Great Tang princess

Chapter 271 Forcing the Palace

Chapter 271 Forcing the Palace
At the same time as the soldier whose wrist had been pinched uttered a scream, Li Yuechen had already arrived in front of the general with a spear.

To capture the thief first, capture the king. If you want to solve the battle quickly, you must first solve this person.

Not to mention that Li Yuechen was not sure that he could deal with hundreds of people by himself.

After experiencing a real war, Li Yuechen is no longer proud of his natural power.

Human beings have never been afraid of powerful enemies. Whether it is tigers, leopards or crocodiles and mammoths, they are all stronger than humans, but they are all ruled by humans.

Seeing Li Yuechen rushing towards him, the opponent's general was not slow to react, and immediately raised his hand and raised his horizontal knife to block.

The spear that Li Yuechen snatched was made of wood, so it is still possible to cut it off.

It's a pity that he still underestimated Li Yuechen. Although she is powerful, she is not a fool without a brain.

Seeing him raise the horizontal saber to block, Li Yuechen shook the spear in his hand, pulled a flower spear head down, and passed directly under his arm.

Although he didn't stab him this time, the hit also held his right arm and couldn't let it go easily.

The Six Commanders of the Eastern Palace were also soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, but those who were able to work under the crown prince were basically related to the family.

Many of these people have never been on the battlefield in person, although they are fully armed, they have extremely little actual combat experience.

Li Yuechen's change of move, the other party didn't even think about it, he was directly held up by his right arm and couldn't let go.

And she herself let go of the spear, followed the step and came to the opponent, and at the same time, her right hand was already stretched to grab his neck.

Although he didn't want to kill his own people, Li Yuechen, who was worried about his father's safety, couldn't care less.

The moment Li Yuechen's white and slender fingers grabbed the opponent's neck, she buckled her fingers back hard, and then pulled them violently.

With a sound of "噗嗤", the general's throat was directly torn open, the main artery was broken, and the blood gushed to a height of nearly two meters under the action of the high-pressure pump of the heart!

With a muffled "bang", the general's twitching body fell to the ground, his mouth was still opening and closing, as if he wanted to say something.

Li Yuechen turned around, and the right half of her face was already splattered with blood, but the originally lovely face was full of a strange allure at this moment.

Just like a seductive succubus at the moment of eating people, a cute face is full of murderous looks, looking like a ghost crawling out of hell.

"I will say it one last time. If you lay down your weapons at this time, you will not be guilty! If you persist in your obsession, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!" Li Yuechen looked at the soldiers and said coldly.

At this time, the general was dead and morale was gone. These soldiers looked at each other.

As one of them dropped his weapon with a "clang", the other soldiers also chose to put it down.

When we saw it today, the princess really possessed a powerful power that they couldn't comprehend, just like in the legend.It's no good to be obsessed with obsession at this time, it's better to obediently put down your weapons.

Anyway, since ancient times, in palace coups, only the leading party will be liquidated, and it has nothing to do with them small soldiers.

Seeing that they surrendered, Li Yuechen breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ran to pull out a horse, then grabbed his horizontal knife and rode straight away.

Now Li Yuechen has no time to take care of them, she just prays in her heart that her father will be fine.

Most likely, it is impossible for the second elder brother to do something to the old man directly, but once this kind of thing happened, once the old man became anxious, it might be possible to go there directly.


Li Zhi walked and chatted with his son, and while walking and chatting, he came to Linde Hall and sat down looking at the sparkling Taiye Pool.

"Erlang, how does it feel to be in Chang'an for these years?" Li Zhi looked at Taiye Pool and asked with a health ball in his hand.

The prince's supervision of the country is tantamount to adapting to the emperor's work in advance. In this process, it is also an important criterion for the emperor to inspect him.

"It feels...all okay." Li Xian seemed a little absent-minded, and replied vaguely.

Seeing his son's attitude, Li Zhi didn't show any dissatisfaction, and suddenly said a little casually: "The princess doesn't seem to have moved much these years..."

Hearing these words, Li Xian suddenly had goosebumps all over his body!
After carefully observing Li Zhi's expression, he replied tentatively, "This... I'm a little busy with my affairs..."

Li Zhi was still expressionless, but the health ball in his hand stopped suddenly, he turned his head and asked, "Do you know what is Yin and Yang in the world, and the principles of ethics are normal?"

Hearing this sentence, Li Xian's pupils shook, and then his shoulders collapsed as if accepting his fate.

He asked as if muttering to himself: " did you know..."

"You have been the prince for several years, but you haven't learned a basic truth." Li Zhi's expression was a little disappointed, "If there is something in this palace that the emperor doesn't know, it is very dangerous! Do you think Chen'er helped you hide it, so I don't know? Your East Palace is not watertight, do you really think you can hide it?"


Li Zhi interrupted him, and continued: "Erlang, in terms of ability, you are actually pretty good. Although you like to play tricks sometimes, if you have Chen'er to assist you in the future, this throne will be secure. I came here this time The real purpose is to give you a chance. If you can handle this matter well, it will never happen to me."

"You have to know, emperor, some stains can be there, but some, can't be! The court ministers don't know about this matter yet, and there is still room for maneuver. You... do you understand?"

Hearing his words, Li Xian's expression revealed a hint of disbelief.

Originally, he thought that his father would be furious when he found out about this matter, but he didn't expect that he would explain it to himself so peacefully, and he was willing to give himself another chance.

Could it be that he came here this time just to talk to himself about this matter alone?Li Xian couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Standing on the high platform of Linde Hall, Li Zhi looked at the sparkling Taiye Pond, and there was a hint of memory in his eyes,
To be honest, my son had a male favorite, so of course he was very angry when he first found out.

But it also reminded him of his elder brother Li Chengqian, who was also like this back then.

In Li Zhi's memory, his elder brother loved him very much when he was young, and he always played with his fourth brother Li Tai.

It's a pity that many things happened later, and it finally reached the point where the brothers who were most afraid of the late emperor could kill each other.

Thinking of the kindness my elder brother treated me when I was a child, I was not so angry at what happened to my son invisibly.

Just when he was going to find an opportunity to mention him, it happened that his daughter invented the flying machine, so he proposed to come with his daughter to have a chat with him alone.

This aircraft can only carry two people, avoiding too many people, and it can be regarded as a quiet environment for father and son to talk.

If it was before, he would definitely not be given a second chance so easily, let alone so calmly.

But under the influence of his daughter, Li Zhi also feels that there seems to be no problem between relatives that cannot sit down and communicate.

Looking at the back of his father who was no longer young, Li Xian looked a little guilty, and was about to speak when he heard heavy footsteps.

The sound of footsteps was extremely chaotic, obviously there were a lot of people, and there was also irregular metal clashing sounds from weapons.

Obviously, that should be the sound of armor plates rubbing against each other and occasionally touching weapons.

Li Zhi also turned his head curiously, and saw a group of heavily armed soldiers rushing up the Linde Hall in black, it was the Six Commanders of the East Palace, and Fang Qing'an was the leader following them.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhi raised his eyebrows, and then turned his head to look at Li Xian in disbelief, with some surprise in his eyes, he never expected him to dare to do such a thing.

As the emperor, he immediately realized what happened.

The army dared to break into the palace without an order, which shows that there is only one purpose - to force the palace!

Seeing the army coming, Li Xian himself was surprised, he didn't give an order at all!

When the army came over at this time, the matter was a foregone conclusion, and he had no room to return!

He yelled at Fang Qing'an: "You..."

However, Fang Qing'an interrupted him before he finished speaking: "Your Highness, we can't wait any longer! The princess has arrived at the stable just now, so I can't hide it!"

Originally, the father and son were chatting just now, but Fang Qingan didn't get too close to him, but hung behind him and was ready to serve at any time.

However, at this time, he suddenly received a report from his subordinates, saying that the princess had wandered to the stable.

Fang Qing'an was greatly surprised when he received the news, his first reaction was what a dignified princess was doing in the smelly place of the stable.

But if you think about it carefully, the princess is a member of the army, so it's normal to love horses.

But the problem is that the prepared armor is hidden in the stable. If it is discovered, even a fool will know what it means.

Not to mention such a princess who invented many incredible artifacts.

Thinking of this, Fang Qing'an decided not to wait any longer. Anyway, the emperor is now alone in Chang'an, which is a perfect opportunity.

As long as the emperor can be held hostage here, the rest will naturally come to fruition!

When Li Xian becomes the emperor, he will naturally become the new chief executive, and with the blessing of Conglong Zhigong, he will definitely be in power at that time. Thinking about it carefully, this may not be a great opportunity to kill multiple birds with one stone!

So Fang Qing'an immediately ordered someone to lead a team to control the princess, and then ordered the army to come to Linde Palace immediately.

Now the emperor doesn't have any bodyguards around him, so it's too easy to hijack him!


Hearing that Li Yuechen had gone to the stable, Li Xian was also a little surprised.

"Your Highness, don't worry, the slaves have already ordered people to go there. There are more than [-] people, enough for the princess to stay in the stable." Fang Qing'an replied.

Hearing his words, Li Xian's expression was very complicated, and he didn't even know what to say for a moment.

Originally, he was not prepared at all, but the incident suddenly reached such a point that it was impossible to end it peacefully.

Now that the army has arrived in front of the emperor, the rebellion has become a fact, and there are only two results.

Either succeed in sitting on the dragon chair, or fail and die.

Li Zhi on the opposite side remained calm, and the health ball in his hand spun again.

Hearing Fang Qingan's explanation, he already understood what happened.

But there was no panic on his face, he just smiled a little self-deprecatingly: "It's really unexpected that such a thing happened to me..."

At this point, Li Xian also knew that he couldn't explain clearly, and the expression on his face was even more guilty: "Grandfather, I..."

Before he could say anything, Li Zhi suddenly smiled: "Erlang, you underestimate Chen'er too much!"

Li Xian didn't speak, but just stood there with a guilty expression on his face.

If he didn't give an order, the army naturally didn't dare to move, so they could only stand still.All of a sudden, there were many people standing in the dark on Linde Hall, but the atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

Fang Qing'an next to him knew that he couldn't go on like this, so he reminded him in a low voice: "Your Highness, we can't wait any longer!"

"I know..." Li Xian nodded.

Just when he was about to speak, he heard the sound of horseshoes coming from outside again, which was very obvious in the quiet environment.

Many people turned their heads to look, only to see a figure in a bright red round neck robe galloping towards this side on a tall horse.

The high jet black ponytail at the back of the head is almost a symbol of something special.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhi smiled slightly, and sat down next to him with a calm face, leaning against the fence.

Fang Qing'an was shocked, and quickly waved his hands and ordered: "Quick, go down and stop the princess!"

The general next to him agreed, and with a wave of his hand, he led most of the people around and went down to intercept.

Don't worry about the emperor's lack of fighting power, but this princess is currently the most well-deserved master in the world, and it's not something ordinary people can do.

Li Yuechen, who had come to Linde Hall, hadn't stopped before seeing a large number of soldiers rushing down, obviously aimed at him.

These people are blocking the stairs, even if I can fight, I can't rush up in a short time, and if my father is kidnapped, I can't do it.

So Li Yuechen didn't choose to go up the stairs at all. As a parkour master, there are many ways to go up the stairs, and the speed of climbing the stairs is relatively slow.

After observing the outer edge of the Linde Hall, Li Yuechen jumped off his horse, took two steps after a run-up, and took off on the spot, and then kicked his feet on the pillars supporting the second floor for two steps.

The second floor of Linde Hall was originally not high, and she herself jumped far above the height of ordinary people, not to mention that after taking two steps off the pillar, her body rose again.

Then Li Yuechen grabbed the fence on the second floor with his left hand, swung his arm vigorously, and directly threw his body up from below.

This series of movements was smooth and smooth, and the speed was also fast. Before the people on the opposite side could react, they saw a red figure flash, and Li Yuechen had already flipped sideways in the air and landed firmly in front of Li Zhi.

The right half of her face was spattered with little blood, and she was holding a horizontal knife in her right hand, which was almost blood-stained.

Li Yuechen breathed a sigh of relief after entering, as long as the emperor hadn't been hijacked, she didn't look back, but took a slight step back and approached Li Zhi and asked, "Are you alright, grandpa?"

"No problem." Li Zhi replied softly.

Li Xian on the opposite side knew she must have made a move when he saw her like this, and subconsciously shouted: "Yuechen..."

"I think you are really crazy!" Li Yuechen yelled at Li Xian after confirming that his father was fine.

(End of this chapter)

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