechen threw a hammer directly, and collided with the hammer he hit.


At the same time as sparks were flying, Cidan, who had been injured just now, couldn't bear the blow at all, and let go of his hand directly from the shock force.

At the same time, his foot became unstable, and he took two steps back and fell to the ground.

Li Yuechen swung another hammer and hit the head of the Tubo soldier next to him who wanted to come to help, then looked at Cidan and asked, "Do you have any last words?"

"I wish I didn't take you back!" Cidan said viciously.

"You are the number two in the world proclaimed by the palace, and you will definitely be included in the history books in the future!" Li Yuechen nodded, and as he spoke, he slammed a hammer and hit his celestial spirit cover directly.

With a muffled "bang", Cidan's body fell heavily on the ground.

Li Yuechen heaved a sigh of relief. Once this guy died, I don't know if there are any masters on Tubo's side who can do it.

Seeing that there were no Tubo soldiers around, Li Yuechen frowned for a moment.

It stands to reason that when Cidan died, this army should have lost its command and should be in chaos, but now it seems that Cidan is not the commander of this army.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen raised his head and looked hundreds of meters away, at the commanding platform in the rear of the enemy army.

Although he couldn't see the figure clearly, there was a high possibility that Lun Qinling was there, and he must have personally commanded this army.

Hearing the sound of the drums on the opposite side, and then looking at the Tubo soldiers who were gradually surrounding him, holding axes, Li Yuechen let out a sigh of relief, Lun Qinling is really not a simple person.

Now that the terrain is open, I really have no advantage in fighting these hundreds of burly men with axes, so let's slip away first.

Li Yuechen glanced back, Geng Yunqiang and others hadn't completely cut through the line of defense, and fell into a bitter battle for a while.

Turning his head to look at the Tubo soldiers who were gradually surrounding him, Li Yuechen couldn't help swallowing.

The number of these soldiers with axes is at least five hundred, and there is no gap where she can be alone. If she is surrounded by others, even if she is really Captain America, she will be chopped into meat paste.

But there is no way, whoever made himself rush in today recklessly, this is a lesson!

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen took a deep breath, tightened the hammer in his hand, and planned to go all out.

However, right here, a deafening shout suddenly sounded from the side, and Li Yuechen and the Tubo soldiers who surrounded him turned their heads to look at the same time.

I saw a group of heavy armored cavalry rushing in from the side, instantly turning the unresponsive Tubo soldiers on their backs.

The leader was dressed in heavy armor and held a horse lance. He waved continuously and knocked down the Tubo soldiers around him who hadn't reacted.

As for the surrounding heavy infantry, they even directly ran into them. Amidst the continuous muffled noise, they tore open the enemy's defense line in an instant and rushed in.

Only then did Li Yuechen see clearly the true face of the leader.

"Master?" She pushed up her mask in disbelief.

Liu Rengui rode up to Li Yuechen, saw her armor covered in blood, and grinned slightly: "Your Highness must have learned a lot this time, right?"

Hearing this sentence, Li Yuechen's nose twitched, and he almost cried out. He lowered his head and replied, "Tuter knows I'm wrong!"

Hearing this sentence, Liu Rengui nodded lightly: "Okay, this is not a place to talk, Your Highness will go back with me first."

"Yes!" Li Yuechen nodded in agreement.

She didn't expect Liu Rengui to rush in with someone personally, and the Tubo soldiers on the opposite side didn't even expect that they were killed almost in an instant and turned on their backs.

But soon, the sound of the drums on the opposite side changed, and a large number of soldiers began to gather here. Obviously, Lun Qinling had received the news that Liu Rengui had come to the scene in person.


After Liu Rengui gave an order, Li Yuechen nodded and got on the horse beside him.

Geng Yunqiang and others next to him also breathed a sigh of relief, and ran over to gather around him one after another. Under the cover of this group of heavy cavalry, they withdrew from the enemy's encirclement in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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