Great Tang princess

Chapter 31 Title or Taoism

Chapter 31 Title or Taoism
Li Yuechen knew why Li Zhi who was sitting on the dragon chair was so angry.

Since he ascended the throne, he has always had a goal in his heart, that is to surpass his father - Taizong Li Shimin!

He grew up under the wings of this great king since he was a child, and he wants to surpass him and achieve greater achievements than him!
Li Shimin destroyed the Eastern Turks and expanded the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

And he destroyed the Western Turks, the border of that place, after more than a thousand years, has another name - Uzbekistan.

Li Shimin did not take down Goguryeo, so he wanted to fight to the death.

Even in spite of everyone's dissuasion, he decided to go to the imperial conquest. If it wasn't for his physical reasons, he might really put on his armor and go to the battlefield himself.

But even if he was recuperating in bed and unable to visit the battlefield in person, this place is still included in the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

He can't allow failure, just because he wants to surpass his father, Taizong Li Shimin!
With such obsession, the Tang Dynasty's wars in these years have been invincible and invincible.

And today, his army failed!
He stood up suddenly, raised his hand to raise the health ball in his hand, and was about to fall heavily.

However, with an inadvertent glance, he saw the daughter behind the screen in the side passage.

She was staring at herself worriedly, and her big eyes revealed worry!

Li Zhi's heart softened, he took a long and deep breath, and then sat down on the dragon chair again.

"What do you think about this situation?"

Inside the court hall was very quiet, you could hear a needle drop.No one answered.

Li Zhi closed his eyes, sniffled his nose, and then continued to ask: "If I send troops to help again, what do you think?"

It can be imagined that he is really angry now, and even the title has changed from "Zhong Ai Qing" to "Zhong Qing".

Left Prime Minister Jiang Ke looked left and right to see if no one spoke, took two steps outside, raised the wat board in his hand and saluted: "Your Majesty, I think it's inappropriate!"

"Why?" Li Zhi asked, frowning.

Jiang Ke replied in a deep voice: "Now that the defeat of this battle has been decided, it is too late to send troops again. If we forcibly send troops to pursue and the Tubo army returns to defense at this time, our soldiers will not be able to adapt to the climate of Tubo. I am afraid that the same result will happen..."

Listening to his narration, Li Zhi didn't speak, but forced himself to calm down and fell into thinking.

Li Yuechen in the side passage crossed his arms in front of his chest and nodded secretly.

The military service of the Tang Dynasty is the Fubing system. Simply put, as long as you are born in this country, you have the obligation to serve as a soldier.

But the Fubing system also has shortcomings. They are not full-time soldiers, and they usually have to farm the land and do farm work.

Training is only done during the slack season, which means wasting a lot of time.

Therefore, they have no way to go deep into Tibet to fight. To solve this problem, they must have professional soldiers stationed there for a long time to adapt their bodies to the environment there.

Moreover, Tubo's combat effectiveness is not too weak.

It is worth mentioning that the current Tubo is still a society similar to slavery. During wars, a large number of slaves will be driven to open the way.

Behind the slaves are Tubo warriors in heavy armor. These talents are the real elite combat troops.

Since Songtsan Gampo, Tubo's national power has become stronger day by day, coupled with the unique geographical environment, it has become a thorn firmly in Datang's body.

Not to mention that Xue Rengui's enemies this time are really difficult to deal with.

Gar Qinling, the prime minister of Tubo, is called "Lun Qinling" because the Tubo language calls the prime minister "Da Lun".

This person is quite famous in Tubo, and he is by no means an ordinary person.

Jiang Ke was right. In this situation, it would be useless to send troops again. It is estimated that news of Xue Rengui and others being captured will come in a few days.

Although he was unwilling, he had to admit that Datang had completely lost this battle.

But now Li Yuechen is worried about other issues instead. First, once Anxi is captured, a large number of people will be displaced and their lives will be devastated!
Secondly, the morale of Tubo is now high, will they take this opportunity to invade Datang?

Li Yuechen thought he was good at logical analysis. If he was Lun Qinling, would he take advantage of his morale to invade Datang?
Thinking about it carefully, she shook her head slightly.

The benefits and goals must be considered in the war. Xue Rengui won this battle. Although the morale is great, Datang is not a soft persimmon.

If they invade Datang at this time and cause a full-scale counterattack, they will definitely not gain any benefits, but will lose many soldiers in vain.

Of course, he might also think that his side thinks so, and instead take advantage of the situation to attack.

But generally speaking, his top priority now should be to digest the Anxi area that has been cut off, and the possibility of invading Datang should be small.

In the court hall, Jiang Ke continued: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, the most urgent task is to gather troops on the border to prevent Tubo from invading!"

Li Zhi nodded, raised his eyes and scanned the hall, and said in a deep voice, "Do you have any objections to what Jiang Gong said?"

It was still quiet above the court, and no one spoke.

After sighing, Li Zhi stood up and waved his hands impatiently: "Let's retreat!"

After speaking, without waiting for Zhang Chengxin to finish shouting, he walked directly to the side passage.

After Zhang Chengxin called out to retreat, he trotted over quickly.

At this time, Li Zhi had already knelt down and picked up Li Yuechen, he forced a smile: "Oh, Chen'er has gained a lot of weight, and I can hardly hold her anymore!"

Li Yuechen grinned: "It's okay, Grandpa won't be able to hug me in the future, so I'll hug Grandpa!"

"Then I'll just wait, hahaha..." Li Zhi laughed.

The only thing that can make him feel better now is probably this daughter.

"Grandpa, don't worry about the court affairs, Chen'er doesn't want Grandpa to be unhappy." Li Yuechen advised.

Wu Zetian who followed behind smiled gratifiedly and gave her an encouraging look.

Li Zhi had a wry smile on his face: "I know the truth, but it's hard to do it..."

"There is a saying in the "Book of Changes": the great way is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine, and people escape one. Chen'er believes that no matter how difficult the situation is, there is always a solution!" Li Yuechen replied.

Hearing her advice, Li Zhi smiled and turned his head to look at Wu Zetian: "It seems that Chen'er has learned a lot!"

"Chen'er never needs to worry about me." Wu Zetian also had a sense of pride on his face.

This sentence is not only seen in this era, in the past, Li Yuechen also did the same.

As an extreme athlete, she rode a board over a huge wave tens of meters high; rode a motorcycle over a dangerous peak less than one person wide; wore a wingsuit to fly through the sky nearly [-] meters high; snow mountain...

She firmly believes that human beings have no limits, as long as they think carefully, there will be absolutely no so-called mortal situation.

Now, she wants to convey this idea to Li Zhi through her own mouth.

But how much he can receive is beyond his control.


Accompanying Li Zhi back to the Hall of Yanying, after a short stay, he said he was a little tired.

Li Yuechen didn't stay any longer, and prepared to leave after saluting.

Wu Zetian suddenly said: "Chen'er, you speak Chinese in "Yi", but are you interested in Daoism?"

Li Yuechen was stunned for a moment: "I don't know what my mother means?"

Li Zhi next to her also looked at her suspiciously.

Wu Zetian smiled wryly: "Since I became a queen, I have rarely accompanied my mother, and now I am even busy with state affairs and have no time to observe my filial piety. Would Chen'er be willing to keep my filial piety on my behalf and pray for my grandmother?"

"But to be a Taoist priest?" Li Yuechen asked.

In fact, it doesn't matter to her to be a Taoist priest. In this era, when the children of the royal family join religion, they don't necessarily have to abide by the precepts. After all, it's just a name.

Speaking of which, Li Zhi and his wife asked Xuanzang to accept him as a disciple when the third brother Li Xian was born just one month old.

There is also an extremely secondary Dharma title - Buddha Light King!

It's also thanks to the fact that none of her older brothers know about her writing Journey to the West, otherwise Li Xian might blame her for writing his master.

"En." Wu Zetian nodded, "I plan to let Li Chunfeng take you as a disciple, are you willing?"

ha?Is Li Chunfeng still alive?

Li Yuechen was surprised. Although he didn't know much about history, there were many legends about Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in later generations.

She had heard before that Yuan Tiangang was a person who lived in the Taizong Dynasty, and now he has passed away.

Originally thought that these two should be contemporaries, but did not expect Li Chunfeng to be from this era?

Li Yuechen raised his hand in salute: "Grandmother has always loved the child very much. This move can not only replace the mother, but also be considered a part of the child's heart. The child is willing!"

Wu Zetian nodded: "That's good!"

Then they sent someone to find Li Chunfeng.Li Yuechen also took this opportunity to ask about Li Chunfeng's general affairs.

It turns out that now Li Chunfeng is granted the title of male in Changle County. Although he does not serve in the imperial court, he basically stays in the Imperial College every day. It seems that the Linde calendar that has just been completed a few years ago is his work.

Li Zhi was not in a hurry to go to sleep now, he was lying on the rocking chair and waiting with him while making tea.

About a quarter of an hour later, Li Chunfeng followed Zhang Chengxin to the Hall of Yanying.

"Pindao has met His Majesty, empress!"

While he was saluting, Li Yuechen raised his head and quietly looked at this celebrity who left many legends.

He looks about five or 60 years old, and his hair and beard are mostly gray.

But the whole person looks ruddy and in good spirits.

Especially a pair of eyes, piercing and very bright.

Seeing Li Yuechen sizing him up, she smiled slightly and saluted, "I've seen Her Royal Highness!"

"Taoist priest, please excuse me!" Li Yuechen smiled and raised his hand.

Wu Zetian then explained to him the reason for calling him here, and Li Chunfeng nodded after hearing this: "Since both the empress and the princess have such intentions, Pindao will definitely obey!"

Seeing his mother nodding to him, Li Yuechen got up and saluted: "Li Yuechen has met Master!"

"Oh, the princess is not allowed." Li Chunfeng hastily stopped.

"Since you are a master, you should be polite!" Wu Zetian nodded, "There is no need for the Taoist priest to refuse."

Li Chunfeng nodded with a smile: "Poverty Dao takes orders, but since the princess has entered the Taoist sect, I would like to ask Your Majesty and Empress to give her a title."

"The name of the Tao..." Li Zhi, lying on the rocking chair, turned the health ball in his hand, looked at the ceiling and said, "Chen'er once said, I hope that the Tang Dynasty will be prosperous and the country will be eternal. Since I hope for a peaceful and prosperous world in my heart, why not?" How about using the name 'Taiping'?"

What the hell!

Li Yuechen next to him was shocked when he heard this.

WTF?Although I have long thought that I am Princess Taiping, isn't this Taiping a title?How is it a Taoist number?

Wu Zetian next to him nodded in agreement: "Your Majesty's words are very true. Chen'er hopes that the Tang Dynasty will be peaceful, and my palace and His Majesty also hope that she will be equally peaceful, so let's make a decision."

No one asked Li Yuechen's own opinion, so the Daoist title of Taiping was determined just like that.

In fact, Li Yuechen has no objection to this, it's just a dao name, call it whatever you want.

It doesn't matter what it's called, as long as it's not a secondary name like "The Ferocious Tiger of the Empire".

This is not unfounded worry. Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, two old people with secondary illnesses, might really be able to do such a thing.

To put it bluntly, this matter is just a formality, and she doesn't need to go to the Taoist temple.

Inside the Daming Palace, there is the Sanqing Hall, which is dedicated to the old Taoist emperor. From now on, it will be good to go there to burn incense and recite Taoist scriptures on the days of the new moon.

However, for the sense of ceremony, Li Zhi immediately ordered the Shangyi Bureau to make a Taoist robe for her.

Li Yuechen didn't know what Princess Taiping was like in history, but at least now, she has become a Taoist priest in name!
And he is also Li Chunfeng's apprentice!


Ten days later, the news came that Xue Rengui negotiated peace with Tubo and prepared to return to the court in order not to let his soldiers die in vain.

Li Zhi ordered the new censor, Le Yanwei, to take people to meet him, and then sent Xue Rengui, Ashina Daozhen, and Guo Daifeng back directly.

Li Yuechen, who was worried about the people in Anxi, ran to listen again.

This time the war was miserable, there were [-] troops when they went out, but now less than [-] have returned.

And most of them have been seriously injured and may even be permanently disabled.

This battle is really too miserable.

Standing behind the screen, Li Yuechen wanted to do something, but he raised his white and tender hands to look at them, and finally had no choice but to put them down.

Perhaps because he didn't want his daughter to see him lose his temper, Li Zhi didn't yell at the court.

He just gritted his teeth, pretended to be calm and announced that all three of Xue Rengui would be deposed as ordinary people.

This kind of punishment is not light, but after hearing their report, Li Yuechen couldn't help but think in his heart.

This battle is not just a matter of Guo Daifeng, but a complete miscalculation from the beginning of the decision.

But Li Yuechen felt that things should not be handled this way.

Xue Rengui has made great contributions to the country, and has maintained the myth of being undefeated before.

If you think that you will face this kind of punishment if you lose a war, it is a bit too much.

But she also knew that Li Zhi was angry now, so she didn't dare to say anything nonsense.

Still the same sentence, in this era, the sky is big and the earth is big, and the emperor is the biggest.

We can only talk about these things after Li Zhi has calmed down, otherwise let alone pleading, I am afraid that even his beloved daughter will be taught a lesson together.

But today's incident made Li Yuechen feel that maybe he should do something.

When I grow up, maybe I can do something that is beneficial to the country and the people, so that this prosperous Tang Dynasty can last for a little longer.

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  Thanks to [Silver Yin Yin] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
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  Thank you [Forever Treasure's Mom] for the reward of 10000 starting coins! !

  Thank you [Ye Qingfeng 9] for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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