Chapter 369

Li Yuechen's vision of seeing people is far less vicious than that of her mother Wu Zetian. Because of this, she trusts her mother's judgment very much.

Pei Huaiyi, from entering the palace to the present, has basically been developing in the direction of his mother's training. It can be said that he has become what he is now, exactly what Wu Zetian hopes.

After this kind of thing happened, he was naturally not interested in continuing to watch the lanterns. Pei Huaiyi said goodbye to the Wu brothers and returned to the White Horse Temple early.

The imperial horse stopped at the entrance of the temple, Pei Huaiyi jumped off the horse with a gloomy expression, and walked in with the monks under him.

The monk next to him reported softly: "Liu Zi's life is saved, but the hand can no longer be connected..."

"In that case, it's useless." Pei Huaiyi said with a gloomy face, "He doesn't need to come here in the future!"


The monk next to him agreed, but in his heart he couldn't help but feel a bit sad.

The sixth son was chopped off by the eldest princess because of him, but he threw it away as he said, without caring about the old relationship at all.

If one day I also fall to this level... I am afraid it is also the fate of being abandoned without hesitation?
Back in his room, Pei Huaiyi dismissed the servants and lay on the bed in a daze.

What happened today made him unable to forget, and he also felt ashamed of himself, but recalling the scene of His Highness walking over with an ax, he still couldn't help but feel lingering fear!

Pei Huaiyi had also killed people, and under Tianhou's deliberate training, he had also killed several palace maids and eunuchs who had been cheating.

But after all, they couldn't compare with someone like Li Yuechen who had personally been on the battlefield. Leaving aside their identities, the auras of both sides were not on the same level.

Recalling the scene where Li Yuechen walked over with an axe, his legs still trembled uncontrollably.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and one of them came in first with a cup of tea: "Master Pei, drink some tea and rest."

Pei Huaiyi jumped up from the bed all at once, and after the little monk put down his teacup, he slapped him across the face.

The force is not strong, but the sound is not small, and the "snap" even caused an echo in the room.

The little monk was a little confused by the beating, but he immediately admitted his mistake: "Master Pei, forgive me!"

Pei Huaiyi didn't speak, and continued to slap him on the face, the sound of "papa" was endless.

He wasn't too strong, but he kept on fanning like this, and soon the little monk's face became red and swollen.

But he didn't dare to answer at all, just stood there and let him slap him.

After [-] or [-] slaps across the face, Pei Huaiyi let out a sigh of relief, waved his hands and said, "Go to the cashier to get a reward of money!"

"Yes, thank you, Master Pei." The young monk who was beaten agreed, turned around and ran out quickly.

Pei Huaiyi, who had regained his mood, picked up the teacup and drank it down in one gulp, raised his sleeve, wiped his mouth, and lay down on the bed again.

It's just that at this time, the bright color returned to the eyes, and he secretly made up his mind.

In the future, we must handle things well for the Empress Dowager and hold more power in my hands. As long as I have the power in hand, I don't have to be afraid of Princess Taiping.

Today's Pei Huaiyi is very clear that in the upper class, what matters is not who can fight, but who has power in their hands.

Even when Tianhou wants to mess with someone, she must first seize power and then be charged with crimes, otherwise it will be useless.

So as long as you can get more power in the future, preferably with military power in your hands, you don't have to be afraid of this Highness!

Pei Huaiyi believes that he can jump from a peddler to the upper class, and this is not the end!


To Li Yuechen, the matter of Shangyuan Festival was just a small episode worth mentioning, and he didn't take it too seriously.

Cutting off the monk's hand was what he deserved.

The princess's maid is not someone who can beat anyone. Although Li Yuechen has always been very close to the people, the royal family still needs to show their respect.

Secondly, under the leadership of a boss like Pei Huaiyi, those monks bullied men and women all day long. They did all kinds of evil, and they should be taught a lesson.

A mere Pei Huaiyi, he can do whatever he wants in court, but Li Yuechen can't understand how he oppresses the common people.

Those who only dare to show their teeth to the weak are themselves still weak.

After the Shangyuan Festival, Li Xian's logistics engineering team received an order to build a library in the imperial city.

There is still a large open space in front of the Hongwen Museum, which must be enough to build a library.

For the sake of convenience, the engineering institute is still responsible for the design. It is still a blue brick and cement building, but a large number of transparent glass windows are used to ensure that there is absolutely enough light inside during the day.

At the same time, Tianhou also announced this matter in the court, and the objections of many ministers were rejected one by one.

Tianhou's reason is very clear, she just wants to do something practical for scholars all over the world.

Saying such a sentence is tantamount to standing on the commanding heights of morality, and the ministers have no way to find a better reason to object.

Most officials from poor families raised their hands in favor.

Nowadays, the main forces in the court are mostly gentry, but once the library is built, it may give them more power to officials from the bottom.

With a very willful attitude, Tianhou directly let this matter go through without any room for negotiation, and the gentry couldn't come up with a good reason to object, so they could only obey.

So on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, Li Xian's engineering troops officially entered the imperial city and started construction.

On the first day of February, the newspaper reported in detail that Tianhou ordered the opening of the library, which soon aroused discussions among scholars.

Most scholars think that this policy is simply too good, and it almost makes the overall difficulty of the scholars drop a lot.

Taiping Tea House, just by hearing the name, one can tell that it must be owned by Li Yuechen.

This Otobu Boma is indeed a bit of a business talent, coupled with a slightly rigid national character, it is indeed a very impressive operation of the teahouse.

In the private room on the second floor, Li Yuechen sat at the table with his legs crossed, listening to the discussion of many scholars downstairs, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

Most of them poured a cup of tea into a translucent bone china cup, and carefully pushed it in front of her: "Your Highness, according to my experiments, some teas are more suitable for brewing with well water than mountain water..."

Listening to his introduction, Li Yuechen nodded: "Then let's try."

Just now, Fulai had already drank the tea in advance to make sure it was okay. She reached out to pick up the teacup, put it in front of her nose and smelled it, and felt that it tasted really good.

Because there are not so many kinds of beverages in this era, Li Yuechen, who often drinks tea, has become a semi-expert tea connoisseur, and can smell the difference between different teas.

When she picked up the teacup, Otomobu beside her was staring at her hand.The white and slender fingers gently pinched the teacup, using only the thumb and middle finger to grasp it, and the other three fingers were slightly raised, which made this hand look a lot more agile.

The nails dyed red by the flowers are clear and beautiful, with a slight glow, which makes people unable to help but focus on it.

After following the princess for a long time, I have heard a lot of legends about this princess.He tilted his head, and couldn't figure out why such a pair of seemingly weak and boneless hands had the power to tear people apart.
"Well, it tastes really good!"

Li Yuechen nodded slightly: "The well water is sweet, and it's really perfect when paired with this tea."

"Thank you for your praise, the villain will definitely work harder to study other types..." The big companion hurriedly saluted.

At this time, the discussion downstairs was getting louder and louder, and it seemed that they were about to quarrel.

Li Yuechen waved his hand to make him quieter, and focused his attention on listening.

After listening to it for a while, I probably understood what happened, and it was also because of the issue of the library that was about to be opened.

It's just that the point of debate between the two sides is whether the library should set up a threshold?

The issue of whether only scholars should be allowed in or everyone should be allowed in has sparked quarrels, and the quarrels have become more and more fierce, and there is even a tendency to fight.

Scholars in this era are not powerless, nor do they think that doing it is insulting to gentlemen.

Under the background of the Tang Dynasty, when Confucianism had not yet emerged, it was not uncommon to do it after arguing.Even during the Taizong Dynasty, when the ministers were arguing endlessly in the hall, they would directly perform martial arts.

But Li Yuechen smiled lightly, the library is of course open to everyone.

And this is only the first step. In the future, if possible, we will open orphanages, promote compulsory education, etc...

These scholars who are arguing in front of them will definitely not know that the era when they roll up is not far away!

After the Chinese New Year, there wasn't much to do. Apart from visiting the construction site in the library occasionally, the rest of the time was basically spent with Princess Yiyang improving the teaching materials for the ideological and moral courses.

Li Yuechen is mainly responsible for proposing ideas, and then Princess Yiyang is the chief writer.

Although the education phalanx is confirmed, it is necessary to find a way to deepen their impression.

Considering that school will officially start in September this year, other members of the royal family should be notified in advance so that all children of the right age at home can come to school.

In the Hall of Renshou, Wu Zetian held a teacup and shook his head: "If you simply let the school-age children of other royal family masters come to school, it is no different from protons. It is impossible for the princes of various places to agree."

"No, what my boy means is that from the next generation onwards, the children of the royal family will not go to other places to become vassals." Li Yuechen explained, "The children of the royal family must serve as soldiers, so the so-called prince is naturally just a title. .”

"Hmph, those who are already outside the domain will not agree." Wu Zetian smiled softly, "The prince is doing well, but suddenly he is sent to serve as a soldier and has to bear royal responsibilities...don't even think about it!"

Li Yuechen nodded in agreement: "That's why we say it starts from the next generation..."

She deliberately did not say what should be done with this generation, because the answer was already settled from the beginning.

There must be many obstacles to future reforms, and the biggest obstacle is the royal family.

The gentry will definitely object, so it is possible for the two of them to join forces to do things.

For the gentry, of course, the emperor who can cooperate with them is a good emperor, and they are definitely unwilling to reform in the future.

Anyway, these royal clans are also surnamed Li, and they may rebel at that time, and they will support anyone who wants to be emperor, and both parties will be happy!

But in fact, Wu Zetian's purpose is here.

Just because they knew that they would not agree to the direction of future reform, she was also letting things develop in this direction.

To put it bluntly, it is to force them to rebel, so that there is a reason to raise the butcher's knife to kill them!
At present, everything is slowly developing according to Tianhou's plan, and since the artillery has been successfully developed, the progress has been accelerated a lot.

"I will issue an edict to inform the vassal princes of all places, and Chen'er should also make corresponding preparations. In the future, it is inevitable that he will go everywhere to suppress the rebellion." Wu Zetian laughed.

Li Yuechen didn't care at all: "Don't worry, Auntie, this matter is very simple, even without me, Qianniuwei can solve them!"

This is not an exaggeration at all, Qianniuwei's military system is far beyond this era.Especially with grenades and artillery, it is no longer possible to crush through the number of people.

Coupled with the strong military literacy of Geng Yunqiang and others and the staff team, it can be said that the army in this era is basically crushing and unilateral massacres.

"Well, I believe this." Wu Zetian nodded, and then asked with some doubts, "But now that the consecutive seat system has been abolished, will their offspring be sent to the school, will they..."

"There will definitely be hatred, but children's three views are easier to change through education. The younger the age, the more so!" Li Yuechen nodded and replied, "Don't worry, mother, children can educate them well!"

She said this with confidence, Shangguan Wan'er is the most obvious example.

There must be a grudge between her mother and her, after all her father and grandfather were killed by her mother.

But in fact, because Zheng Shi had never had any hatred for her since she was a child, and these two people did not exist in her memory at all, so it may not be really true to say that she hates the queen.

Education is actually the process of shaping personality.

Li Yuechen can't guarantee that everyone can accept his ideas, but as long as most of them can accept them, as the system gradually improves, the rest of them will not be able to make waves!

"However, Auntie's edict will be issued later." Li Yuechen picked up the teacup and refilled her with water. "Wait for two months, make more cannons, and let's talk about it after the recruiting ceremony."

In an army like Qianniuwei that pays attention to the sense of ceremony, recruits are not considered soldiers before they are awarded the title. Only after the award, the veterans will treat them as real comrades-in-arms.

Now many recruits have just passed the adaptation period and have been able to complete the daily training very well, and they are all eagerly waiting for the awarding ceremony.

Wu Zetian nodded: "Alright, anyway, your school doesn't start until September, so don't worry."

"That's right, and my child thinks that once the edict comes out, even if they don't agree to rebel, it will take some preparation time, and then they can send secret guards to inquire about information..."

In terms of fighting, my daughter is a professional, Wu Zetian did not refute, but nodded to show that she understood.

The mother and daughter discussed this matter until the evening, and Li Yuechen quit the palace after dinner.

On the way back to the princess mansion, Li Yuechen, who was riding on a horse, couldn't help looking at the starry sky, thinking in his heart that spring is coming soon, but for some people, it might be winter!
(End of this chapter)

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