Great Tang princess

Chapter 354 Execution

Chapter 354 Execution
Zhang Chengxin held the teapot in his right hand, pressed the sleeve under his right hand with his left hand, and gently pulled it upwards, a cup of cool tea brewed in the cup and gradually filled it up.

Looking at the teacup gently placed in front of him, King Luo Bin felt a little curious.

This tea soup is really too clear and transparent, but there is a faint layer of gold ring around it, it seems that there are only tea leaves, and no other seasonings can be seen.

Looking at the same thing in Wu Zetian's cup opposite, he gently stretched out his hand to pick up the teacup and took a sip.

The taste of the tea is light, and you can’t feel that there are seasonings in it, but the taste is not bad, and the taste of the tea itself is not hidden in the slight bitterness.

"That article is really well written. It would be a pity if such a literary talent becomes a traitor." Wu Zetian raised his teacup and said softly.

Needless to say, King Luo Bin understood that this was because the Queen of Heaven had developed a love for talent and wanted to keep him alive.

Of course, this life is not left in vain. In the future, you must work hard and conscientiously. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, this head will still be handed over.

No, not just the head!
King Luo Bin also knew about the reform of the death penalty some time ago. As a rebel, if he disagreed today, he might be tortured by then.

No one has experienced this kind of punishment so far, but just looking at the words, you know that this is definitely a torture that is worse than death, and you can't help but get goosebumps when you think about it.

So he immediately made the smartest choice, put down his teacup, and saluted respectfully: "Sinner, thank the Queen for not killing me! I will definitely do my best in the future!"

"Well, that's great!" Wu Zetian nodded with a light smile.

Behind the screen, Li Yuechen was lying on his side on the ground, propping his head with one hand, and when he heard that the matter was finalized, he picked up his teacup and took a sip.


On the first day of February, the newspaper was sold out as soon as it went on sale.

The reform of the criminal law is almost equivalent to a reform. Scholars have always been very concerned about this, so they bought the newspapers of the day to read.

The newspaper explained in detail that the death penalty will be divided into three classes in the future, and it also focused on explaining what Ling Chi meant.

At the same time, it was also announced that Xu Jingye, Tang Zhiqi, Wei Siwen and others who were the main culprits of this treason were all sentenced to Lingchi.

However, because the system of consecutive sittings was abolished, his family members who did not participate in this matter will not be punished, but the three generations of his direct descendants are not allowed to serve as officials in the court, nor can they join the army.

If these two roads are blocked, the children and grandchildren will only be able to farm or do business for three generations.

In this era, it is impossible to do business without a certain background, so the three generations of his descendants basically have only one way to go by farming.

But fortunately, being able to leave a bloodline is considered a blessing in misfortune.

The newspapers of this day quickly sparked heated discussions in the entire Dongdu. In teahouses, restaurants, and even brothels, many literati would have heated debates every day, discussing the good and bad of this matter.

Some people feel that this kind of punishment is harmful to nature and should not be used.Others think that this is very good, abolishing continuous sitting, not implicating innocent people, and at the same time allowing criminals to get the punishment they deserve.

And the newspapers also made it very clear that only the heinous would use this kind of punishment.

The so-called heinous crimes are basically crimes such as treason or parental killing.

For general crimes, beheading is still the main punishment. After all, as long as it is not a crime within the ten evils, Lingchi is generally not used.

Because Xu Jingye was charged with treason, he won't wait until after autumn to execute him. The newspaper also stated the date of his execution, February [-]th!


On the third day of February, in the barracks.

Li Yuechen took his sister-in-law Pei Qingwan, two older sisters, and Shangguan Wan'er to stand in the basket of the hot air balloon. The two soldiers sitting next to them stepped on the pedals to let the hot air balloon lift off slowly.

Two days ago, I told Shangguan Wan'er that I would take some time to take her to fly for a look. Today I happened to be free, so I took them over to experience the hot air balloon flight.

Looking at the gradually shrinking Mangshan Mountain and Dongdu City below, several people couldn't help leaning out excitedly to check.

"Sister, don't lean out too much, it's dangerous!" Li Yuechen urged her while reaching out to pull her back.

"No problem." Princess Xuancheng smiled, "Didn't Chen'er have that object that can jump from the sky?"

Li Yuechen shook his head: "A parachute is not something my sister can play with. It takes a long time of training! Besides, I don't even have one now."

Shangguan Wan'er was very obedient and didn't lean out, but obediently stood in the hanging basket, looking at the scenery in the sky, she couldn't help saying: "Your Highness, this hot air balloon doesn't seem to be as fast as that thing last time. "

"Well, but that can only be two people at most, this thing can take multiple people, and sometimes it can be used to transport goods." Li Yuechen nodded.

After flying in the sky for about an hour, the hot air balloon slowly landed.

Li Yuechen turned over and jumped out of the hanging basket, leading them for a walk in the barracks.

"Recently, Qianniuwei has just expanded its army. There are many things that I need to watch over. During this period of time, I will be living in the barracks. Please ask my sister-in-law and two elder sisters to help manage it."

Princess Yiyang nodded: "Chen'er, don't worry, there will be no problems in the mansion."

Shangguan Wan'er seemed a little disappointed, but she didn't say anything, and nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Li Yuechen took them to play in the barracks all afternoon, and also experienced various weapons such as bows and crossbows and grenades.

Even though they were all girls, it was still a lot of fun to play. Princess Xuancheng even manipulated the bed crossbow to shoot several times.

After hitting the target, he would yell and show off his achievements non-stop.

Not to mention the grenade, the grenade launcher made by the crossbow exploded a large area after being fired, and the unique smell of gunpowder smoke made the girl Princess Xuancheng feel a little excited.

They played until night, and after having dinner in the canteen of the military camp, Li Yuechen sent someone to send them back.


After looking at the sky where the sun had just set, Li Yuechen thought about it, and went to the logistics department to find his second brother.

I just came to Li Xian's office, before I could sit down, a document was thrown over me.

"Today afternoon, I reported two more boxes of grenades. The people below said that Yuechen wanted them. What's the matter?" Li Xian asked.

"Oh, in the afternoon I asked my sister and the others to come over and play for a while..."

Li Xian opened his eyes wide: "Playing? That's two boxes! These two boxes are extremely troublesome to make, you know, Yuechen, this..."

"Okay, okay, I'll pay attention next time!" Li Yuechen waved his hand, interrupted his brother, and immediately changed the subject, "Speaking of which, Qianniuwei will expand the army, and the military area will continue to expand!"

Li Xian couldn't help drooping his eyelids when his sister changed the subject so obviously.

But it's not a big deal, so I didn't continue to struggle: "Well, almost the foot of Mang Mountain has become a military area now. If it continues to expand, it can only move closer to the palace."

"No, it's okay to gradually expand to the side." Li Yuechen said, "Gradually walk to the side along the foot of Mang Mountain. Anyway, a lot of training is usually carried out on the mountain..."

Just like what Li Yuechen said, the area near the military camp in Mangshan Mountain is now basically a place for exclusive training, but it is also because the roads here are better repaired, so ordinary people will choose to go this way when they go up the mountain occasionally.

After all, there are more wild beasts in this mountain now, if you are lucky enough to go up the mountain with the army, the safety will undoubtedly increase a lot.

After all kinds of things in the past few years, the people of Dongdu have all recognized one thing. These soldiers in camouflage uniforms or black military uniforms have strict military discipline and are very kind to ordinary people like them. They will definitely help them if they have something .

"That's fine." Li Xian thought about it carefully, "In this way, there will be a bigger space to build training grounds and dormitories."

"Then follow this, let the engineering institute make a plan, and then start construction as soon as possible." Li Yuechen gave an order, "Don't delay too much, build it as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Li Xian nodded to express his understanding.


In a blink of an eye, the time came to February [-]th, and Li Yuechen was lecturing in the logistics medical unit.

After hearing her order, many medical soldiers had complicated expressions, and Li Xian, who was also the manager of the medical soldiers, was also a little confused.

He asked with a serious face: "Yuechen, what do you mean... let them watch Ling Chi's scene?"

"It's not to watch, but to bring back the dead body after Ling Chi is over, and study it carefully!"

Looking at the group of confused medical soldiers below, Li Yuechen said solemnly: "You must understand the different structures of the human body, internal organs, bones, muscles... Only by thoroughly studying the human body can we save you on the battlefield in the future." The lives of more comrades in arms!"

"I hope you all understand that on the battlefield, any injury may occur, so you must treat the wound as quickly as possible. Therefore, the advancement of medical technology depends on you!"

Hearing this sentence, the medical soldiers sitting across from her understood what the princess meant, and couldn't help but be in awe.

This princess is full of concern for the soldiers under her hand, and this kind of thing can often be seen in the details.

Li Xian also understood what she meant, and immediately saluted and said that he would definitely complete the task.

Li Yuechen nodded, but did not continue to say too much.

After all, she was not a medical professional, so she couldn't explain these things to them too much. All he knew was that there seemed to be autopsy courses in future medical schools.

In this day and age, there is no need to expect to find voluntary corpse donors, so executed prisoners are the best test subjects.

So she issued an order in this regard, hoping that they will be able to carry the banner of developing medicine in the future.


The next morning, Xu Jingye and several others were taken to Nanshi for execution.

Many people were surrounded at the execution ground today, and they all planned to see for themselves what kind of punishment this Ling Chi was.

While maintaining order around the execution ground, a group of soldiers in black military uniforms were also waiting to bring the corpse back after the execution.

Xu Jingye and the others also knew that they were going to suffer a brand new punishment today, but no one said anything, because the price of this punishment was that their family members would be spared and their lives would be spared.

The executioner in charge of the execution looked at the knife in his hand and felt a little nervous.

Because the order above is that the prisoner cannot die before the thousand dollars, otherwise they will suffer.

But these executioners are usually responsible for beheading, and now they suddenly have to do this kind of brand-new punishment, and they don't know how to do it for a while.

Li Yuechen, who was standing next to the beheading platform, waved to the soldiers beside him: "Go and cover the eyes of the prisoner with a black cloth!"

"Yes!" The soldier agreed and went to do it immediately.

The reason for this is not to fear that the prisoner will be frightened to death after seeing it, but that he does not want the prisoner and the executioner to look at each other.

Although people in this era don't have any sense of reverence for life, but beheading is an instant thing. Ling Chi's punishment may last a whole day or even longer.

In fact, there are quite a lot of abnormalities in this era. During the Taizong period, many generals liked to cook people and eat them, and some even liked to eat human livers raw.

But after all, not everyone is that perverted, and the executioner's psychological quality may not be able to withstand the punishment of Ling Chi, so Li Yuechen had to cover the eyes of the victim to prevent the two sides from looking at each other.

To be honest, Li Yuechen didn't want to come today, but she brought up this matter, and it's her responsibility to watch it here!
As the sun gradually rose, the supervisor came to Li Yuechen's side and saluted: "Your Highness, it's almost time..."

"Well, let's start." Li Yuechen nodded slightly.

The execution officer agreed, returned to his seat and announced: "It's noon, execution!"

Several executioners looked at each other, picked up the knife in their hands, and took the lead in cutting off the prisoner's feet.

Because at least a thousand knives had to be cut, the only way he could think of was to cut off the flesh of his body piece by piece, so as to ensure that he would not die before the execution was completed.

The screams instantly enveloped the entire execution ground, making many people who were used to executions feel uncomfortable.

The screams of the same kind of tragic death are a bit unbearable for most people. Many people didn't even hold on for 1 minute, so they turned back immediately.

The bound prisoner screamed and struggled, and even the rope seemed to be about to snap.

Many people around the execution ground couldn't help their stomachs churning, including Li Yuechen.

Even though he had blown the heads of many enemies with a hammer on the battlefield, at this moment Li Yuechen felt that he couldn't help but want to spit out the little thing he ate in the morning.

But she kept trying not to vomit, and just stood there watching.

To say that the only ones who can maintain normality are the soldiers who are responsible for maintaining order at the scene. These people have followed Li Yuechen from the beginning.

They have been on the battlefield and performed various tasks, and they have killed countless enemies.

I have seen corpses trampled into flesh by horses, and torn apart by grenades... So for them, apart from the harsh screams, everything else is fine.

However, many people who often watched the execution on weekdays expressed that they couldn't take it anymore, and turned around and left in a hurry, covering their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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