Great Tang princess

Chapter 302 The situation on the front line

Chapter 302 The situation on the front line

In the early morning of the next day, the army set off, and the prince took the emperor's place and went out of the city for ten miles to see him off.

The soldiers wore neat camouflage uniforms and rode on horseback in four lines on the dusty hardened road. The iron palms under the horse irons could make a crisp sound on the road.

Li Xian and the others stood by the side of the road, watching the troops slowly passing by in neat lines, their blood boiled for a while.

"Yuechen, after this expedition, I will be an aunt when I come back." Li Xian laughed.

"I am already," Li Yuechen smiled, "Okay, it's just seeing off, don't need to say too much, brothers and sisters just wait in the palace."

Li Lun on the side beckoned: "Grandfather is not here today, Yuechen, let me have a glass of Zhuangxing wine!"

The eunuch at the back had already come over with a tray, and inside the tray was a transparent glass, which contained the liquor made by Li Yuechen.

Princess Yiyang picked up the wine glass first: "I wish Chen'er a successful start and a triumphant return!"

Princess Xuancheng also smiled slightly at the side, picked up the wine glass and said: "I hope Chen'er can defeat the enemy!"

Li Lun and Li Xian also picked up their wine glasses and said blessings.

Li Xian, who was pulled over to chat with him, suddenly said, "I'm just a co-author, right?"

"Oh, brother, what you said is wrong!" Li Xian smiled and handed him a glass of wine, "Brother is only in charge of the logistics this time, we should leave the war to Yuechen."

"You can't say that." Li Xian shook his head, "In this new army, as a brother, I have to command my soldiers to go to the battlefield to rescue the wounded and be responsible for opening the way... Although the chance of facing the enemy directly is not high, it is still possible. Not entirely impossible!"

"Okay, okay, then I wish my brother the best!" Li Lun stood up to smooth things over.

Li Xian drooped his eyelids: "I feel that what you said is very perfunctory..."


The relaxed atmosphere made the whole family laugh, and then everyone lightly clinked glasses and drank all the wine in their hands!

After putting down the wine glass, Li Yuechen let out a long breath, turned around and waved his hands: "Okay, brothers and sisters, let's all go back, we're leaving now!"

"Go!" Li Xian waved his hand.

Li Yuechen nodded, gave them a hug again, and then got on the horse with his second brother Li Xian, and the army officially set off.

Li Xian and the others did not leave immediately, but continued to stand by the side of the road until they saw the army gradually disappearing from their eyes, and then returned to the palace.


Although it is said that the speed of the new army is very fast, after all, it is an era without large vehicles, and it is impossible to improve the speed purely by riding horses.

It took more than a month to finally reach Songzhou.This is also thanks to the fact that the road from Dongdu to Chang'an is hardened, otherwise it may take longer.

Heyuan's [-] troops led by Heizhi Changzhi also came over. In mid-October, the two sides met in Songzhou.

Yu Guangjian, governor of Songzhou, had already received the news and was waiting at the gate of the city early.

When he saw a group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms approaching in black, he hurried down the tower to meet them.

Princess Taiping is easy to recognize. After all, she is the only woman in this army, and she is also riding a horse in the first echelon ahead.

Yu Guangjian walked in front of the army, and the soldiers at the front suddenly pulled out their weapons from their waists, and shouted at Yu Guangjian: "Stop! Who's here?"

It seemed that he didn't expect a soldier to dare to speak to him in such a tone, Yu Guangjian was a little dazed for a while.

Upon closer inspection, what these soldiers were holding was not a horizontal knife, but a strangely shaped axe!
It was much shorter than the horizontal knife, and it was pitch black, with only the edge of the blade and the sharp part behind it shining.The ax is very thin, and there are even hollow holes in many places.

In the past, Yu Guangjian never thought that weapons could exude a unique sense of beauty, just like the ax in this soldier's hand, it seemed that he couldn't help but want to hold it in his hand for fun.

But if you think about it carefully, if this thing is used to cut people, the killing effect may be much stronger than that of a horizontal knife.

"Are you waiting for Qianniuwei?" Yu Guangjian asked back and replied loudly, "I am the Governor of Songzhou, and I came here specially to welcome Her Highness the Princess!"

At the same time, the man next to him also replied: "I am Heyuan Jinglue envoy Black Tooth Changzhi, and I am here to welcome Your Highness the Princess!"

The soldier looked serious: "Wait here, I will report!" After finishing speaking, a soldier next to him turned his horse's head and went to the back to notify.

After being notified, Li Yuechen and Liu Rengui rode their horses and ran two quick steps, and came to the front of the team.

Although she said she had never met the governor of Songzhou, she had seen Changzhi with black teeth.

After coming over, he jumped off the horse, looked at him and smiled slightly: "Long time no see!"

Hei Chi Chang Zhi immediately saluted and said, "Your Majesty has seen Her Royal Highness! Liu Shuai!"

"Hey!" Liu Rengui next to him waved his hand, "Although I'm the deputy manager this time, it's just a job, don't call me that!"

"Master, it's fine..." Li Yuechen smiled beside him.

Yu Guangjian immediately followed suit, but felt a little surprised at the same time.

Now Princess Taiping is seventeen or eighteen years old, but she doesn't look like her at all!If it weren't for this head placed here, just looking at a face, it would appear even smaller.

Rumor has it that the princess is tall and thick, with great strength.But when I saw it with my own eyes today, apart from being a bit abnormally tall, she looked like an ordinary woman in other respects!

Now Li Yuechen is 17 years old, and his height is over 1.7 meters five.

These days, the height of men among the dudes is generally around 1.7 meters, and Li Yuechen's head is already very conspicuous.

Not to mention the folks, in the past few years, people have just stopped starving to death, nutritional supplements are still a luxury, and most men are half a head shorter than her.

As for folk women... there are not many who can exceed 1.6 meters, and standing next to Li Yuechen is basically a child.

Yu Guangjian slightly raised his eyes and took a look. Although the princess was wearing a heavy armor, it could still be seen that she was not fat at all and had a well-proportioned figure.

Besides, the skin is fair, and no calluses can be seen on the hands, which is completely inconsistent with the legendary impression of infinite strength.

"You two are welcome," Li Yuechen raised his hand, "Now that the war is imminent, there is no need to be polite, let's talk about it in the city."

"Yes!" The two agreed.

"By the way, where is the army stationed?" Li Yuechen asked.

Hei Chi Chang Zhi replied: "Returning to Your Highness, we are in the southwest outside the city, also to prevent the enemy from making sudden moves."

"Good job!" Li Yuechen praised, then turned his head and said, "Hongfeng!"

"Here!" Geng Yunqiang agreed angrily.

"You also go to the southwest of the city to camp and stand by, pay attention to your surroundings, and report any situation at any time!"


Geng Yunqiang agreed, turned around and gave the order, except for leaving ten soldiers as the princess's personal guards, all the rest continued to ride on horseback to set up camp.

As the battalion commander of the Joint Logistics Battalion, Li Xian was naturally at the forefront. He had to choose a place to set up camp, and at the same time set up a temporary military camp as quickly as possible.

Yu Guangjian, Heizhi Changzhi, and some officials accompanying them opened their eyes wide when they saw the soldiers move efficiently after receiving the order.

It had to be said that they had never seen such a soldier before, and there were thousands of people in the dark, but there was no sense of chaos at all, as if there was only one person.

Those who accompanied the princess into the city were only Liu Rengui and Fulai, plus ten guards.

In fact, the guards were just pretending. After all, in terms of combat power, ten of them combined could not beat Li Yuechen alone.


After entering the city, Yu Guangjian's soldiers had already sealed off the middle of the street, so that the people could only walk on both sides, leaving the middle road empty.

Li Yuechen followed Yu Guangjian into the city, and while observing the scene in Songzhou City, he asked Heizhi Changzhi: "When did you come here? How is the situation now?"

"It's only a few days earlier than His Highness," Hei Chi Changzhi replied, "Nearly two months ago, Tubo suddenly invaded Yizhou. Due to lack of manpower, the governor of Yizhou defended the city, and he is still trapped..."

Li Yuechen recalled the map he had seen when he came here, Yizhou should be the one in Chengdu.

"Tubo couldn't attack for a long time, so they continued to besiege, but all the surrounding counties fell..." Hei Chi Changzhi continued to reply, "Half a month ago, another [-] troops were sent to attack Maozhou. Bring the people of the surrounding counties into the city in advance, and also strictly guard against death..."

Maozhou is not far from Songzhou. If you say this, Lun Qinling should have received news of someone from Songzhou... Li Yuechen thought in his heart.

Although all the counties and counties in Yizhou have fallen, Tubo has always focused on capturing slaves, and should not massacre the people.The most urgent task is to solve the problem in Maozhou first.

When we arrived at the Governor's Mansion in Songzhou, it was getting late, and Yu Guangjian immediately greeted him with wine and food, ready to wash the city for the princess.

"No more wine!" Li Yuechen said, "The battle is imminent, so let's get down to business first!"

Yu Guangjian quickly agreed: "Here!"

The food has not been served yet, Li Yuechen and the others are sitting in their seats discussing the current situation.

"Since Yizhou has been trapped for more than two months, is there enough food in the city?" Li Yuechen asked worriedly.

"Your Highness, don't worry!" Yu Guangjian replied respectfully, "Before Tubo attacked Yizhou, the wheat had just been harvested, and now there is still enough food in the city. It's just... this year's sowing may not catch up..."

This era already has the technology of winter wheat, and now is the time for sowing, but now that Yizhou is trapped and unable to sow, it will lead to no harvest next year!
Li Yuechen nodded, no matter what, as long as there is food, it should last for a while.

Then there is no need to organize a counterattack in a hurry, and there is enough time to formulate tactics and spy on intelligence.

Relieved, Li Yuechen continued to ask other questions, inquiring about all the useful information so far.

Liu Rengui who was sitting next to him did not speak, but kept looking at Li Yuechen with a smile.

My apprentice has finally grown up.

Now, as a general, I can calmly formulate plans and make reasonable judgments...

Seeing her constantly analyzing the existing information, Liu Rengui couldn't help nodding in relief, even if he was sitting there, he would take the same action as her.

With my own ability, I have someone to succeed me!
Just as they were talking, the food was served, and Li Yuechen immediately called everyone to start eating.

In any case, make sure you eat enough and sleep well, and face what happens next in your best condition.

Fortunately, the current situation is not urgent, and you can enjoy the time to eat.


After eating, everyone didn't chat for too long, so they went back to rest.

In particular, Li Yuechen was indeed a little tired after running around for more than a month, and wanted to take a good bath, sleep, and rest.

Just like in previous years, the entire post house was vacated as the princess's temporary residence, and Fulai was in the room next to her, so that he could serve her at any time.

In Li Yuechen's room, Fulai directed the two guards to put the last pot of hot water in, tested the temperature of the water and nodded.

"My servant brought two maids for Your Highness to take a bath for His Highness." As he spoke, Fu Lai waved.

Two maids in their early 20s came in from the outside and saluted Li Yuechen nervously.

Hearing that they were coming to serve the princess, both of them were a little nervous, for fear that one of them would be disposed of if they didn't serve the princess well.

Li Yuechen was a little helpless: " said it all, I still can't take a bath by myself..."

"Your Highness has been running around for more than a month, and this servant feels distressed!" Fulai replied, "Okay, Your Highness, go in quickly. While the water is hot, the servant is next door. If you have any orders, just greet the servant."

Listening to Fulai's answer, Li Yuechen nodded, what he said was indeed reasonable.

I haven't had a good bath for more than a month. I can only boil some hot water and wipe it with a towel every two or three days.

After all, she is not like those soldiers. If she wants to take a bath, she just needs to take off her clothes and jump into the river to wash... The dignified princess of a country can't swim naked in the river outside.

After all, women are still inconvenient in many cases.


Lying in the steaming wooden barrel, Li Yuechen leaned his head against the edge of the barrel, feeling the comfort after his body was just wrapped in hot water, and let out a long breath.

The two maids carefully wiped her body, every movement was very cautious, for fear of causing the princess's dissatisfaction.

But at the same time, I couldn't help being a little envious of the princess' figure.

Although this is an era where plumpness is considered beautiful, the princess's body seems to have a unique appeal.

No flaws can be seen on the fair skin, and there is no protruding muscle on the body, but it is full of lines. No matter from which angle you look at it, the whole body is extremely soft and streamlined.

Such a body is not only full of beauty, but also has a sense of strength visible to the naked eye!
And the combination of beauty and strength can give birth to a unique attraction, which makes the two maids' cheeks flush a little...

At the same time, Li Yuechen also looked down, and couldn't help curling his lips. Although he was called Taiping, he was actually not flat at all. He couldn't hold it with one palm, and it was just the right size.

In this size, it must look good in a low-cut dress!

 I have seen all your suggestions, thank you!

  I personally don’t really care about scolding. For the author, whether someone scolds or not is more important than whether someone scolds or not.

  Thanks for the replies everyone, I feel much better!

(End of this chapter)

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