Great Tang princess

Chapter 235 Explosion

Chapter 235 Explosion
It takes a long time from design to construction of the barracks, and once it is completed, it is not planned to be easily changed, so Li Yuechen is not in a hurry, and strives to do it well at one time.

As for the layout of the entire barracks, I tried my best to recall what I saw in the barracks during my military training.

Barracks, training ground, canteen... Considering that military dogs may be added in the future, there cannot be only one training ground.

Fortunately, the place under Mang Mountain is not small, enough for her to toss about freely.

After finishing the matter here, Li Yuechen ordered to go down and get more cotton, and then make quilts for use.

At the same time, I have to try to see if I can fold the cotton quilt into that kind of tofu block. The cotton in the army is all high-quality, and not all quilts can be folded like that.

In the future, there will be a huge demand for cotton in the army, so we should consider the issue of large-scale planting.

Why don't you contact the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion, you can spend money to buy a certain amount of cotton every year, which can be regarded as bringing some economic benefits there.

And with the expansion of the number of troops in the future, the number of acquisitions will definitely increase.

Not only quilts, but also underwear and training uniforms, etc., it is best to make pure cotton, which is already a very good material in this era.

Of course, wool can be considered in winter, such as wool and other materials, which are used to make coats and the like.


A week passed in a blink of an eye, and the first month of the lunar year was almost at the end. The Shangyi Bureau made a few camouflage samples and sent them to Anfu Hall for her to review.

"Take it a little farther away, let me see."

Li Yuechen directed a few court ladies to hold the cloth dyed in camouflage pattern with both hands, and stood about ten meters away to squint and watch.

Several pieces of cloth are interwoven with different color blocks, and I don't know how to do it during operation, there is still a lot of space between the color blocks.

And it may be because different people are responsible for different fabrics, the patterns on these pieces of fabric are completely different.

To be honest, this camouflage is a bit different from the camouflage that Li Yuechen knows, but whether it will work or not, let's try it out first.

The principle of camouflage is actually very simple, that is, color block segmentation.

If the army wears solid-color clothes, it is easy to be spotted from a distance, because the human eye itself is very sensitive to solid colors.

In theory, as long as the hat, clothes and trousers are all different colors, the chances of being discovered can be greatly reduced.

Camouflage only divides the color into smaller and finer parts, which reduces the chance of being discovered.

If the starry sky camouflage is matched with high-tech camouflage clothing, it can really achieve an effect that cannot be seen even if you walk past it.

Li Yuechen didn't expect to be able to make the camouflage pattern of the future in this era, and it would be pretty good to be able to approximate it.

Then let Shangyi Bureau try again to see if the color block can be dyed smaller, and at the same time consider how to save more costs.

In the midst of this busyness, another day passed.


As soon as he woke up the next morning, Li Yuechen told Fulai, "Go and prepare some sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal for me! By the way, bring some eggs!"

Fulai nodded in agreement without any doubts, and then immediately went to prepare.

Li Yuechen took Shangguan Wan'er and the others to practice yoga according to the usual practice in the main hall, and then had breakfast together.

"I will not be in the palace in the future, as long as you continue to exercise according to this method, you will definitely be able to maintain your figure!" Li Yuechen said while drinking porridge.

"Your Highness is not in the palace?" Shangguan Wan'er suddenly raised her head, "Where are you going?"

Li Yuechen smiled suddenly: "I am General Zuo Qianniuwei, of course I live in the barracks."

Shangguan Wan'er seemed a little unhappy: "Then can't I see His Highness every day?"

"It's okay, anyway, it's in Mang Mountain, not far from the imperial palace, I want to see you anytime!" Li Yuechen smiled.

While talking, he finished his porridge and the last bite of Hubing, then got up and ran to find Geng Yunqiang and others to continue practicing.

Seeing her leaving in a hurry, Shangguan Wan'er curled her lips, with obvious unhappiness written on her face.


After lunch at noon, Li Yuechen went to the Shangyi Bureau and asked for some slightly thicker cotton threads.

After returning to Anfu Hall, Fulai had already prepared what she wanted, and Li Yuechen immediately started to make it.

The formula of black powder can be easily found on the Internet before, and it is also written in many novels, so it is very easy to make this one.

But Li Yuechen planned to solve the problem of Huo Nianzi first.

Don’t expect to be able to make a broken grenade in this era. It looks small, but the structure inside is actually very fine. In this era where everything is purely handmade, even if it can be made, the cost is too high up.

So it can only be made into an open flame, similar to firecrackers. Although it is a bit troublesome, and its use is limited in rainy days, it is also an unavoidable choice.

He ordered Xiao He next to him to bring a small stone mill, which is used by doctors to grind medicinal materials. First, all the materials were ground into powder, and then mixed.

After that, part of it was separated out, some water was added, and it was stirred into a slurry, and then a few cotton threads were soaked in and stirred for a while.

When I took it out again, these cotton threads had turned black and looked a little gray.

Let Xiao He put it in the shade to dry in the shade, while Li Yuechen himself broke the egg, poured the egg white into the mixed black powder, and stirred it up.

It was not until it was stirred into a mud-like feeling that it was poured out little by little and placed in the bamboo tube that had been prepared beside it.

Then use a wooden stick to insert a small hole on the top, which is convenient for putting twisters after it dries.

The twigger is still very fast, and it is almost dry by mid-afternoon.

Li Yuechen picked one up and squeezed it in his hand, went outside the hall, and asked Xiao He to bring a torch and light it.


Accompanied by a puff of smoke, the fire twister in Li Yuechen's hand emitted a bright flame and gradually burned.

It looks like the kind of spark sticks that I used to play with when I was a child, but without the sparks flying everywhere.

Xiao He looked at it with a surprised face, feeling that this thing is very bright, and if it is lit at night, it must be very beautiful.

However, Li Yuechen frowned slightly, this thing burned too slowly.

It took almost five seconds for a twig about ten centimeters long to burn out.

But I immediately felt relieved, and it would be better if the burning time was longer, after all, it was much safer for my own people.

The purpose of this thing is to kill and injure the enemy. If it explodes as soon as it is lit in my hand, wouldn't it be a thing to sacrifice teammates?
After going back, Li Yuechen looked at the gunpowder in the bamboo tube again, and felt that it hadn't dried out.

Let's wait until tomorrow to try this.

Xiao He next to him asked curiously, "Your Highness, what is this?"

"You will know tomorrow." Li Yuechen turned his head and said with a serious face: "There must be someone watching here at all times, and no one can move without the permission of this palace! Anyone who dares to violate it will be chopped off!"

Xiao He was taken aback. Li Yuechen had always been very easy-going since he was a child. Even if the servant made a mistake, he never said he wanted to kill someone.

But now that such an order is suddenly issued, it seems that this thing is extremely important!

Li Yuechen did this for safety, because he was afraid that if that idiot would suddenly touch it, if there was static electricity and it would light up all of a sudden, the consequences would be quite dire.

Although this is a bamboo tube, not an iron sheet, gunpowder is gunpowder, and once it explodes, the lethality of the bamboo pieces at close range is also terrifying.

Besides, if the loud noise caused frightened the emperor, ten heads would not be enough to cut off!
This bamboo tube is thicker than the future Er Tijiao, so its power and noise are naturally greater.If it exploded suddenly, it might really scare people to death.


In the evening, Li Yuechen went to Renshou Hall to have dinner with his parents.

"Tomorrow afternoon, mother and father will bring a few elder brothers to Anfu Hall, my son has researched a new thing." Li Yuechen invited.

"Oh?" Li Zhi looked very interested, and put down his wine glass, "What is it this time?"

"Hey, let's not talk about it first, my parents will know it when they see it tomorrow!" Li Yuechen made a fool of himself.

Wu Zetian next to him suddenly smiled: "Since we are invited to watch this time with all the princes, it must not be the playthings of the past, but must be extremely useful for Datang!"

"Aniang is so smart!" Li Yuechen praised with a smile, "I'm sure you'll be surprised tomorrow!"

Inside the Renshou Hall, there was a lot of fun, and on the other side of the Anfu Hall, Shangguan Wan'er and others who came back from get off work looked curiously at the few bamboo tubes placed in the corner.

"Shang Yi, just look at this thing from a distance." Xiao He next to him reminded, "Your Highness has ordered that anyone who dares to move will be chopped off!"

"Okay." Shangguan Wan'er nodded, "Since such an order has been issued, it must be very important..."

Princess Xuancheng next to her also looked curious: "Chen'er actually gave such an order? It's really very rare..."

Princess Yiyang turned her head and took a look: "Chen'er's order shows that this thing should be extremely dangerous."

"That's right, let's not move around anymore." Pei Qingwan also said.


The next day happened to be a rest day, Shangguan Wan'er and others didn't have to go out, they practiced with Li Yuechen in the morning, and after breakfast, they went about their own things in the hall.

Those who play chess play chess, those who do the quizzes do the quizzes, and sister-in-law Pei Qingwan is also painting alone in the Linbo Pavilion.

Li Yuechen did not do actual combat training today, nor did he practice routines, but did strength and flexibility training in the hall.

Wearing a pair of loose trousers, except for the gauze wrapped around the chest, the rest of the upper body is completely exposed to the air.

Anyway, there are only maids in the inner hall, so there is no need to worry about things like running out.

Now Li Yuechen's height is close to 1.7 meters, and his figure is also very well-proportioned, with streamlined arms, smooth shoulders, and a vest line that looks like a knife... This figure looks like it has been PS.

If you have to find a reference for comparison, her figure is a bit like Miss Fortune in LOL.

At this time, Li Yuechen just used two index fingers to hook the door frame of the inner hall, slowly doing pull-ups.

Her speed is very slow, and it takes an average of five or six seconds to complete one, which prevents inertia from helping her to the greatest extent.

After finishing, I sat on the mat and twisted my body into various strange-looking shapes, which was to exercise flexibility.

In terms of the comprehensiveness of physical exercise, athletes even have a greater say than special soldiers.

When it was time to eat at noon, Shangguan Wan'er and others entered the inner hall, and saw Li Yuechen crawling on the ground on all fours!

As it crawled, its body twisted and twisted, like a dragon raised in Taoguang Garden.

"What are you doing, Your Highness?" Shangguan Wan'er asked in surprise.

Princess Xuancheng next to her joked again: "Could it be that you are bewitched?"

Li Yuechen stood up helplessly: "You guys don't understand even after explaining... Forget it, let's get ready for dinner."


A morning of exercise is already quite intense for ordinary people, but for Li Yuechen... he didn't even break out in a sweat.

After lunch, not long after, there was a sharp "Here comes the saint!"

Li Yuechen and others hurriedly got up and ran out to meet them.

Li Zhi, the emperor of the Tang Empire, walked in slowly with a health ball in his hand, followed by Wu Zetian and the princes behind him.

Seeing the people who came out to greet him, Li Zhi waved his hands: "Excuse me!"

Then he smiled at his daughter: "Chen'er, I brought everyone, let's start quickly if you want to demonstrate anything!"

"Okay!" Li Yuechen agreed, and asked the couple and the brothers to stand in the corridor outside the hall, then ran inside and took out a few bamboo tubes.

Most of them were placed on the side, and Fulai was told not to move, and then he took one by himself and ran into the yard.

"You all get out and go into the house!" Li Yuechen ordered, pointing to a kind of court lady and eunuch around, then turned his head and smiled: "This thing will make a loud noise in a while, it may startle you, it's better Cover your ears!"

"Understood, let's start!" Li Zhi looked forward to it, not knowing what tricks a small bamboo tube can do.

Li Yuechen took the bamboo tube to the back of the Linbo Pavilion to prevent the exploding bamboo pieces from hurting people.

"Chen'er, I can't see it over there!"

"Grandpa, you don't need to look, just listen!"

After waving his hand, Li Yuechen put the bamboo tube on the ground, took out the fire pocket and lit it.

The moment it was lit, Li Yuechen turned around and ran. With his hands on the fence of Linbo Pavilion, he jumped to the other side of the pillar and squatted down.

Seeing his daughter jumping over here like a monkey, Li Zhi already felt that this thing might be a little dangerous.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a bang, and a huge cloud of smoke exploded behind Linbo Pavilion.

At the same time as the explosion sounded, the ground even felt a vibration. Even though Li Zhi and the others were mentally prepared in advance, they were still so frightened that they almost jumped up on the spot.

Li Zhi himself was so frightened that he shivered all over his body, his eyes widened and he froze in place, and there was still a buzzing sound in his ears that still didn't subside.

Mother Wu Zetian was also taken aback, and couldn't help screaming at the same time as the explosion.

 Thank you [Masked Superman from Mercury] for the 500 starting coins!
  Thank you [High Dimensional Projection] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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