Chapter 342
It was almost midnight when they walked out of the palace.

Li Yuechen rode on horseback, accompanied by Fulai and a dozen bodyguards, and walked slowly towards Zhengpingfang on the deserted street.

The ancient nights were not as dark as imagined. Although there were no lights, there was also no smog in this era. On cloudless nights, the bright moonlight shone on the earth, and the visibility was not too low.

In addition, you can see the Milky Way across the sky when you look up. I dare not say anything else, but at least people a few feet away can still see it.

The horseshoes with iron palms walked on the hardened road, making a series of rhythmic sounds. The surrounding bodyguards held torches and surrounded Li Yuechen to Zhengpingfang.

Marquis Wu, who was watching the night on the street, would usually not come over to investigate this kind of situation. No matter what his identity is, someone who can swagger through the city on a horse in the middle of the night is definitely not someone they can provoke.

Back at the gate of the Princess Mansion, Li Yuechen jumped off his horse, opened the door and walked in.

In the pavilion outside the courtyard, Shangguan Wan'er was sitting alone on a chair, staring at the reflected starlight in a daze.

"Wan'er, why don't you go to sleep?" Li Yuechen walked into the pavilion and asked.

Hearing the sound, Shangguan Wan'er turned her head slightly, and then grinned: "I heard that His Highness is going to go to war tomorrow morning, so I want to wait here and chat with His Highness."

"Oh..." Li Yuechen nodded in agreement, turned over and jumped into the pavilion, and sat down beside her, "Don't worry, this time I'm just going to Yangzhou, and I'll be back soon!"

Shangguan Wan'er turned her head: "Although that is the case, Yangzhou is not too close. It will take at least two months to go back and forth, and counting the time of the war... His Highness is probably going to celebrate the New Year outside again."

"It's useless." Li Yuechen raised his hand with a smile, and patted her head, "This time I'm going to Yangzhou, but I can take the waterway. It's enough to go back and forth in early January, even if you add the time for war... It is estimated that I will be back almost a year ago."

"Really?" Shangguan Wan'er's eyes lit up.

Li Yuechen was a little uncertain: "At least there is a high probability...but in case some other things slow down the's not guaranteed."

After all, this is ancient times, and there may be some accidents along the way, such as blocked rivers and the like... It's really hard to say.

Hearing this ambiguous answer, Shangguan Wan'er curled her lips, and her expression became a little disappointed.

"It's okay, anyway, even if we can't celebrate the New Year together, wouldn't we still play together on weekdays?" Li Yuechen asked back, then took her hand and shook it lightly, "Why do you care whether it's New Year's or not."

"That being said..." Shangguan Wan'er was a little confused, but she couldn't seem to find any rebuttal words for a while.

Seeing her frowning and thinking hard, Li Yuechen suddenly couldn't help laughing: "Okay, it's almost time to be ugly, go and rest."

Shangguan Wan'er nodded, and suddenly realized: "Your Highness is the one who is about to go out at dawn, you should take a good rest..."

"I'm fine, anyway, I can continue to sleep on the boat..."

The two returned to their respective rooms while chatting.


Early the next morning, Li Yuechen got up early under the influence of his biological clock, exercised casually for a while, and set off after eating breakfast.

Considering some reasons, this expedition, the person who is in charge of seeing off the city is Li Dan, King of Yu.

But because it was by water, as soon as they left the city gate, they saw a black army of [-] gathered beside Luoshui.On the side, a group of armed Qianniuwei in camouflage uniforms was moving all kinds of equipment to the boat parked by the river under the command of Li Xian.

The shipbuilding technology of this era is actually not bad, and there is already a watertight cabin structure, and the hull is not small, which can transport all kinds of large cargo and even cattle and horses and other livestock.

In addition to two rows of large oars, there are also sails, which can sail quickly with the help of wind.

This is still a river ship. If it is a sea ship, the hull will be wrapped in leather for fire prevention to prevent the enemy from shooting rockets, and long-range weapons such as trebuchets or bed crossbows will be installed on the topmost cabin.

Although Li Yuechen is the chief officer of the army, she only needs to take care of Qianniuwei, and Linghu Zhitong and Qiu Shenji will take care of the remaining [-] troops.

The two looked at the orderly Qianniuwei next to them, and there was a flash of envy in their eyes. Not to mention the uniform uniforms, the key is that the soldiers under him must have experienced extremely strict training from the way they walked and stood. train.

All the soldiers held their heads high, and they were full of energy at a glance.

Look at my subordinates again... It can't be said that they are crooked. In fact, they are rare elite troops in this era, but compared with others, they still lack a kind of spirit.

Especially these soldiers who have not received queue training, although they are still standing in a few phalanxes, they always feel that something is not right. Compared with others, they seem to be missing something unclear.


Seeing his sister coming, Li Dan, who had been sitting on the carriage frame watching the soldiers work, turned over and jumped down: "Yuechen, how long will it take you to return from this expedition?"

"Don't worry, I'll come back after beating those rebellious officials and thieves to death." Li Yuechen smiled, and then returned to his usual appearance.

This place is crowded with people, and the brother and sister didn't say much. After each took a sip from their wine glasses, Li Dan went back.

Watching the fourth brother leave, Li Yuechen twisted his neck, and just as he turned his head, Linghu Zhitong and Qiu Shenji came over to say hello: "I have seen Your Highness the Princess!"

"Yes." Li Yuechen agreed, "I hope that the two generals will cooperate with me in this expedition, and take down all these rebellious officials and thieves as soon as possible!"

The two quickly agreed, expressing that everything was under the princess' orders.

It would be fine if the princess was a layman, but the princess was well-known in the army both for her combat effectiveness and her ability to command wars, so there was no need for the two of them to say much.

Anyway, they will do whatever the princess says. If they can achieve a better record than they did in Yizhou a few years ago, then going back this time will be a big contribution in vain.

The attitude of the two towards the princess was very respectful, without any nonsense.

Qiu Shenji's background is not strong enough, now that he has the opportunity to share his qualifications with the princess, of course he will perform well, and he must not be hated.

Not to mention Linghu Zhitong, Qianniuwei, who wanted to join the princess, would naturally be more obedient.

At the same time, I also made up my mind. This time, I must watch from the side, study hard, and take a good look at how the princess's army fights and operates, so as to prepare myself for training in it in the future.

At this time, Li Xian also came over. Although he is a brother and sister, as a major, he still has to salute the general Li Yuechen: "Report, all the equipment has been transported, and we can leave at any time!"

On such a serious occasion, Li Yuechen also put away his usual hippie smile, nodded and said: "Okay, got it!"

The two people next to him hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the Second Highness!"

"No!" Li Xian waved his hand, "Now I am a commoner, and I can no longer be called Your Highness."

"Okay, there's no need to be polite!" Li Yuechen turned his head, "Hongfeng!"

"Here!" Geng Yunqiang ran over.

Li Yuechen waved his hand: "Let's go when you're ready!"


After agreeing, Geng Yunqiang ran to the front of the dense Qianniuwei, and under the envious eyes of Linghu Zhitong and Qiu Shenji, he shouted: "Board the boat!"

The soldiers agreed in unison, and then began to board the ship in an orderly manner according to the formation, without any sense of chaos during the period.

Qiu Shenji and Linghu Zhitong looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of envy and surprise in each other's eyes. It's really unexpected that the army can actually do such a thing.

However, he quickly realized that he also directed the [-] troops behind to start boarding the ship.

At first they wanted to imitate Qianniuwei's way, but after all, none of these people had received training in this area. Although they had tried their best to maintain it, they still felt a little messy.

In any case, at least with a decent study, the boarding speed is much faster.After a short time, everyone had already boarded the boat, and then the army set out and officially set off.


At this time, the river boats can't hold too many people, and one company can barely fit on one boat. Although there are a lot fewer animals on this trip, the fleet is mighty and mighty, with hundreds of ships, lined up on the Luoshui River. One line, move forward slowly.

The ship Li Yuechen was on was behind the first battalion. She paced on the deck, looking at the dark fleet behind her, she couldn't help thinking, this should be the world's first aircraft carrier fleet, right?
Although these are small boats, they are far from reaching the level of an "aircraft carrier"...

Officers such as Li Yuechen and Geng Yunqiang are basically on this ship, as well as student staff officers such as Zhong Qin. They are doing a simulation around the sand table in Yangzhou City.

Although it is said that he has learned a lot of art of war during this period, and teachers such as Lun Qinling and Wang Xiaojie have given detailed teaching.

But teaching is just teaching after all, this is their first time to participate in actual combat, Li Yuechen also intends to take this opportunity to see if they have learned something, this is also an exam for them.

Not only were Zhong Qin and the others not afraid, but they were also looking forward to it.

They have learned Mandarin and arithmetic from this princess since they were young, followed her to Chang'an, helped her sell newspapers, and heard her tell many stories...

Because they worshiped the princess, when they heard that they had the opportunity to join the princess army, each of them enthusiastically signed up, and those who passed the exam came to the army as trainee staff and began to learn the art of war.

Among them, they not only learned the art of war, but also learned Li Yuechen's battle examples...

It can be said that almost every move of these people now has the shadow of the princess on them.

All the time they are thinking about who will be the princess and do things for her.

Now that the opportunity has finally come, they are all simmering in their hearts and want to take advantage of the opportunity to perform well.

Especially Zhong Qin, who was originally just a farm girl. If there was no Li Yuechen, she would not even be named. She would marry and have children when she was thirteen or fourteen, and then spend her life farming.

However, it is different now. She has learned culture and knowledge from the princess, and has a name. She has an almost religious worship for Li Yuechen.

She is very smart in her own right, and she may indeed have a very high talent in the art of war, so she quickly left the five friends in the same period far behind, and became a veritable big sister in the six-member staff group.

Even Lun Qinling, who is a teacher of the art of war, said that if she was born in a general's family and was a man, she would definitely be famous!

Facing the princess' expectations, Zhong Qin stood up and saluted with her head held high, and replied forcefully, "Please rest assured, Your Highness!"

Li Yuechen raised his hand and patted her shoulder lightly: "Having confidence is a good thing, but remember, don't underestimate the enemy!"

"Yes! Remember His Highness's instruction! Strategically despise the enemy! Tactically pay attention to the enemy!" Zhong Qin replied.

"Actually, it was the teaching of a great man..." Li Yuechen smiled.


It is said that fireworks will go to Yangzhou in March, but it is a pity that it is already mid-October, and it will be almost November when we arrive in Yangzhou. I don’t know if there is anything to see in Yangzhou in winter.

During this time, Li Yuechen would walk around the deck almost every day to see the scenery along the way.

It's just that in this era, the scenery on both sides of the strait is always similar. Basically, there are large tracts of crops. Occasionally, when you can see some villages, or pass by some cities, the appearance is similar.

In order to make a quick decision this time, the fleet did not rest much along the way. They did not stop when they passed Bianzhou and Songzhou. They just greeted the local leaders. After the soldiers disembarked and had a meal, they continued to set off .

On October 28, I finally arrived in Chuzhou.

This place is only less than a hundred miles away from Yangzhou, even if you walk, you can reach it in a few days.

Liu Huaiyu, the governor of Chuzhou, ran out to greet the fleet before it arrived.

In terms of fame, Princess Taiping is definitely the well-deserved god of war in Tang Dynasty today, not to mention the noble status of the princess, Liu Huaiyu dare not neglect.

When the fleet stopped and Li Yuechen got off the boat, Liu Huaiyu had already trotted over.

Before he came close, he had already saluted from afar: "Your Majesty Liu Huaiyu, I have seen Your Highness the Princess!"


Li Yuechen raised his hand: "It's hard work for Governor Liu to wait here."

"Don't dare dare..." Liu Huaiyu replied with a smile, "The next official will clean up the dust for His Highness..."

"It's not urgent." Li Yuechen turned his head and looked at the soldiers who disembarked in an orderly manner behind him, "Let's talk about the rebellion first."

Liu Huaiyu nodded: "Your Highness, please follow me into the city, this matter is a bit complicated..."

Li Yuechen agreed and asked the army to station outside the city first, and then followed Liu Huaiyu into the city with several officers and bodyguards.

Perhaps because of the influence of the rebellion, the atmosphere in Chuzhou City is a bit gloomy at this moment. There are not many pedestrians on the road, and many people hurried past after taking a light look at this side.

They had different expressions, looking at Li Yuechen who was wearing a black armor, there was curiosity and expectation in their eyes.

When she turned her head and swept over, they all lowered their heads and left quickly.

"Xu Jingye has been here?" Li Yuechen asked suddenly.

"His Royal Highness is as good as God!" Liu Huaiyu replied with a wry smile, "A few days ago, he sent people to surround Chuzhou and persuaded me to surrender him, but he left suddenly three days ago. Presumably he also received the news that the princess is coming. ..."

"Is it Xu Jingye himself?"

"I haven't seen it." Liu Huaiyu shook his head lightly, "But the person who sent the message entered the city several times, presumably he himself ordered it."

 The picture of the Easter Egg chapter was not reviewed because the upper body was not wearing clothes, so it was shared in the group.

(End of this chapter)

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