Great Tang princess

Chapter 239 Candidates

Chapter 239 Candidates

That afternoon, Pei Bishu was called to Renshou Hall.

When he came in, his expression was a little uncertain, as if he was thinking about what the emperor meant by calling him here at this time.

The so-called companion is like a tiger. Most of the time, it is no good for a person like him who stays in an insignificant position to be summoned by the emperor.

Seeing him walk in to salute with a serious face, Li Zhi put down his teacup and waved his hands: "Excuse me, Aiqing has always been good at tricks and tricks. Recently, the princess has researched a new type of weapon and plans to build a new organization to take charge of it. Are you interested?"

Hearing this sentence, Pei Biaoshu breathed a sigh of relief. It is very good to do research and development, as long as you work hard, you don't have to worry about getting involved in any troubles.

Thinking of this, he saluted and agreed: "The order of the sage, I must obey!"

"Don't rush to agree!"

Li Zhi changed the subject and reminded aloud: "My love, you should know that this institution is not within the existing system of the imperial court, and is directly responsible to the royal family... and the contents of it must be kept strictly confidential, and it will be a serious crime if you leak it at will!"


Hearing Li Zhi's explanation, he hesitated a little.

Obviously, this is the emperor's intention to open up a new system outside the imperial court for trial operation. To put it bluntly, this is actually a reform.

It's just that due to some considerations, it was not announced at the first time.

But one thing is certain - as time goes by, when this new system is complete and it is confirmed that it can replace the existing system, there will definitely be a battle between the two systems!

If the new system wins, he will naturally be able to skyrocket all the way and become a veteran figure.

But if they lose, they may be liquidated in the future.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help hesitating.

Now that the emperor has thrown out an olive branch, it is hard to say no to it, but if he does, then in case of failure in the future...

Seeing his somewhat tangled expression, Li Zhi didn't rush, he took a sip from his teacup with a smile, and then twirled the health ball in his hand.

Wu Zetian next to him also remained silent, sitting there quietly like a statue.

Pei Bishu, who was struggling, suddenly looked at the princess next to him who looked at him with a half-smile, and seemed to think of something in his heart.

Now that the princess is in the limelight in the imperial court, the Minister of the Household Department and General Zuo Qianniuwei made an unprecedented dazzling record in the first battle last year.

Everyone can see that, in the future, as long as the princess fights a few more battles to accumulate some qualifications and increase some prestige, it is already a certainty that she will become a military leader in the future.

If this new system is led by the princess, it is indeed worth trying.

Not only does she have the status of a princess, but she will also be a military leader with military power in her hands in the future. If she can hug this thigh, she doesn't have to worry about being liquidated if she fails in the future!

After figuring it out, Pei Biaoshu immediately saluted: "I will obey the holy order!"


From Li Yuechen's point of view, Pei Bishu also likes to think about some tricks, so it is very suitable for him to be the dean of the Engineering Academy.

In this era when everything is inferior and only reading is high, anyone who can read a few words and has some culture would disdain to do such a thing.

It is not bad to have such a person as the dean now.

And Pei Bishu, who walked out of Renshou Hall, was relieved. Today's matter is undoubtedly a gamble.

In any case, it is much easier to do many things in this institution that is directly responsible to the royal family.

But there are still troubles that come with it. If I take this position, I will be on the side of the princess. If I don't do it well in the future, the prince will be displeased.

More importantly, judging from the current situation, the relationship between the princess and the queen is very harmonious.

And his uncle Pei Xingjian is one of the typical representatives who are against the Queen of Heaven. If he becomes a princess, it means he is also on the side of the Queen of Heaven.

Coupled with the high level of secrecy of this new organization... I hope that my relationship with my uncle will not become too rigid in the future.


At the end of February, Datang Institute of Engineering officially announced its establishment.

At present, because the military camp has not yet been built, the experimental base is placed in the glass workshop outside the city.

After the barracks are built in the future, they will be moved to the army.

There are quite a few people gathered here today, besides Pei Bishu, there are also more than a dozen people like Geng Yunqiang who are often in charge of training with Li Yuechen, as well as Wang Gangdan and some experienced craftsmen in the military department.

These people are experienced craftsmen, Li Yuechen's hammer, Fang Tian's painting halberd and armor are all from their hands.

Suddenly called here today, looking at the dozen or so heavily armed soldiers next to him, even though he was already familiar with Li Yuechen, he still felt a little stiff.

Li Yuechen waved his hand casually: "Don't be nervous, I called you here today because I want to tell you about the newly established Academy of Engineering."

Regardless of whether they could understand or not, Li Yuechen explained on his own: "The Academy of Engineering is currently affiliated with the army and is dedicated to the development and testing of various weapons. I want you to become academicians of the Academy of Engineering..."

"Once you agree, it will be equivalent to joining the military. Of course, you don't have to go to battle, but you will be responsible for the research of various weapons here, and you will become nominal officers... But everything here needs to be kept secret, and freedom will be restricted. If you leak things about this place, you will be should think about it carefully."

Li Yuechen explained very slowly and clearly, even if they were illiterate, they would definitely be able to understand.

As for Wang Gangdan and the others, after hearing Li Yuechen's explanation, they looked at each other on the spot, feeling a little tangled.

Of course they can tell that this is equivalent to improving their treatment and social status.

From a craftsman to an officer, it can be said to be a very huge change.

It stands to reason that such treatment should be agreed immediately, but considering the confidentiality that Li Yuechen said just now, they were instinctively afraid for a while.

Li Yuechen didn't rush them, but asked with a smile: "If you have any questions, you can tell them, and I will try my best to answer them."

The princess is usually so approachable, these craftsmen are used to it, when someone asked: "Dare to ask Your Highness, I also like to go out to drink on weekdays, if I drink too much..."

"But you have the money to buy more bars because you work here?" Li Yuechen smiled, "Besides, as long as you don't get drunk in the future, there will be no other restrictions. The only requirement is to keep it secret!"

Hearing her answer, the craftsmen looked at each other, feeling that this request was not too much.

Besides, those soldiers have been here for so many years, so after making eye contact for a while, they all agreed.

After all, this is a good thing to improve their salary. Officers are also officials. At least after agreeing, their status is also "officials".

As for Geng Yunqiang and the others who came here today, they have already been bound to the princess.

After being her sparring partner for so long, no one would believe anyone who said she wasn't a princess.

These people are also the first batch of non-commissioned officers in the special forces in the future.

Seeing that Wang Gangdan and the others agreed, Li Yuechen nodded with a smile: "That's just right, let's all come out and see the weapons we will study in the future."

For today, Li Yuechen deliberately made a few more grenades and smoke bombs, intending to test them out.


Today, many people in the eastern capital saw smoke rising from Mount Mang, but today the smoke is white, not colorful, and there is no discussion of the gods coming down to earth.

But then, there were explosions one after another.

Because there is no noise pollution in this era, the explosion of the grenade can be heard far away, even in the eastern capital, it can be heard faintly.

Hearing the explosion, many dignitaries sent people out of the city to investigate Mang Mountain, but they were stopped by a group of soldiers before entering the mountain.

This group of people had followed Li Yuechen to the battlefield, and they carried out her orders thoroughly.

Regardless of your servants in the noble family, the princess said that idlers are not allowed to come near.


Looking at the dozens of sheep and big black pigs that were killed in front of them, everyone was shocked.

The air was mixed with gunpowder smoke and the smell of blood, and all kinds of animal internal organs and residual limbs were scattered all over the ground. Apart from the scorched blackness caused by the explosion, the most central ground was basically covered with blood that had not penetrated into the ground completely.

Pei Bishu's eyes were wide open, and his mouth was so wide open that he seemed to be able to stuff an egg into it.

Geng Yunqiang and the others couldn't help rubbing their eyes. Just now, they saw the princess lit a bamboo tube and threw it out. They didn't expect it to have such a huge power.

As for Wang Gangdan and the others, they stood there completely stunned, their mouths were moving up and down, but they couldn't say anything.

"Hongfeng, this is one of the weapons that you will use on the battlefield in the future, and I will let you know about it today!" Li Yuechen said, "This kind of weapon is extremely important, it should not be passed on, and it must be kept secret... "

Hearing her exhortation, Geng Yunqiang and others reacted and agreed one after another.

At the same time, the way they looked at her changed slightly. If their attitude towards the princess was admiration before, now it seems to have a trace of fear.

However, Li Yuechen didn't want to pay attention to their attitude. He turned his head and explained to the future dean and academicians: "This is what the Academy of Engineering will study next. This object is called a grenade, and the main damage depends on..."

After roughly explaining the rationale, Li Yuechen expressed his request: "I need you to find a way to expand its production and reduce costs at the same time..."

After all, in this day and age, even steel balls need to be polished by hand, which consumes too much energy.


After listening to her explanation, the people who came here today knew what kind of work they were about to face, and the expressions on everyone's faces suddenly became very exciting.

Some people looked excited, others looked terrified, and some were very dazed, as if they still hadn't recovered from the explosion just now.

But they all knew one thing at this moment - now that they saw this new weapon, they had no chance to regret it.

Then Li Yuechen took them to the newly vacated laboratory in the glass workshop, and asked them to work here during this period of time, and let her know what they needed, and she would be responsible for solving it.

All the materials for making grenades are available here, let them try to make them themselves during this time.

After showing them how to mix gunpowder with his own hands, Li Yuechen said with a serious face: "You must remember this! Before touching gunpowder, you must touch the iron first! If anyone forgets this, don't blame Ben The palace will punish you mercilessly!"

"May I ask Your Highness, why is this?" A craftsman didn't understand.

"Before you waited, did you ever feel like you were electrocuted when you touched someone or something?" Li Yuechen asked back.


The others also nodded, indicating that such situations do happen occasionally.

Li Yuechen couldn't explain it in too much detail.It just roughly explained: "This kind of electricity on the body, which occasionally emerges, may ignite the every time you touch the gunpowder, you must first touch the iron object. If there is electricity, it will react with the iron object. Lead it away so that you can touch the gunpowder..."

In Li Yuechen's view, the safety issue is the top priority, and now there is no survival, and it will be lit if it is lit, so it is not a big problem.

But in the future, this place will become an arsenal. Once the gunpowder is ignited, the whole factory will be blown up!
Throughout the many fires or explosions in human history, many of them were caused by improper operation.

Seeing Li Yuechen's serious face, everyone nodded to express that they remembered.

The princess's order is still very useful, so they can't help but remember it, otherwise they will be blamed when the time comes, and they will really be overwhelmed.

After finishing the matter here, Li Yuechen asked Zuo Qianniuwei's people to completely surround the workshop, forming an encirclement circle to protect the safety of the place.

Some time ago, Geng Yunqiang was asked to be in charge of asking those who were willing to sign up, and all of them were mobilized to be responsible for the security work of the inner circle.

Anyway, this is the weapon they will use in the future, so it doesn't matter if you let them see the effect for a while.

At the same time, Li Yuechen also knew that the construction of the barracks had to hurry up, and at the same time, during this period of time, he could also use the opportunity of weapon experiments here to conduct a simple training for these people.

In addition, we must pay close attention to ideological education. The emergence of gunpowder weapons will weaken people's abilities on a large scale.

Perhaps this trend is not so obvious at the moment, but with a deeper understanding of weapons, everyone will realize what future wars will look like.


After returning to the palace, Li Yuechen directly told his father to borrow a few imperial chefs from the palace to form a cooking team, and let the soldiers come back after they learned how to cook.

Since the formal training is about to start, the food must be ensured first.

At the same time, it also asked the Shangyi Bureau to step up the production of training uniforms, and strive to finalize all these matters before the camp is completed.

At the same time, Li Yuechen also decided to ask the Shangyi Bureau to send someone over to communicate with him after the weapon matter was settled, and try to research a sewing machine together.

I vaguely remember that the old-fashioned sewing machines in the past should not need electric and purely mechanical structures, so it is still possible to make them in this era!
(End of this chapter)

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