Great Tang princess

Chapter 224 The Figure in the Forest

Chapter 224 The Figure in the Forest
Li Yuechen had never been a special soldier, but she had played real CS. The boss there was a retired special soldier, and she learned a lot from him.

To talk about the biggest gap between the future army and this era, aside from weapons, the most important thing is actually tactics and ideas.

Although she is also a half-baked person herself, this knowledge is higher than this era after all, and it is enough to shock these people.

And she dared to personally lead the team to carry out such a task, the biggest reliance was the home court advantage.

In this undulating primeval forest, not to mention the army of this era, even the future special forces, without firearms and various high-tech weapons, it is almost impossible to catch her.

The more abundant the water resources, the more humid the climate in the forest.

Although it is approaching winter, the leaves on various branches have not fallen off, and even many leaves are still green.

So even though it was daytime, the forest was still slightly dark.

The ground is covered with thick leaves accumulated over the years, which are soft and comfortable to step on.

At this time, in the forest, a black shadow was running fast.And dozens of people followed behind her, far behind her.

Li Yuechen just spent an hour explaining many different commands to them. In addition, he also taught them some simple parkour skills, so that they can walk through the forest more easily.

For example, jumping from a high place and landing on all fours is much easier than simply using two legs.

But even so, they still couldn't keep up with Li Yuechen's speed.

Dozens of figures were running at high speed in the forest, and there was a drop about two feet high in front of them.

The rest of the people were a little apprehensive about the height, so they had to detour down from both sides.

Only Li Yuechen's speed did not slow down. With one kick, the whole person had already jumped out in the air. After two consecutive backflips in the air, he got up quickly and continued to run forward after rolling on the ground.

Her movements are extremely flexible, like a wild monkey that has lived in the mountains since childhood.

Everyone ran forward for a distance of more than [-] meters. Li Yuechen at the front suddenly raised his hand and clenched his fist, and Geng Yunqiang and others behind him also stopped.

Li Yuechen half squatted and hid himself behind a thick tree trunk, gently pushed the mask up, and observed the road stepped on by people more than a hundred meters away.

Geng Yunqiang and the others behind took the opportunity to rest and recover their strength. If there were people nearby at this time, it would be difficult to find them.

The waistcoats they wore were bound with branches and leaves of various kinds, as were their arms and legs, and a large pile of rotten leaves was tied to their helmets.

Even the bridge of the nose, forehead, and cheekbones, which are prone to reflection, were covered with a layer of mud.

Li Yuechen waved his hand to tell them to look around, Geng Yunqiang nodded to express his understanding.

Just now Li Yuechen said, unless it is absolutely necessary, try not to speak, and try to express with gestures if you have any questions.

Several people spread out to observe the surroundings, while Li Yuechen followed the tree trunk and waited in disguise.

Just now I figured it out, the opponent's army is retreating here, Master Liu Rengui has already organized the army to chase after it leisurely.

This is the only way for the Tubo army to return to Lhasa. Li Yuechen and the others arrived early and waited here.

At this moment, a few bird calls came from the jungle on the opposite side of the road. After Li Yuechen heard it, he immediately replied a few times.

Then he turned his head and whispered to Geng Yunqiang: "Take the brothers to cut a few sharp wooden sticks out, and dig two traps there in a while..."

"Dare to ask Your Highness, will the enemy step on it?"

"You can continue to use it without stepping on it!" Li Yuechen nodded, "Go!"


For this novel way of fighting, Geng Yunqiang and others have no experience at all, they can only follow her orders completely.

Li Yuechen didn't expect them to be flexible, as long as they could cooperate well with him.

Although borrowing future military thinking, but in this era when hand-to-hand combat ability is very important, the main force is still himself.

While waiting for the opponent to come over, Li Yuechen also began to arrange the next deployment: "I still say the same thing, the enemy advances and I retreat, the enemy retreats and chases, the enemy camps and we harass, the enemy is tired and I fight..."

After listening to Li Yuechen's deployment, Geng Yunqiang nodded, and immediately led his men to cut sticks while digging traps.

Li Yuechen stared closely at the end of the road, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

She is not going to behead, but to destroy as many enemies as possible and avenge her dead guards!


The waiting time is always very slow, only a quarter of an hour, but it feels as long as a whole day.

Two small black spots suddenly appeared in the field of vision, Li Yuechen stepped back slightly, hiding most of his figure behind the tree trunk, only exposing two eyes to observe.

It's a Pathfinder scout!
An army of 100,000 people, even on the way home after a battle, will also send out scouts to scout the way.

The two scouts were wearing light armor, and they were talking about something while trotting forward on horseback.

As the two got closer and closer, they could also see that their expressions were not so happy. Presumably, they were also affected by today's defeat in the war.

Seeing the two scouts getting closer, Li Yuechen immediately waved his hand and asked Geng Yunqiang to bring a few people to his side.

There happened to be a small gap here, less than two meters high. Li Yuechen pointed to the two scouts below, and then made an "eight" gesture.

In the future, this gesture will mostly represent a pistol, but in this era, it can also be used to refer to another weapon.

Geng Yunqiang and others nodded, and slowly took out the prepared crossbow from behind while maintaining a gentle movement.

After gently drawing the bowstring, he slowly drew out the crossbow and put it on the launch pad, then slowly raised his hand, aiming at the two scouts who were getting closer.

Although the distance was getting closer, the two scouts didn't notice anything unusual here, and they were still walking forward on their own.

The war horse under the crotch was not running very fast, it was almost in a state of walking. At this speed, the nine of them fired a volley. If they still couldn't hit the target, they should go home, wash and sleep.

As the two scouts gradually approached, Li Yuechen slowly stretched out his hand, waiting for the two to enter the safest range.

Just when the two scouts were only seven or eight meters away from here, she clenched her fist violently.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

There was a slight sound of breaking wind, and the next moment, the two scouts fell off the horse at the same time without even realizing what happened.

Li Yuechen waved his hand, and the people around him got up and went down to clean up quickly.

One of the scouts was still alive at this time. He opened his somewhat lax eyes and saw several figures walking out of the nearby woods.

These people seem to be wearing a layer of leaves, and even their faces are covered with mud, like ghosts who have become spirits in the mountains.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but Geng Yunqiang pulled out a horizontal knife and slashed across his neck.

Several people quickly pulled out the crossbow bolts stuck in the corpse, and then searched quickly, but found nothing of value.

Li Yuechen did not stop them. It is the military practice of this era to touch the money bag first after killing someone.

Geng Yunqiang climbed up and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, do you want to bury it?"

"No!" Li Yuechen shook his head, "Just leave it here, let's step back and observe the situation!"


The guards agreed and retreated first. Li Yuechen also withdrew about 100 meters and changed positions. After looking at the position of the sun in the sky, he took out the binoculars to observe the end of the road.

Not long after, the Tubo vanguard troops appeared in sight.

Li Yuechen squinted his eyes and looked at it. Normally, the vanguard should be around a few hundred people, but he didn't know how the military system on Tubo's side was arranged.

Even if it is going back to the court, the army of 100,000 people will not go back in a hurry, and must go back in formation, so as to ensure efficiency.

The soldiers at the front saw the two scouts lying on the side of the road at a glance, and immediately ran over and got off their horses to check.

Then he subconsciously looked at the trees on the left and right.

Since Li Yuechen and the others had withdrawn more than a hundred meters, coupled with the camouflage of auspicious suits, a few soldiers entered the jungle and looked around, but found nothing unusual.

However, he went back immediately and told the commander what happened here.

Li Yuechen lowered his figure and quietly came to a place in front, observing the shape of the Tubo army.

Although the distance was about 50 and [-] meters, fortunately she knew the importance of protecting her eyesight since she was a child, so she could still see some things more or less clearly.

After hearing the report, the commander in Mingguang Armor imitating the Tang Army didn't know whether he was thinking or gave other orders. In short, he sat on his horse and didn't move.

Feeling that the opportunity was good, Li Yuechen stretched out her hand lightly, and the guard beside her quickly handed over her mechanical compound bow.

She took off her gloves, put the jade 韘 on her thumb, took out an arrow, slowly pulled the bowstring, and aimed at the commander sitting on horseback.

Although there is a distance of about 50 meters, it is still within the effective killing range for her bow.

As the bowstring was loosened, there was a sound of "咻", and the specially made arrow shot out.

After the commander sitting on horseback was pierced by the arrow from the left chest, the arrow even pierced out from the back!
Watching the commander fall off his horse straight and straight, the Tubo army was thrown into chaos in an instant.

Some people pulled out their scimitars and looked at the woods on the left and right, while others subconsciously ran back.

Li Yuechen did not observe his masterpiece, but immediately lowered his body and waved to the guards around him.

After Geng Yunqiang and others withdrew for nearly 100 meters, she suddenly raised her legs and kicked on the tree trunk in front of her.

With a "crash", a large number of fallen leaves fluttered down from the branches, and the movement here naturally attracted the attention of some Tubo soldiers.

Then they saw a black shadow flashing in the forest, and disappeared in a few seconds.

Immediately there was a lot of noise from the Tubo soldiers, as if they were discussing something intensely.

Li Yuechen ran out for more than [-] meters according to the pre-planned route, and then continued to hide and observe the situation on the other side.

Several soldiers immediately rode back and ran back, presumably to report the situation here.

And there was another Tubo soldier who seemed to be quite prestigious at ordinary times. He led more than [-] people into the jungle and began to search.

Li Yuechen squinted his eyes and lay down on the spot, staring at the two traps Geng Yunqiang led to dig just now.

In the dark and damp forest, more than [-] Tubo soldiers maintained their formation and searched forward.

The two people at the front were walking side by side holding large shields, while the soldiers behind them were holding spears and pointing diagonally to the outside.

There are soldiers with bows and arrows behind them, ready to shoot at any time.

According to the plan Li Yuechen made at the beginning, this number can be considered to be wiped out.

A few people walked slowly to the place where they had just found the black shadow, searched carefully, but did not see anyone, so they continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, the Tubo soldiers in the front stepped on the air and stepped directly into the trap!
The sharpened wooden stick directly penetrated the opponent's straw sandals and plunged into the sole of the foot!

Just as the soldier yelled subconsciously, a black shadow suddenly jumped up under the fallen leaves next to the soldier holding a bow and arrow behind him.

After Li Yuechen got up, he jumped directly into the air with his strong jumping ability, and his right knee hit the head of an archer in an instant.

Along with the fallen leaves floating in the air around her, when her figure fell, she had already punched another archer in the chest.

This sudden blow caused the two of them to have their bones smashed before they could even react.

At the same time as the two of them fell to the ground, Li Yuechen had stretched out his hands and grabbed the necks of the other two archers behind him. With a slight force of his thumbs, the spines of the two were broken with a "crack".

The soldier holding the spear in front had just turned his head, and before he had time to turn the weapon in his hand, a hand suddenly stretched out from the ground next to him, and the horizontal knife held in this hand pierced directly into his thigh.

Before this person could yell out, it seemed as if several people suddenly grew out of the ground around him, and several figures appeared in an instant.

These Tubo soldiers were surprised, and even the person in the front was so frightened that he cried out.

But these people didn't care about that. Geng Yunqiang and others held horizontal knives and attacked the startled Tubo soldiers at a very close distance.

Coupled with Li Yuechen's help, it doesn't matter even if the number of opponents doubles, it only took less than fifteen seconds, and all these people were eliminated!
After Li Yuechen dealt with the last person, he immediately made gestures to lead them back, and did not make any other sounds during the period.

After the Tubo soldiers on the road outside heard the screams inside, they immediately organized more than [-] people into the forest.

But nothing was found except the bodies of their own men.

These Tubo soldiers searched carefully for a while, and except for the occasional sudden bird call, they could not find any trace of the enemy at all.

Because they didn't know how many people there were on the other side, these Tubo soldiers didn't dare to search too deeply, but after searching to no avail, they walked out of the forest helplessly with their bodies, waiting for the next order.

 Thank you [book friend 20180717133133734] for the reward of 1500 starting coins!
  Thanks to [GraceLiyiyan] for tipping 500 starting coins!
  Thank you [Haimeng Real Brand Boyfriend] for the 500 starting coins!
  Thank you [Turn Your Hands into Clouds] for tipping 200 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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