Great Tang princess

Chapter 226 Silent Action

Chapter 226 Silent Action
After nightfall, everyone was lying on the ground resting, and some people couldn't help but lift up their clothes.

After eating raw meat, there is always a feeling of fever in the stomach, which makes people want to lift up their clothes and blow the air.

Li Yuechen used a telescope to observe the enemy camp that had already set up a fire, thinking about what he could do tonight.

In the afternoon, the other party sent 5000 people to search for their own people, but they found nothing and returned without success.

It's night now, which is a good time to do something.

Of course, after what happened in the afternoon, Lun Qinling will definitely be more vigilant, but it doesn't matter, Li Yuechen's purpose is to make them nervous.

People in this era have not undergone any psychological training, and they certainly cannot maintain concentration for a long time.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen lowered his body and waved to several captains to surround him.

"Next, adjust the structure. We have 500 people, and now we only guarantee that 100 people are in action, and the remaining 400 people are used as a reserve team to prevent other things from happening. The 100 people are divided into two teams to cover each other. The remaining 400 people are at any time Ready to support..."

Such an order was issued in consideration of the fact that Lun Qinling might have some preparations, so it was better to be on the safe side.

In this era of backward communication, without walkie-talkies, it is difficult to convey orders in place. Once several teams are too far away from each other, it is too late to support if something happens.

At the same time, Li Yuechen couldn't help thinking that he should find a way to improve the communication problem after returning home.

The first thing she thought of was pigeons, but when performing tasks, the positions of team members are changing at any time, and pigeons are generally only homing, which is not practical.

The other is the eagle, which can really be used as a communicator after training.

But the problem is that the cost is too high, and the upper limit of the bird's IQ also determines that it cannot understand too complicated commands.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is only one option left - military dogs!
The hounds of this era have slender limbs, are good at long-distance running, and have good endurance. They can be used as communicators between different teams.

The most important thing is to cooperate with people to launch attacks when necessary, and to take on special tasks such as breaking the queen!
It just so happened that there were talents in dog training in the imperial palace, so this choice was good both in terms of practicality and cost.


After explaining the matter, Li Yuechen began to speculate about launching an attack in the dark.

Originally, her plan was to shoot the soldiers in charge of the guard with one arrow, and then go back to sleep and make them nervous all night.

However, today Lun Qinling accelerated the marching speed, and he could walk out of this road in two or three days at most, and it would be very difficult to make troubles by then.

Thanks to the large number of them, the flexibility will inevitably decrease.

The larger the number of people, the slower the speed of movement. This point is the same even after more than a thousand years.

Li Yuechen put down the binoculars, and asked the captains around him: "Sneak into it tonight, try to kill as many enemy soldiers as possible, don't get close to Lun Qinling's camp, he may not be able to sleep tonight."

"Yes!" Geng Yunqiang agreed, "However, such tasks are still left to the subordinates, so don't put yourself in danger, Your Highness."

"En." Li Yuechen nodded, "I am here to meet you! Speaking of which, which one of you has more experience in assassination? Do you know how to kill silently? Share your experience."

Niu Ermao said in a low voice: "Your Highness, this subordinate knows."

"Tell me."

"My subordinates also discovered it by accident. If people are not prepared to attack and assassinate, compared to cutting the throat or stabbing the heart, if the blade is pierced obliquely from the eyes, the person will not twitch after death, and there will be no movement." Niu Ermao replied. .

Hearing his words, Li Yuechen thought for a while, this part is...the cerebellum!
However, it was also the first time Li Yuechen knew that the cerebellum would not convulse after being hit.

"But the problem is..." Geng Yunqiang raised his head, "If you want to pierce through the eyes, you have to do it when the place is asleep, right?"

Niu Ermao nodded: "That's true, but there is one more thing!"

As he spoke, Empress Frost pressed his back on both sides of his kidneys and said, "If a sharp knife penetrates here, you won't be able to scream!"

Listening to his narration, the people around nodded their heads to express their understanding.

This person, Li Yuechen, knew that he had worked as a scout under Liu Rengui for many years, and he probably did a lot of things like touch the whistle.

Only with sufficient practical experience can one find out such a set of silent killing techniques.

Sure enough, talents are everywhere, the key is to see if there is a pair of eyes to discover talents.

Li Yuechen nodded: "Okay, Niu Ermao, you can teach them some experience, act when you are ugly, and I am here to meet you. The rest go to sleep and have a good rest!"



Li Yuechen didn't personally participate in tonight's action. After what happened during the day, she already had a clearer understanding of herself.

Although she has a high combat effectiveness, she cannot solve everything by herself.

And she is not suitable for assassination, after all, the movement is too big.

Professional matters should be left to professional people, as long as I learn how to become a commander with my heart.

With such brute strength, I can appear on the front line to boost morale when necessary, but it is better to train a group of professional people for these special tasks as soon as possible.

In terms of special operations, I am really only a half-baked guy, but as long as these people can grow up, they will naturally develop a model that is most in line with this era based on this half-baked guy.

She should act as an enlightener, light a spark for them, and then let it develop slowly.

Under Li Yuechen's arrangement, most of the team members went to bed and rested, and even Geng Yunqiang, Niu Ermao and others took the time to rest for a while.

Everyone hid among a small stream passing through the jungle, listening to the gurgling water, and slowly fell asleep.

Li Yuechen was also leaning on a tree trunk, with his arms crossed in front of his chest, looking at the dark forest, while resting for 100 years, thinking about the future.

Suddenly, I saw an owl squatting on a tree branch next to it, looking curiously at the humans in auspicious suits below.

Its eyes were wide open, and its neck was twisted at a weird angle.

Li Yuechen looked left and right, and the surrounding team members were resting with their eyes closed. No one found it, and he was slightly relieved.

In this era, owls are called night owls and are considered an ominous bird. If they see them, it may affect morale.

She also had no idea when the owl had been there, and being one of the quietest birds in flight, it was hard to spot.

Guessing that the time was almost up, Li Yuechen grabbed a small stone from the side and threw it at it, drove it away, then woke up Niu Ermao and others on the opposite side, and told them to go to the creek to wash their faces, sober up and then ready for action.

Tonight's mission is dangerous and a huge test for them.

In order to reduce the friction sound of the armor when moving, they all took off their armor and only wore a layer of auspicious clothes.

Except for a few people who took bows and crossbows, the rest of them only had a horizontal knife.

All telescopes are also retracted to prevent loss.

After everything was ready, Geng Yunqiang and the others stood in front of Li Yuechen and said solemnly: "Your Highness, I'll wait."

"En!" Li Yuechen nodded, "Be careful in everything, and the first priority is not to expose yourself!"

"Here!" Several people agreed softly, and then quietly moved towards the enemy camp.

Li Yuechen climbed up a tree lightly and watched their actions with binoculars.

In order to lower their voices, several people did not wear armor, nor did they sprint, but lowered their bodies and moved forward slowly.

The patrol pattern of the enemy army has been clarified, most of the attention in Lun Qinling tonight must be on the master's side.

Maybe he can guess that he will attack the enemy camp at night, but it is absolutely impossible to guess his own course of action. This is the gap of the times.

Geng Yunqiang and others had a total of 100 people, and before they got out of the jungle, they were divided into five teams and touched in different directions.

There are about [-] soldiers in one camp of the enemy army, and this distribution is in line with the environment of the enemy army.

Each team is equipped with only one bow and crossbow in case of emergencies, and the others only hold horizontal knives.

Niu Ermao led his team to the enemy camp and touched the outermost edge of the enemy camp without making a sound.

Inside the enemy camp, a fire pile was set up every few feet to illuminate the road for the patrol team at night.

But because of this, things in the distance are often more difficult to see clearly.

A few team members gently moved the outermost refusal horse out of the way, ducked through, and other team members followed.

Suddenly, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps, and a patrol team of ten people had already lined up and walked over.

Perhaps it was because there were orders from above, so the members of the patrol team all looked very serious, and there was no sign of fishing.

But even so, the team members in auspicious uniforms who were hiding in the dark were still not found.

Just as the patrol team passed in front of them, [-] team members swarmed up, with an average of two fighting one, one covering his mouth and the other stabbing his kidney.

The sharp horizontal knife pierced the kidney, and the patrol members opened their mouths, but they couldn't make a sound.

The neck was twisted the next moment, and the team members did not let these corpses fall down, and immediately carried them to a dark place.

After this matter was settled, Niu Ermao raised his hand and made a gesture. The team members lowered their bodies again and sneaked into the nearest camp.

Twenty people slept in a camp of Tubo soldiers, which was similar to Datongpu.

It is precisely because of this that the 100 people in charge of the operation are also divided into teams of 20 people.

The tents in the army have no doors, just a simple curtain, which is also for quick access when something happens.

The team members sneaked into the tent, and everyone stood beside the target. As Niu Ermao raised his hand to make a gesture, the horizontal knife in his hand directly pierced the eyes of these sleeping soldiers.

According to what he said, the blade pierces through the eyes and destroys the cerebellum, so that people will not have convulsions, and the possible movements are minimized.

After dealing with the soldiers in one tent, these people quietly went out to the next tent.


Outside the camp, Li Yuechen, who was sitting on a tree branch, observed the actions of these team members with a telescope, and couldn't help but nodded.

Among these people, some are professional scouts, and some are professional soldiers. Even if they just do simple training, they are much better than ordinary people.

At least for now, each team has touched several camps and killed hundreds of enemy soldiers in total, but they have not been found yet.

Since this road is between two large jungles, the enemy camp is also narrow and long. Each team is responsible for a certain area, so there is no need to worry about bumping into each other.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, and each team touched a lot of tents and killed an unknown number of enemy troops.

Li Yuechen guessed that their physical strength was almost exhausted, and was about to call them back, but suddenly got stuck in the enemy camp in the middle and suddenly became chaotic.

A Tubo soldier rushed out of the camp suddenly, yelling something at the top of his voice, but was immediately pierced into his neck by a crossbow arrow shot from behind.

But even so, the team here has been completely exposed. When the other team members saw it, they immediately turned and retreated!

This is what Li Yuechen explained in advance, once exposed, don't think about anything else, just retreat immediately!

The Tubo soldier who was shot to death by the crossbow had just fallen, and a Tubo soldier rushed out from the nearby camp. Although he hadn't pierced his armor yet, he already had a weapon in his hand.

As soon as he came out of the tent, he saw more than a dozen shadows like ghosts in the mountains.

The auspicious suits on the team members could not be seen clearly due to the surrounding fire, so they looked like wild men with long hair at first glance.

The Tubo soldiers who rushed out first were taken aback and did not attack immediately. The team members also took this opportunity to turn around and run away.

Guerrilla warfare itself can't love to fight, let alone they don't have any armor now, and they will be finished if they are hit!
While the team members were running into the jungle, more Tubo soldiers rushed out. Before they had time to put on their armor, they chased after them with their weapons.

Li Yuechen fell from the tree with a backflip, waking up the other team members next to him, and followed him to catch up.

The team members ran into the jungle one by one, and dozens of Tubo soldiers ran out behind them and shot towards us with bows and arrows.

More than a dozen arrows streaked through the air, and three team members were shot in the back, and fell to the ground under their feet.

Geng Yunqiang wanted to go back to rescue, but when he saw the Tubo soldiers who had rushed up from behind, he gritted his teeth and turned around and ran away.

And the three players who were shot were surrounded by the Tubo soldiers behind them, and died under the chaos of knives.

Some Tubo soldiers subconsciously chased them into the jungle, as if they wanted to catch them completely.

However, Geng Yunqiang and others had already made corresponding arrangements before taking action.

"Crack, click..."

Many Tubo soldiers stepped into the trap prepared in advance, and tripped up a large group of soldiers behind them by the way.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of chaotic footsteps nearby, and these Tubo soldiers turned their heads to see that hundreds of people in auspicious uniforms rushed over.

Li Yuechen led more than [-] people from the reserve team to intercept the Tubo soldiers chasing in from the side, and killed all the hundreds of soldiers who were too late to penetrate the armor.

(End of this chapter)

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