Chapter 262
Looking at the canvas in front of him, Li Yuechen couldn't help breathing a little too quickly.

Although the canvas in front of her was still not comparable to the hang glider of the future, she was familiar with extreme sports and knew very well that it was no problem for manned flight.

Now Li Yuechen can't wait to fly into the sky to try it out.

But after that, they calmed down. It doesn't mean that they can fly. Considering the safety issue, Li Yuechen still thinks that they should make some improvements.

"This cloth should be made into two layers, with silk in the middle, and then coated with isinglass..."

Although the canvas is very heavy, making it double-layered will increase the weight, but it doesn't matter, just increase the wing surface.

Rather, with the technology of this era, even if a hang glider is made, it cannot be as convenient as it will be in the future.

No matter in terms of materials or technology, there is a huge gap between this era and the future after all.

Let them make it according to their own requirements, and after talking about the size requirements, Li Yuechen turned and left.

Now that the airfoil is done, the skeleton can be made.

Wang Gangdan and the others already possessed relevant technologies, so Li Yuechen immediately ran back to the barracks after saying hello to his parents, and went to the Weapons Development Department to discuss with them.

While explaining, she made a small and simple model out of mud and wood.

Wang Gangdan and others have greatly improved their technology now, and they probably understand her model after looking at it, so they immediately began to put forward their own production suggestions.

Li Yuechen didn't stay here for too long, he just asked them to come up with an opinion and then inform her, and the production could start after confirming that there was no problem.


The Academy of Engineering officially started the production of the skeleton, and the emperor also picked a time, came to the barracks again, and held a grand awarding ceremony with Li Yuechen.

Originally, it was planned to be held in the imperial palace, but considering the sense of ceremony in the army, all the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion participated in this awarding ceremony.

Li Yuechen won the rank of general at the age of 15 years old, and he is estimated to be the youngest general in Datang in the future.

The soldiers watched the emperor put the epaulettes on the princess himself on the high platform, and wondered in their hearts whether they would have this honor in the future.

Regarding the rewards for this war, Li Yuechen also asked the Academy of Engineering to make a template for the military medal, and it will be sent to them at that time.

Of course, at the same time, all privates were also awarded the rank of corporal.

As for the officers like Geng Yunqiang and Niu Ermao, they did not immediately promote their ranks, but gave them a collective second-class merit, and they will be promoted when the organizational level is raised in the future.

Of course, there is no shortage of cash rewards, which are distributed on the spot.

After the awarding ceremony was completed, Li Zhi did not leave immediately, but planned to take a walk in the barracks.

Li Yuechen asked Geng Yunqiang to bring the soldiers back, and followed his father to wander slowly in the barracks.

"Chen'er, the Turks were completely frightened in this battle. I told me that I would never invade Datang again in my lifetime. But Pei Yan thinks that this person should be killed. What do you think?" Li Zhi walked for a while. side asked.

Hearing this question, Li Yuechen's first reaction was to kill everything.

But if you think about it carefully, the reason is the same, but the matter is not the same. If you kill the mud, the Turks will have another leader, and if you kill them, there will be another leader...

Unless it is massacred, as long as it is a human society, there must be a leader.

But Li Yuechen is not a racist, and would not advocate such a butcher's approach. After thinking about it, he slowly replied: "I think it's better to let it go back. This person has seen the power of the grenade with his own eyes. As long as he can continue to If you are in power, you will definitely not be intruding on Datang."

Li Yuechen felt that if Nishugen was killed, the next Turkic leader might not have seen a grenade, and might have thoughts about Datang.

Although he is not afraid of him, but the Turkic invasion, the people on the frontier will suffer first. Rather than the possibility of war, it is better to suppress it from the beginning.

Hearing his daughter's suggestion, Li Zhi spun the health ball in his hand, then nodded: "Then let's do it according to Chen'er's opinion..."

After talking about this matter, Li Zhi suddenly changed the subject again: "Speaking of which, I think it's better to merge the left and right Qianniuwei together, and let you train them? Don't say anything else, at least I trained them from you." Humans look really different."

It is normal for the emperor to have such thoughts.

Qianniuwei is a royal bodyguard, and to a certain extent, it also represents the face of the royal family. If they can be trained according to this standard, the royal majesty will also be enhanced.

Li Yuechen smiled suddenly: "Training is fine, but grandpa needs to pay. Now Youqianniuwei has a quota of 500 people, and children can't afford it!"


Seeing his daughter's appearance as a money fanatic, Li Zhi laughed twice: "Okay, I will give you the money! Practice hard!"

"Grandpa, don't just give it if you want, it will cost a lot!" Li Yuechen reminded, "Food, accommodation, training expenses, etc. add up, and the current income of the royal family may not be able to support it."

"Do you still want to take advantage of this to talk about your idea of ​​spreading money to your mother?" Li Zhi asked with a smile.

Li Yuechen nodded: "Only by reforming the tax system can we have the money to train the army. Otherwise, we can rely on the dividends the child gives to the grandfather, plus selling horse dung... It is not bad to be able to support 2000 people. If you want to use the army in the future The expansion of the establishment cannot be supported by the royal family alone."

" makes sense, but I still need to think about this matter." Li Zhi was very cautious about this, "This is a big matter, once this policy comes out, it will be tantamount to standing on the opposite side of the entire old aristocrats." Yes. Chen'er, do you understand?"

"Of course I understand. But Grandpa still underestimates the energy of the peasants. The nobles are really vulnerable in front of them." Li Yuechen replied firmly.

After all, Li Zhi is an aborigine of this era. He couldn't fully understand what his daughter said, so he just nodded and said, "The former emperor said that water can carry a boat and capsize it. I understand!"

"What Ah Weng said is actually a bit inaccurate. Due to the limitations of the times, Grandpa may not be able to truly understand. But if you can trust my child, it is better to consider this matter as soon as possible." Li Yuechen said.

Hearing this sentence, Li Zhi suddenly grinned: "If it was twenty... no, I would definitely try it when I heard this ten years ago. But now... I don't have the energy. Let the next emperor do it."

After saying this, he looked at his daughter with a smile on his face.

From his eyes, Li Yuechen could see some sense of expectation.

She felt that as long as she said that she wanted to be emperor at this time, he should agree.

But this kind of talk can't be said casually, besides, Li Yuechen himself didn't intend to sit in the dragon chair, so he didn't say anything in the end.

The present prince is his second elder brother, if he tries to grab that position by himself, there is a high possibility that he will be hated in the future.

Then how should I treat him then?
Put him under house arrest?Or kill him?

Li Yuechen knew that she couldn't do this, and she really couldn't do anything to her relatives.

Seeing that his daughter didn't speak, Li Zhi seemed a little disappointed. After shaking his head, he didn't continue the topic.


Originally, this time it was just a simple father-daughter chat, but I didn't expect that a few days later, when Li Zhi announced in the court hall that he would let Nishu go back, he was stopped by a group of ministers headed by Pei Yan.

Their reason is simple, if they don't kill Ni Shugen, then they can't serve as a warning to other surrounding countries, so this person has to be killed.

But this matter was decided by Li Zhi a long time ago, and Wu Zetian, who was in charge of acting as the agent of the government, could not refute it in one word. In the end, the two sides could only disagree and break up.

Li Yuechen felt a little helpless when he received the news. In fact, everyone knew the meaning behind this matter, but people like Pei Yan were probably just looking for trouble.

Anything in the court, the purpose behind it will not be too simple, there is an extremely complicated power game.

Because of Li Zhi's daughter's servile nature, she even told Ni Shugen that it was the princess's suggestion that she didn't kill him, and the whole court knew about it.

Now that the ministers are seeing that the princess's power is getting stronger and stronger, they always have to find a way to limit it.

Of course, they didn't have any enmity with Li Yuechen, the main purpose was because the more power the princess had, the less power they had.

In addition, the princess must be facing the royal family. Her power is too great, which means that the imperial power will be highly concentrated.

Now that the grenade has been invented, these veteran nobles understand that they have basically lost the ability to flip the table.

They once tried to sow discord between the princess, the emperor and the prince through public opinion, but the problem was that they failed!
Li Zhi is a daughter slave, and the prince and queen love her, so they don't care about these rumors at all!

So now the only way to restrict the princess is through conspiracy. Although doing so is tantamount to standing on the opposite side of the princess, they have no other way.

It can be seen from everything this princess has done over the years. She is following the civilian route and hardly deals with established nobles.

So she must not be allowed to hold the power!

Li Yuechen immediately ran back to the palace, of course, she was not there to argue with Pei Yan, but to see if her father fell ill due to anger.

After arriving at the Hall of Renshou, seeing Li Zhi lying on the rocking chair with a health ball and drinking tea, he immediately felt relieved.

"Chen'er came back today, but for that Pei Yan?" Li Zhi asked with a smile.

"Obviously I came back because I was worried about Grandpa's health, but Grandpa actually thinks so..." Li Yuechen shook his head with a sad look, "Forget it, the child should go back to the barracks..."

"Hey, I'm back, how can I leave right away?" Li Zhi waved his hand immediately, "Don't go, sit down and chat with me for a while."

Li Yuechen smiled, sat beside his father and chatted with him.

"Grandpa, don't be angry, next time you go to the court, my son will go to the court hall to chat with them." Li Yuechen comforted.

Isn't it just to slander people? I really think that my old lady can only use fists, right?

"You can't beat them." Li Zhi smiled, "Chen'er studied by himself since he was a child, and in terms of reading, he is far behind these great Confucians."

"It's okay," Li Yuechen grinned, "Can't you beat them if you can't say it? At worst, if you get in a hurry, I'll give them a punch on the spot!"

"Nonsense!" Wu Zetian next to him turned his head and taught, "How can you do something in the court?"

"Then what does Aunt mean, is it okay if you don't stay in the court?" Li Yuechen raised his head and asked with his eyes brightened.

Wu Zetian lowered her eyelids: "Don't be joking, anyway, how can you beat the ministers of the court with your own hands?"

"My boy is only 15 years old, and he's still a child!" Li Yuechen replied, "Even if we really hit him, it doesn't matter, right?"

Li Zhi suddenly smiled and picked up the teacup and said: "Farewell, Chen'er, you are so powerful, if you tear him alive in the court, it will become a laughing stock for thousands of years."

"Don't worry, the child has a sense of proportion!" Li Yuechen grinned.

Of course, after all, she didn't really want to beat people in the court.

After all, for so many years, my mother Wu Zetian has always disliked her for not being elegant enough. If I really want to do such a thing, I guess my mother will really be angry.

Li Yuechen, who considers himself a dutiful son, would not do such a thing to intentionally make his mother angry.


In a blink of an eye, more than half of August has passed, and it is the day of the court again.

Today Li Yuechen did not wait in the passage as usual, but came to the court hall and stood at the front and followed them up.

Seeing the princess coming, the ministers all looked surprised, and at the same time, they were all ready to spray.

The princess usually does not go to court. Since she is here today, it must not be as simple as coming to see, maybe she will scold people.

It was rare that Li Zhi also came today, and Zhang Chengxin, the head of the palace, announced the courtship after he sat down.


There was a sudden muffled thunder in the sky, and then there were raindrops "crashing" and the sound gradually became denser and denser.

Almost in the blink of an eye, there was a downpour of rain, accompanied by thunder from time to time.

In the court hall, the debate between Li Yuechen and Pei Yan soon reached a fever pitch.

"It's the great fortune of the Tang Dynasty that Your Highness invented this kind of magical weapon. But the soldiers desperately captured the mud-cooked monster, why did they let it go?" Pei Yan questioned in the hall, his tone very firm.

"Then Pei Shilang means that there is something wrong with my palace's approach?" Li Yuechen asked back, "But if he is beheaded, so what if the Turks invade our Tang Dynasty again?"

"Naturally send troops again to suppress it!"

"Well said!" Li Yuechen nodded, "Suppress again! To put it lightly, every time troops are dispatched, there will always be soldiers who die on the battlefield. Even with this big victory, there are still 51 soldiers buried in their bones! , and let the lives of the people on the border suffer! Since it can be avoided now, why do you have to let the people on the border suffer from the danger of swords and soldiers?"

"To you, you may think that it is only a loss of 51 and 51 people, which is almost negligible compared to this big victory, but you can see that those [-] and [-] people are also the people of my Tang Dynasty, and they are also Die to protect Datang's safety!"

"If Pei Shilang thinks the war is so easy, he can kill it. But if he sends troops next time, how about Pei Shilang as a vanguard officer, following the palace and leading the soldiers to kill?"

 Thanks to [Mercury's Masked Superman] for the reward of 500 starting coins!
  Thank you [Dream of the Dead] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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