Great Tang princess

Chapter 23 War

Chapter 23 War
In ancient times, because there were many children, the degree of pampering was of course different.

There is actually a simple logic in it: whoever makes me happy, I like whoever!

Generally speaking, the child who makes the parents feel the best is the most favored child.

In the past, this child was Li Hong, and then he became the youngest Li Lun, but now, it is Li Yuechen who is the most pleasing to his parents.

So now even if she is having a temper tantrum with the emperor and empress, instead of being angry, they coax her in a low voice.

It took a long time to eat this meal, even after eating, Li Zhi still filled a bowl of hot pot soup and tasted it in small sips.

Judging from the fast health ball in his hand, he is obviously in a very good mood now.

"This item is not bad. I will introduce it to the officials at the court meeting tomorrow..." Li Zhi looked at the hot pot in the middle of the table and said.

Li Yuechen, who was sitting on his lap, grinned for a while, "Come on, the copyright fee is gone again."

Wu Zetian next to him also nodded: "And this high stool, it's really comfortable to sit on, Chen'er, what's the name of this thing?"

"The baby hasn't been named yet, why don't you give it a name?" Li Yuechen said as he went to get the cup next to him.

Wu Zetian thought for a while: "It's slightly taller than the Hu stool, but it's easy to lean on. How about calling it a 'chair stool'?"

Your naming method is simple and rude!Li Yuechen complained secretly in his heart.

In the past, many people on the Internet complained that Wu Zetian had a second-degree illness and liked to change other people's names.I thought I was pretty good at it.

But now... Li Yuechen wanted to raise his eyebrows and say, "That's it?"

Although he complained in his heart, he still smiled and said: "It's all up to A Niang."

Today's meal made the whole family very happy. Li Zhi would occasionally raise his glass to drink with the two concubines' daughters. It was not as serious as the New Year's Eve banquet in previous years.

Until the end of the night, Li Zhi still had a red face and was in high spirits.

If Wu Zetian hadn't dragged him back to rest on the grounds that he was not in good health, I'm afraid we could have chatted all night.

At the gate of Chengxiang Hall, several children respectfully sent Li Zhi back, only Li Yuechen raised his hands above his head to show his heart.

Li Zhi was probably too drunk, and he also smiled and bent his legs slightly, and raised his hands to compare his head with his heart.

Such a cute and contrasting scene almost made Li Yuechen laugh, the scene of the large-scale death of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Seeing this scene, Li Hong and the others froze in place for a moment, wondering if they should follow suit.

But before they could react, Li Zhi was taken back by Wu Zetian and Zhang Chengxin holding one hand.

Li Yuechen, on the other hand, was thinking about whether Li Zhi would call him over to give him a slap when he remembered the scene of the society's death tomorrow.

The elder brothers are leaving too, and Li Yuechen also cares about them.

It's a pity that they didn't drink too much. Such a shameful action was really impossible, so they turned around and left.

The two elder sisters didn't care at all, and also compared their hearts to Li Yuechen to say goodnight.


After sending everyone away, Li Yuechen went back, washed up under Xiao He's service, and got into the bed.

Well, it's good to be a princess, and you don't have to wash the dishes after eating.

Li Yuechen put his hands behind his head and took a deep breath.

Now there is no doubt about how favored she is, the next step is to lie dormant and wait to grow up.

Get through it as soon as possible to grow into a princess, and then you don't have to pretend to be a child and pistachios every day, and then you can relax and eat and wait to die.

By the way, you can take a good look at this history from the perspective of a future person.

If you can return to the original world after you die here, maybe you can become a history professor...

While thinking wildly, he fell asleep.

As for the next day's Grand Court Meeting, Li Yuechen didn't bother to go and watch it, anyway, it was basically like that every year.


Not long after the ugly time, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian were woken up by Zhang Chengxin, and they wanted to get up, freshen up and prepare for the grand meeting.

Wu Zetian, who let the maid help her to fix her hair, saw that Li Zhi was still a little confused, and asked tentatively, "Does Your Majesty remember last night..."

"I don't remember!" Li Zhi was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head violently.

"Oh?" Wu Zetian grinned, "Why don't I come and help His Majesty recall something, last night..."

Li Zhi waved his hand directly: "Okay, don't talk too much, get ready!"

Wu Zetian smiled and closed his mouth, but he was an old couple, just by looking at his expression, he knew that he must have remembered the shameful scene last night.

Although there was once in the Yanying Hall last time, after all, there were no outsiders around that time, only Wu Zetian and Li Yuechen.

And last night, not only the children were there, there were also a lot of court ladies and eunuchs around...

Taking a deep breath, Li Zhi slightly turned his head and glanced at her, heaved a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but blush a little.

But thanks to being in the palace, if that scene was seen by the officials, Li Zhi couldn't help shivering slightly.


After putting on the special mian suit for the court meeting, Li Zhi went to court with Wu Zetian.

The greetings on the first day of the new year are always extremely troublesome, but Li Zhi is already thinking that maybe he can choose some interesting gifts for his daughter this year from the envoys of various countries.

And Li Yuechen got up early as usual, regardless of how the court meeting was going, and started exercising on his own.

After practicing yoga with my two older sisters, I casually ate a couple of bites on the mat, and then I was ready to go to the yard to practice.

Shangguan Wan'er suddenly appeared outside the door and saluted very politely: "His Royal Highness, Happy New Year!"

"Well, Happy New Year." Li Yuechen agreed and was about to go out.

"Your Highness will practice kung fu tomorrow, can you bring Wan'er with you?"

Hearing her question, Li Yuechen stopped and turned his head to take a look: "Yes, but why are you interested in this?"

Shangguan Wan'er blinked her eyes: "Your Highness is obviously one year younger than me, but now he is taller than me... I think His Highness's movements are slow, so it doesn't seem too difficult..."

Seeing her seriously thinking about the answer, Li Yuechen suddenly laughed.

"Okay, if you want to learn, start practicing from tomorrow with the two elder sisters. I asked Xiao He to prepare an animal skin mat for you." Li Yuechen smiled, "However, even if you practice with me, you won't have to worry about it." I will definitely be taller!"

Shangguan Wan'er opened her eyes wide, her face full of doubts: "Why?"

"Because I practiced before you." Li Yuechen touched her head with a smile, and then ran to the yard to practice.

Shangguan Wan'er at the back seemed to be struggling, if so, wouldn't she never be able to be taller than His Highness?

The Zheng family next to her smiled and said nothing. If her daughter can have a good relationship with this princess, at least she won't have to worry about being bullied in the future.


This year's court meeting is particularly interesting, perhaps because I didn't stay up late with the emperor last night, so the ministers looked rosy and full of energy when they went to court.

Li Zhi basically never leaves his health ball now, even during the court meeting, he still has two iron balls in his hand.

Naturally, many foreign envoys saw it and asked him what it was.

Li Zhi was very proud to show off that it was made by the princess to honor him, and it also had a certain healing effect.

Foreign envoys thought it was good, and they all said that they should follow suit when they go back.

No wonder when I came here, as soon as I entered Chang'an City, I saw many people on the street with two balls in their hands. It turned out that this was passed from the emperor.

That's not all, Li Zhi was not stingy in his praise of his daughter, and he also talked about creative inventions such as the princess plow and punctuation marks.

It is conceivable that the name of this princess will not only be left in the history books of Datang.


On the second day of junior high school, Li Yuechen followed his mother to visit Mrs. Rongguo as usual.

It has to be said that the powerful genes have been well reflected in this old man who is over ninety years old.

She is not bald, and her teeth are basically still there, and she still has an appetite for big fish and meat.

And at this age, Li Yuechen had to admire him for having the energy to play with his twenty-five-year-old lover.

The old lady was very happy when the children came over, and prepared some pastries to entertain them.

When I saw my granddaughter coming in, I still wanted to hug her, but after a few tries, I shook my head and let go: "Chen'er has grown up, I can't hold her anymore..."

Now Li Yuechen is almost as tall as his fourth brother Li Lun, and he has indeed grown up a lot.

"From now on, it's time for Chen'er to hug grandma!" Li Yuechen smiled sweetly, and walked into the house holding her arm.

"Okay, okay..." Mrs. Rong Guo was very happy, and let her help her into the inner hall.

As soon as the children sat down, Mrs. Rong Guo gave them cakes, regardless of whether they were hungry or not.

Li Yuechen knew it would be like this, so he didn't eat anything in the morning, so he picked a piece that was not too big or too small, and took two bites.

While listening to the mother and daughter chatting, He Lanminzhi suddenly walked in from the door and saluted respectfully: "I have seen the empress, Mrs. Rongguo, all Your Highnesses!"

I haven't seen him for a year, and this guy's handsome face still hasn't changed, but the two streamers behind his head have been lengthened, making him look even more flamboyant.

Li Yuechen gnawed on the pastry expressionlessly, complaining secretly in his heart.

"Exemption!" Wu Zetian slightly raised his hand, "Long live, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I have grown up a lot!"

He Lanmin showed a professional smile and bent slightly: "Thanks to my aunt, everything is fine."

"Sit down and chat with us." Wu Zetian waved his hand casually.

For this nephew, she neither likes nor dislikes, after all, there is no intersection.

As for the matter between him and his mother, Mrs. Rong Guo, she doesn't bother to care about it now, so she pretends not to know.

"Thank you, auntie!"

He Lanmin agreed, and sat on the last row of chairs, which happened to be diagonal to Li Yuechen who was beside Mrs. Rong Guo.

Li Yuechen, who was nibbling on the pastry, glanced casually, but happened to see that He Lan Minzhi was also looking at him.

The moment the two met their gazes, He Lanmin could see that He Lanmin had actually blinked his right eye at him.

What the hell!

Li Yuechen was shocked, what does this mean?Are you discharging your wife?

Immediately, I felt a chill in my heart, my mother is only fucking five years old this year!

But if you think about it carefully, maybe you have misunderstood. What if this guy uses this method to tease children?
Li Yuechen, who came from modern society, was unwilling to put a person into the ranks of perverts with just a small gesture, so he took another look at him.

But this time He Lanmin didn't do anything special, he just smiled at her.

Li Yuechen didn't think too much about it, anyway, he didn't see this guy a few times a year, and he couldn't see him.

When leaving, Mrs. Rong Guo was still pulling Li Hong and the others to say a few more words.

After all, they seldom come to visit, only Li Yuechen usually comes here every now and then to chat with the old man or something.

One is to maintain one's own personality so that it doesn't collapse, and two, in this era without the Internet, the best way to enrich your life is to keep yourself from being idle.


There was very little snow this year, and there were not many snowfalls until the Shangyuan Festival. From the perspective of people in this era, there is a high possibility of drought this year.

In March, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian discussed it, issued an edict to amnesty the world, and changed the year name to Xianheng.

Also in this month, Xu Jingzong, the young master of the prince, played a performance, expressing that he was old and asked to be appointed.

Wu Zetian actually didn't want to let him go, but he was really old, and it was okay to disagree, and he could only allow it.

A few casual officials were sealed off and given retirement benefits, and a pair of health balls were also given.

When they were leaving, the emperor ordered Zhao Renben, Zhang Daan and others to come out to see them off, and it was considered a successful retirement.

Li Yuechen stood on the wall of the imperial city, looking at the huge Chang'an City, with a smile on his lips.

In this era, many people will leave their names. For better or worse, they are also indispensable punctuation marks of this era.


For the royal family, a quiet life never lasts too long.

Less than a month later, when Li Yuechen was arguing with the couple in the Hall of Yanying, Zhang Chengxin suddenly walked in: "Sage, empress, please see Mr. Zhao!"


Li Zhi waved his hand, asked his daughter Li Yuechen to sit obediently, tidied up his clothes, and checked to see if the tea was ready.

Seeing Zhao Renben coming in in a hurry, Li Zhi waved his hands: "Zhao Aiqing, come, sit down and have tea with me."

However, Zhao Renben hurriedly saluted: "Your Majesty, empress, just sent an urgent report that Tubo invaded the Western Regions on a large scale. Now it has captured the Eighteenth Jilin Prefecture! The front battle report says that it has united with Khotan, and the sword is pointing at the exchange city of Kucha!"

After saying this, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian looked at each other and stood up at the same time: "Come on, let's drive to Zichen Palace!"

Seeing that something important happened, Li Yuechen hurriedly got up and left, not to cause trouble here anymore.

After I came out, I was also thinking in my heart that the Tang Dynasty seemed to have never stopped wars since the founding of the country, and they fought every now and then.

Goryeo has just been pacified, and now it is about to fight again.

In fact, Li Yuechen was also thinking about whether to contribute the formula of black powder, which would also increase the safety of the soldiers on the front line.

But she didn't dare, how could a child like her know the formula of such a big killer?

It's better to take care of yourself first, at least it's better to contribute when you won't be suspected.

Anyway, Tang Jun is so good at fighting, so don't worry.

As for now, it's better to be your own good baby with peace of mind and not to cause extra problems.

 Thank you [book friend 20170705033324831] for the reward of 200 starting coins!
  Thank you [Lord of the lord] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
  Thank you [Seriousness is a bone-scraping steel knife to get a ring] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
  Thank you [Lonely and Unbearable Bookworm] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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