Chapter 250
After these people were arrested, they knew that they could not go back after pressing their fingerprints, and all of them began to work here with peace of mind.

Although I was afraid of those special soldiers, after a few days, I found that working here was much better than the original environment to some extent.

The most intuitive feeling is that these soldiers here really treat them as "human beings".

Although they still do the dirtiest and most tiring work of servants, no one despises them, even some soldiers see that they are not doing well, they will let them go and watch them, and teach them personally .

And although they are very tired from working every day, they can still see a meal of minced meat every now and then, and they will be given a full rest at night.

To say that the only thing that they can't adapt to is that they also get up every morning when they hear the sound of the army drum, and run with the soldiers.

The purpose of Li Yuechen's doing this was to eliminate the feeling of laziness in this group of people, let them go for a run in the morning to wake up, and then go to work on their own.

The most important thing is that in the future, medical and logistics modules will be established in the army. These people now have a handle in their own hands. They all know that the only one who can keep them now is themselves, so they can minimize the chance of betrayal.

At the same time, these people will not be equipped with weapons, will not participate in combat skills training, and will not have to worry about any trouble.

Of course, education can't be let go, let them clearly realize how honored it is to be a member of this army.

During the Anti-Japanese War of our army, even devils could be educated to become soldiers of our army, let alone some cannon fodder sent to test.

At the same time, in the process of education, we will also see what kind of positions they are suitable for, and then we will assign them in detail.

Recently, the weapons development department has not been idle. Under Li Yuechen's order, they began to study things such as tables that can be quickly disassembled and assembled, and cooking carriages.

At the same time, things like Maza are also being produced quickly, and everything is being researched according to Li Yuechen's concise and fast requirements.

The people at the craftsman's supervisor are also making engineering shovels according to Li Yuechen's requirements. In the future, this will be a sharp tool for digging smokeless stoves.


It was September in a blink of an eye, and the weather was getting colder. The Shangyi Bureau was also stepping up to make winter clothes for the soldiers.

For the style, I chose the military overcoat that Li Yuechen had seen when he was a child, but it was a little longer and the hem could almost reach the ankle.

Wearing this thing, you don't have to worry about being too cold even if you stand guard in a snowy day. At the same time, thick cotton shoes are also being produced.

On this day, as usual, Li Yuechen sat on a recliner on the high platform and watched the soldiers do the 1000 meters obstacle course.

Suddenly seeing a horse stop at the gate of the barracks, Li Yuechen turned his head, just in time to see Fulai jumping off the horse, handing the reins in his hand to the sentinel on duty at the gate, and trotting all the way across the playground to the high platform.

"Your Highness, there is good news from the front line," Fu Lai bowed down and said respectfully, "Pei Shilang captured Ashina Duzhi and Li Zhegen alive, and is planning to return to the imperial court!"

"Good thing!" Li Yuechen nodded after hearing that, "Grandfather should be very happy, right?"

"That's right, the sage Long Yan is very happy, he is in a very good mood!" Fulai replied, "So I asked my servant to inform His Highness to go back to the palace for tea!"

Li Yuechen looked up, it was only half of the morning, and he should be in time for lunch when he rode back home.

So he agreed, went back to his dormitory, changed his clothes and came out.

She didn't wear the usual bright red round neck gown, but also put on a new military uniform.

This kind of clothes can make people look upright and look energetic.

The ponytail that was always tied behind his head was also coiled behind his head, so Xiao He took a few hairpins and tied it up.

Not to mention, this kind of dress made Li Yuechen, who still looked a little immature, look a lot more mature. With this kind of dress, his heroic spirit became heavier.

Looking at the Major General's epaulettes on his shoulder, Li Yuechen couldn't help but think in his heart, probably there won't be a major general as young as himself in the future.

After returning to the palace, as soon as he entered the Hall of Renshou, he saw that his brothers and sisters were all there. It seemed that Dad was in a really good mood today.

Seeing his daughter coming in, Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, but he immediately raised his arms and waved: "Chen'er, come quickly, sit down and have tea!"

Li Xian turned his head and raised his eyebrows: "Is this the new military uniform? It looks so weird!"

"Brother, just tell me if it looks good or not."


Li Yuechen smiled, and came to sit next to Li Zhi: "Only if the military uniform is good-looking enough, will there be young people who are willing to join the army from the bottom of their hearts!"

Li Xian nodded: "Well, it makes sense. I'll try it sometime as a brother!"

"Brother is not a soldier, it's better not to dress lightly." Li Yuechen advised.

"Why?" Li Xian was puzzled, "I'm a prince, so why not wear a military uniform?"

Li Yuechen explained: "Brother has not received military training, and he doesn't pay attention to his manners on weekdays. Walking, sitting and lying are no different from dudes. Going out in military uniform will damage the image of the army..."

Following her explanation, Li Xian's eyes opened wider and wider, as if he couldn't believe what this sister said so directly!

Li Zhi next to him couldn't help but burst out laughing, and Wu Zetian and the two elder sisters also covered their mouths and laughed in a low voice.

Li Lun didn't dare to laugh at his brother, his face turned red as if he had been strictly trained.

Only Li Xian, who was being laughed at, had a face of disbelief, his eyes wide open, as if he had been heartbroken by his sister.

Perhaps it was because of Li Yuechen's research and development of cooking, Li Xian didn't pay attention to exercise on weekdays, his body was a little fatter, and his face was also round.

Now that broken-hearted look does look kind of funny.

"I...I..." Li Xian stuttered for a while, but then he said immediately, "It seems that Yuechen usually pays attention to manners."

It was Li Lun who was next to him who suddenly spoke: "Brother, what you said is wrong. Although Yuechen usually doesn't talk about manners, he knows when to pay attention to the seriousness."

"Then you don't know about my brother?" Li Xian turned his head and asked.

Li Lun didn't answer, just curled his lips slightly and raised his eyebrows, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Seeing his expression, Li Xian suddenly thought, as if he, as an elder brother, had never beaten this younger brother since he was a child... Do you want to give full play to his brother's kindness?

The "murderous look" in Li Xian's eyes was obvious, Li Lun quickly lowered his head as if he didn't see it.

Everyone else was smiling, and the family atmosphere became harmonious.

Then Li Zhi cleared his throat: "Pei Aiqing's great victory this time, although not comparable to Chen'er's previous record, but it can be regarded as bloodless, and it is worth celebrating."

"How about a banquet at the end of the year?" Wu Zetian asked.

"Yes." Li Zhi nodded in agreement, "This great victory, resetting the four towns of Anxi, reversed the decline of my Tang Dynasty and Dafeichuan, it is a great achievement!"

Through his father's explanation, Li Yuechen also understood what Pei Xingjian did this time.

After Pei Xingjian went to the Western Regions, he said that the weather was hot and he planned to wait for the weather to turn cold before going on the road, so he rested peacefully there.

Just a few years before Li Yuechen was born, Pei Xingjian was the Protector of Anxi, because he reasoned with the Western Regions every day, so he was well-known here.

As soon as they heard that Pei Xingjian was coming, many people came to greet him one after another.

As for these people, he never refused to come, and would chat and drink with them every day when he was free.

Then he said that the mission this time was to send the Prince of Persia back home, why not take this opportunity and organize a hunting activity together.

The young masters of the local rich family responded one after another.

The main reason is that Pei Xingjian left a deep impression on them. In this era of respecting the strong, his reputation here is very loud.

Just like a big brother on the road, in the Western Regions, reporting his name can really save lives!
So Pei Xingjian took a group of wealthy young masters who were not in the army into the Turkic territory to hunt, but Ashina Duzhi saw the lineup and really thought he was here to hunt, so he didn't think much about it.

When the two were closest, they were only more than a dozen miles apart, so Ashina came over to say hello to him.

However, he didn't expect that Pei Xingjian didn't talk about martial ethics, and directly tied him without saying a word, and then used his contract arrow to call the chiefs of the tribes below to discuss matters.

Pei Xingjian, who had been in the Western Regions for a long time, managed these things with ease. Those chiefs came over after receiving the order, and before they could react, they were in a daze and were wiped out.

Then he intercepted Li Zhegen's messenger and asked him to go back to deliver the message, whether to surrender or to beat him was up to him.

Li Zhegen saw that Ashina Duzhi and the chiefs below were all lying down, and it was unrealistic to go to Pei Xingjian alone, so he obediently surrendered.

In this way, Pei Xingjian captured the two masterminds of the rebellion without bloodshed.


After listening to Li Zhi's explanation, Li Yuechen couldn't help raising his eyebrows, my good guy, don't these Turkic people read books?
But I have to say that Pei Xingjian's courage is really good enough. It is also a talent to copy the ready-made homework without being discovered.

Princess Xuancheng suddenly turned her head and said in a low voice: "Why does this matter sound so familiar?"

Li Yuechen also replied in a low voice: "Fu Jiezi."

Princess Yiyang next to her also reminded in a low voice: "Ban Chao."

"Ah!" Princess Xuancheng looked like she remembered, nodded and said: "No wonder..."

Only Li Xian and Li Lun turned their heads to look at the whispering sisters with confused faces: "What do you mean?"

"Brother, that's a good question, but it's too troublesome to explain, so I won't explain it." Li Yuechen smiled and picked up the teacup.

Wu Zetian next to him had a gloomy expression on his face: "Let you wait until you read more on weekdays, and you will know how to enjoy cockfighting..."

"Auntie, don't teach the two brothers. Although the two brothers don't like reading, the third brother has a good temperament, and the fourth brother is also very proficient in the way of rhythm. These are all advantages!" Li Yuechen said beside him.

"You know how to talk to them!" Wu Zetian turned his head and said, "I don't know if the two of them are talking to you!"

Li Xian quickly promised: "Aniang, I love Yuechen very much!"

"And me!" Li Lun followed.

Li Zhi, who was sitting in the middle, nodded: "Chen'er is right, Saburo Shiro also has his own strengths."

His tone did not have the majesty of an emperor, but a father's comfort, which made the two sons who were ready to be trained look up, feeling a little incredible.

Seeing the meal time, the family ate happily.

After lunch, Zhang Chengxin made tea for everyone and went out.

After drinking a cup of tea, Li Zhi adjusted his posture: "Okay, wait for you to talk, I'm a little tired, let's go rest for a while."

Li Yuechen turned his head and took a look, and found that what his father said was really not polite, he seemed to be really sleepy, and his eyelids seemed to be fighting again.

The children got up and left one after another, leaving only the couple to let them rest.


In the quiet Hall of Renshou, Li Zhi lay on the rocking chair and slowly swayed with his eyes closed.

Wu Zetian reminded: "Young slaves should go to the inner hall to rest."

"No, it's comfortable to be rocking here." Li Zhi said with his eyes closed.

In this case, Wu Zetian didn't say anything, got up and came to the table to continue reviewing the memorial.

However, Li Zhi who was lying on the rocking chair didn't seem to be asleep, and suddenly asked, "How does Meiniang feel about Chen'er's good plan?"

Wu Zetian turned her head and saw that his eyes were still closed, but there didn't seem to be much sleepiness in his tone.

She smiled slightly: "Why are you asking now, Your Majesty?"

"I've been thinking about it for the past few days, and the more I think about it, the more amazed I feel. This system is completely different from the system from ancient times to the present. You don't have to worry about too many awards and titles, which will cause the people to live in poverty... It is a good idea for officials and gentry to pay taxes and food together... what!"

Regarding this point, Wu Zetian also agrees very much, but she just sighed slightly: "Unfortunately, this policy cannot be carried out at will. If it fails, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid that the royal family will face disaster." Li Zhi said the following words.

Wu Zetian lowered his head and thought for a while: "The meaning of the concubine... I'm still waiting for a few years. If this new system can cover the old system, this matter will be feasible!"

Now, regardless of the newspaper office, the reconnaissance battalion under training, and the Academy of Engineering and other institutions, they all belong to the new system that is only responsible to the royal family.

In the future, if the new system can fully develop and completely cover the old system, then the things proposed by the daughter can be implemented.

But if it is forced out now and the old nobles are forced to join forces to rebel, even if they can all be flattened in the end, the country's vitality will be greatly damaged.

At that time, it will give foreign enemies an opportunity... This kind of thing must never happen!

At the same time, Wu Zetian was also waiting. Some of the students taught by Li Yuechen had entered the army, and some were still waiting for the next step.

She wanted to see how the students her daughter taught with the new system could do better than the current officials.

If yes, it means that this education method of my daughter can produce more powerful officials than those veteran nobles... If that is the case, I really have nothing to fear!

Similarly, my daughter is also inexperienced, so it doesn't matter if she can support most of the army in the country for another ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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