Great Tang princess

Chapter 277 End of the Year

Chapter 277 End of the Year
Of course, Li Yuechen is also very clear that his own set of ideas still has serious drawbacks. Among other things, finances are a big problem.

If it is said that financial power is given to other surrounding theaters, it will form princes, which cannot be effectively restricted, so financial power must still be in the hands of the emperor himself.

National enterprises and taxation must be supervised by the emperor himself.

The funds needed to support the army in other surrounding theaters will be reported to the emperor and issued after approval.

In this way, all the food and clothing of the soldiers are supported by the emperor. Under this system, even if the generals have the idea of ​​rebellion, it is difficult to implement it.

Coupled with the need to popularize education among the army so that they understand the importance of being loyal to the emperor, it is naturally possible to minimize the chance of the head of the war zone rebelling.

If the head of the war zone wants to rebel, among other things, the guards around him will first tie him up and escort him to the emperor!

But in this way, a new problem has arisen. The emperor still has a lot of power, and a single order can revoke the positions of heads of other theaters at any time, which still cannot form effective constraints on the emperor.

The so-called royal council is largely just a decoration, just to tell the emperor not to be a fool.This can only serve as a reminder, but it cannot really restrain the emperor.

But for this problem, Li Yuechen can't think of other ways besides education.

So the ultimate problem still falls on education. All members of the royal family must eat and live together since childhood, share joys and sorrows like the army, and even share life and death on the battlefield.

Only by shaping their three views well in education can the situation of fratricide be avoided to the greatest extent.

I vaguely remember watching it on the Internet before, and it seems that the relationship between Li Longji and his brothers is quite good.

Although it seems that this is just an example in the royal family of the Tang Dynasty, since there is an example, it means that it is not completely impossible to achieve brother and friend respect.

At the same time, the candidates for the military chiefs of each theater did not have to be the emperor's brothers and sisters, but could also be sons, daughters, nephews and nieces.

Just ensure that the country's top military officers, and some of the grassroots military officers and leading soldiers are members of the royal family.

Li Yuechen made the royal family into soldiers, not to force them to go to the battlefield to die, but to understand what the responsibility of being a member of the royal family is!
As for some special circumstances, you can also run state-owned enterprises or assist the emperor in supervising the cabinet and taxation and finance issues.

It's not that the emperor doesn't care about government affairs at all, but he doesn't focus on it here, and is only responsible for the final decision or veto, that's all.

At the same time national security and intelligence agencies must be in the hands of the royal family...

In the final analysis, what this plan ultimately wants to reform is not the "system" but the "position".

The royal family has changed from the largest landlord to the guardian of the country, which is the transformation from "ruler" to "leader"!

Speaking of it, the emperor is still the emperor, but the job content has changed.

At the same time, it can be considered that these royal family members who do not do business, do not take imperial examinations, and do not join the army have a job, a responsibility and a responsibility!
And the members of the royal family have things to do, which will not burden the country's economy, and also solve the problem of easy peasant uprisings.

Of course, Li Yuechen is very clear that any system must have its drawbacks. There cannot be a perfect system in this world.

But at least, she hopes that through education, they can understand the importance, let them understand that the royal family is a group, and the interests of the group should be put above the individual!

At the same time, the glory of the royal family is to defend the country, not to oppress the people.

What Li Yuechen wants is not a few decades or a hundred years of peace, what she wants is for this land to be stable for as long as possible.

To achieve this, it is not possible for her to propose a system now, because a relatively complete system must conform to the overall environment.

So she wants to carry out education, especially education within the royal family!This is the most important thing in the next few decades!

The sky was dyed orange red by the setting sun, splashing a golden light onto Li Yuechen's still young face, making her look like she was covered with a layer of gold.

Li Xian, who came out from behind, looked at her back, stopped her footsteps that wanted to follow, and stood there staring blankly.

Originally, he was a little surprised when he heard his sister say that he would rebel in the future, so he unconsciously followed up to ask for clarification.

But now he couldn't say anything. Looking at his sister's back, he suddenly had a feeling that the rebellion she mentioned should not be the rebellion he understood.

Although I feel curious in my heart, but think about it carefully, now that I am a deposed prince, what right do I have to ask her?
In the future, I should obediently be my own leader in this military camp and help my sister work.

Thinking of this, he grinned slightly, raised his hand and shouted: "Yuechen, take Brother Wei to the place where you have dinner."

"Okay, let's go!"

Li Yuechen turned around and grinned, came over and pulled his brother's sleeve and walked towards the cafeteria.

Before reaching the entrance of the cafeteria, I heard a burst of loud singing coming from not far away.

Seeing the black soldiers standing in a square team and singing loudly, Li Xian felt a little curious: "Did Yuechen teach them this song?"

"Yes, how do you feel?" Li Yuechen turned his head and asked.

"This song has a compact melody and a fast rhythm, which is quite different from the style that Wei Wei usually learns." Li Xian replied with his head tilted, "But the words are catchy, concise and straightforward...not bad!"

Listening to Li Xian's evaluation, Li Yuechen also nodded with a smile.

Except for Li Yuechen, the members of the royal family are actually not bad at music. Being able to give such an evaluation is enough to show that this song is still very good.

"Brother, study hard, and then you have to sing along!" Li Yuechen said.

"I want to be together too?"

"Naturally! Brother is also a member of the army now, so he naturally wants to understand everything in the army!" Li Yuechen patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and then pulled him into the cafeteria together.

When they came to the table where the officers were sitting, before they could speak, Geng Yunqiang and the others stood up and saluted respectfully: "I have seen your Highnesses!"

"Impossible..." Li Xian hurriedly stepped aside and waved his hands, "Now I'm a commoner, but I can't afford to be called His Highness!"


Geng Yunqiang was a little tangled for a while, and turned his head to look at Li Yuechen.

"It's okay, he will be your soldier in the future, just call him by name!" Li Yuechen waved his hand with a smile.

Firstly, she doesn't care about this, and secondly, Li Xian was sent to the army after all in name, so it's better not to engage in any privileges here.

In addition, Li Yuechen already had the idea of ​​reforming the royal family, so naturally he started with his elder brother.


In this way, Li Xian lived in the barracks, was assigned to a dormitory that night, and was incorporated into the Youqianniuwei, and became a soldier from then on.

Of course, this is only temporary. There are still too many illiterates in the army. My brother is also one of the few educated people here. After several months of training and adapting to life in the army, he still has to manage the prisoners.

There are a lot of captives under the jurisdiction of the military camp, including Tubo people, Turkic people, and many abandoned sons who were sent by those aristocratic families to spy on the news...

These people will become the first batch of candidates for engineering, logistics and medical units in the future, and Li Yuechen can feel more at ease with the help of his second brother in managing them.

Although he was mentally prepared, Li Xian, who just came to this new type of army, still felt very uncomfortable.

Every day when I hear the drumbeat, I have to get dressed as quickly as possible and rush out to assemble. There is no time to sleep in.

Even if there are two rest days every five days, sleeping in is not allowed, and you still have to get up and run laps in the morning.

And you have to learn to make the bed by yourself, the sheets and quilts must be folded neatly, and there are even rules for the placement of toiletries.

Li Xian, who had just arrived, was very uncomfortable. If it was before, he might have given up on it long ago.

But after all, he is a mature person, Li Xian quickly adjusted his mentality, started to learn from scratch, and lived a regular life with the army every day.

By the end of December, I had almost fully adapted to it. I used to go to bed as soon as I got tired every day, but now I started to actively chat with other soldiers.

For the former prince, the other soldiers were a little scared at first.

The abolished prince is also the son of the emperor. They are all ordinary people, and they dare not approach him at all, let alone initiate a chat.

But fortunately, Li Xian never put on airs, and would take the initiative to help them with anything. After a long time, they got used to each other, and they all started to talk freely.

At the end of the year, the army will also prepare for the holiday.

At present, the service life of this new type of army has not been determined. Many soldiers may need to stay in the army for ten years or more. It is impossible not to let them go home during the New Year.

There were only some whose families were out of town. Li Yuechen asked Geng Yunqiang to organize some gatherings and other activities for them, and at the same time gave them a sum of money so that they could go out in style these few days, and it would be used as overtime pay for the New Year.

At the same time, he also took the lead to go home and discuss with his parents. Although the second brother was demoted to a commoner, he was still a son after all. During the Chinese New Year, let's ask him to come back and have dinner together.

Originally, this matter was not too complicated. After all, it was just a misunderstanding between the family.

The misunderstanding had been resolved long ago, and the couple actually calmed down, but due to the majesty of the royal family, the orders issued could not be easily withdrawn.

But the son was still a son after all, and he nodded and agreed to Li Yuechen's request for him to come back for dinner.


On the afternoon of the New Year's Eve, Li Yuechen, who had finished his work, took his second brother back to the palace.

In the Hall of Renshou, Li Zhi, his wife and his brother and sister couldn't help but become a little surprised when they saw Li Xian who came back.

Today's Li Xian has also changed into a short ponytail hairstyle, because he is already a commoner and can no longer wear the gorgeous royal costumes, so he wears black military uniforms.

Because of the regular exercise, my complexion has become much better than before, and my body looks like a completely different person!

He was tall and straight, and he knelt down to salute after entering the hall: "I have seen my mother!"

"Excuse me!" Wu Zetian showed a rare smile, "Chen'er's army is really a good place to train people. I haven't seen you for two months, and I almost don't recognize it."

"It seems that I have been tempered." Li Zhi put down the health ball in his hand, "Come on, sit down and have some tea, and wait for dinner."

"Yes!" Li Xian agreed, got up and sat down at the table.

Li Xian next to him also called out respectfully: "Brother!"

"I have seen His Royal Highness!"

"Okay!" Li Yuechen suddenly interrupted Li Xian's salute, "Although we are common people, we are still a family. Why are we so unfamiliar?"

Then he turned his head and said to Li Xian: "Brother, it's true, how can you let the elder brother salute the younger brother?"

"This..." Li Xian had a helpless expression on his face, "I don't want to either, but brother, you've become a common man..."

Although he explained this way, judging from the smile on his face, it was obvious that there was a sense of revenge in his heart.

After all, when he was a child, Li Xian was often tricked by his second brother. Now that the status of the two has changed, he has to make himself proud.

Li Yuechen knew his elder brother very well, he knew what to say when he opened his mouth, and immediately said: "Brother, as the prince, you must be magnanimous and tolerant..."

"Okay, okay, I got it!" Li Xian was a little impatient when he had to teach himself a lesson, subconsciously pointed his thumb at his sister, turned his head and said to Li Lun, "Do you think that Yuechen has become like A Niang now? ?”

"Huh?" Wu Zetian next to him turned his head with a smile, "What did my son just say?"

"Ah, I..." Li Xian was taken aback, realized that he had said something wrong, and subconsciously wanted to make amends.

Li Yuechen added from the side: "My brother said that I look like my mother, but this is also true!"

Seeing his sister save the scene, Li Xian decisively put up a thumbs up to express his gratitude.

Wu Zetian didn't care about it either, he gave him a blank look and didn't say anything else.

Speaking of it, Li Yuechen did look more like Wu Zetian, overall it should have an oval face, but the sides of his forehead were slightly wider.

Li Chunfeng had read it carefully when he was a child, but he just looked complicated and didn't make any comments.

Li Lun and two other sisters also welcomed Li Xian's return, and asked him curiously about his life in the barracks.

Li Xian also told them while joking: "Speaking of which, Chen'er's management style is simply unheard of... there are so many rules that I can't imagine, if it's not for the good food, I'm afraid it's no different from the sky prison... "

The couple watched their children chatting without interrupting, just sat there and listened quietly.

It's just that Li Zhi's thoughts fell into the memories of his childhood, as if he thought of some past events.

Li Yuechen came to him and sat down, raised his head and asked, "What is Grandpa thinking?"

"Think about the late emperor again..." Li Zhi raised his hand, touched his daughter's head, and said with a slight smile, "And... my elder brother! If the late emperor can see this scene, it must be able to make up for the regret... ..."

Looking at his expression, it seems that he thought of some past events that were not recorded in history.

Li Yuechen smiled slightly: "But it's a pity, Grandpa won't have it!"

(End of this chapter)

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